NO FEAR: A Simple Guide to Mental Toughness

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fear real or imagined can be  crippling and everything that   we want in life is on the other side  of that fear our passion our goals so my name is dr. Rob Bell I'm a sport psychology  coach and mental toughness expert this is no fear   a simple guide to mental toughness now I've worked  with champions at all levels and whether you're a   coach an executive an athlete or even a corporate  athlete I think everybody's athlete our office is   just different so what is mental toughness mental  toughness has two components one how do we perform   well under pressure everyone can do it in practice  how can we perform well under pressure second part   about mental toughness is how do we deal how  do we cope how do we handle the adversity the   setbacks the roadblocks how do we handle that  it's all mental toughness is the importance of   mental toughness is the hinge every single one  of us is getting ready for that one moment that   one person or one event that's going to make all  the difference in our lives it's going to connect   who we are with who we become we just don't  know when that's coming no fear a simple guide   to mental toughness no fear is an acronym each  letter represents a specific mental skill that   we need to address and this is a simple guide not  an easy guide if it was easy everyone would do it two mice fall in a bucket of cream the first  Mouse quits kicking and drowns second Mouse   keeps kicking keeps kicking turns that cream  into butter walks out the end never ever give   up it's the basis of all mental toughness and  you've heard this before Jim Valvano Winston   Churchill never give up and we're never going  to give up in our passion ry-ry has to make   us cry if it doesn't it's just not our why so if  we're passionate about it and never ever given up   here's the importance of it is I've worked with  successful athletes professional golfers and no   matter what level we're at we all quit you know  when we quit is when we start going through the   motions or when we say to ourselves this really  doesn't matter so when two golfers on the PGA Tour   when did they quit because they're never going to  go through the motions when they have a chance to   win the tournament they're never going to quit  when they have a chance for a top-10 finish how   do you act when you're not in situations where  you can win so golfers on the PGA Tour when the   best finish they can get is 40th place they'll  go through the motions the difference between   50th and 40th place is insignificant you know  what else they'll quit they will go through the   motions in practice they will say to themselves  this putt or this shot it really doesn't matter   it's practice and you know what they're right  in our own lives this call or this person that   we meet really isn't that important means we're  going through the motions you know what you're   right it might not matter but here's the real  importance of it about never ever giving up is   the first time we start going through the motions  the first time we quit or we say to ourselves   this isn't that important it makes giving up  easier later on we've allowed that to become   an option for us it's part of our Arsenal it's  an excuse and it makes giving up easier later on   the hinge can't connect that way the end the  basis of all mental toughness never ever give up so the oyster lives inside the shell or a mollusk  and the shell is designed to do one thing not let   anything get inside but what happens is one grain  of sand will get inside that shell and the oyster   would do whatever it can to get rid of it so it  works on it and works on it and works on that   one piece of sand and you know what happens that  grain of sand turns into a pearl what's the oh   we need to take our obstacle and turn it into an  opportunity the obstacles the roadblocks and the   hurdles exist for a reason they're meant to be  there they want to see who really wants it how   bad do you want it now here's the thing about  obstacles is we need to take our mess and turn   it into our message we've got to take our test  and make it our testimony they are meant to be   there it's just how we respond now they're really  really successful people they've all said the same   exact thing they were told there's no way you can  do it you're not going to be successful that's a   bad idea and they use that obstacle and turned it  into their opportunity so why are we here at an   ice hockey arena Chris Chelios Hall of Famer  he was a teenager and he was just cut by his   second Junior B hockey league in Canada he's at  a Detroit bus stop with no fare to get back home   that wasn't going to be his hinge moment why do we  know who Chris Chelios is because he turned that   obstacle into an opportunity for every Christian  knows that you hear of there's a thousand people   that never make it their obstacle becomes  their hinge moment no grain of sand no pearl so the samurai takes two students to hunt  ask the first student what is it that you   see first student says I see the trees I see  the leaves I see the owl and I see the eyes   he asked the second student what is it that you  see the second student says I only see the eyes   what's your target focus ed Moses qualified for  the Olympics in 2000 in this pool he ended up   going to the Olympics in Sydney that year winning  a gold medal and when I would talk with him about   his focus it's amazing he said I had a goal for  every practice wow that's pretty impressive he   said in practice when the when the coach would  say what the set was going to be he would have   a time that he wanted to hit he knew his goal  he used to move the clocks so he would see him   as a breaststroker so when he would hit the  wall in turn he would see what his time was   focus is the F now confidence is king focus is  queen we can't win the game by moving our king   in chess we have to win the game by moving our  Queen but have you ever heard this before run   your race stay in your lane play your game  comparison is the thief of joy what happens   when we lose focus we start paying attention  what other people are doing what our opponents   are doing what the competition is doing it starts  dictating our own actions when it comes to focus   we've got to have a goal for everything we're  doing we've got to have a target for everything   that we're doing hyper type of focus take one  task focus on that or do we get distracted we   start paying attention to people Highness or  the people around us and what they're doing you you so you have focus and then you