Nintendo E3 2021 Predictions

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to zeno's nintendo direct at e3 2021 predictions extravaganza i am your host xeno and today we are talking all predictions all those things i got some big ones i'm excited i'm i don't know if you guys can tell i'm really excited about today's video predictions are fun and that's just all they're meant to be uh i mean look at my predictions from the beginning of this year video many of those are dead wrong so i mean predictions are made to be broken but it's still fun to do it and see if you can get anything to work out in your favor and uh if you're right at all and sometimes you are and it's just fun to think about the possibilities you know i always look at things this way and i've said it many times before but the journey is just as important as a destination and for a lot of games uh just just finding out about them for the first time is ingrained in my memory more than actually playing them so just for that reason e3 is a very special time and i'm ready to welcome it back with open arms i am opening my arms you guys cannot see that right now but that's what i'm doing so let's be a part of the process and let's start making some predictions let's try to figure out what we are going to be advertised next week before they can even advertise it to us i want to start with a preface here because i will not be talking about every game that i think is going to be in this direct it is 40 minutes long there's gonna be a lot of stuff in here probably a little bit of fluff as per usual probably a little bit less because it is e3 but um let's say like even third-party games like no more heroes or monster hunter stories too they're probably gonna show up in this direct but i'm just not going to talk about them here today because frankly we don't have time i'd be here forever so the february direct this year did a pretty good job of setting up the first half of the year and a few other things uh that have yet to come out so we know that a few of those are probably going to make an appearance here i'm thinking mario golf which comes out a week after the direct skyward sword that hits in july pokemon diamond pearl and arceus uh it's a little up in the air if those two show up because pokemon usually likes to do their own separate thing before e3 but they haven't announced anything yet and i'm recording this the tuesday before like a literal week before e3 and they haven't announced anything so we'll see maybe by the time this video comes out that's outdated but yeah we'll see splatoon 3 is probably the biggest tangible thing on the horizon with the 2022 release date i think that'll probably get a trailer in this direct uh maybe a story trailer kind of like they did with the other two games project triangle strategy i could see that going either way with the trailer and then we have the classics the ones that always show up at e3 and we have been waiting for for years bainet three maybe or maybe camille could just walk out on screen and say development is progressing smoothly and metroid prime4 no so that's the stuff we know about which actually isn't too bad i mean the second half of the year is still kind of a big blank but that's what it's usually been before e3 in regular years which we're kind of starting to see the return to a regular year this year so yeah but alas e3 is nothing if not a good place to show off brand new games which i think there might be just a good handful of uh some new announcements to be made at e3 which i i don't think that's a very bold prediction the boat part comes in in trying to predict exactly what is going to happen and to be honest with you i feel like i've taken a more safe approach this year and i'm actually really happy with my predictions and i could see them actually being true like i i look at this uh list of predictions and i'm like this could actually like be the direct now of course it's not going to be the direct i might get one or two right but i don't have any insider information i'm just going off of what other people say and uh i also even if i did have it right i'm sure that nintendo would find a way to uh change the schedule last split second somehow they knew they they knew that my list was was right and they're like no we can't we can have that no leaks but anyway enough of the rambling let's get into the production because i know you guys want to hear them let's start with the start of the direct which i think is going to be a smash bros character we've had this for like i think the past two years it's just like at this point it's always been as far as i'm concerned modern nintendo is always going to lead uh their e3 direct with a smash character reveal and uh who is it gonna be this time to be honest with you i forgot to write it down in my notes uh and that just that kind of drives home the point i have no idea and i don't really care because at this point we've had so many great characters just let sakurai have a vacation if i had to choose though i think i'm just i'm gonna stick with two of my predictions from the beginning of the year which was i think crash bandicoot crash needs to be in it he's the last big icon like we need someone for sony and crash is kind of sony even though he's now activision so it kind of works i think crash is a a good piece to fit in there and uh let's say let's bring it back waluigi i i know but i think maybe i i kind of love it you know to end it with waluigi it would be quite a way to end it so we're going to start off with smash but then we're gonna dive right into another brand new game announcement which i think is going to be fire emblem echoes fire emblem echoes what that's a game that already came out no it wasn't it was shadows of valentia that was a subtitle it was a whole weird thing like fire emblem echoes was the name for the new series they were gonna start of remaking fire emblem games but they've only done one and it's been such a long time i think it's coming back this year three houses did really well and i think that the team on that along with that i think coy tecmo was working with him on it they are probably making a sequel but intelligent system they have worked like on multiple games at once so i think that a remake of one of the classic fire emblem games could also be in the pipeline i've heard rumors that are going with genealogy of the holy war as the one they think is going