No Accounting for Taste Podcast with Kyle Kinane & Shane Torres | Ep. 2

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exterior chili dog driving kyle sits in his cool pontiac civic everyone stop stop i can't do it if i'm looking at your face i got this [ __ ] pontiac civic i don't know i whip this one together okay this week on no accounting for taste aliens that is chevrolet 747 [Music] can we just this is better than my opening can we just start here he was in his kitchenaid sunbird [Music] this week on no accounting for taste alien culture yes did i get it did i nail it oh you're good with words you know that man i think the gym is dumb did rachel walk in the room of course i'm eating a baconator man if you ain't doing crossfit you can get crop you're right a long burger is not the worst idea i've ever heard that's your sitcom right there as a mr fix it all who just can't fix his heart we will not be defending atlantic city no accounting for taste if it's something that somebody loves let's try and celebrate it instead of uh [ __ ] on it i am jacked to the max i had a training session this morning let's [ __ ] do it my trainer said i looked beastly today kyle that can go one one of a i few i know you don't go to the gym but in gym culture it's a compliment it means savage could mean your back's hairy and your nails are too long it could have a double meaning more than double it could have many many there are some dudes there who have like got like basically like [ __ ] coochie cutter shorts on and they're just like always looking at their [ __ ] hamstrings and [ __ ] blows my mind i say i say make people uncomfortable speaking of making people uncomfortable yeah there's a pro move pro switch transition i got it man do you ever been uh you've never been visited by uh if it's like let's say a stranger for the sake of this intro if someone uh an unknown entity has come by and you'd be like oh i didn't know you were here in a in a condensed way of of answering your question i don't know if i have felt that per se but i don't think that i am alone or we are alone if that helps yeah i uh it's too vast it would be i i think about how unlucky i feel most of the time and to be the only planet to be from the only planet that has something living on it mm-hmm the fermi paradox the universe is two the fermi paradox the universe is too big the fermi paradox is the exercise i did at the gym today it's i mean it shows you look beastly thank you very soon around that's that's the theory that like the universe is so vast that it's silly to think that we're alone but if there are other people why haven't we been visited by the by them also i want to interject the term extraterrestrial just sounds like a regular person that doesn't need to be here because terrestrial just means you're here and like oh who's that guy some extraterrestrial honestly we could do without him i don't think i don't use it for aliens what about like what about a you so extraterrestrial are you being real extraterrestrial right now yeah so we we are we are talking uh no accounting for taste this week we're talking about aliens little green men visitors the yeah extraterrestrials if you want to be pedestrians the activities surrounding it if you look i guess yeah ufos even alien human alien culture is that is that a thing is that a thing we should the right way to sit well like the people that follow it like what the like the behavior around it yeah oh yeah we're not talking about the aliens we're talking about the people that are into it and that like their life yeah is about them being out there and and myself hey i'm already on board i don't even have to argue i'd have to force myself to argue against board are you well for the same reason you're talking about that i think that there's just too vast of uh of uh they can't even conceive how vast the universe is for something else to be out there and i think now do i think most of these stories are true that's probably what we'll get into yeah yeah that's gonna be the uh the hanging chat if you will there's very few people i and i you know as as you know i'm gonna look a little more better too many dumb tattoos to keep track of we got a little ufo right there so he's the ufo he's visiting the beach i figured aliens would want to go to the beach it's a ufo it's a ufo because everybody loves a beach all right imagine you travel all the way to earth from space then you're flying around like this place is kind of a dump and then you see like maui and you're like oh wait this place is all right so i uh i have a hard time with i'd say 90 percent of the stories and recollections that are out there uh there's a lot of credit you're like giving to people too it's a rough estimate but like the lights in the sky that people see i think can usually be explained by other things it's but it's that if you want to believe in that that it's ufos and it makes you your curiosity is heightened and it makes you excited like you know your sense of wonder is fulfilled yeah then what's i don't see a problem in it there's never a sane expert in this realm or somebody who ever comes off like and that's really [ __ ] hard for someone who's like i'm not saying it ain't but if i'm skeptical you know and then someone's like some guy in a [ __ ] hawaiian shirt and you know shorts who's like lives in the desert and is just sunburned redder than the devil's dick [Laughter] two thousand i'm the guy that's all sunburned living out the desert staring at the sky every night hoping to see an alien i would still rather have more of that person than the gordon gekko looking from his booth like on the trading floor of wall street like yes bring me more money like i'd rather have that guy's sense of call it um curiosity greed almost like they want all the experiences that have not like are they just running away from all earthenly responsibilities yeah i do i mean as you know i i co-host the boogie monster with dave stone and it's the theoretically supposed to be talking about all this stuff but we don't really adhere to it too much but every story is like every time somebody sees bigfoot it's they recorded it on a flip phone from 2002. every time somebody sees an alien it's the guy who has the yeah like an alien and wears alien glasses and drives around the desert like you've you've wheeled it into existence you you've seen what you want to see yeah but that's i mean and that's like uh that's the dismissal of it too which is not something we're something we're trying to stay away from on the show but like like my my big issue is like did you hear so