Nitro PDF Pro for Mac: Highlights & Comments

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welcome to nitro today we'll run through a brief overview of highlights and commenting your digital documents in nitro pdf pro for mac let's get started nitro pdf pro has a range of tools to assist with commenting and reviewing your documents making proof reading and collaboration easy to highlight text either go to the tools menu and choose highlight or click the highlight button on the toolbar choose the properties you want the highlight to be and drag and drop the text we can change the color by clicking the edit tool choosing the markup and changing the properties i can double click to add a note to the highlight or press delete to remove it the highlight tool has a drop down menu for additional styles such as underline strikethrough and squiggle there's also a remove tool to remove any of the styles the annotate tools lets me add texts links and attachments to the document options such as notes comments and callouts are available if i want to create a link i'll drag and drop where i want the link to be placed on the document and enter the url lastly the shapes tool lets me draw and scribble on the document there are predefined shapes that can be tailored to suit your document as well as the library to choose from that's all for today see you next time [Music]
Channel: Nitro Software
Views: 8,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Jaw5kI24D8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 54sec (114 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2022
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