to be remade and i'm going to say that i actually agree and not just because of the rumors from what i've heard genealogy is one of the most popular fire emblem games that never came out anywhere outside of japan now it is the fourth in the series and we've already had remakes of shadow dragon and gaiden which would mean they're kind of skipping mystery of the emblem there but uh i don't know i feel like they're gonna do it genealogy of the holy war i just got a feeling about it you know uh and if not that maybe it's mystery of the emblem kirby kirby is a series that never stops and i don't think that it has in these past few years either so our last mainline kirby game was star allies in 2018 and it's it's been a few years since then now we've had all these reports about kirby doing a huge like step forward with the next game it's going to be a whole new thing and everything and i know that's what a lot of people would maybe be expecting this year maybe that is what they're going to show off no i don't know i just i feel like it's it's going to be another year but the thing is in the meantime i think we're going to get another spin off because kirby just absolutely freaking loves its spin-offs uh the thing is i don't know what that spin-off is going to be i thought maybe like something brand new which i can't really predict um i'm i i can try kirby golf we need more golf games actually kirby does have a golf game kirby dream course 2. you guys heard it here first e3 it's coming strap in and get ready to have your mind blown because actually kirby dream course is a really fun game and i would be totally down for a new sequel i guess maybe mario golf would conflict with that a little bit but to be honest with you i would be more excited for a kirby dream course too than i am for mario golf now which you've all been waiting for nintendo has not given it the time of day whatsoever but it is finally going to happen at e3 zelda is going to get a spotlight for its anniversary and it is going to get so much love in the form of a double pack of games that were already released on the wii u twilight princess and wind waker hd double pack announced 60 dollars wii u versions of the game just supported the switch i think that's that's what we're going to get kind of like 3d all-stars maybe even a little more lazy though i think that's what's going to be the big anniversary game for zelda this year that and skyward sword which was already announced which we'll probably do the mention of here and i think that's going to be the zelda 35th anniversary celebration i know everyone's talking about maybe like oh ocarina of time majora's mask bring those over as well i don't think they're going to unfortunately and it really is a shame because if you just upscale those games they can already look so good as well all you have to do is just upscale them change some of the ui and sell them for 60 dollars together on switch free money metroid the series i feel so legitimately bad for all of its longtime fans because they get they get the short end of the stick just so often uh and i really feel bad for uh metroid fans who have especially been metroid uh fans for a long time i played samus returns that's like my most experience with uh metroid i loved that game and i i think there's some good news for samus returns fans because brand new 2d metroid developed by samus returns team mercury steam i think it's coming there were rumors last year about it alongside a paper mario game which that did come true uh mercury steam is not nintendo so they can just kind of outsource it to them and they did such a good job on sam's return so i i trust them to make a new 2d metroid and i i think it's happening i think that might be at e3 but i don't think that's all the metroid news because i also i'm going to make a foolish prediction and say metroid prime trilogy hd again i don't even know how many times i predicted this dumb stupid collection and i keep hearing uh like apparently outsiders is saying it's been done forever but nintendo just hasn't released it i don't know if any of that is true i don't know if this thing ever existed or if it's ever going to but i'm saying it here again metroid prime trilogy and let's go ahead and wrap up the anniversaries here with donkey kong who is the big ape turning 40 this year big fella oh my gosh i can't believe it 40 years what a guy i love donkey kong donkey kong's such a great character and the fact that there are rumors going around that he could be getting a brand new game by nintendo epd the guys that made super mario odyssey and that it could maybe just maybe be 3d excites the heck out of me if that actually happens that would be amazing i'm just imagining this very luscious dk jungle kind of kingdom just like odyssey except put into the world of dk oh it could be so good here's the thing though i don't think that's what's gonna happen i'm taking the pessimistic side here and saying even though i want it to be a 3d game so bad i think it's gonna be a 2d game and i think it's going to be a sequel to donkey kong jungle beat of all games now there's a few reasons i say this first of all it's because there's information about this game that is a little bit indecisive some people are saying oh yeah 2d for sure others saying maybe 3d uh the sources that i trust the most are saying 2d though and i think it's just it makes sense especially when you look at the fact that a nintendo epd which is led by yoshiaki koizumi he was the i think producer on odyssey but he was director back when uh jungle beat came out and he was a designer on that too so that's actually basically his baby you also got to think about they're probably not going to take over retro's country series because they've already done two games in that and nintendo epd probably doesn't want to bar themselves to conforming to a vision of other people i think if we're going to get a third country game it's going to be by retro after metroid prime 4. i'm not 100 sure on jungle beat but i'm pretty sure like i think it's going to be jungle beat or some brand new take on 2d donkey kong one of the two i think i don't think it's going to be 3d as much as i would love that staying pessimistic on this one but i do for sure think that it's happening there have been too many sources collaborating on this uh they might not be eye to eye on 2d or 3d but like everyone's saying new donkey kong is coming it's kind