No-Bake Brownies: Easy Recipe from a 1936 Cookbook!

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Welcome Friends welcome back to the kitchen welcome back to Sunday morning in the old cookbook show today we're going to do a recipe out of the new Vio cookbook published in 1936 um boo was a company that made aluminum cookware all kinds of aluminum cookware Bak wear baking tins cake tins dutch ovens um all kinds of things uh and they were massive in the in the uh in the pre-World War II era and I I really like this cookbook because it's because they're a cookware company they don't have to worry about shoehorning in a particular ingredient the recipes can be about cooking anything as long as you cook it in a pot a pan a frying pan or bake it in a cake tin or Dutch oven pretty much any cooking that you do you could use one of their products and so the the the cookbook has this really wide range and there's no Hard Sell in here uh in the 1930s most cookbooks company cookbooks advertising cookbooks marketing cookbooks whatever you want to call them were really hard sell this one is not so today we're going to make something called unbaked brownies unbaked but it still gets cooked I'm supposed to use my Vio double boiler but I don't have one um so this one will have to do and I'm supposed to melt two squares of chocolate and for those of you who haven't seen a square of chocolate these are squares of chocolate and I say that because 2024 um it's probably been maybe 8 n 10 years since most companies made chocolate in this Square format this Square format was brought forward uh very early on by Bakers chocolate um The Bakers chocolate company they came up with this Square format and then formatted all of their recipes to use 1 2 3 squares of chocolate or 1 and 1/2 or 2 and 1/2 and it's got this break in the middle so that you can break them in half squares of chocolate um but right from the very beginning they always put in the recipe that one square of chocolate equals 1 o they do the same here calls for two squares or 2 O of chocolate I'm going to put those in the double boiler and start melting them and I kind of make that point because when the manufacturers moved away from using that format it confused a lot of people there are a lot of people who just don't understand that A square has a weight equivalent 1 o and they look at the new bar and they think oh it's broken into these pieces so one piece must equal one square and I still get comments about that today I'm you know it happened so long ago and yet still today people are asking about it so chocolat's melting in the double boiler I'm supposed to put in condensed milk um again condensed milk milk sweetened condensed milk if you live in the United States everybody says sweetened um if you live in United States and Canada and you buy condensed milk it has to be sweetened by law in order to say condensed milk on the label it has to be sweetened in order for it to say evaporated milk on the label it cannot be sweetened by law so you know having these cans say sweetened is at best redundant and at worst confusing to some people so all of the sugar in this recipe coming from the condensed milk my double boiler is boiling I'm going to turn it down just a little bit and I'm supposed to melt the chocolate into the condensed milk and cook it until it thickens which could be about 5 minutes so still some lumps of chocolate so it just keep stirring and melting okay that feels like it's thickening a little little bit so it when you when I first put it in the pan it felt really thick and then it warmed up and it felt really thin because it had warmed up and then after cooking it for a little while it starts to thicken again as the sugars change state so now we come to the next two ingredients um and this is this is where uh this is where viewers who who need to have a a stalinist figure here or a Bonito musolini or who's another guy Nicola chesu Figure Head On Screen telling them what to do this is where they get really angry with me in the comment section next ingredient is um vanilla Waf for crumbs and then the second ingredient is walnuts um I don't particularly like vanilla wafers luckily in the note it says Graham Crackers may be used in place of vanilla wafers so I'm going to use graham cracker crumbs uh I took one sleeve of graham crackers put them in a food processor comes out to about two cups which is what they're asking for I can imagine that um any number of of cookies would go really well in this Biscoff cookies would be amazing in here I would think um social tea would work really well I'm just not a fan of vanilla wafers here's the thing in your own kitchen cooking like this you can make those substitutions you don't have to follow a recipe exactly to make the recipe it's just a method the whole idea is that you're putting in some sort of cookie crumb to give it body and stability okay I put the last of the crumbs in and mix those in next ingredient is walnuts and if you've been around here a while you know I'm not a fan of of walnuts or English walnuts I love black walnuts I love white walnuts or they're mostly called butternuts I love those two walnuts but English walnuts no uh so I'm going to use pecans um I would use black walnuts or butternuts but they are far too expensive to experiment in a dish like this that I've never made before on the first go round so we're going to use pecans and we'll get these mixed in now it tells me I'm supposed to put this into a buttered Vio aluminum biscuit pan I don't know what that is so I go to the key in the back of the book and I look and it is essentially the picture that they show is essentially a rectangular cake pan that comes in two convenient sizes but they don't tell you what the two convenient sizes are so I have to imagine in my brain one is square and one is uh rectangular the one that they have in the back kind of looks like it proportion wise is probably an 8 1/2 by 11 or 9x13 or something like that I decided for this amount of ingredients 9 by9 square is probably what I need to use okay so get this into the pan before it cools too much or hardens up okay so I've switched to an offset pallet knife to try to smooth out the top a little bit 9 by9 may have been too big um 8 by8 might have been the right size mm okay so I've got some walnuts left over to sprinkle them on top tells me that I need to place in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight so get this in the fridge and I'll see you tomorrow hey jul hey Glenn oo something chocolatey unbaked brownies um more they are sticky yeah more of a confectionary than fudge yeah H yeah they're a fudge yeah this is this is something that ends up on the Christmas sideboard in tiny little squares yes cuz realistically a a large piece of this is going to yeah it's just going to send you over the edge is there another flavor in it though kids screaming no no just the chocolate the looks like graham crackers chocolate graham crackers pecans um and and uh condensed milk M it's the condensed milk that adds that different flavor to it than I wasn't that was surprise to me cuz that's not usual all right there you go easy to make mhm there you go so surprise guests yeah um Christmas sideboard any big holiday thing where you have to put little snacks on the on the edge this this would be good for it um you could probably even roll them in a ball and put a stick on them yeah yeah okay thanks for stopping by see you again soon
Channel: Glen And Friends Cooking
Views: 131,288
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Keywords: Glen And Friends Cooking, historical cooking, canadian cooks, Old Cookbook Show, Vintage recipe, Unbaked brownies, No-bake dessert, Historical recipes, Vintage dessert, Chocolate recipes, Condensed milk dessert, Cooking with old cookbooks, Retro baking, glen and friends cooking, glen and friends old cookbook show, glen & friends cooking, community cookbook recipe, depression era cooking, glen cook, depression cooking, glen and friends cooking depression era
Id: DoHB1Ukaj2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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