No Bags and Wrong Food: Disney World Problems

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[Music] hello again everybody welcome to another episode of bounce off i'm scott bala an illustrator comic book artist and well above me next to me i don't know where which way she'll be is georgia ball she's a writer works in comics and brown publishes her own books and you can find her right now as part of the i survived team from scholastic doing the adaptations for the graphic novels so how are you today georgia i'm good we got a uh book proof in today that we did we got some books today so happy it was here and that i do have all of the settings right i've got all of the art stretching to the edges and i was able to enable it for mass distribution okay yeah that's right so we got brianna gets a guinea pig in just today we got the hardcover we've been waiting on this one to come in so this completes the trifecta of the series we have all three books now in hardcover and it came out really well you know what's really they did a good job with the the print on it and uh honestly the um the response and the sales on the hardcover has been probably a little bit better than we were expecting the adage um with children's books people like hardcovers they're willing to pay a little bit more for them so yeah if you're doing children's books and you can do it try to figure out a way to do hardcover because i think it makes a difference yeah we sold some in november we sold some in december and the good news is now i have enabled it so that you can buy hardcovers from us direct off the site and my georgia ball author site and you get a few cents off as a discount yeah and it's a really easy it's really easy to buy off the site um it is put together really well and um yeah so it's a storefront run directly by income spark who is handling the distribution of the book anyway yeah and the print so there you go so yeah um and what's just i should be able to say out loud what the website is but you you just tell because i'll probably get some syntax wrong and my website okay so you go there and you can buy the books direct and have them sent to you and believe me you'll enjoy them they're fun they're fun little books brianna is our beloved little character that's kind of like teaching like a little bit of uh a little story a little bit of a moral story through her stinker little ways you know and she's we've kind of wanted to create a book series that was not entirely about all kids being good all the time because if you have kids you know that is a lie so anchor it sounds like we work for fritz freeling i'm so old you know stinker why can't we say stinker anymore why is that so old-fashioned the next thing you know i'm not allowed to say hot dog anymore tell people about writing in your whip so you got this oh i could go further but i'll look really silly if i start trying to use current slime believe me it just doesn't look good with a shirt oh my god all right so georgia what are we talking about today uh we wanted to talk about disney this was something that um you've been talking my ear off about for like the last three days and then i saw that uh clownfish did a video on it and watched that one yet uh but it's it's all about plastic bags on your lightsabers yes so here we go plastic bags on your lightsabers so i guess the idea is that i heard about this that you can go to hollywood studios and build a lightsaber that's a very expensive experience um they're saying like 200 plus plus means that there must be a bunch of add-ons who that knows what what all that's about um you know get a wand at uh harry potter in universal and that's a 40 50 experience and my daughter thought that was amazingly magical so this this should be a heck of a product if it's going to come out of there be a 200 deal but i guess it wasn't coming with the the sleeve bag that it was supposed to come with okay so if you scroll all the way to the bottom of this article real quick just scroll all the way down to the bottom there so that's the picture of the bag okay yeah so that is the bag that is advertised and if you look up just a bit higher um it actually says in highlights in this article and then we should credit the article that's inside this inside the magic right isn't that yeah inside the magic of his article that we're crediting but um it says right there carrying case included and then you can see that is the carrying case it is a black satchel of sorts you know it's a tube like thing that you would um could carry the the lightsaber in and the key here reminds me the first thing i ever bought at scad to put my like portfolio papers in with something just like this that i whacked the guy in the face with getting on the bus okay yeah kind of like that yeah roll up your uh parchment your architecture plans and put them in there and all that but same kind of idea but the key here is that it would come with um a shoulder um sash so you could actually carry it over your shoulder or across you and it accomplished several things one it looked kind of cool and it's kind of like the equivalent of having like a a scabbard or something for you to be able to carry your lightsaber around with but two it also made it easier for you to carry the darn thing around the bark when it's costing about two twenty five two hundred thirty dollars so what happened is somebody came after schedule time because apparently this thing