No Knead Bread | Bread Recipe | The New York Times
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Channel: The New York Times
Views: 3,319,290
Rating: 4.8793793 out of 5
Keywords: dough, recipe, no knead bread, Thanksgiving recipe, holiday bread recipe, homemade bread recipe, No Knead Bread Recipe, how to make no knead bread, no knead bread mark bittman ny times & jim lahey, bread recipes, jim lahey no knead bread, jim lahey no knead, making bread, how to make bread, The New York Times, NY Times, NYT, Times Video,, news, newspaper, feature, reporting, Sullivan Street Bakery, Mark Bittman, Jim Lahey, Bread, Thanksgiving, bread recipe
Id: 13Ah9ES2yTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2006
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Fucking shiticane of baking.
Jim Lahey is a fucking baker and he always will be.
Shit-bread, Randy, shit-bread.