NO FALL Rushing in Bedwars

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in today's video is myself and melt playing some ultimate bed wars for those of you that don't know in ultimate bed wars you have different abilities and kits one of them being the swordsman kit basically with the swordsman kit you're able to block your sword and send yourself flying towards an enemy but if you block your sword in time you're able to teleport back to where you launch from so what we did is in bed wars ultimates you don't take fall damage at all so we went up to max build height launched ourselves down on enemies and repeatedly teleported back up and rinsed and repeated if you guys do enjoy all of our trolling with no fall damage in bed wars make sure to subscribe turn on notifications and if you haven't already check out all my social medias they're up here at the top of the screen and linked down in the description anyways that's all i got so let's but their island because what we're trying to do is not break their bed and kill them we're trying to jump down on them over and over and then they we keep fighting them and then going back up in the sky fighting them go back up the sky that's the game plan because we just parachute on them over and over okay and as soon as we start getting to the point where we might die then we break their bed and kill him so so if we rush middle and get a lot of diamonds then we'll be stacked and can just do it to whoever okay i'm gonna pretend like i i know what i just heard okay i'm so bad at like like listening all right so build sky stab oh okay build sky stop okay and then also before that get diamonds and emeralds okay okay cool i'm gonna go go to the left side i got the ones on the right grab all this spend the fence spend the woods the spend defense but you do this what is that what are you building an ant farm on our base what is that mouth what mouth you're muted what what is that hello what are you doing i i don't know what i'm thinking what i mean is there a problem is there a problem with it no this is a totally normal game of bad words i don't know what you're talking about it's a normal giveaway totally normal came up at horses [Music] it's an insane bed defense it's a dude it's probably it's better than fizzy sandwich defense true you're right let me are you kidding me are you kidding me blue team he hid behind the pillar right as i was going to kill him bruh well he just got all of my stuff and he fell off the map doing this i don't know why i have to do it we need to rush diamonds i'm having fun right now i'm having fun right now big team doing okay uh okay what ah mel is a coward stop i keep getting tipped back because i forgot that there's like a thing like a time malt is a coward no so i did it again nice okay are you ready to rain down upon pink team forever actually they're really high okay yeah they're like super high that's not good wait who fireballed us some guy from middle oh that's oh my god let's build height hey bud it's okay oh that actually worked hey buddy hey what oh god oh look at the girl what like i don't understand this i just don't understand this like i actually just don't understand this got him i don't understand this you won't expect me to be underneath oh god he expected it he expected it he expected it nevermind he's dead and up we go and up we go i'm going to try to go to mid from build limit i'm going to go do the thing i'm going to do the thing can i get mess off the stream bro okay verb okay verb verb being toxic bro dude verb has no no no verb why are you so mean to me it's okay i'll vip him for that um i mean what what else oh wait that no don't break their bed don't leave it we're just going to mine the bed defense to us hurt dominance okay i mean okay i'm mining the whole thing inserting dominance [Music] what what is happening no i just normal game of bad words i don't know what you're talking about this is a normal game this is a normal game of bad words just a normal chicken it's just a normal game you're gonna slam my face into this wall and then perfectly come down and steal your kill perfect you know what i don't like i don't get what's happening me either hey guys i don't know why i did that yeah i'm gonna come hang out in the generator all right all right boom these are my new friends these are my new friends okay fine i'm just to slay him hey hey hey fine i'll get the resources back from him geez there we go all right there you go all right then we're cool now we're good we'll just hang out having a good time oh hey what's up guys long time no see i'm gonna hang out here good i'm thinking we need to change the color of this well i i changed it already yeah i think i think we change it back change it back yeah i think we change it back yeah let's let's build a let's put build it pink i'm literally building you a defense man why are you stabbing me what the heck okay let me build it there you go look he's got a pink but you know what i'm thinking maybe we make it half and half hold on let me destroy half of it again we're just gonna make that half and half yeah that looks a lot better here let's make it a double layered half and half double layer yep all right and then we just place that how have i not died yet and then we just place this part here and this part right there perfect and then we just notice that i don't know how i have one more pink block let me just grab that pink block and double layered half and half bed defense perfect oh my god he just got tv back oh cool free kill i'll take that kill too here i'll take i'll take that kill oh no no i'll take it really i insist it's just no but really really it's it's it's really on