i saw it was like maybe a few months ago there was a story about like nasa or some kind of space agency got radio wave signals that they from a place they'd never had before oh yeah and i saw that and i was like well that's crazy interesting you know like and also that i'm like i don't know we don't know so much [ __ ] about other stuff it could just mean an asteroid flew through something and it created like things if if a rock getting thrown into a pond can produce waves and sound and energy and motion i don't understand why something else shifting through space couldn't produce something similar you know like so i'm not trying to excuse what happened or what they got or dismiss it even i just if i got to be open to the possibility that it could be aliens i also need you to be open to the possibility that this is what i'm saying is just about as logical yeah yeah yeah it's and also the the i mean my personal experience i remember once being on a you know drunken stone on a buddy's rooftop in san francisco years ago yeah seeing a formation of lights and i was like what like the part of me was like finally it's about time yeah they knew i was here they came at me but then there's still i'm you know still a based in reality person for the most part and i'm like well let's go over the long list of what it probably is before assuming that's everyone starts it yeah it's different you know nobody goes through the list and i went through the list and it turned out it was like um you know like the chinese paper lanterns yeah that and they can tie them together so you can launch like six or seven of them and it floats very slowly and makes a formation kind of in a formation and i was like oh i was sad that that's what it was but then that informed me like all right let's look at all these other cases and like okay we can dismiss this as like if you're in indiana you can say probably not chinese lanterns yeah but probably not unless they're for a funeral of a chinese person that would kill was killed by the clan that's in indiana yes but if they got but i mean how many times is the government going to do an experiment with new technology they need to use the sky they don't just get to have a part of the sky like and then if if if they want to keep it secret and the best way to keep it secret is for a bunch of people running around on earth going it's aliens and they're like yeah you're right it's aliens and therefore they don't have to divulge any of their testing disinformation they just let the disinformation handle the publicity for it i guess that's a way yeah all right that's a i could see that being a method of uh disinformation i just know sometimes people freak out on reddit and they'll be like what is it you know like though some guy will just be driving on the 405 or whatever you know highway yeah and then you're like oh it's just a silver blimp so that basically eliminates everybody's opinion who liked that video or commented that it's aliens to me like like that cuts out right like uh they're not true believers they're idiots yeah it's it's the quickness to be like it's the unexplained it's like no you didn't try to explain it it doesn't mean it's unexplainable it's it means that you jump to the most illogical conclusion first before doing any of this you're [ __ ] bored and you're tired of watching tbs like or whatever but if and that's we're going to discuss we are is there anything wrong with that after this break [Music] shane your big uh blink 182 fan uh i did really like take off your pants and jacket when i was a youngin i was yeah was it when you're a little kid and uh the songs about pee and poo are funny yeah yeah well you know actually estranged one of its own members for being two and aliens imagine having your your pee and poo band mates saying hey man you're getting a little weird for us with the aliens yeah we're just trying to sing about buttholes and beating off yeah well i don't know what you gotta well you had to take a serious turn [Laughter] the uh i yeah tom delong a big ufo guy creativity to the stars academy he and he is also i think he he's like the most famous one in the past few years right like like in the past 10 years is there another like a-lister celebrity who really is out about that kind of [ __ ] well out about it and like created an organization to do research that has what would be considered very legitimate ties in the ufo research community like he talks to john podesta who's uh also obsessed with it he's got ties to um i forget who i like people in nasa like it's he is very much it seems trying to legitimize or be a part of the legitimization of the research of aliens of but then it's it's weirdly undermined because there's this fictional side to it where is it creating graphic novels about aliens and i just yeah i have a hard time when somebody's trying to go this is real and we should look into it as a serious thing also here's my uh fictional serialized account of what it would be like if there was aliens it's like well which one is fulfilling the other which is very rewarding the next you're it's very like uh l ron huberty kind of yeah yeah yeah you don't buy my books that are fake well it's a real religion now and now my books are the bible well also it's very like you know if he's our foremost guy on this yeah we're they're not we're never going to meet him the lip ring alone is going to be like it's a lie i'm not going to listen to this dude i'm not gonna listen to this manager of a zoomies tell me about what life on earth i refuse to let like anyone tell me that the person who's gonna have first contact with aliens is someone from san diego so i was like bro are you [ __ ] serious yeah [ __ ] maybe it will be an accounting t-shirt on account of his tattoo looking for tasty waves maybe that's exactly who's gonna come into contact with him i think you know what is interesting i do think probably more people out there believe in this stuff in positions of uh success and power who have a lot who have amassed a lot of wealth or notoriety who may also be scared to talk about it because they think it really could affect them yeah yeah well i think it's you could take a very passive role in it of like yeah why not like you don't have to go and that's the most acceptable one which is not like i think like like yeah why not i think is the most acceptable position to be like yeah it's possible but like that's also like that's also like do you believe in god it could he could be there an agnostic position that is also like i'm not going to get deep into it and i don't want to talk to you