is in such demand you have to kind of schedule these out way in advance you know you're gonna have your vacation there this is all part of the planned process you're not just figuring it out the last minute and so when they went to get their carrying case uh or just to get the the lightsaber itself this is what they were provided with was this clear piece of plastic bag and it wasn't even like a walt disney world printed bag like you get at disney springs or at one of the um souvenir shops and you know their article goes on they look and they're like what what is this and they're like oh that's your carrying case you're like no it's not that's not what a carrying case looks like it and you know it and so they just they didn't have it they didn't have no longer had it in inventory and the the problem and one of the reasons i really wanted to talk about this today is not so much that this happened it's just the reaction to it to how ultimately she wanted them to do something to make this right and according to this article and i kind of believe this to be true they really pushed back on just wanting to help this poor guest getting rid of this whole concept of just guest services when it comes to disney and i think as i mentioned it's like this is starting to feel like you're at walmart you know it they just it got ugly enough to the point where they were just downright rude to her i'm trying to remember like back in 1997 when i was a cast member how something like this might have been handled my first thought is that embarrassment i don't know if it would have been that different no like the first mistake i see here is separating yourself from the immediate experience because like she accepts the bag at the store and then goes to guest services to ask for something better the thing about like how i remember the cast member experience is everybody is suspicious and maybe that's because a lot of people are trying to uh score something with the park everywhere they go but also that people get confused and we had people telling me that they took the monorail to hollywood studios or in gm and that they are asking where the water park is inside the park so like maybe you can see that she's standing there with the wrong bag but then there might be a lot of cast members of their first thought is that maybe that bag didn't really come from there or they don't have a procedure to really handle yeah well let me correct a couple of things on that first of all she did not just accept it she really pushed back and she said this is not what i should have to have and this is not it clearly defines this on the website as we just proved and so she knew what she was expecting to get for her money and their response to it was well i can see you're upset you have the option of just canceling the whole thing entirely and you won't pay for it but then they also told her she had to make up her mind and they gave her 60 seconds that's the biggest problem there is they didn't give her a chance to think about it they weren't nice about it and they just treat it like you're another cog in the line that's just in the way from everybody else who's also a cog in the line and so i completely am on her side i would be completely thrown for a loop i have i'm being told i have no chance to actually decide this is for my child who's expecting it and what else are you supposed to do i do think that after the long closure and how much they've around with employees that uh firing them letting them go bring them back on requiring things of them testing them i think at some point they just don't seem like they have the patience anymore yeah and i understand that i'm behind it i can understand why they don't really have the patience to go overboard with the concept of the magical experience but i remember we were sold when i was in the college program and but the the problem i felt with that was like we were told that you were supposed to go way out of your way to provide all these magical experiences for guests and go above and beyond what they really needed and sometimes people would get rewarded for that but then i would also see a lot of people get reprimanded for it or go too far i was gonna ask about that like you can also see it as like from their perspective they're getting it from both ends like they've got the guest that's unhappy with them understandably but then their options are limited because they might get yelled at or worse fired from their superiors for doing something to appease the guests but is not part of protocol yeah i remember one time getting reprimanded for talking too long while i was bussing tables to a family which to me that sounded like you were supposed to chat a little bit with the family if they wanted to but they felt like i was just taking too long doing the job another time when somebody's toy sippy cup fell into echo lake and i don't know if you know too much about echo lake but at least at the time it wasn't getting super regular cleanings and which one's echo lake it's the one that the the boat and the dinosaur are in in the hollywood store okay yeah not really that much of a lake it's kind of no it's like a big pond and it was um i guess collecting quite a few things that were possibly microbes and bacteria and when the the cast member jumped in to save the sippy cup he got he didn't get fired but he got a pretty severe reprimand for doing that and a lot of tetanus shots i got fired