the house i i don't know what's going on man yeah i think this guy just unplugged his keyboard all right what if i just go boom i just built that man oh you suck oh okay you suck thanks all right see dude i'm leaving all right dude how many kills do we get dude we better win this and then see the leaderboard we got a lot wait we actually just dude actually if i didn't get the bet we probably could have gotten like 100 kills yeah that's what i was doing man oh i didn't know so i mean that's what parachuting down on him we just gotta we just gotta do it from the heavens more then we stab him a bunch and then you tell him we're back up that's funny you will now pass away wait wait where i want to see this i don't know where oh he's not mid he's over here he's uh oh i thought you were like fighting him oh yeah i see him in middle let's go oh he's running towards me nice [Music] how long how long are you planning to stream um until i'm done i don't know oh god i'm alive still it's fine oh my god he keeps okay he keeps doing the thing and we won hey let's go how many kills did we get no not even i actually got more than you yeah it's pretty crazy bro imagine being bad at the game crazy man it's pretty impressive because you spent the whole first half of the game just building this like ant farm bed defense what the hell hmm bobbin oh my god bro dude me and this is okay so oh what wha i dashed forward and this guy just like stopped me midair this guy alive still okay there we go oh my god oh almost [Music] i alternated perfectly oh that poor guy actually insane that was alternating that was so good teleported back and you just arrived and he was not ready for it bro wait we're actually popping up okay those guys have no chance that was really good because like i don't know i'm starting to get the hang of it so good stuff i like to apologize to my head about [Applause] [Music] nice what fine wait what happened [Laughter] what happened you know that trick where you could like jump off the map and throw the pearl i just did that but using the ultimate lunch oh my god and it just confused that guy so badly uh that was actually amazing that's funny that's actually kind of funny oh that was so good oh and he's back okay all right i got a sounds that was explaining aqua's brain during that fight okay bye you're insane bro okay i'ma go get aqua and then [Music] there you go geez all right all right i don't know if you saw that no i was messing with someone else wait i'm actually like insane bro dude when you get the hang of this mode you just it's crazy yeah it's fun yeah oh dude dude i fell to the bottom of the map and then i started abusing my youtube rank and i almost got to the top but it it hurt my hand so much that i had to stop i got so close wasn't anything else stopping you uh no yeah there was i mean well i mean intel did it on a video he didn't get in trouble like like just like falling off and then we i don't know [Music] wait can't players also do that now nope it's still it's only youtube right bye-bye let's go no shot bro dude i hate it when you like try to break the bet it just doesn't do anything there's like a little delay yeah like that like that yeah like that yeah like that what the hell bro wait is this guy afk oh oh you got them no you got them because if you break their bed it gives you kill credit if they get warped out that's like cool i think holy that is cool so cool so epic so awesome wow all right come here come here come here thank you thank you so much for the caring oh my god no i'm actually popping off king julien dude i found out i could do a thing i think i already showed you but i i could be like mario be like hello oh that's that's good right that's pretty good very good mario be like hello it's just like the uh the tone shift is what sells it yeah i like the voice crack i've been practicing it what i timed when this guy was jumping and i knew he was gonna miss the jump so i fireballed where he was going to teleport back to and he just died nice hey then your bed you got a blue team okay awesome i love it when it does that 100k pack uh i don't know i'm not i don't i'm not really looking for a pack crap oh my god bro like we're actually kill like we're ki we are killing everyone man what just happened god bro all right who's left it's great holy crap that was nuts oh my gosh my favorite song that meltdown's ever sung that was nuts i agree oh my goodness okay okay okay chat watch watch chat watch viewers you know where this last guy is yep right here oh wow you're toxic oh you got timed out that time i got timed up for no reason you got timed out for 69 seconds because of what you said what what did i say zife i'm not saying that what did i say zife huh because i i don't know what i don't know what i got banned for i don't know what i got mad for whatever you got time what did i say that's bad thank you so much afton for the host thank you so much dude hey how was your stream mr afton afternoon afternoon we love that then what did i just fly wait ah you're the one getting banned today not me wait i swear to god i just flew you we're playing ultimates dude you can double jump [Music] oh i was so confused i was like what i was like i was so confused why am i double jumping because you have the double ultimate oh my was jump bro i didn't know i'm sorry i'm sorry i'd like to apologize hey mel you want to come to middle with me yes i'm going to double jump over to you okay [Music] wait [Music] why does the why does my double jump not do that i'm using a different one a different what ultimate we're playing ultimate so you have a different ultimate how do i set my ultimate it's in the shop in the ultimate