of like with the mario anniversary last year everyone was saying that i think that's what's going to happen it's basically outside of breath of the wild to the one thing i think is a shoe-in to be 83 the most new nintendo switch pro you finally show your new shiny little face um i think yeah this thing has to exist at this point right like all the rumors have been collaborating this as well and uh from what i can tell behind the scenes what people are saying is that they keep moving it back and nintendo just doesn't seem to want to um reveal it even though they've had it set to reveal a few times now but they just didn't so i think e3 is probably where it's going to be revealed at this point they're running out of time to reveal it if it is true that they're going to go into production this summer so uh yeah i think it could be revealed to e3 as much as i was against that idea once i started hearing the rumors before e3 because historically past few years nintendo has strayed away from doing hardware at e3 but i mean this is a non-conventional e3 so who really cares i guess i don't know i think it's gonna soft launch in september or october i'm leaning towards september with uh donkey kong jungle beat two the new donkey kong game i think that's gonna be the tie-in for it and the reason i say this is for two reasons first of all breath of the wild to up in the air when that game is going to release and we'll get more into that in a minute and i also think uh to combat system shortages because if you do release that with breath of the wild too everyone's going to want to switch pro to play breath of the wild tune 4k i think like yeah that that would be a mess i'm looking at you ps5 and xbox series x so yeah i think it's going to be a bit of a soft launch like the ps5 and xbox series x or like there's not going to be a lot of units available at launch but it's not going to be a huge huge huge new game that everyone wants the system to play it on for the best experience uh right there at launch either so that'll kind of help ease that a little bit here's a divisive one mario kart 9. people seem like very opinionated on if this is happening or not and i used to be on the side of no i didn't think that mario kart 9 was something we would see anytime soon eight was doing so well and i just i thought maybe dlc at some point but at this point i don't even know uh i think nine is actually more in the cards than dlc at this point and while some might think it's wishful thinking i do think it could be this year it's released i mean ibuki and the cart team what have they been up to since arms in 2017. and yeah there's a fun little fact for those of you that didn't know uh the arms team is actually also the mario kart team uh but uh the more i think about it the more makes sense you know right like it's been four years at this point since then mario kart 8 just turned like 70 years old actually seven but it feels like 70. and uh yeah i think it might actually be time for mario kart 9 and i think based on what i'm about to tell you it makes sense that that would be a game to come out this year breath of the wild too this will be the final trailer of the direct a new trailer showcasing gameplay and story elements maybe the spectral hand maybe a new overworld i don't exactly know maybe a new playable zelda but uh i think that will be the last trailer of the day and i think it's going to get a name and a spring 2022 release date i don't think this game is going to make it this year i've been shifting my perspective every like uh two weeks with uh when this game is going to come out and ever since that video the state of zelda video i was at a 50 50 shot there since then i've come down to maybe a a 20 80 shot of it coming out this year like a 20 shot that it might come out this year but i'm really i'm thinking next year early next year probably but next year and of course that leaves a room for mario kart 9 if that actually is a thing that's happening and if you look at the schedule here based on the games that i predicted here for this direct and where they could maybe align on that schedule it's pretty full like it's a pretty good lineup mario golf this month skyward sword next metroid prime trilogy in august in september you have the new switch and dk in october fire emblem and kirby in november pokemon metroid and maybe mario kart 9 maybe that'll be pushed into december one of the two but it's a pretty full schedule actually and it's a pretty good one and that's not even taking into account the breath of the wild too it's early next year splatoon 3 is also on the calendar for next year what's monolith doing i didn't even mention them here because i don't think they're going to show up here but i think they are actively working on something for next year and uh who knows maybe we'll even get a new mario game next year too make a 2017 part two yeah and that's my predictions for the direct that's my predictions for nintendo the next year but that's not where the predictions end for this e3 nintendo treehouse live for those of you that don't remember and how could you not remember that it's so memorable i love treehouse so so much i'm so glad they started it all those years ago but uh treehouse is a place where nintendo treehouse employees people that work in a way get together and do some gameplay demos of e3 of the new games that was shown off it e3 it says it's it's basically a bunch of demos now in the past treehouse e3 has always been a live event that was on the show floor and just a whole big part of the experience really it's it's just it's part of what makes e3 to me really just you have the nintendo employees up there just playing the games live for everybody everybody's down in the booth trying to play the games even though the lines are way too long and you don't even get to play the games but you have the treehouse people playing the games and i just i i love it so much the problem here is that this is usually split across all three days of e3 and they go for like five to eight hours every day so uh you get a lot of gameplay out of that like it's a good showcase of all these different games but when nintendo unveiled their e3 plans this year i was a little underwhelmed at the three hours of treehouse that we'd be doing now i find it interesting that at least from what i've seen not a lot of people are bringing this up and they're like oh yeah we're still getting