today yeah so sometimes people that there's not really a procedure for giving a discount they're not going to be and they're not nearly in a mood but they're just not surprised by this story there needs to be i mean i mean they're just flat out needs to be i mean that's that's certainly not the guest's fault none of that is can be listed as the guest fault that's that's a lack of planning on somebody whether it's the initial interaction with the cast member or management or the upper management over management that's their failing because there is no there is no excuse at minimal if you can't do anything else you pull out um a gift card and say here i'll i can't give you your cash back but i can certainly give you a gift card to compensate a certain amount that you can go spend in the same store and make and i made more profit something in this case what the way that it was described is they were just like kind of giving her a blank stare and at one point she when she had initially talked to i guess management or customer service they actually got on the phone to have a lengthy discussion like it's referees in a football game looking over a play to determine whether this was actually really a carry on a carrying case or not and the the article they kind of played it out like they actually were on the phone for a while that's what made it it just makes it even more sad and then they get off the phone and they're like i'm sorry ma'am after much discussion we it has been determined that this is effectively count as the carrying case listed on the website i mean look what he says here her payment had been posted in the case she was given met the definition so he calls into management of management and that's that what i was talking about the separation between point of sale and now you're at guest services you in in disney's eyes which is not how it should be but i'm not sure if it's a lot different than how it used to be the the procedure is over so they're not required do there's not at the point where they're going to bother to fix it but this is clearly not the same thing as a bag this is clearly yeah it's not i mean they're making an assumption that for some reason this bag isn't that great that she got the bag and then she thought she'd be clever hide the bag and then go fish out a see-through plastic bag somewhere just so she can skim them out of two bags because like obviously she needs two because she just plans on planning on building her own lightsaber well they have been dealing with going overboard with getting too much merchandise and scalping it but that is obviously not what was going on here it's just another thing where they just haven't had enough supplies for demand i guess that's been true of a lot of people these days yeah but it's a little odd that you're that's what you're low on like you can still build the lightsabers but you ran out of cases i mean i'd be looking at whoever is supposed to be actually making the purchases on on these items and such and how you miss missed that one and didn't purchase enough i haven't been uh i haven't looked at this picture before what is going on here that's probably similar to like with the again harry potter with the wands where they kind of do it as a little bit of a shell a little bit of a shovel okay and so they do light up and all that and harry potter a lot of people in there yeah a lot of people in there for that 200 moment our whole night out i've had nights out that were special events that cost less than two hundred dollars well i was going to say earlier when you mentioned the harry potter one i think you can get the wand and the official cloak and have it come out to about the same price or maybe a little bit less so heck yeah this is like there's no way that they're not they're they're just getting by on the skin of their teeth with these sails these things are up charged a good fifty percent yeah but do you have is there a picture here showing some poor guy trying to walk through the park carrying this thing with a bag was that at the top um down one more i think no but i remember that was somewhere else saw somebody else's article it was just kind of sad you know you're just trying because there's no handles on the back so think about it you're all day in the park and you're trying to hold it and eventually what happened to this woman is like she she kept falling out of the bag so she went back again and said look you got to do something for me so they were willing to like ship it to her house but she had to pay for the shipping and what that meant was that she spent all this money on a lightsaber she doesn't get to have the experience of having the lightsaber and feeling cool in the park for a day it's just going right directly home where i guarantee you it's going in the closet and it's never going to be seen from again i'm glad it was for her daughter because i don't know how really like cool in the park it actually is and i don't think that's another story it's another one [Laughter] all right so speaking of it it's absolutely a mess and just to kind of follow that up so not long after i showed that article to you a second article dropped where disney announced that they were going to start doing discounts uh only about 20 off of the 230 240 price i saw that case i'm not sure it was more than a twenty dollar case yeah but you know they this was not a one-off you know they were having this problem