No Binding Baby Quilt - very detailed instructions

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hi everyone this is Cheryl and welcome to my sewing room I'm going to demonstrate how to make this easy baby quilt if you're new to quilting you've never made one before this is the perfect project so you can learn how to do basic quilting techniques so let's get started here is the amount of fabric you will need I'm demonstrating the finished size one that is 31 inches by 31 inches this is a perfect size for a newborn baby if you want to make one for an older baby then select the size 40 inch by 40 inch so for the first one here out of a you'll need a half a yard your fabric B 1/4 yard and fabric C 1/4 yard for the fabric on the back of the quilt you'll need one yard polyester batting one yard cut 20 squares which are 8 and a half inches square and you're going to have 4 rows with 4 squares in a row the finished size 1 which is 40 inch by 40 inch out of fabric a you'll need 3/4 yard fabric B and C you'll need 1/2 yard of each and for the fabric on the back you'll need one and a quarter yards the polyester batting you'll need one in a quarter yard and you'll have 5 rows with 5 in a row so out of that 1 you're going to cut 25 8 and a half inch squares your polyester batting I am using the extra loft polyester batting which is a little thicker and a little fluffier and you can get them in small packages this is the layout for each of the fabric squares now you can lay them out in any order that you like but this is what I recommend for the smaller one as you see there's four in a row and the fabric a has two of them in each row the larger size there's five rows with five in a row and you'll see that the fabric a in several of the rows it's three squares and then several other rows it's only two squares this is my fabric a and I need to cut out out of this eight squares that are eight and a half inches squared so I'm going to demonstrate how to start out by cutting strips and then cutting those strips into squares so leave your fabric that you purchased fold it in half as it is when you purchase it off of the bowls then make sure your raw edges down here which you're probably not going to be even when you purchase them you need to trim them straight place your rotary cutter ruler on that edge if you don't have a rotary cutter and ruler then you need to be very careful on how to cut out your squares then cut this edge straight and this first line on the cutting mat is the zero line so that's where it is right now move the ruler over 8 and 1/2 inches line your ruler up down here as well as up here so you know that everything is straight and always double-check and cut your first strip move your ruler over eight-and-a-half inches again which would be your 17 inch line on your cutting mat and again always double-check stack the two strips on top of each other and here are the selvage edges pull those selvage edges pass this first line here and you're going to trim this off and line your ruler up again so that it's nice and straight on your cutting mat then move your ruler over eight and a half inches and do your first cut now you have four squares cut out move it over eight and a half inches again which will put you on the seventeen inch mark here and do your last cut you now have your eight squares of fabric a this is my fabric B and fabric C when you go to cut these squares out all you need to do is cut one strip out of each fabric that is eight and a half inches wide and from each one of those strips you will be able to get your four squares that you need out of fabric B and C lay out all of your blocks you're going to have four rows with four squares in each row of the fabric a I put two squares of it in each row then randomly distribute fabric B and C within those rows starting with Row one up here you're going to begin stitching the squares together so bring front sides together and Stitch one quarter inch seam along this edge then unfold and continue down the row place this one on top and stitch a quarter inch seam unfold stitch this one on top one quarter inch seam and then go to Row 2 row 3 and Row 4 when making a quilt it's always very important to press your seams so that everything will match up so the first thing you want to do is press your seams on the backside and you just keep going along your row pressing those seams on the back side then you're gonna press on top and it works really well if you keep the blocks gross lift it a little bit so that you push your seams all in one direction so then just gently push against that seam forcing it to go in one direction and then you just keep going on down the row until you get everything press and then after you're done turn it over to the back and make sure all of your seams are going in one direction when you're pressing each of the rows you want to make sure that each row is going in the opposite direction of the previous row the reason why you press the seams going in different directions for each row is so that when you stitch the rows together the seams match up much easier so the seams in this row are going in this direction in this direction this direction and the last row you can't see is going back in this direction so now you're going to take rows one and two and bring them on top of each other and you're going to match the scene so you want to bring them really close together and if it feels nice and flat in there that means that it's matched up so put a pin there and if you're not quite sure just look to see if the seam on the bottom is going in the opposite direction and the one on top so go ahead and match up all your seams first that's the first thing you should do then finish pinning across and then again do a quarter inch seam all the way across and after you finished these two rows then unfold them and continue adding on the other two rows after you've stitched your rows together then you want to press your seams first press the seams on the backside so you want to bring front sides together up the first two rows and press along this backside edge then you're gonna press on top so unfold and as you're pressing you want the seams to go all in one direction all the way across so push against that seam and press take the ruffle and place it front side down on the front side of your quilt top if there is an obvious runner back to your ruffle make sure it's the front side down then you're going to go in about four inches and begin stitching and you're going to stitch real close to the edge one-eighth of an inch all the way around all four