category oh ultimates oh there's just a guy really fast you should probably pay attention really fast is that like it's like rush mode building how did it work for you and not me huh it won't work i'm so confused like how does i [Music] you're flying yeah wait watch look look [Music] why does it not lock your heart again oh my god block my sword again what is that back if you fail it oh i'm so uh oh well combo nice humble to oblivion okay so okay wait so if i if i go like jump i'm blocking my sword thank you and then you let go of the block once you're in the air so you go farther wait what yeah wait what do you mean so like you know when you block your sword how you move less yeah so it's like using that to your advantage oh oh god so i have to like pull pull out my my block no no no like you know how you block your sword yeah to do it as soon as yeah as soon as it sends you flying unblock your sword and make sure you're jumping like how you do with a fireball jump and you'll go i mean yeah no i've been doing that i i thought that was how you how do you dash so far i just told you how but i've been doing that obviously not i've been doing it there's there's proof on screen oh that's not good oh my god there's no way this just happened bye wait so like i can like [Music] no it doesn't work it does you need to jump first apparently i need to jump oh boy okay wait so if i like wait so i have to go oh that's better that's better that's better hey buddy did you just double jump no that guy stabbed me right there that dude whoa cheats this guy this guy he reminds me of my wife okay i said do you need some help i could have covered help you didn't say anything help help teamwork i can help actually trying to help for once [Music] oh i'm back up here i have no idea where i am coming in from the heavens i'll get my sword i'm back here again oh god now we're back life hates solo commentaries hello seif hello scythe you are not solo you are not solo you are with me i am here and i am here to just said this information i literally did that for like three years before it it collapsed all the time what are you talking about hello my name is corps hello okay going this way this guy suddenly got really geared all this like really fast and perfect can we run i meant to buy a gaffer environs or an actually double clicked it [Music] there you go what the hell what was that dude i've been [Music] okay redeemed doordash what does that mean uh so it's the the naruto run emo and since my character is a door then it's a doordash what okay that's funny is this guy he's just gearing up he doesn't want to fight me man dude i'm mad i'm gonna die you already have better stuff than me come on wait are you recording right now all right man i record every game that i play on stream in case something happens i don't always use them oh okay okay i didn't know [Music] what mode is this this is adam let's go oh my god victor you're good at this bro i'm like did the thing 10 kills hello hello hello rush dude this isn't cs go there's no bomb sites oh god this guy breaking our bed oh god that's okay though i'm better than them so i can i can no no no no no no no no no no no no no no what happened where'd the confidence go chicken butt i doubt it away can we can we start again please wait you already wait i haven't even left i just left the base how are you already dead okay fine i'll just play really aggressive [Music] yeah all right we'll go back over there don't worry about i will kill them and then i'll go next [Music] how am i alive man [Music] i'm really glad that i was that was that i was muted just then i got scared because i thought that i was unmuted because i was doing something no one clip it you sound like a little kid doing that what it was dead man wait what what'd you do i rolled one of them so hard he warped his teammate out back i finally killed him so bad that he's like nope i'm out later that's so funny let's go there's only one team with a bed i could just speed run it if you want wait i need to murder this guy hold on hey come down here hey buddy hey oh wait what hey how do you get over there hold on hold on a second the max hacks let's go wait i was teleporting back when i thought i was lunging at someone that's a rip oh oh my god i'm gonna teleport back again am i in here oh where are you going oh you're flying away okay understandable teleport back teleport back teleport back do it do it do it teleport back teleport back ah uh-huh what is he doing no he's just leaving all right it was worth a shot worth a shot and we're gonna run through this guy is he dead where where'd he go okay he's up here hello nope sarah i need you to do the passing of the away sir sir stop it oh my god okay you blew yourself up you did that to yourself you did that to yourself man that was quite the play yeah i'm actually surprised that i'm still alive i should have died to that first team honestly oh wait aqua's at mid what do you remember like 30 minutes ago when i called mcdonald's mickey d's yeah yeah i think some person has really bad delay because they just said mickey d's wait what someone in my chat just like responded to that they were like mickey d literally like half an hour ago like there's mobile delay and then there's that geez who's gonna teleport back or is he gone he's out right yeah he's gone all right it's just the 1v1 dude he's not even responding to like i genuinely think he has a 30 minute delay you'll get a message from him another 30 minutes that's usually how it where did works guy go he was up here right [Music] where did he go oh he's on that base i can see the blocks appearing go after him go after him man [Music] oh my god i'm so my