about it yeah yeah but good for you for being down with it yeah but some people are like probably way more into it than that but that has to be the position they hold at you know like so i don't it's a harmless belief system i mean what people want to get into like you want to spend your weekends seems more open-minded to me than than harmless it seems like yeah it's i think it gets dangerous when people like and this is where the government's covering it up and i gotta go raid this government building to show that there's proof of aliens but that's um i think that that type of individual like that's more of a mental illness that was gonna manifest in some way if it wasn't i gotta go find the bunkers that they hide underneath all the walmarts yeah yeah which is yeah it's very much like yeah it's like i have to go to denver international airport and figure out where the ray guns are or whatever i'm breaking under the tarmac dig through runway 4-7 sorry told him to move that flight to hawaii over to runway 6. yeah while i do my alien prospecting i got to show y'all what's up some people really might believe in it and may not be able to speak about it for fear of like being cancelled in some way like look at [ __ ] we're already talking about this tom delonge got you know take off your pants in blink 182 jack off guy and we're we're [ __ ] i'll tell you this he ain't doing as hot as he was 12 years ago i know that i don't know a lot well i will commend anybody who's like all right i've been a rock and roll star tour in the world and made millions of dollars now i get to deep dive on some weird [ __ ] and i don't care what you say i do respect somebody who takes their fame and wealth and like now i'm going bonkers yeah see everybody yeah and now it's a weapon for me to do what i want with yeah yeah but but he is going through legitimate channels like he is like i said he is going like starting organizations of legitimate research speaking at these conferences now whether you call the whole thing illegitimate that's different yeah he's not just he's not just a dude who bought like took his tour bus and parked it in joshua trees just run around on mushrooms with his dick out yelling they're real like i guess there's like a validity like what is the validity of his institutions too you know what i mean like you know like cause you know like when people you're like well i re i watched the news that was like a thing we all our parents just kind of trusted the news for years yeah you know and then you found somehow some news was horse [ __ ] so i guess like it really depends on the ethics around his organizations because it seems like he wants to believe in aliens so it does not seem like impartial he's met uh now that i just made the joke about him i read the uh this uh rolling stones uh article where's the guitarist has made several aircraft spotting pilgrimages himself driving in his airstream trailer to nevada test sites like area 50 what all right maybe he's uh yeah he's but he says he's got uh satellite phones night vision goggles and everything's registered with the state department he's honestly if you're just a amateur uh astronomer and you hope one of the stars moves i love i'm fine with it yeah i really just hate being beaten over the head with something that isn't proven and that's like and i'm not saying he's doing that he's just kind of speaking his truth or whatever which i can kind of handle it's again it's a consider the source thing it's the guy from blink182 who probably did a shitload of drugs and i don't care i don't think they were drug dudes though no that's another podcast i think you get deeper lyrics if you do drugs uh there's some pretty deep lyrics on there really yeah i'm gonna blink 182 all right man maybe we just gotta get you a wider exposure to music he does have he does he does say in this uh and this rolling stone article is uh this and this is from 2016. so take that money okay but his latest project is secret machines book one chasing said it was a 700 page novel he wrote with unc charlotte shakespeare professor aj hartley though fictional it's written with information delong says he gleaned from sources within the aerospace industry in the department of defense and nasa then he adds that sentence specifically was approved for me to say this is where i have problems where somebody creates a piece of fiction but going but see there's real information in it because then the viewer or reader or listener is free to run wild concocting which parts are true and which parts are fiction to then create an untruth that has factual elements and go around just speaking like well tom dalon's researching it and he said this happened where did he say it happened oh in his fictional book yeah like and that's you're muddying the waters yeah well like our [ __ ] we know and love sam t he wrote a book and includes people in it like yourself that we don't but it's a work of fiction you know so if someone comes up and he's like hey kyle you remember that time you did cocaine with whatever ollie joe shape or whatever you know like but it's also not uh science it's also not trying to prove something in the world it's like i understand adding real elements to a fictional story to just ground it but this this is like you're trying to prove something that people are skeptical of me personally i would think you would want a very open channel yes of like these are facts i've learned from scientists and uh people that work in nasa i wouldn't bury it and then like and then they went and had cheeseburgers and she winked at him and then they smooched also leading nasa scientists says that kissing developed from alien races as a way to pass genetic uh uh material from one another like that's peace they pull on their earlobes to signify yeah or whatever yeah [ __ ] so that's my like my issue with uh old tom delong's uh getting into it oh but uh jackie gleason do you remember jackie gleason to the moon you thought it was a threat of spousal abuse but actually it was just his admiration for extraterrestrials i mean they did uh what if one of these articles did start with that being mentioning the catchphrase i don't think they mentioned this he did just threaten abuse uh every episode that was part of the funny things where he threatened to beat his wife uh yeah they don't mention that uh he was a big uh ufo guy yeah so he said nick's built up built a whole house in florida with no right angles like an aerospace engineer designed his house what yeah an aerospace engineer designed his house in florida nixon came by and said uh yeah