NISSAN GTR - Everything You Need to Know | Up to Speed

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I don't know how the sub feels about Donut Media, but their up to speed stuff is actually fairly well researched from what I've seen, and the videos are good for simple car content that will probably learn ya something and maybe give you a stupid chuckle along the way. Congrats to them for hitting 100 up to speeds.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nobokomo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

... is that the NFS Payback cover car?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Doip πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I might be biased...but they couldn't have a picked a better car for their 100th episode. Sad to see what Nissan's up to these days. The GTR is still the best bang for the buck though

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FlXYOURGRAMMAR πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I fucking love this guy. Is this the consensus, or an I way out of touch?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/idownvoteanimalpics πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

u/tommyfyea can you please fact check this video

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KawiNinjaZX πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
It's the twin turbo, all-wheel drive Titan from Japan that turned the world on its head! It came. It saw. it conquered, then, it did it again FIVE MORE TIMES I've said it before and I'm gonna say it again Donut might not exist without this car This is everything you need to know to get up to speed on the Nissan Skyline GT-R [BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH] -Wait you already did this. It was your first episode. Yeah, but it was like Five minutes long and the coloring was really bad and we didn't even have a microphone or any lights and honestly You know what? Give me a minute. -Oh sure. Yeah. Take your time. I'll be here -July 2017 -July 2017 -July 2017 It wasn't available to most of us for decades, but it's an icon around the world An evergreen star of video games and movies Nissan Skyline is the quint essence of forbidden fruit This is everything you need to know.... [Technical difficulties, please stand by] [epic up to speed music] 100 Episodes of up to speed. Thank you So much for watching and helping us grow Faster and harder than we ever thought that we would The GT-R is such a special car to so many people that it only makes sense that we cover it again for episode 100 the way we should have from the beginning the first Nissan Skyline GTR dubuted in 1969 The brainchild of Nissan company man Shinichiro Sakurai born in Yokohama in 1929 Shinichiro was a no-nonsense man who expected the best from all of his employees He was known to train freshman engineers by making them practice tracing lines from morning till quitting time for weeks His reason was that if a designer who was trained in technical drawings to not see the point of drawing simple lines and gave up They should not be designing cars Sakurai had visited Europe and was inspired by the formula 1 racers he saw in person after getting back to Japan the Prince Motor Company put him in charge of building a racing car for the company this led to the GTRs predecessor the Skyline 2000 GT being a perfectionist he knew it could be better So in 69 a they dropped the GTR the GTR was a handsome-looking 4-Door Sedan with [whispering] a little secret Sakurai had taken a detuned 2 litre straight-six from the Prince R380 race car and stuffed it under the hood of the Skyline sedan The prints R380 was sort of like Japan's version of the GT40 but instead of being designed to beat Ferrari and LeMans it was designed to be Porsche in the Japan Grand Prix. It was a big deal for Nissan It was a big deal for Japan to put that winning engine in a passenger car. Keep in mind that sports sedans like this Really didn't exist back then unless you count the muscle cars that were at their peak in America at the time But those couldn't really handle the et are on the other hand well It could with a hundred and sixty buff as can be horses and semi-trailing arm suspension the Skyline GTR Was an absolute maniac on the track. I racked up 49 dubs It also earned itself a cute little nickname. It was boxy or Jaco in Japanese. It was a Sukkah or skyline in Japanese, Jaco suka hakosuka With so many wins right out the gate Sakura's son knew he found a winning formula little car big engine can't lose the 1971 GTR coupe had a shorter wheelbase and was wider than the previous model and looked more aggro to Shorter and more aggressive looking sounds like my brother farce the coupe also came with wider tires and a rear spoiler There was no mistake. This Misun was a true sports car Shinichiro overhauled the GTR entirely in 1972 this time adopting some muscle car fastback full of or Thanks to a strange marketing campaign featuring two fun love and kids named Mary and Ken Kendall MIDI not sky high This GTR is often referred to as the Ken Mary unlike the previous cars This GTR was not available in 4-door form Just who everybody does the skylines at the time were available with four doors just out there GTR Even though it looked like a muscle car designed by the RAM chargers Reinforces the Ken Mary sure didn't drive like one it was available with front and rear disc brakes Which was pretty uncommon for the time Unfortunately Nissan was only able to pump out a hundred ninety seven of these pups because of a little thing called the gas crisis Then in 1984 Sakurai son had fallen ill and was unable to complete the design of the next generation skyline he gave the Assignment to the only man he trusts with the task an engineer named Naga Mori Ito Ito saw had been a student of sin Ichiro for years and was ready to do his mentor proud the next skyline BR 31 was slated for release in 1985 ten years before post Malone was born coincidence Sakurai son was a legendary figure in the Japanese