have refocus  it's the second most important mental skill   because it's the second most difficult dan  Jansen was Olympic speed skater in 1988 he's   favored in the 500 in his favorite in a thousand  he goes the Olympics and he doesn't medal that's   four years of having to wear that mistake 1992  comes he's favored in the 500 and his favorite   in a thousand and he doesn't medal 1994 comes he's  favored in the 500 he's no longer favored in the   thousand 500 comes he goes out and he races it  and finished his eighth why are we in a locker   room because Dan Jannsen was in the locker room  on the warm down bike his coach comes up and he   stalks them and says Dan he says it sucks but you  got to let it go and you got to let it go right   now because you got the thousand that's coming  up in two days dan Jansen goes out to talk to   the media says I let it go on the bike I'll talk  to you after the Olympics his very last Olympic   race he wins the gold medal how do you let go of  mistakes how do you refocus what's your locker   room look like what I think we have to do is we  have to come up with a physical refocus strategy   a physical refocus cue something physically that  we do to let go of that mistake SEC officials   there's about 180 plays in a game give or take  and they've never caught a perfect game what do   they do when they make a mistake they train their  officials take your hat off put your hat back on   get big and get in your power position and that's  all with Nick Saban in their ear no one that they   made a mistake because the most important play  the most important game it's this one 60 seconds   that we spend thinking about the mistake is one  minute lost thinking about the most important   play and you know what happens when we make  a mistake and we can't let it go it leads to   another mistake or if somebody did us wrong and  we can't let that go who's the one paying the   price it's us refocus so we're driving down the  road the windshield is bigger than the rear-view   mirror for a reason we can't be driving down  the road looking at the rearview mirror we focus hey it's all about attitude you've heard this your  whole life being positive not negative attitudes a   whole lot more important than that it goes a lot  deeper so Zach Johnson coming down the stretch   to win the Masters had a one-shot lead and they  asked him weren't you nervous he said something   I'll never forget he said I was excited what's  the difference being nervous or being excited   physiologically it's the same exact thing when  we're nervous we're focused on not wanting to   be in the situation something bad can happen  it's a threat when we get excited we want to   be in the situation this is an opportunity it's  a challenge what's the difference between being   nervous or being excited the brain is a muscle  the more we direct our attitude that everything   is a challenge everything is an opportunity  we're going to get excited if we don't want to   be in the situation we're going to get nervous  and I hear it all the time people asked like   aren't you nervous get rid of the word from  our vocabulary we're excited all about attitude so the last letter of no fear is our I'm  caddying my very first event in 2006 on the   PGA Tour my golfer had played really well it's  the second day of the tournament we're walking   on the 9th green and I'm really thinking that I'm  obviously the best sports psychologist that there   is this cadion is a piece of cake Tiger Woods is  going to be calling me up after this tournament   and I get caught up in the moment we're on the  green he tosses me the golf ball and I grabbed   it and I bend down I'm cleaning the ball the  ball drops in the back I reach in I grab the   ball I toss it to him he makes the putt we go  on to the 10th hole we've got nine more holes   to go and this feeling of dread overcame me  and I said that was a Callaway to blue circle   right he wants to know why I'm asking he looks  it's a Callaway for blue circle so in my haste   I had handed him the wrong golf ball the rules  of golf are very specific you start and end each   hole with the same ball the rules of golf also  say you call all penalties on yourself we call   the rules official over to shot penalty now I  have made errors before to lose ball games I've   never felt as small as I did at that moment  imagine the thoughts that are going through   my head about how could you be so stupid Rob  how could you mess up he doesn't say anything   to me for three holes and on the tee box on the  14th hole he looks at me and says Rob I need you   I need you to be confident here he said either  you can't do that stuff you teach or you don't   believe in it but I need you and it taught me  the power of the AR and the power of the R is   this is respond don't react when we react  it's full of emotion and I think often our   emotions are incorrect respond don't react when  we react in traffic if somebody cuts us off when   we react at home when our child spills something  on the carpet and react you can be incorrect but   if we respond it means we take a deep breath we  refocus so the R is all about respond don't react now what I believe is that every single one of  us is getting ready for that hinge moment that   one play or one person is going to make  all the difference in our lives and we   don't know when that's coming because  when our moment hits it's too late to   prepare no fear is a simple guide to mental  toughness each letter of no-fear represents   a specific mental skill all tour is the most  important mental skill and that's confidence   trust and belief in yourself in your team  because nobody gets there alone now what   I believe about confidence is this that it  all works out in the end if it hasn't it's   just not the end so visit the website dr. Ron  Val com download the e-book and pick up a copy   of the hinge the importance of mental toughness  hit me up on twitter at dr. rob bell god bless you
Channel: Dr. Rob Bell
Views: 428,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mental Toughness, Confidence, Focus, Re-Focus, Never Give Up, Obstacles, Sport Psychology, Sport Psychology (Field Of Study), Motivation, Dr. Rob Bell, Imagery, Mental game, mental training, Parisi Speed School, IMI, mental toughness motivation, confidence motivation, refocus motivation, refocusing your mind, motivational video, motivational speech, motivational speech workout, sport psychology mental toughness, sport psychology motivation, mental training for athletes, no fear
Id: CYp8Hldzd-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 05 2015
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