check out my ufo house richard nixon went to jackie gleason's house because he had a ufo house they don't those don't need to mix because it's jackie glee's it's there's no validity to this person in their position meeting a president but uh it's apparently through all these different stories that came up it was uh that uh nixon and jackie gleason would play golf regularly at gleason's home in florida and one of these days gleason was like well check out uh the spot the that i got um come to my house no i take that back it was nixon that took jackie gleason on a tour of uh of uh the homestead air force base according to this demogeek article where nixon gave him a tour in this air force base of basically showing like uh ufo technology and all this kind of stuff so nixon showed gleason a bunch of ufo [ __ ] that happened to be stored in florida because why not add a little bit more pepperdine this goes to proving my point that they don't need to be if if a president is just like hey here's a bray gun jackie gleason not the person who needs to know about it but this all ties like okay so this ties in with the idea that like during the cold war everybody thought ufos were a real thing because during the cold war like us and russia were trying to come up with whatever the new edge was outside of just pure military might yeah to beat each other that's where like the men that stare at goats type of thing yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah psychological warfare like like psyops type of [ __ ] mk ultra which is like i do have a heart like i know when people are like anti-vaxxed like oh the government i'm like i'm not gonna trust the government like you're an idiot take your vaccine from like also they did uh give people acid without them knowing about it so i don't know um but so that like the ufo thing kind of blew up around that because whatever's like i was saying whatever secret military thing if somebody just some yokel on the ground thought it was a ufo and that got into the newspapers even better let russia think that there's uf we're developing ufos rather than a guy that actually saw a plane with a new wing design so that was beneficial in the propaganda department back and forth of never knowing what the other side is creating yeah i just i think it has the potential to create insane hysteria too yeah in order you know or any kind of like insane reaction to it you know like so well i'm well aware that this is the exact kind of conversation people avoid when they take the agnostic point of like aliens yeah i guess because then somebody like me goes like you know during the cold wars actually they they favored the misinformation because the other side couldn't discern what was true and what was false and what was you know the real miracle is that nobody came down here in 1980 and blasted us to kingdom come not some goddamn hockey game i think i don't think ufos have visited the earth i don't think they've been here i think they've maybe i think i don't think they've landed and intermingled the way a lot of these stories are well they live together in underground bases and everything i don't what is the single most convincing have a story or fact you have heard first off i don't understand why we keep thinking that ufos are just made out of metal and glass like they have windshields like that's a big one for me like why are they all why do they always look the same yeah you can travel the faster than the speed of light but you still need a windshield to know like oh no back it up a few feet but we otherwise we can't fit into this parking space cut it cut it like why are they all yeah why are they all of the same relative size as us whether they're like shorter or taller but eyes and arms and the same shape as a human being well they could be uh microscopic they could exist as molecules um here's another one octopuses or however you want to pluralize octopus octopus octopus have have yeah octagooches [Music] they uh the suction cups they evolved into being what they are like we're all like this primordial ooze the fish that crawled out of the pond type thing and developed all forms of everything's evolved from that yeah from a single organism kind of approach or whatever yeah and an octopus and granted i am i hate to break it to everybody not a scientist so let's not go like me you anybody quoting me a lot of people do call you the joke doctor anybody that's not a still not science that's just i get in there and i figure out what's wrong with your funny bone more of a joke practice more of a joke practitioner i don't really do the the blood against things but they that they yeah if anybody quotes me for what i say in terms of science it's like telling somebody well tom delonge said aliens are real yeah that's like this clearly cannot you can't be used as a source in this situation here's some word play about ass eating um but they developed they're they're completely unique in the way that they evolved versus like humans and primates or cats and like four-legged creatures and mammals and insects and everything else they're their own thing that's it and they're hyper intelligent each of their tentacles isn't it's not just like you have an arm it's like imagine your appendages all had their own brain to communicate with one another like oh like the simple idea of like playing a guitar i know how to match up a chord with when i strum this but much more complicated tasks which is why they can figure out how to open jars and escape their tanks and escape a room that they're held in they can crawl across cross floor figure out how a door handle works and get out they have eyes like human beings like that and that's in the ocean of which we don't know what's down there that's it maybe aliens maybe aliens visited and they're just hanging out in the depths of the ocean because they know that's a safe hiding space first of all i did not know that about octopuses i i'll be completely honest i'm pretty unsettled just by the old octopus thing now look what you're saying right yeah right it's wild how dominate your your dominant side can be and how useless your your like your left hand happens to be if you're if you're right hand dominant think about like whatever disney cartoon had an octopus bartender and they actually nailed it way more than anybody else like yeah that's pretty much what an octopus can do is like two arms going oh this needs a little bit of horseradish and more salt and then the other two arms like oh dirty martini you got it and the other two are making change out of the drawer like that's that's