No Answers Given: Fred Cox Shot By Detective In Church While Trying To Help Others As Shots Rang Out

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you want to support rollerblad unfiltered be sure to join our brain defunct fan club every dollar that you give to us supports our daily digital show only one daily digital show out here that keeps it black and keep it real is rollerblading unfiltered support the roland martin unfiltered daily digital show by going to you can make this possible folks at today's news conference uh and this often happens when we cover these stories where there be other families who have had sons or daughters shot and killed shot and killed by police well the family of fred cox they appeared at today's news conference they are from high point north carolina and they told the story of their son being shot and killed at a church by a detective from a neighboring county after the news conference i caught up with fred cox's mother and father for their shocking and unbelievable story and how they are still in search of answers in the death of their son six months ago so uh first of all the case of fred cox what happened fred was attending the funeral of one of his close friends and shots rang out on one side of the church on the opposite side of the church a detective chased him into the church as he ushered a mother and her son into the church for safety and shot him in the back twice one side in the back of the neck and one to the thigh as he ran to a church my baby's body laid inside the church we do not know who the detective is they will not release his name and it's been almost six months and i'm still fighting so so in terms of i mean so obviously there was a shooting in terms of uh the district attorney nothing no nothing from them nothing at all she called me on friday to say she was giving me a courtesy call i'm not sure what a courtesy call means because six months ago my son was murdered so what is a courtesy call and i'm trying to sympathize with her like ma'am this is my child he's gone the only child that i have killed in a church what do you mean you giving me a courtesy call but that's all she would say she would not give me any more information we haven't heard anything we don't know anything just like you asking us questions we have no answer was it a was it was it a city police officer was it a sheriff's deputy do you even know that davidson county um detective davidson county detective he was out of his jurisdiction and his higher up stated in the in the paper that he didn't know if he was off duty if he was working the case he didn't even know so so you say he was out of his jurisdiction uh the shooting did not take place in davidson county so what county in guilford county what county was that guilford and he was a davidson county detective so what was he doing there he said from my understanding again no one will contact me he was doing an ongoing investigation i don't know was he at the church at the funeral or was he somewhere else he was inside the church at the funeral from my understanding he was in close parameter to my son he saw my son he walked past my son in the church so he knew exactly who my son was as if he was targeting him alone my son was in his car jumped out his car and pushed the lady and her son was telling them get in the church get in the church stay shooting and he chased my baby in the church and shot him from behind so that was shooting taking place outside on the opposite side of the church and my son was murdered on on the other side of the church so was the shooting taking place at the church or was it nearby was it it was nearby it was on the side street so so do you all understanding it wasn't people who were actually attending the funeral no no no no it was nobody attending the funeral that we know of so there's a shooting taking place near the uh near the church your son's in the parking lot in his car was he leaving or was he just arriving the lady the eyewitness the key witness said that he was in the car the car was crunk she could feel the wind from the air being on so he was ready to go when the shot started firing and he jumped out the car and because she was speaking with him through his window and they run into the church for safety and he was pushing her she said he fell and she was reaching out for him but she she said she knew if she stopped she would be murdered too she said he was just laying face down so shots were being fired he's pushing her into the church and then all and so they kept saying somebody was chasing us somebody was shooting inside the church it was the detective chasing chasing them in the church while shooting so the detective was inside the church attending the funeral yes there's a shooting that's taking place outside not at the funeral but across the street on this on the street of the church we don't know if it was connected we don't know shots ring out all of a sudden uh he's pushing his lady in for safety he's on the outside pushing her on the inside next thing you know shots of fire on the inside to him outside that's right from my understanding and she is the key witness i did speak to someone at sbi the sbi is putting it off on the d.a the d.a is putting it off on the sbi it's like tug of war but i'm getting no answers six months later so so so who is the d.a um avery crump avery crump and she gave you a courtesy call when on last friday and the call was just to say hey hello i'm just letting you i'm giving you a courtesy call we are working on your case but it's been six months exactly six long months who is uh uh have you all hired an attorney to represent y'all to bring pressure on them uh and who is that we have um ben crump on our case when a child didn't y'all hire ben um back in december january december january so he has been working on getting things in order and working on a local attorney all right then we certainly appreciate it and hopefully uh we'll make some calls hopefully we can get some answers thank you thank you so much i appreciate it and also and how old was your son my son was 18 years old just turned 18 just turned 18 and just graduated from high school played football anybody knows fred he was well-mannered still he was one of those kids that said yes ma'am no sir he was that type of child and they have tried to crucify his name they but who is this detective who is detective hill is he working is he on paid vacation in fact the woman who you said was a witness has she been interviewed she she said the interview was so light it was not to prosecute she was she said she was ashamed of the interview from the sbi we still appreciate it thanks a lot thank you we appreciate you thank you i i said i simply can't imagine uh kelly being a parent uh and uh this is the case i just can't imagine uh that that you're sitting here and and you're not getting answers when it comes to your child when it comes to what happened to your child that that to me is unbelievable it's not only unbelievable it's just incredibly depressing and frankly scary because it shows you just how many cases there are like this that don't hit the media that don't get the attention they deserve that are are just slipped through the cracks because that's how many of us are dying um one thing i uh wanted to mention that i forgot when it came to the andrew brown case but it also applies to this high point case is the fact that the reason i believe there's not as much uh coverage on this story media notwithstanding is because these two cities are really heavy college towns elizabeth city is home to elizabeth city state university which is a hbcu high point has shaw and cat winston-salem within a 20-30 mile radius i almost guarantee you had it not been for covid and the restrictions and the the limitations on in-person learning this would get a whole lot more traction and or more students would be more black bodies would be in danger uh under the guise of these cops so just something to keep in mind moving forward how important our young our youth are when it comes to bringing awareness to these cases because they're the ones with the cameras they're the ones who don't have as much fear as our uh predecessors and our parents and our grandparents when it comes to situations like this they will be out front they will fight and they will actually make sure that their voices are heard on behalf of the victim in these cases that so i just wanted to point that out um again this is this is being as i as i listen to that mother and father six months and again son outside trying to save other people and then he gets killed from a cop on the inside yeah and they six months and they have no answer that's the part roland that that really throws me because you know this young man he was at a funeral so you can't go to a funeral without getting killed by a police officer andrew brown was trying to get away with his life complying getting killed by a police officer michaia bryant defending herself got killed by police officer brianna taylor sleeping in her bed got killed by a police officer just so many like where can we go we can't eat we can't sleep we can't walk we can't drive we can't do anything without getting shot and then we can't get justice after the fact because they have been able to filibuster this case for fred cox for the last six months which is obscene and i just can't imagine the pain of that pant of that family having to cope with not only the loss of their son but also the gross injustice that they're facing all right folks video in just one moment it's time when we control our institutions we win we win this is the most important news show on television of any racial background y'all put 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 30 on this and keep this going what you've done rolling since this crisis came out in full bloom anybody watching this tell your friends go back and look at the last two weeks especially roller martin unfiltered i mean hell go back and look at the last two days you've had sitting united state senators today klobuchar and harris whatever you have that you have you can bring to roland martin unfiltered to support it please do because this information may literally save your life watch rolling martin unfiltered daily at 6 pm eastern on youtube facebook or periscope or go to support the roland barton omfilter daily digital show by going to our goal is to get 20 000 fans contributing 50 bucks each for the whole year you can make this possible rolling martin on
Channel: Roland S. Martin
Views: 144,410
Rating: 4.9182963 out of 5
Keywords: Roland Martin, #RolandMartinUnfiltered
Id: H7AvhoGN-Ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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