No Early Game, No Problem? | Arena Open Day 2 Draft 1 | LOTR Draft | MTG Arena

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if we lose oh yeah I mean [Music] I don't care about you that much okay this is just the fail Beast right there is the melendor which I like there is the burst Escape there's the same desperate rescue um nice I don't like it but it makes my vitax lately that it was not gonna be making my decks much but yeah it's making my deck slightly one or two of these if I don't have a better interaction all right we start with a feral boost ing a lot of block here this is Arena open right yeah it is passing passing blue here but some of these people sometimes don't take this so oh huh well I am I was passing blue but then we got like horses and the birds that escape the Ambush reveals a lot like I think I'm on on horses orbers Escape like one of these two not sure which I which I like more in Vine I can stay blank but I don't think I want to stay just because of the Ambush I think I like uh horses a lot and here I do like the Ambush oh damn you know what sucks is I don't think Sarma the white is good I don't think it's a very good card but people are gonna take it if I end up blue if uh people are gonna take it and they're gonna be like oh my God I got Sarah man I'm gonna be blue now so that's slightly blows but um oh there's the master I didn't even see it ambushesville a lot yeah it's uh people just take this and always play it I really don't care about it are we going to take the master here get some things to play Early got a couple of things I can do here I prefer Lancer or olifant to haunt that's fine depending on how much I attempt you just stay black and take the haunt see what's up later I get some early game here when it's still early to decide on the colors it's uh I do love the horses though yeah I think Lancer is the best car here for sure like am I going to be that sad not having the haunt it is best of three as well the only font is fine as well I think I'm gonna go over it with the Lancer see what happens I do really like the rescue there's the errand Rider which I don't like quite a bit I'm going to start to the rescue I think it's kind of close let's just cut my color a little bit at least because it does seem like I'm I'm black like I got two nice cards take it one deceive of isolation ambushes or Ambush or lancer wouldn't mind both of those Ambush if I want to stay in my collar I do like I like a Lancer a lot probably start with Ambush see what we get don't care about this really but maybe the everything in green is gonna deal are there Goodwills in Green Oh there's like one many partings that's about it there's not many good Wheels in green yeah not many Goodwills in green I don't think I'm red yeah four blue cards taken that kind of blows that's a little bit of a Troublesome thing um so I might have blue is so close I wish I took that Lancer then I mean Ambush is going to be good still nobody's ever like red is just not getting taken at all yeah it feels like nobody's right I have not seen a single red card yet picked so far in all of these uh what this is the third wheel um you could take that just in case all right every single oh yeah so every single blue card got taken like blue first pack four blue cards pack one pick one four blue cards got taken on the wheel two blockers next pack three blue cards and expectants and some of them are bad then every single blue card was gone I think I should have avoid blue I mean I still have like I like the horse's tone and deceive so it's not like my red looks better than my blue but red felt pretty open which is kind of weird it's a good color easy bull masters though an uncommon mistake oh there is nothing in this pack I mean if I'm red I'm probably gonna need like a two drop they don't like this pack at all there is like brandy back which I think is good have no green cards you could take the fellowship I guess oh there's a torment as well one thing I care about the balrog that much again I could use early game I think I take this and see what's up with another Smite all right uh wouldn't mind the goblin as well oops and now I have decent earlier now I don't have to worry about it much so that's good Holden real is good uh red looked like like the most open color there is a there is a lorry and revealed but I think I'm gonna end up red like I don't have a good that good blue and uh it felt like way to cut that's all right get the Lash got some interaction I was going into this like thinking uh that I should really be on a lookout for blue oh there's there's like three picks I want here the Lancer or shelves Ambush or olifant I think I'm gonna go for the Lancer like I like a lot of those there shelves probably better pick but uh kind of want a bit more early game yeah I think I'm just uh gonna close this color a bit seems like we we are making a red deck I think another breaking over the nasty end oh if I can get the Goblin here I usually like Ambush more than the more than the Lancer what is this nothing okay these are the red cars okay that's just lash then I guess I would like a bad song oh yeah yeah oh book of Nazgul oh what a dick here a lot of these are really good I think I'm still taking the claim but it's pretty damn close I'm gonna take the Golems bite here I might not have to play that um one two three four five I have a good attempt yeah I could use some like late game now I have pretty decent interaction I wouldn't mind the oh damn I'm just taking this peer master I think I don't want third third lash there I don't think I wanted the agreement as well at my first three drop oh that's great oh there's a club as well man I have