accurate charlene just wrote the original question what is the single most convincing uf story or fact you've heard what's wrong charlene octopus bartender too off topic i'm just wondering where this is going [Music] it's a pretty open-ended concept uh the analogy you're making if i'm wrong correct me uh is that that is such a different thing happening here than like normal like mammal of all the other life and organisms that exist on earth that can be related into like well uh this thing turned into these two things and they turned into those four things and then that genus uh was created yeah that an octopus is just an octopus and it's so why couldn't there be disturbingly create you know original yeah mars octopus or whatever like they're yeah and i thought of like that's not related as much to any other organism maybe that's what early alien life and the formation formidable years of living organisms on earth that's from something like a meteor that came down and then crashed down to earth and it came from that like that is an alien that's life from somewhere else that evolved into the octopus that lives here on earth yeah but was created there the fact that there are water under this part where black people are talking about aliens start to sound like lunatics like we're already we're really and this is where i'm excited about it this is where i'm like they're they're real of course they're real we just don't have the proof of the clothes but the fact that there's water on other planets and that yeah okay there's water that can be in water that's the thing i think of more than anything like if there's water on other planets there's there's i think there's a good chance like it's not as juicy of a story as a oh man well there was big old light above me one night after i did a bunch of meth in the forest and then it sucked me up yeah you know then and now the fire in the sky yeah it's not fire in the sky exciting but that's the fact that's the kind of stuff that makes me 100 percent allow the possibility you think there's any celebrity out there that keeps making these kind of alien like a will smith type who always makes so many alien movies and it's just like these are actually kind of like documentaries to me charlie [Music] our producer charlene's getting a little impatient with where this section of the podcast went what's the matter charlene truth invading your reality yeah maybe open your mind yeah open your ears sorry you can't go to p.f chang's in burbank right now but we're trying to lay some truth bombs down on you it's it's unfortunate that all the loudest representatives of ufo culture are the ones that make me go like well this isn't helping yeah oh there's rarely a decent story that comes out where i'm like oh i like this kind of makes sense like there's the one i can't remember his name now but there's a recent documentary that came out on amazon about and he's just saying like he's like i'm at risk telling you this but these are the facts that i know about what the guy like they always have top secret clearance then somebody researches that clearance like yeah top secret clearance is basically like genuine leather it's like the cheapest [ __ ] yeah it's like i'm like i'm a weeblos and then there's still boy scouts where the actual skills are taught you know yeah yeah yeah you know like we're talking about like okay it's harmless if you want to believe that aliens are real and you want to go out camp in the desert and pay a little more attention to the skies and be excited if you see a shooting star and what could it be and that's great there's nothing wrong with that it's when you start taking the conspiracy theories like well it's because it's a cover-up and then that warps your idea of like the government's lying to us and then all of a sudden you're on 4chan going q said we need to storm the capitol building yeah and well that's the bad that's the battle i do wonder what the uh amount of kiwa non-believers that are also alien believers like personally i feel like that's the entry i feel like that's the first i kind of feel like that too i feel like it's imagine somebody believes q anon trying to shoot down any other conspiracy yeah that's very true that's like that's like somebody who believes in flat earth saying there's no such thing as low-fat yogurt shut the [ __ ] up you shut up you [ __ ] speaking of morons we're gonna hear from some callers next [Music] well i've spoken enough about my take on this yeah we want to hear from our meow meows or kitty cats [Music] but we'll never stick i hope it will they don't baby wants some milk saucer you're grossing me out and you're sashaying in your own chairs making it even more haunted be like that my little kitty kitty cat oh god look at you you look like the brokest cam girl right now yeah anyways kyle and i like to call this section getting milked so why don't you give them yeah that's a lot all right everyone let's take some calls still just try to have some fun fun with my buddies uh here's some here's our first call let's get on hey kyle and shane anthony from phoenix uh i don't particularly have my own alien story but my grandpa was in the air force as an air traffic controller back in the 50s and him and two of the guys said that they saw a ufo called it in they were told they didn't see anything that they needed to get their eyes checked they restationed my grandpa from california to france stationed another guy in korea and one somewhere in europe all as well and every night for the next three years they got a phone call asking what they saw and had to say we didn't see anything and then the caller would hang up years later my grandpa became a general's assistant for the guy who did project blue book and asked him if they could confirm or deny what he saw that night and the guy came back a couple weeks later and told him that they couldn't validate it being any type of air force testing or anything like that so i don't know if that's interesting but best wishes to you guys take care oh [Music] spicy biscuits that one uh that does definitely sound like that's the air force testing things and yeah we will intimidate you in to you making sure you say you didn't see anything and here's the suspicious stories suspicious for sure but here's the thing with stories like this people get moved in the army they get transferred in the air force and like that's the thing that happens all the time that's not a big enough deal like that's not a fact that needs that doesn't provide any like facts to this story outside of the [ __ ] cold every night though i i got my