sides when you're doing the corners just do a very tiny little fold down here and stitch around those corners and it's helpful when you come to a corner to leave your needle down and lift up the presser foot turn your fabric put the presser foot back down continue stitching that way you won't lose your place now when you're coming close to where you started for here's my starting point I started stitching here then I'm going to stop far enough away so that I have plenty of room to turn these ends and bring them together so now take your two ends overlap them and leave about a quarter of an inch overlap and trim the excess off now open up the two ends like this open that one up that way and this one that way okay now bring the two ends together bring those sides together and Stitch a narrow little eighth of an inch right along this end right here so here's my seam now take the ruffle and bring the seam face down then fold the seam bring those two sides together and that little seam line should be in the middle there and now you're going to stitch a quarter of an inch seam right along here now this theme that you just did is called a French theme and it is done when the seam is going to be exposed but you don't want the raw edges to show and it also helps to prevent the raw edges from unraveling when you're washing so after you've done your scene then put the ruffle back down and finish stitching it up right along here place your polyester batting down first then take the fabric for the back and place it on top and smooth your fabric out make sure that you have the pretty side of your fabric for the back facing up then take your quilt top and have the pretty side facing down so you're now looking at the back side smooth out your quilt top piece then take pins and pin the edges down and make sure you tuck the ruffle in underneath so you want to pin it all around all four sides before you start trimming because you don't want the fabric to shift then place your ruler on the edge of your fabric and begin to trim all of the edges off place all of your pins around the edge with a pointed end going in towards the center of the quilt and you want to have plenty of pins because you don't want the fabric shifting apart so you're going to do that around all of the edges then you're gonna leave an opening Oh anywhere between 10 and 12 inches because you want to leave it open big enough so that you're able to turn it front side out so make sure you leave that opening then starting over here you're gonna begin stitching back and forth a few times in place and stitch all the way down to the corner when you get down to the corner leave your needle down lift up your presser foot turn your quilt lower the presser foot and continue stitching and again you're doing a quarter inch seam all the way around all four sides and when you come back around to your last side you get here where you've at the other side of your opening and stitch back and forth a few times after you stitched around all four sides you're gonna trim a little bit of the fabric off at each corner be careful you don't cut into your stitches the reason why you cut this off is so that the corners will lay a little smoother so cut a little bit of that point off and I sometimes will go off on the side and trim just a little bit off there too so do that at all four corners then reach inside your opening and turn the blanket front side out fold your opening edges in and then pin it closed and I like to go around all four sides and pin my edges because after you have pinned your edges you want to stitch not only this opening down but you want to stitch all of the sides down and stitch real close to the edge of the fabric on the back and make sure when you're going around all your sides you're pulling out on the ruffle just a little bit not so much at the opening but on the other sides there's one last step before you done and this is called your quilting stitches or top stitches very simple to do you're going to do something called stitch in the ditch the ditch is where two pieces of fabric come together and then this is the ditch and you're going to stitch on all of your seams you're going to go take the first one and stitch straight straight down one thing that you need to do so that your fabric does not shift is to either use safety pins or straight pins because it will shift if you don't do that also if you have a walking foot on your machine it would help to use that because this helps to prevent your fabric from shifting as you are stitching you can get these on the Internet there's a variety of sewing machines supply websites that you can get the walking feet you can also find it on probably just enter the name of your sewing machine and the model of your sewing machine and a variety of options will appear I've seen them for around $25 some people have found them for less if you have a really high end machine it's of course it could cost you around one hundred and fifty dollars depending on the model of your machine so take one row at a time stitch all the way down one row then shift it over do the next row and keep shifting then turn your quilt and begin going in the other direction do this row move over second row and then third row and then you're done here's the backside of the quilt and you can see that the stitch in the ditch looks like nice straight lines on the back of your quilt and here's the quilt from the front side if you are interested in other quilting projects then go to the end of this video to a green screen and click on the links I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please click on thumbs up and don't forget to click on share to share this video with your friends and if you haven't subscribed yet click on that red subscribe button down there in the lower right-hand corner of your screen enter your email address click on that little bell so you receive email notifications about my latest video I'm Cheryl and I'm so glad you came to my sewing room see you next time and happy sewing you
Channel: The Sewing Room Channel
Views: 50,370
Rating: 4.9355211 out of 5
Keywords: baby quilt, easy baby quilt, baby quilt tutorial, baby quilt instructions, quilt, quilting, quilter, quilt tutorial, quilt instructions, quilting turtorial, quilting instructions, beginners quilt, beginners quilt tutorial, beginners quilt instructions, how to make a quilt tutorial, how to make a baby quilt tutorial, how to make a quilt instructions
Id: b5Qd5anF0aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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