stomach hurt my stomach hurts melt i'm keeping our wind streak alive my tummy hurts okay oh yeah we have a win streak yeah i've been carrying murder murder oh my god that act that sword actually hurts so much he hit me twice and i have four hearts oh my god wait i don't know where three times uh it's just me again oh god okay and i'm going towards him i'm gonna go back never mind going the other way not dealing with that and i might be out of box no i'm good okay go around this way and bridge like this and make it back to the original base where i mess with people sweet poo all right mel just one guy left just one guy i'll i'll tell you where he is oh he's coming over he's gonna dash forward he's gonna fail though he's too far away uh oh right no no he's coming closer okay he's dashing don't die he teleported back where i fireballed him let's go that's so he was about to land that pearl let's go boys let's go out played all right let's go again like something that's you then that's that's it is you're you're right you're right that's that's that that's i'm so good at this game i am so nasty with it oh my god dude but dude i'm doing the stanky leg oh he actually is just thank you like holy crap dude okay if i get their bed i'm doing this thank you like okay i got it oh my god oh my god oh i this person's stream sniping by the way good but i killed him i killed the stream slipper nice stinky like holy bro wait do i have a stinky leg emote no so i'll hit i'll hit the whoa there you go oh scythe scythe scythe scythe flat come back come over here okay give me a sec what am i going over there for would you like to go to the four beds at the middle of the map sure all right let's go it's a good mode for it because you don't take fall damage wait yeah wait we could just jump down i just realized i'm not like ladders are useless whee [Music] i've been really funny if you fell straight through the middle right then that would have been so funny so now now what now what that's it oh uh unfortunate timing huh yeah um i i was gonna jump off and then like you know go back up uh so we didn't really think through this too much huh yeah i don't really think so yeah um can i play no oh okay well no you can only do that with pop-up towers do you place pop-up oh lord i live ha ha why is it that you could place tnt but not blocked i don't get it and i'm always the one to die i tried his best is this gonna get us banned well i mean i've done it before but i guess that doesn't really answer the question yeah jump off what about if i survive the tnt then i won't jump off please okay i'm not looking don't get me in trouble don't get me in trouble don't get me in trouble i'm looking away [Music] [Applause] i just checked thank you all right just for you mel i'm gonna stand right here oh hey there's a guy that just fell hey what's up oh there he goes oh hey another guy that just fell oh oh are you just gonna stay here the entire time i might [Laughter] this is content this is content right here yeah i'm gonna wait for that guy to teleport back this is actual content is he gonna teleport back this is an extreme disadvantage for me because i only have one fireball and i'm probably gonna die if anyone comes over here and they can infinitely jump down on me this is literally the worst possible combination um this is normal i want to try to kill somebody with this fireball that's my goal oh they're like bridging or something oh god i'm gonna get afk kicked hold on okay well hey can you place water in mid in mid please anybody any water any any water it would be cool if you actually made made out of this live if you made it out alive yeah i i really hope uh oh oh dude and the players the yellow are matching their final kills too oh you actually have a chance which pisses me off if you somehow win this bro like i'm just gonna lose my appetite there's no shot you're not winning this imagine oh it's a 2v1 oh crap you're just not winning i was hoping they'd kill one of them so just be a one-on-one and then it's just literally a ping test wait i want to set a new sub goal i want to do something oh no give me ideas for for for a subway well there's two guys that want to murder me and they can both fly and and well if somebody didn't blow themselves up you need to get no give me a sub goal come on what are you at right now uh 773 so it's at 800. i would say maybe tweet maybe like maybe like chat chooses a tweet yeah yeah that's a good one oh oh melt they're coming back i'm out there coming back i'm out oh god can you please place water bliss bliss bliss please please here i'll do that i'll set i'll i'll set the subtitles big fan place water please place water chat can tweet sir don't do me like that no they got a bow they got a bow why do you get a blue are you kidding me why you have a how are you still alive how are you still alive no oh my god what the hell what was that game and then you instantly get raided at the worst oh yeah oh god oh my god [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Zyph
Views: 61,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NO FALL Rushing in Bedwars, no fall hacks, bedwars hackers, bedwars but if i die, bedwars, bridge, minecraft bedwars, breezily, god bridge, moonwalk, bedwars zyph, zyph bedwars, zyph clutch, zyph trap, funny, laugh, zyph, bedwars texture pack, bedwars youtuber challenge, my sensitivity, zyph settings, zyph and target, blushi, bridging, zyph face reveal, zyph face cam, zyph face, bedwars challenge, is random, bedwars but, mc, Bed Hiding Spot, no fall clutch, bed, ultimate bedwars
Id: S5l0F9mYcs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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