my my i don't know about getting called every night that's gotta be that you're going to tell me that his grandfather never went out in three years every night he just sat at the phone i don't know my my my doubt lies and that was a grandfather telling a story like that's the thing that's the point of being a grandparent is you could just lie to your grandkids like you don't have to worry about how they develop in the real world because you're a grandparent and if you did a good enough job as a grandparent your child the parent of that your grandchild that's their responsibility to shape that as a functioning member of society as a grandparent be like yeah i saw aliens and then they sent me to france and they called me every night and said did you see an alien i would absolutely do that [ __ ] i don't want kids but i'd love grandkids but like make me an uncle because i would lie out my ass to them every chance i got to put wonder into the world that's your job as a grandparent i like the wonder yeah i don't know uh we do appreciate your grandfather's service though we're not we're not trying to [ __ ] on that at all um but i don't know man it doesn't the general's assistant think what do they tell assistants like it's another one california and phoenix though a lot of big open area to do either to do testing or if you were to visit from outer space oh look here's a here's a large swath of land without lights on so we can probably pop down there without being uh detected you know but can i ask this question don't a lot of places in the country doesn't every state have a large swath of land without lights on it yeah but it's probably like oh is there vegetation if there's vegetation it means that there's going to be people there like farmland they're going to cultivate it they could probably oh that's like heat sensors they could tell or maybe it's because they know there's military bases out there like what's a lot of activity doing in this one remote place in the middle of nowhere we should probably poke around at that because that's probably going to be where they're going to shoot at us from here's the thing that's actually something that makes sense to me hypothetically mm-hmm and if i was in a person who read something in a book from tom de la like that could be a thing that could like kind of be like well it might push the needle a little more in the other direction story works that story works that story does work tell your pat paul thank you let's go what do we got next give us one charlene hit us with it all right here we go dealer bust with house wins hey there train uh hey there uh hey there kyle um now as far as aliens being real i mean uh i like the thing they are and spice up uh you know different kind of folk we got walking around these parts the lord knows i'm getting tired uh try to do a little something therefore uh of the types of people we got down here so maybe we get some large spindly finger green fellas coming for a visit maybe they teach us how to play some alien hopscotch or something anyhow i think it'd be real cool they did exist so uh i'm uh i don't believe that it's really possible that's just the horniest guy in lafayette louisiana who even being bisexual isn't satiating him he needs something else to come down and get weird with him some of these friendly green fingers that's a good a friendly green finger is just like a gardener who's also a molester that's just doing friday oh me and old green fingers going out bowling maybe have a few adult pops see where the night takes maybe it'll teach us how to play alien hopscotch this is exactly the attitude that i'm talking about good for you maintain a sense of curiosity and wonder i have no problem with anything he said i just have a problem with the possibility of what he might do with these aliens what they got or what they might do with him he seems real open-minded yeah yeah well especially with the porky pig stutter into the like that i get i get i get i guess if you gotta look up my butthole for the better of mankind i'll let you do it pro popin minded that was awesome thank you very much you keep calling in buddy i love that i want your opinion on other things i like his opinion on life tell us about bitcoin [Laughter] we did get a call from an actual astronomer what yeah it's kind of long so if you want me to pause it just let me know but uh yeah we just give you like a thumbs up or something yeah yeah yeah uh so here's kevin kevin the astronomy hi guys my name is kevin i'm a like a an astronomer like a professor in arizona of astronomy so i if you're an astronomer people ask you all the time about aliens they just every party i've ever been to if that's if people find out i'm an astronomer they want to know about aliens so i'm gonna tell you what i tell them which is it uh can we pause real quick if there's a professor listening to us of course he's from arizona like it's following either of us on instagram like that's already this is guys this is a state school teacher that's one thing i am saying right now call me dr kevin i [ __ ] i'm banging it out over at asu yeah ghosts on devils go sun devils and also you know maybe you need to look at the way the moon's affecting the tides this year anyways oh yeah kevin from arizona i love this keep going he's gonna have blonde tips like every star pretty much have planets around it like it'd be super super lame if we were the only ones but um emily has a hundred billion dollars in the universe so like there's probably aliens out there um but i don't i don't think the aliens have come to visit us because why we suck humans and earth is like if you are an alien and you can travel many many light years through the universe you know through the galaxy on a journey of discovering exploration we are backwoods as we are the worst i would not want to stop and like i would just go right by the earth and be like not not today uh and so i i think that when people tell you that aliens came that's like a lot of effort to like probe an anus or something like i think i think really like if you can travel appreciate the medical term though enlightened and so beyond whatever we have to offer that we're not of interest to you uh aliens so i think that the the main way we're gonna find aliens if we find them is by looking out for them and as of right now we haven't seen them i can i can tell you when you become an astronomer and you get a phd they don't like take your side and say like by the way aliens are real uh what actually happened it's still a lot of work uh and it turns out that it's very hard to find other