Nintendo is Infuriating

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[Music] this was not a video I planned on making at least not for a while but with the recent shutting down of the Wii U and 3DS Internet it's been fresh in my mind again and it's something that I need to get out there before I go back to my normal videos in my final fantasy video I mentioned that I really hate the modern gaming industry it's a constant barrage of Unfinished mthods microtransaction filed slogs and just horrid Executives running all of it it's a bubble so fragile that it's already starting to burst and who's getting punished the people who barely make enough to get by and didn't make any of the decisions that would have made that bubble pop what's kind of funny though is that Nintendo the main subject of this video hasn't contributed to that side that much it's got trashy live services with some of the worst microtransactions but those are such side games that most people choose to ignore them myself included but Nintendo is still scummy as hell just in a weirder more subtle way I kept thinking of how exactly to describe Nintendo in short terms originally I wanted to say hypocritical and while I do still agree with that to an extent the best way I can personally describe it is that it's kind of a weird monkeys paw of a company what I mean is Nintendo had and still has some of the most highquality products in the industry even their failed console the Wii U has so many great games that for years they've been ported to switch and have each sold Millions however with each good game with each good decision with each positive thing to come of it there is always always is some kind of snag sometimes those snags are gigantic sometimes they aren't but this video is meant to show some of those snags and why as a whole it shows how little Nintendo gives a [ __ ] about both its fans and its customers and how yeah I don't think it's that far from sinking to the levels of other game companies I think the most obvious issue that everyone sees is the way that Nintendo prices their games it doesn't matter if it's a spin-off with not a lot of content or a fully-fledged game or an HD remaster of a game 60 bucks or potentially nowadays 70 look at Mario Odyssey this game is so polished and so wellmade that I am more than willing to pay 60 bucks for it at launch but now look at Mario Tennis Aces a good game I like it quite a bit and it had plenty of free updates and it ended up solid but in what universe is a game like this costing the same amount as a game like this ever justifiable not only that but even five plus years past launch both are still $60 you know what other Nintendo games are $60 all of them it doesn't matter if if one was clearly a budget title while another was a game with years of time dedicated to it there's a lot of theories why but here's my two cents I think it's partially because Nintendo knows their history and knows they have a massive fan base willing to Shell out 60 bucks no matter the game they also know that by making it clear that they won't lower prices people will buy all of their stuff day one and finally it's to lessen secondhand sales I'll get to this more in a sec but Nintendo hates the idea of people who aren't them selling their games and by not lowering prices it makes use copies cost a lot more to the point where you're more willing to spend the extra $10 or so for brand new what's even more infuriating is that half the time Nintendo doesn't even want you to play their games what do I mean well for example I want to play the game tomadachi life it's a very Charming little 3DS game that of course understandably is now out of print now I could go on eBay or to a used game store or I could open up my DS right now and go to the eShop and get the game there for only $20 except now since last year I can't this is where the most stupidity lies is I have the money to buy the game I want Nintendo to take it but they refuse so instead what would be the easiest way to get and play the game today well I don't want to pay the incredibly high prices that this game goes for now and even then I don't want to wait for shipping so you know what I'm going to say emulation hell hack a 3DS pirate it this is getting easier with each day and there's less reasons not to do it each day as well however this this really Ruffles their jammies as Nintendo is constantly going nuts trying to shut these emulators and hackers down so that nobody can get to these games I get that they're in their right to do so but in the end people were willing to pay for these games and Nintendo refused I'm not even saying they need these games to be on store shelves I'm saying they could have just kept the eshops up Nintendo is a multi-billion doll company a couple of already poorly optimized online shops are literal pennies to them but no they don't want your money for these games anymore anymore so you shouldn't even want to play them or maybe you should play the new games on the switch instead and this is where stuff gets truly scummy to me let me give you another example oh boy they released Metroid Prime 1 on switch in HD ooh but it's $40 okay you know what instead I'll get Metroid Prime Trilogy on Wii U that's all three games for 20 Buck oh wait I can't get those anymore and the only