a good interaction already very good and now we now you're here get the Oliphant I think Lancer wait murder Master over Dolly from this time I could use more early game as well just like I have got the interactions also that's early game that's early game okay maybe maybe a player is there anything I can wheel that's good oh the pack fun was really bad so never mind that imagine if the book Wheels here that would be impossible I think red was very open pack one but uh I think people some people realized that uh blue is way too close for them so they switched away from Blue and they're like four blue drafters or something I really got the Ambush nice I was thinking I passed so many ambushes that I could feel some because I passed just so many am I playing this guy this might be the last card that I play [Music] those are lands oh my God you guys you must be hating on me getting all of these pro masters every day I attempt one two three no sorry one two three four five six seven that's it it's not a lot of time she plays gimlish Fury I guess that's fine like this playing more black yeah that should be the deck I think eight seven mountains 15 lands that seems fine first time I'm playing the putting the large in a deck I think that's the deck let me check it one more time good players could play that I could play the Flames me that would not be that bad but I play the flame street toward the varg uard whatever no I don't think so well let's play let's go who producer land I guess yeah lamba spread all right would be nice if I kept the bowmasters I guess crap with a lot of lens fire no you gotta be kidding me man oh that's really bad yeah I have nothing except lens this is bad yeah we got nothing except lands so they're gonna start drawing at one point these throws them cards just don't have fear fire foes don't have that that would be nice I guess maybe I shouldn't have removed the troll all right so it was my land count back then I got a very decent amount of removal no no they're gonna kill something all right we're still good at least died this thing I think I get I can't play probably like that 'll be a land just no can't play that damn that's bad one two three four six seven eight and this is also land I'm finally playing with five it's hard life yeah you kill me if you can I don't think there's much I can do there the fact that thing is like I have a lot of removal but I'm not getting it I know it's gonna be probably too late if I do get it hmm you can get my interaction they got anything like what I even play I play just a few cards that was great obviously the ball Masters are great I never they were the worst they have ever been but they're still good what do I do what I do for the Cyber I don't have much I was uh thinking about blue for a while so I don't have the greatest sight word this guy can just attack and win this guy's just just go in a tank all right then but at least they're showing me things right oh [ __ ] they have that as well okay at least they're showing me things that's nice these I don't have anything for the side part really I mean this looks even worse against them the Flames me I have nothing I don't have a sideboard not really not really I don't really have a sideboard oh no we play best of three without cyborg but we do have bowmasters and some other nice things that's okay the old seems pretty bad against them like the dead board right like they I wait so long for them to find out to die out into that boardwipe is amazing not even draw first [ __ ] zero lands holy moly [ __ ] zero lands zero lands hand oh yeah I'm probably gonna let that go let him hit me oh so I don't have that how many more humans are they going to play here they start now oh my God oh [ __ ] am I just like maybe they're screwed right so it could be that I should kill this like they have nothing else to play they didn't really show me many other humans and then this is gonna be better man I'm just [ __ ] killing this they also have the boardwalk with horn I mean they can like wipe the board and then continue with their game plan but I did get a land they could boardwipe if they got a land Jesus they have it it's a real nest foreign probably there's that horn of Gondor in the game I should play like the star Target artifact now that I see this and make my things unblockable I'm not gonna play this game against fear fire foes I mean another board I've got to go under how many but I can play their human double strict reader please holding at that oh it doesn't matter lame a lot of lands hmm apparent load time but where both ragdas this should not be too big of a problem for them no no five six seven eight nine ah ten eleven all right at least have only wow we have four more lands come on come on this is actually so good what a great did I give it it's always been great oh well that's one game too bad uh [Music] all around it does show that I have a lack of early drops it does show maybe I should play the two one just random two one I can see that she's not playing that and playing a random tour it's actually a good hand a dolly fund troll rescue a little draw card yeah that's pretty good [ __ ] fraud huh it must be blocked too afraid of that that's one of the best comments in the game foreign not too bad hmm they can't really attack unless they kill the bowmasters so that's nice I think maybe they make it a ring bearer so I can go and get them [Music] huh this is the Olive and then that goes the thing about just attacking first without modern mastering but I really wanted to play more than master I think and that Blue Block was good for me in the end I think other Mana for whatever the hell they want to do maybe play the big