planets like the earth and it's very very hard to find other planets where life you could exist that might want to communicate with us and you know maybe life inherently just destroys itself i mean look at how close humans have done it like for we've only been around for several thousand years and we're almost about to kill ourselves so maybe life is just like a little blip and that's why we haven't seen it but as a [ __ ] i prefer to believe that it's just it's science really really hard to talk into space right like it's really you know hell like you get bad television signal and like we have television towers on the other side of mountains right so like what do you think that you know our television broadcast going to go out of space and aliens is going to have this incredible you know antenna on their roofs they can cast the television signals no it's a thing where this guy is losing me and he's for sure not a professor anymore i don't know he's absolutely right nobody's gonna develop like we didn't this is what he said is gonna go into space we didn't figure out how to break the sound barrier just so we can go to see what mcdonald's looks like in beijing you know he's right about they're not good they're not going to develop all this technology and then go to earth with it they can fly by and goes i hate that i hate that the movie the the the river phoenix film the explorers did cover what would happen if our tv signals went into space and it's that the aliens would only learn how to communicate us through uh sound bites from commercials and tv shows i haven't seen the movie in about 30 years but i think it was pretty funny uh you just undermined all the convincing you did of me it's a good movie it's a fun movie i hate why wouldn't they come to earth that's like such a that's such a [ __ ] like not a good statement to me i think this guy probably is actually a pa has a phd as a bright man what but like why that's an opinion you know who the [ __ ] wants to go to the desert lots of people do it it's awful it's hot it sucks why don't you stop when you're driving from one city to another city why don't you stop at the town that says radishes buy three get two free why don't you stop there buy three get two free first of all i'll have you know i had a great time in toledo but like but that's the reason you could drive by and go like ah i get it yeah but that doesn't mean there's it's not we're all flyover planet we're a flyover planet we're a flyover planet jesus christ i just don't i don't like that i don't like that like like why wouldn't they think because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not but also well that's that's true but also this doesn't mean this isn't true we're just making this assumption that aliens only want to come somewhere to gain something maybe they want to go somewhere to help somebody maybe they could do that huh those are called angels shane you're confusing your belief systems you're so fortunate that's so shitty that you [ __ ] you you know i was making a good point there you son of a [ __ ] but yeah like i've been in this goddamn generic deb webb all goddamn afternoon yeah that's like it's not fair why are we always going to war with these goddamn things maybe we don't we only think that because of the movie thing it's like it's like the windshield thing you were saying earlier wow somebody doesn't believe in angels either okay let's go to the next call is where we done with this call with this goddess no [Music] i want to hear his dismount let me hear it yeah yeah where is it just a and so you have to infer by being very clever that alien or that any type of life might be there and it's just it's hard it's hard to do so i'm not worried that we haven't seen aliens i don't believe they came to us if they did that they would probably not fly around like super obvious metal spacecraft and hover around buzz like pilots or whatever they'd be pretty good that's it okay he got abducted he either got who can't figure out that he's driving into a dead zone no but he was too close he was he was he was passing through one of those towns that doesn't even have a goddamn cell phone signal just like aliens probably the aliens probably go by earth and they're like the wi-fi is crappy we don't need to stop there all right we're just we got him that's it kevin we hope you're okay next time i hope you're i do it all right i would like to hear you get a change of mind because this is [ __ ] horseshit the way you present i got you kevin you're assuming that all these enlightened people all these enlightened beings all these people who have all this technological advancement might not see the value in saving something or seeing thinking there might be potential in earth huh next caller how often do you go to jersey more than i want to as a good as a good deed as a charitable effort oh you know what i bet you somebody's hungry in newark let me get on the train how often are you so close to becoming one of these nutter butters you already bought your van you don't even get a [ __ ] start with me you're going to be out in the woods with dave eating mushrooms and sucking down chili dogs like a john cougar melon camp song and then you're going to post a picture of a goddamn galaxy and you'll be like i think we saw aliens tonight and all your fans are going to think it's a joke but then really i'm going to be like really you're breaking the first tenet of this show which is that we celebrate what might ostracize some people i am celebrating i'm seeing the potential in these aliens that you guys never even [ __ ] thought of i'm standing so far ahead of you i'm behind you [ __ ] if i could just turn into denzel washington okay well we have two calls left charlene please interrupt us uh here comes the next one hi kyle and shane she sells i don't know why people freak out about aliens i mean there's probably aliens because why wouldn't there be but like i don't know why people are afraid of them like they're probably just doing their alien jobs and going about their alien life not really thinking about us that much or maybe as much as we think about them so there's like a few people who are like freaking out about us on alien planets but like most of them probably aren't smart enough to get here just like most of us aren't smart enough to figure out where the aliens are so i don't know have a good day oh this woman is so much more on my wavelength that's so much better probably just trying to get by lunch is the italians it's a lopsided breakup i mean she is using the same argument of why wouldn't there be