legal way to get Metroid Prime 1 on a modern console now is the $40 version or what about Majora's Mask that game's great oh it's on the eShop for1 well uh how can I play it now oh instead of paying $10 for the one game I want that I get to keep on my WiiU forever I have to pay 50 per year just to play it on switch and yeah you get other [ __ ] with it but there's a reason none of these games are available on their own anymore because then you might end up forking over less cash to play them I just want to play one of these games not all of them again the easiest answer to this is piracy and emulation which is why Nintendo is cracking down on that [ __ ] because they want the final word on when these games should and shouldn't be purchasable or playable Gabe Newell valve CEO has said that piracy is a service problem meaning that piracy isn't just used by people who don't want to pay for games it's used by people who want access to games and don't have it again Nintendo can sue however they want it's their right but it's completely hypocritical to not even be willing to have a platform selling these games and then get upset when people pirate them instead piracy is the only real competition Nintendo has when it comes to their legacy content which is why we shouldn't just sit down and swallow the [ __ ] the company is doing even if we like their games it's disrespectful to the medium and disrespectful to the fans speaking of which how often has Nintendo disrespected fans am2r a complete fan-made labor of love that Nintendo shut down because they were afraid that people might not buy Samus returns and play this literally completely different game instead we want to buy their product but Nintendo doesn't want to sell it so why should they be upset when we get it ourselves and this is where we get back to that Original Point despite how conspiratorial it sounds keep in mind I fully believe this Nintendo thinks that if it doesn't sell a specific game anymore you shouldn't want it as weird as that sounds we've already heard multiple game Publishers saying Gamers shouldn't get used to owning their games they've always hated things like secondhand stores for this reason but here's the thing they sell products their businesses that sell us an item and once that transaction is done it's not theirs anymore obviously it's because they want that continuous flow of cash from us and not just that onetime purchase but obviously [ __ ] that I don't want to play Pokemon Sword right now I want to play Crystal and I would and I have paid for it but if they won't take my money I'll just download a ROM I want a standalone download of Mario 64 but if they're not going to give it to me I'll download a ROM but there's one other big reason seeing Nintendo shut all of this stuff down toess resses me it's very subjective but in my eyes it's very important when I was around 14 or 15 in the 2010s I went to a game store and used some birthday money to buy an Nintendo 64 a controller and a few games as I sat down and plugged it all into an old CRT TV I no longer own I had a thought of wow it's so cool that I get to experience the feelings of people in the '90s who are in this exact scenario and what depresses me is that with these shutdowns people can't do that anymore with these consoles setting aside my personal love for the Wii U for a second the 3DS is an incredibly beloved console and it is still more than worth picking up one to play some of these fantastic games that are still exclusive to it however nobody can experience the feeling of using a 3DS at its prime anymore because me verse is dead because you can't get those digital games anymore and because you can't play any of them with friends over the Internet anymore and yeah I guess that's part of gaming in an online age but it really never had to be again it really wouldn't have costed much to keep these shops up and running to do the literal zero server maintenance Nintendo does on games like Mario Maker 1 and Splatoon but it's easier to get us to pay more or make us beg for products if they abandon the consoles and I really hate that as happy as I am that the Thousand-Year Door is getting a remake I hate that it was so surprising because of our expectations that Nintendo had abandoned that game and other games like it I hate that that's just something we've swallowed and yeah I don't really have a solution this video was kind of me just shouting my grievances into the Aether I just don't think it's right to sit back and let these games be abandoned because the company who made them decided we didn't want them anymore I still enjoy Nintendo games I'm looking forward to some Nintendo games this year and I'm probably as you're listening to this playing some games on my switch but that doesn't mean I'm just going to consume and not question why all of this stuff is happening just remember a couple things for me it's really easy to emulate or hack a 3DS or Wii U one Google search is all you need piracy is also a victimless crime and also I'm never coming back [Music]
Channel: Cole, The Fact Guy
Views: 349,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Essay, Nintendo, Game Industry, Wii U, 3DS, Switch
Id: lq3lt_s0cb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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