repeatedly obviously mm-hmm there's more than one person had this happen to them for sure yeah um so this is the one you clued me into tonight despite heavy marketing magic kingdom locations with new 50th anniversary treats are closed selling incorrect items or aren't ready to serve them the kicks just keep coming right every day it's a new one it's like all all the problems see this is that one kind of problem we'll just have all of them at once it's going to get to where you want to go to the park just to see what kind of problems happen like you just want to embrace it and go like what i had a problem-free day at the park i didn't pay for that i saw an article where's the fire i want another fire truck down main street somebody say on twitter that the cheshire cat the chester cafe was closed for the season and then i i saw like some advertising going on that there was going to be like a new slushie there and i somehow didn't connect that that's not going to work i know to me this is even funnier than it's portrayed because i'm thinking people are gonna go up to the stand for this uh this flushie and it's just flat shuttered with like clothes for good you know seemingly on it is like um i just want my slushy you know yes to the cat cosmic ray starlight cafe told us they might receive the slush sometime this week but weren't certain how how can you screw that up how can you have it set somewhere that doesn't even exist that's kind of like saying you want the slushie you want to go around autotopia head towards the restrooms in the water fountain it's by the water fountain you'll see some guy in a dark cloak and he's selling it does exist it's just not open no i don't know if it worked so this story was great you told me this was my favorite this is what i said we need the article so that people can believe this because this just sounds like made up but so when we stopped by the main street bakery this morning for an iridescent cinnamon roll cast members informed us that they could not serve the new roll until they sell out of the current standard pastry the new iridescent cinnamon roll is a standard mickey cinnamon roll decorator with edible glitter and a 50th anniversary chocolate medallion you can see the two right there like the standard with the medallion it's the same kind of basic pastry yeah but honestly i mean so what is the next part of this conversation is it when the cast member says so would you like to buy half a dozen standards so you can get the new one because we have like six of these left and i'm just waiting on some poor schwab to buy them so i can start selling the good stuff all right it just has glitter icing and a chocolate coin on it so yeah obviously the point of getting this is to take a picture of it right that's the only reason that they want it other than just getting a cinnamon roll i i put that chocolate coin in my pocket forever i don't know and i'd find it in the laundry a week later but that's not even the point to me the point to me is the statement i'm sorry i can't sell you the new improved one until we get rid of the crappy ones they're both the same because that's kind of but that's kind of exactly how it comes out and this this is the theme i'm talking about it's like the customer service at disney world it's becoming a joke it's just becoming almost absurdity at this point where you almost want to go to the park just to see it in action you're like am i going to get the nice people or is it going to be kind of cool i'm going to get the grinch he's going to sit there and say no you can't have this cinnamon roll you're not worthy enough this at least in when i was a cast member i don't think this would have happened i think that they would have tossed out the old cinnamon rolls if they were advertising and ready to sell the new cinnamon rolls there's just not that much wasted and i hope so because otherwise i'd be wondering well back to the standard cinnamon roll is this a cinnamon roll from last week yeah is that why it's important to sell it i don't know how old are these things this is just nonsense so this was a complaint about what did they say was wrong with this they just didn't like it just i mean look at it look how long it was only just a few years ago we were looking at food items at disney world that just looked like they were created by the fairy godmother from cinderella but were they at the pinocchio house because as i remember the pinocchio house that was always the place that you went to for rubber eggs for breakfast while you were waiting to get does it entry does it matter is that where we've gone we want to do so much of this food item himself that we're going to have there's great places to get really good food and then there's places to go get crap food that's because the thing on the right to me for pinocchio house looks like an upgrade it's just that's kind of i've always associated that restaurant with some of the worst food in the parks that that looks like little caesar's cheesy bread what's pizza supposed to look like diced ham cued sprinkled on top i don't know it's perk pizza that doesn't look that appetizing to me but but the main reason i had this article was the whole cinnamon roll thing i mean you had this other stuff this one though i did read this one in a separate place the sleepy hollow refreshments list a chocolate and cherry chilling chambers pop featuring the tightrope walker and instead received a push