aliens why wouldn't aliens come here that you just got mad at but sure yeah i just didn't like the the trash and of earth really okay we have one more okay well let's open this up this will spread us into at the clubs i believe oh hold on or a whole new world aliens are awesome [Laughter] yes yes either side of what we're arguing about we can all agree aliens are awesome ah little fun green men ones that want to blow up the earth awesome is a term that could be used for both of those i think so awesome like god's power jesus christ used for good or used for bad just like you're saying shane then why don't they yeah i just didn't like that they were all just like maybe it kind of made me feel bad about earth you really got into uh somebody you just found out santa claus wasn't real type of vibe there you got hey what that's a different episode lying to children is it bad we covered that well yeah i i mean to to reinforce shane i didn't mean to upset you so much with the fact that it's fine buddy i love it i argue interested in us i don't like some [ __ ] academic quack calling into this very educational podcast and not giving another side of the argument this is like it's crazy kevin kevin i'm with you so just so you know yeah yeah doctor kevin toby's now straight out of tucson i i didn't hate his some of his points i just i just don't understand why the assumption is that all aliens want to do is not [ __ ] with us or destroy us when he's an actual astronomer who studies the space from which aliens would come from i think what we have our assumptions and he's the one going listen i'm sure they're out there but why would they care about us when you have that much else to explore it's like like i think his argument is like why focus on our that's the just the self-centered argument that like but we're people and we're exciting and we have consciousness and we have so much to offer and with what else is out there it's probably we're like you know when you go to the zoo and then they just have like raccoons and you're like i have raccoons in my yard like i don't give a [ __ ] about raccoons i want to see elephants and dolphins and [ __ ] yeah yeah like that's that's what that's what the earth is is like the hamster exhibit that also has but i don't know why we underst what but like my thing with the zoo analogy is why is every other planet san diego zoo well san diego's come up a lot on this episode which is obvious maybe that's the next episode is just san diego because i have strong opinions um it is though this is maybe this is just an ant farm again if they have the technology to travel faster than the speed of light through the vast reaches of space why would this planet be interesting when our regular airplanes still crash all the time well we're prepubescent in the eyes of the rest of the universe i think yeah but i don't understand why we're assuming that we are the prepubescent ones because i don't think we're all that great yeah but that doesn't mean that something else is much better no and they and they we might not see them that was what the young lady was saying about like maybe they're just out there on a similarly like she's also thinking i like her [ __ ] but think about that how everything's developed not everything started at the same time not all life started just because our universe had the big big bang however many millions of years ago doesn't mean that another universe started at the exact same time for sure life forms start at the same time it's all there might have been almost exact replica of earth a trillion years ago that was created formed people had iphones and then they died that might have happened already somewhere and it might happen again and so there might be a planet on the same there might be a planet that's like ours but it's human beings that are still cavemen yeah and they're looking at stars going on but that that's my point about like that we're not maybe you know maybe we're not the the pre-pube planet yeah but we're definitely not traveling like we're barely getting to mars we're like i mean i i'm filled with metaphors right now but we're like a kid riding it's riding his bike around the block for the first time metaphors [Music] it works they're functional in this area yeah yes i agree you know i just i don't know like if we think they could be out there but we don't know anything really yet it's a possibility right yeah yeah then our possibility is endless too yes i'm not optimistic about it but i'm not either but i gotta have a little hope it's been a rough year don't need this guy coming in telling me aliens are coming here and not [ __ ] with me he's not part of the miami house i'll tell him that i think well again if if it's not if you're not obsessing over it and it's not leading you into some sort of global cabal of blue anytime the words global cabal come up i'm like ooh man you need to finish your arby's order and get the [ __ ] out of my way anytime someone uses a phrase like that now i'm just like i guess the the news was saying that a lot last year that's all i think it's like yeah yeah yeah but if if as long as you're not going that way and it makes you like you know what i'm putting i'm going to sleep in the lawn chair outside tonight and start have a few buds yeah yeah yeah like i like that get a piece of that life and it and it gives you a nice perspective of like oh boy maybe the things that maybe my actions are inconsequential in a positive way that i shouldn't be so anxious about my choices and what i worry about in life maybe you know i shouldn't be so self-centered and focus on all my little [ __ ] i'll go about my day and feel better thinking like yeah man there might be whole civilizations out there who cares if i you know have the courage to ask somebody out or are you i always use that kind of motivation for like like what try and stand up comedy like there might be aliens who gives a [ __ ] if you bomb at an open mic that's all like a huge thing for me it's like i have to find ways saves me from being sad i um let's sum it up real quick let's let's try let's put our game face on kitty cat and let's get through this gotta put a little milk in your saucer and a little kibble in your bowl i don't know why this is the thing that you can make so you can make boom boom in your litty bitties anyways meow i can't do it aliens are real [Music]
Channel: No Accounting for Taste
Views: 1,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 59min 44sec (3584 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 18 2022
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