auto industry at this point a man who was known to call the skyline his alter ego and the Naga nori and Naga nori had to finish designing his successor while his boss was in the hospital What was a young man to the r31 dropped in 85 to lukewarm reception? Skyline diehards are a tough crowd to please and this new car just didn't do it for him There wasn't even a GTR model. This is not to say that there weren't sick r30 ones There was the gts-r group a car and the freakin skyline turbo C freakin sick anyway that Tenace story feeling that he had shamed himself and brought dishonor to his mentor ito son went back to the drawing board and got Working on a true successor to the cars that Sakura thought had made a worldwide phenomenon phenomenon The next GTR would be designed with one objective in mind in two phases dominate the Japanese Touring Car Championship group a division then Take over the world The new engine would also be turbocharged but also had a larger stroke than the previous RB 25 They called it the rb26dett Tt welcome to the world you legend you eat o son and the team dreamed up a new body to tuck this new engine under the new and improved our 32 GTR was a sporty but understated looking new coupe when they married the new chassis and the new Drivetrain together something new and amazing happened. The new car was a new level of new good they called it Great starting in 1989 The r32 GTR racecar was entered into the Japanese Touring Car Championships group a the series it was designed to dominate a member So how did it go out of all 29 races and entered the r32? Yeah one uh-huh Every okay Single go on one of a whoa no, I Know, you know that blue Cal sonic car from Grand Turismo 4 f1 both in 1990 and 1994 JTC Championship cementing it as the most famous r32 of all race cars in 1990 the r32 went over to the Nurburgring and ran in the 24-hour race and Won. It went to spa and won there It went to McCall and you guessed it it won there, too But the r32 's most impactful victories were still yet to come Gibson motorsport was a private racing team based in Australia and specialized in group a and Group C missins in 1990 Gibson got their hands on a Nismo tune r32 race car unnecessary parts Like the air conditioning anti-lock brakes and rear windshield wiper were taken off homologation rules mandated that Nissen built 500 of these things for sale to the public Gibson was used to building the rear wheel drive r31 skyline and found that parts for the new All-wheel drive car would be pay more expensive during the build process Gibson racked up a tab of over 1 million Dollars with Nissen that's slightly less Than I make for every episode of this show and they couldn't afford to do that every season So Gibson decided they would just build missing parts themselves by the end of their run with the GTR a few years. Later Only the body front and rear cross members and the engine block were built by Ness and Gibson built everything else They also build the sickest guitars Gibson motorsport and the Nissen GTR won the ATCC group a championship in 1990 1991 and 1992 the absolutely crushing victories earned a nickname for those monstrous NYSSA's they were titans from the Land of the Rising Sun who smashed? anything in their path from then on the GTR would be known as The gt-r achieved its last victory in Australia in the 1992 - II $1,000 after a controversial red flag finished the bright-red Winfield r32 sat in the winner's circle for the last time people were getting tired of seeing missins win all the time So for the 1993 season the ATCC changed its rules heavily favoring the v8 powered Fords Regardless Naga nori Ito his team and Gibson motorsport had achieved Nissan's goal of reclaiming the performance drone the r32 GTR was a great car. No doubt but at this point in the story It shouldn't be a surprise that Nissen wanted the GTR to be even better The GTR team was now led by kozo Watanabe Yo, there wasn't a better man for the job Remember that Japanese Grand Prix back in the 60s? Well a young kozo was that the very first one and saw that old prince get defeated by the British And Italian race cars. It was literally his destiny to lead the GTR team It is my destiny to lead the GTR team while testing the r33 Prototype at the Nurburgring engineer and test driver hero Yoshioka toe welded brace bars underneath the car to harden the dang thing up The bodywork was also much smoother looking downright slippery in comparison to the r32 Relatively boxy presence our 33 s wheelbase with four inches longer and an inch wider than the previous gen turns out The longer wheelbase was a good thing The r33 was more stable at high speed and the reworked aerodynamics to reduced lift in the front by nearly half The new GTR had a redesigned all-wheel drive system that could better split the torque between all four wheels Which all but solved the understeer problem of the previous car The rear-wheel steering system was also upgraded with electric servers, which could be adjusted on the fly Faster and more accurately than the old hydraulic system A lot of people think the r33 is a facelift at r32, but that's not the case The r33 was 20 seconds faster than the r32 around the Nurburgring with a time of 7 minutes 59 seconds making it the first sport coupe to go around that track in under 8 minutes There were tons of special edition our 33 GTRs. There was the super limited midnight purple option supposedly named for the infamous midnight club street racing syndicate Then there was the spec b which features stiffer suspension and an active rear? Differential which locked under acceleration and opened up when off the gas making sharp turns easier Then there was the lamothe or LM which had its all-wheel-drive system removed and a more powerful 400 horsepower engine they only made three of these things two were race cars that competed in GT 1 racing and one Road car which now lives in Nissan headquarters aka Confusingly the next special Edition is Moe LM limited, which was not the LM the LM limited