pop of inner terminal flavor not chocolate or cherry featuring the quicksand stretching report but this is just i don't understand this at all is that is that a chocolate is that like a chocolate image or what is that uh of the character quicksand room portrait i think so i mean that's pretty cool i mean i know they're if they can do that kind of stuff yeah like that that's kind of neat if they do that in there i mean it's too bad it tastes like bad i'm not clear on whether that is there's actually another thing to go to it i'm not clear on if that is edible or not here's a review oh it is a pop yeah it's a pop as i say it's a push pop blueberry uh push pop so this is what they're supposed to have chocolate crumbs cherry buttercream and dark chocolate pearls that sounds like a cake so it's it looks like a push pop it isn't i think like a cake pop i don't know and then for some reason it's just not even the same picture this is really bizarre because i know that the type of walker in general is a much more popular character so why would you have this weird last minute subs was it so it was advertised it was supposed to be the tightrope walker and they just [Laughter] yeah it's not like well we the tight world walker artist wasn't available then today yeah yeah so yeah that's that's what happened and it's got like a crumble on top and they say it doesn't really taste like anything well that that is a problem couldn't find any cherry taste um graham cracker crumbs and caramel butter okay so the i think the tightrope walker one was supposed to be chocolate and cherry and now this new one is graham cracker crumbs and caramel buttercream probably just didn't get them in on that they got other ones i don't know that's that's pure speculation i i don't i mean obviously those things are being made at their you know they have massive big houses off site yeah behind scenes where they're doing this stuff so yeah that looks really like that you don't think that's chocolate it is it's a white chocolate piece okay and it's so nice that they can do that now with pictures and chocolate that's cool that's cool it does look kind of look like sand that's all that karma that is supposed to kind of makes it look like it's quick the quicksand itself yeah i can see the the thought process there i i don't have as big a deal on on that that one as i do it's just kind of inexplicable like why why advertise one thing and have another one why put your slush in a place that's closed well there is there is a pattern in that isn't there yeah why are we one thing and then it doesn't happen why are we advertising we're selling cinnamon rolls that we won't give you all that at once i don't know we could always ask our source that we know in the in web services they're not they're not getting the memos [Laughter] to make the changes um but in general you know i mean i just think that my everything i'm reading shows a lack of real customer service that's really creeping in in general in the parks and it's just the parks have are a mess they're just a mess it's not just that it's it's the covet thing you know are they ever going to stop masking you know are they going to just ask for master in perpetuity and you got the cdc coming out now asking for n95s i want to know if disney's going to start requiring everyone to have n95s which is statistically impossible because they don't make that many n95s for everybody it just seems like i i don't know i mean none of this stuff is helping them you know it's it's creating grumpy people it's creating accounts you know the inflation and the supply chain mass is creating problems with their food and they're in their souvenirs and their their shops are running out of stuff on the shelves and they're having to sit there and do the creative rope-a-dope to try to cover up empty shelves and stuff like that it's just a mess can't argue with that okay well you know all that said we are actually talking about getting annual passes because i mean we do about it a lot but we do we do love disney we think we want to go back and experience it again because we haven't been back in a long time and you know i feel really lousy if it really does not live up to any kind of standards that it used to be before but i hope i'm wrong i do want to be able to go back and relive some of the magic that i remember from ten years ago um so if we do get passes and we go back it's you know we're not hypocrites we do still like disney we we say these things because we're kind of disappointed but it's not because we hate them we just want them to get better you want to be back to what they used to be you agree yes i do all right it's wrapped up all right so that's bounce off i'm scott ball it's georgia ball welcome uh thanks for tuning in hope you enjoyed it hope you're signed up for your lightsaber experience just bring your own bag and you know i always forget to do this but if you enjoy what we do here and our craziness feel free to please like you know like the the episode um comment leave comments but you know the likes really do help and that's true not just with us but all youtube channels so feel free to do that all right take care we'll see you again next time on bounce off bye
Channel: Bounce Off
Views: 14
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, Orlando, Florida
Id: znlcS7iX3hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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