treehouse that's awesome but i look at the amount of time they're doing treehouse and i'm like you're not nearly gonna be able to show off what you did in the past years like i think for 2016 and breath of the wild that game was shown off alone for four hours which is longer than all of their treehouse time combined this time and to make matters kind of worse is that this e3 is all online there's no show floor where the public get to play games or press get to play games i'm sure that there's going to be some press meetings for them to play games somehow but like a lot of the footage you're usually gonna see and everything and impressions and everything is not gonna be there so people are gonna be clinging to treehouse more than ever and it's just not gonna be there nearly as long and show as much information this time which i find really weird now in the past years of e3 treehouses definitely like retried the same ground before uh with demos like they played the same demo twice or like gone over a game multiple times which could just be like oh they're cutting that down and uh making it so it's just like the most important stuff all crammed into three hours so like everyone can watch it but uh i still i don't know like three hours maybe if it was five or if it was eight or just like at least one day's length of a normal e3 three hours just seems like way too little time if they're actually going to have the amount of stuff that i predict here or like the amount of stuff they probably should show because like whereas nintendo's games been lately they've actually not been publishing a lot of new games lately it's been a lot of remakes and everything that's a whole separate tangent but yeah this is the most disappointing thing to me about e3 so far this year which is just the treehouse is not gonna be nearly as long but i mean maybe that's just a blessing in disguise because if they do show off breath of the wild to footage uh then i won't have to go through four hours of it and do a whole analysis of all that you know so um maybe it's just a blessing in disguise but anyway to wrap things up here's how i think the schedule could play out they're probably gonna start with breath of the wild too i don't know if i mentioned that earlier but i definitely think that will be what they kick off with they will go from the trailer right into the tree house kind of like they did in 2016 and then after that maybe some donkey kong jungle beat footage where they play that uh metroid mercury steam maybe some prime in there too i think they can maybe do both in one section for that 15 15 on the minutes it's all 30 minute sections by the way fire emblem echoes to be honest with you guys i'm so excited for this game if it actually is true like another echoes game shadows of valentia might just be my favorite fire emblem game so if they can like recreate that magic again with the genealogy of the holy war echoes game men weren't for a treat after that i was conflicted if they would go for another section for breath of the wild too i feel like they need to like if they are gonna show off the game at all they need to at least give us two separate gameplay demos maybe they could both be 15 minutes long i guess that i guess that would work uh but i also thought maybe splatoon 3 because that just seems like a really easy game to demo to me because it seems like they already have the basis of the game playable based on the first trailer so i think that would be a cool game to demo during treehouse as well and then you gotta end with a bang so mario kart 9 is what i put for the last section i think that could be where we go because that's going to be the big game this year based on my predictions like i said i feel like i'm going a little safe this year but at the same time if this is what actually happens i would be so hyped for it like this is actually a really good lineup uh of course it hurts to not have breath of the wild too this year if that is what happens but you still get it early next year so like if that is what's happening whoopi as i said at the beginning i don't think a lot of what i said here is what's going to actually happen maybe breath of the wild 2 is a holiday game that'd be amazing but uh we're just going to have to wait and find out it's not long now my friends i hope you're as excited as i am and hey if you are excited and looking for even more stuff to hype you up before e3 we did a whole discussion where me and just a bunch of other great zelda creators got together and uh had a great time talking about what zelda could look like at e3 so if you want more talk about that i suggest go check out the stream which is on the channel right now it was a really fun time and i'm i i'm just so excited you know most of the zelda talk is over there so if you missed that in this video this is more of a general predictions thing so you can go check that out too and of course stay tuned to the channel for the direct on tuesday i will be live streaming it right here on youtube uh all our e3 stuff this year is going to be on youtube because i thought uh it's gonna be easier for you guys to access it we're probably gonna go back to regular streams on twitch after e3 because i do like to keep streams and videos separate and i do like twitch as a platform but uh i thought for e3 since you guys probably gonna want to see this stuff i want it right front and center i'm gonna do it all on youtube before we go back to twitch so yeah tune in here tuesday 12 edt for my reaction to the nintendo direct i am so excited finally as always guys you can find me on twitter xenongameryt join the discord server with the link in the description below and streams on twitch except for this week as i said you guys have yourselves a great day and get excited because i think we have some pretty exciting stuff coming very soon until then my friends [Music] bye-bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Xenogamer
Views: 3,249
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: nintendo e3, breath of the wild 2, botw 2, nintendo e3 2021, nintendo switch, e3 2021, nintendo e3 predictions, zelda 35th anniversary, switch pro, donkey kong, metroid, fire emblem, botw 2 e3, predictions, xenogamer, nintendo direct, rumor, leak, zelda breath of the wild, zelda breath of the wild 2
Id: u6b7E13C5Ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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