was built in celebration of Nissen entering the LM edition cars at lamothe The LM limited has special blue paint carbon rear spoiler cooling ducts and some commemorative decals They also made some v-spec LM limited and I'm officially getting dizzy the coolest r33 of all was the GTR 400 our rs4 racing Instead of our b-26 like all the rest of the GTRs this special edition had a custom are be bored and stroked out to make are you serious dude? nah c'mon it's 100th episode Yeah dude go ahead! MO POWA BABEH!!! Do it with me! More power baby everybody How much more power 400 Hertz person Yes the 400 are had a zero to sixty of four seconds and a top speed of 180 miles per hot damp Nissan plan on making 100 of these bad boys But only ended up making 44 making them super duper ooper rare the r33 is the dark horse of the gt-r line It's definitely bigger than the others like Nolan who's a thick boy and not as popular also like Nolan But let's give it time and I think both of them will come and do their own However Watanabe heard people's criticism heard they wanted more so they would get more Just like the leap from our 32 to our 33 a major improvement for the r34 was aired Nimitz this car who wasn't sleek like last time the R34 is a blocky boy with angular cuts and aggressive features like a still Small divots on the fenders direct air around the front wheels pulling warm air out from the engine bay and cooling the brakes as much as 100 degrees Fahrenheit that's a 53 centigrade the air evacuation and new reworked front splitter work together to give the front end a lift coefficient of 0.1 which is basically nothing Under the hood the turbo got a new ball bearing ceramic turbine which decreased full-time and increased reliability our 34 engine also had more aggressive camshafts even more Powell baby the new GTR was fitted with a 6-speed Getrag Transmission the all-wheel drive was better. The wheel steering was better Everything was better and the special editions had an even mo better on top of that there was the v-spec the v-spec and 1b spec - he spec - Nervy spec - and 1m spec and m-spec nΓΌr. And don't even get me started on the race cars The r34 was a distillation of everything that made a GTR a GTR So in 2001 Nissen unveiled the GTR concept unlike the previous GTR models This car would not be a souped up Scotland, but its own thing entirely the design team for this concept was led by Hiroshi hase gawa who had worked on the Silvius 13 s 14 and the r34 the concept square shape and broad wheel arches were penned to look like the shoulders of a frigging samurai, the taillights are Definitely GTR the only major deviation from the design if you think about it were the headlights which had a modern more Vertical Z like look the new GTR or r35 hit the market in 2007 no longer was the GTR powered by the RB 26 It had done its task well, but it was time for something different something new The BR 38 de TT is an all-aluminum Twin-turbocharged v6, every engine is assembled by hand in a clean room And only the most experienced Nissan mechanics are allowed to work there There's only four guys with 100 years of combined experience between them Building the engines for every GTR and they deserve recognition I apologize. If I butcher your dam tsunami Aoyama Nobu Mitsuko zoo Izumi. She Lea and Takumi Kurosawa, thank you gentlemen for building this engine for us to enjoy the VR 38 initially made 480 her Spurs that wasn't super powerful But when has the GTR ever been about raw power I'll give you a hint never the VR was hooked up to an updated version of missons attesa system that Prioritizes rear grip this time around the combination of power and truly unbelievable All-wheel-drive grip made the GTR one of the hardest launching cars in history achieving zero to 60 in a lightning fast 3.2 seconds performance like that made the GTR a youtube mainstay with thousands of videos showing off cars at blistering speed People say that it drives like a video game like that's a negative The only reason we know about GTRs is because of Gran Turismo 2 of course the ark 35 drives like a Video game and of course there were special editions and racing versions like the 2008 Nismo Gt500 this car was so dominant that the Super GT League weighed it down With 100 kilogram ballast and it's still won the 2008 championship it was the first car to achieve a championship with a weight penalty in a Decade the last team to do that was the Pennzoil team in 98 behind the wheel of a bright yellow r34 GTR 100 episodes I Want to thank Kobe for putting up with all my crazy demands and never missing a deadline And also developing the entire style of this show visually Raghav for making the animations all the other super hard-working editors here donut. I want to thank Nolan It likes positive thing 100 episodes that's a century Jessie you're my partner. Yes I met you and my life changed Eddie You did the first one use of the first few Nolan you Evolve this whole thing with me. You're my protege. I love you I'm so proud of you have never been more proud of anyone in my life Felipe Your tip everyone that done it. I love you Matt. Thank you so much for making me do this and Thank you guys for watching this I catch like thank you for watching this This is absurd Oh Follow me on instagram edge a hungry dog emerged at Donna Mediacom
Channel: Donut Media
Views: 6,483,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nissan, nissan gtr, skyline gtr, gtr, nissan history, gtr history, nissan gtr evolution, r31, r32, r33, r34, r35, Donut Media, donut, doughnut media, Cars, Automotive, Car Review, Car Science, Car Tech, Best Cars, James Pumphrey, Up to Speed, review, everything you need to know, automotive history, donut media up to speed, up to speed donut media, skyline, jdm, gt-r, nissan skyline, nismo, nismo gtr, car history, nissan gt-r, r34 gtr, import, godzilla, specv, rb26, rb26dett, turbo, twin turbo
Id: pfaDYkeHd-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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