boy the the Aragorn Jesus Christ I need land everybody got this like quasi board wipes God damn it man life is hard sometimes I didn't manage to get any cyborg cards that's a big big downside for me like in this set sideboarding is very good okay that's fine well they got the Mana for anything so I think we got it no they have food I forgot it's just game over right no need to show them the Lash oh yep I want to have this one in but freaking huge amount of early drops this can block at least this always has four for that I guess uh sorry huge amount uh fear fire foes just like freaking 35 folks sure yeah I was thinking I was maybe going to end up blower green was green blue or closed though I got four colors what the actual [ __ ] hmm the Eagles maybe I should have blocked now that I think about it I actually probably should have blocked you that was pretty bad probably don't want that oh scary three life I wish I blocked that six I would be on nine now oh [ __ ] hell man ah damn it we're far foes what a card Lord oh what a card man it just ends me it's it's so many games you just play it and you win it's over especially against my deck it's so good against mining oh my God I'm not changing anything I think I have a good chance against this deck let's hope the rank doesn't the uh the Run doesn't end here let's go Lance could land flooded quite a bit but what can you do it's just one event can't expect too much from one event I would like the window with it we didn't win the last one but before that we want like three or four in a row so that was nice that this horrible hand damn it all right I mean it's skippable it's not all right try to get a lens like this and cycle that away the aren't in the graveyard I want it there you need to get to vote there's a crash like they want it in on the bottom of my deck or they want it in the graveyard oh [ __ ] five color deck getting their two drips better faster than me that's good though master and kill anything no fear fire falls this time our food is what opponent has but we're getting red no black the playing five colors carrying out better than me DDD oh no no no no no no okay I do have food if they have fear fire foes they don't so that's nice I'm sure put it there I guess straight so because I don't want to attack with this one don't have it again on the third game don't move it again thanks Fury okay let's see that why didn't they killed the troll kill me with something six seven eight nine so I win right six seven eight nine ten eleven I mean I can just attack right six seven eight nine ten eleven oh no they have this [ __ ] yeah I forgot for good for good could I play around something I don't think I play around anything until 10 and let them loot to get more mileage here and that's not that good because I don't top that girl in fear fire forces kills me I could have attacked it one less so I don't die to random other removal I guess that makes sense but gotta play before they get fear fire forces I'm just gonna lose to it plus they have nine more lives sorry I need to attack six seven eight nine ten eleven I'm not killing them right on thirteen six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve because they draw they get fear fire falls I lose anyways so whatever gotta play around the single Target removal I guess I mean I can do this but I don't need to do that I'm also making an orc yeah yeah that would have been better I guess maybe I should have just attacked first what about this I guess I could have left one alive I'm not playing around single oh draw a card okay whoo oh that's so scary yeah yeah I can feel the lack of early I mean this deck but I I just I even picked like early game instead of some really good cards that's another good hand that's good hint perfect the mere start in my opinion so if I got black I would have played this I think it's gonna have to be the master if I got black land uh I would have played that first okay so they have farmer or something no Farmer at least yeah I don't have a good way to deal with that also been struggling with these turns not a suspicious attack at all but I mean I didn't do that much this time I could have played a Golems bite I guess at least not counter spell that's something losing the race right now but I have three four I guess starting with lens I've been I didn't draw land right yeah we recycled three times we didn't draw a single lens over well that's gonna have to die then do they have this counter spell yeah I think I gotta do it on right here so if they try to get more of those okay it's good yeah that's good that's good that's actually good ah that one is oh you got pay oh oh against Blue even huh oh foreign first I want to see if that gets counted or not I mean I kind of could use the land grima I have a lot of life here I guess I should have just claim the precious now that I think about it and I was pretty stupid I thought I actually I kind of want to yeah I should use the claim the precious that was pretty bad yeah that was that was pretty bad but I'm actually I might not have a legendary creature right so maybe it was all right but still I would have dealt three more damage that's not a small thing show me the card thank you I finally we are not playing against fear fire foes and board wipes at least it seems like that enough tricks and everything I guess that's it I thought really that's that's unfortunate I didn't really have they got a sideboard probably if I was red earlier but I was under impression I'm gonna end up blue it's a good awaited I guess I got a way to see if they draw yeah I guess that was bad but if they pass the turn it's it's really bad for me nice it's any card anytime fact that I use this but I really wanted to have a turn okay this [ __ ] I Just Gotta Die uh I can just kill two it is let's be sure that that thing dies foreign did I do it okay doing it take it one more time I think yeah they're gonna [ __ ] me up if they have minus one minus one but I still think I play everything out um Mordor master what am I looking for Kevin it's not the end of the world also deals damage okay they're on seven life minus four one two three four around three minus five and they're on two and it's still all pretty good right the food is there they put that thing here one two three four oh yeah that's pretty good mortal knife hunt I mean I did a lot of damage but just because I choose so they can't draw cards as well now they draw they lose okay oh come on one more start with a zero one let's go it's a keep boys this art is actually incredible what is so good this is this looks great I didn't even notice how good it is hey this alternative art is one I like I usually don't care about them I don't even notice them oh yeah okay I think that's not a land probably goes yeah even this one I keep don't need red Survivor damage no I didn't kill it with this oops it's my bad that's fine I know I could have used the minus two but I'd rather kill the Survivor and I can just do this next turn I'm not getting red sucks did they discarded the Berserker oh that's scary yeah killing it with the Smite would have been so good oh that's nice would be so good so I still keep my removal that targets anything just cry a bit okay nice and I let him load a lot more [ __ ] I don't think so nah I should play the land I guess uh maybe they have Tournament of Gollum though because I could maybe need lash and the fell Beast combined no I let him I [ __ ] let him draw now Jesus I forgot oh [ __ ] idiot idiot idiot oh wait I should let him draw that's a that's not bad actually oh let's chill yeah letting them draw is kind of okay [ __ ] let him enjoy is not okay amount of Sauron would be really bad here it's all right oh I lost the ring bearing though oh yep do give them food which kind of blows but they're gonna get their deltree damage because they can't get another [ __ ] Rangers again okay all right you can do that at any point we got my mortar master get my boss mix bow Masters what the heck how did it attack let me go on another one that's all right they want to kill me oh so they just died then Gail Gail more Gales no it's a pretty good deck it's a pretty good deck Okay so do they have bounce and they have Golems so my tricks are going to be a little bit worse Rangers we'll play the two one I think I mean how many survivors do they have two one gets worse here but I don't want to have too many like high cost creatures already have enough against their deck maybe a further upon the play because it's harder to keep up girl maybe I'll do that foreign hand we have a six land and now it's all right we both Mulligan which is maybe worse for me I need the lens they have a lot of card row s Ambush or golden smack goes back do you have more Golems bites no shallows Ambush I'm guessing oh they kept a very sketchy hand actually did it well it's not been too bad for them I guess well if they have the Gale they're gonna mess me up not Gale that's nice oh only one car that's good ah did they have a gale oh still scolding oh I wish I had Mana for troll that's been crazy good you're doing fine though okay sure they gained life they can't counter it though the game why better lose life so it's okay but I don't give them a gale turn did we do it [Music] we did it no zero one start oh yeah all right we did it nice cannot lose on on on the second the draft just need two wins and I'm taking you out to to a restaurant that's that has become our uh custom or whenever in the open I bring her to a restaurant okay good good oh all right all right we did it and these trolls only fans kind of little I have like a lot a good amount of removal in the bow masses but my early game was lacking good thing I picked this even over some good stuff some really good stuff like some better cards just just to have something to do early but then we do have this and that to kill them okay okay well everybody that's uh draft one and I'm gonna be back with uh with draft two in how how long it starts in all right let me see let me claim this claim that and um starts in tours in 107 minutes um something like that I'm gonna be back maybe slightly a bit later but something like that I hope you had a good time and see you in a few hours for the second draft hopefully I'm always fine with just this uh the battery are of course you have better chance but I'm always just fine with this it is one draft the best deck ever can go zero three the verse that cover can go four row so I guess zero one so 80 seconds will go zero one like we just lost the first game and won three others so if this was draft two it would have been done [Music] [Music]
Channel: justlolaman
Views: 1,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mtg, mtga, mtga draft, mtgo, mtg for beginners, numotthenummy, numot draft, kenji egashira, mtggoldfish, channelfireball, channelfireball draft, tolarian community college, magic the noah, lsv mtg, mtga covertgoblue, mtg mythic gameplay, mtg mythic player, mtg mythic rank, MTG Lord of the Rings Early Access, MTG Lord of the Rings Spoilers, mtg lord of the rings tales of middle earth, mtg lord of the rings draft guide, mtg lotr, mtg lotr prelease guide, mtg lotr collector booster
Id: 7kgOn9YozpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 33sec (5433 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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