Nintendo 3DS - Did You Know Gaming? Feat. Furst

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I got to be in the Ambassador Program. The games they gave us were actually pretty good, especially the GBA titles which you can't get anymore.

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2016 🗫︎ replies

As someone whose had every hand held generation since the game-boy pocket the 3ds is my favorite hand held!!

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Bluefrog678 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2016 🗫︎ replies

I had no idea that this was something they'd tried on the GBA. Bonkers.

My favorite pre-3DS experiment with depth on a Nintendo console was Good Feel's 3D Hidden Picture on DSi (Japan only). It used the DSi's camera to track motion and produce an effect like holding a shoebox diorama as you tilted the console. Here's a video of it in action. It looked so fun.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/tojikomori 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2016 🗫︎ replies

Nice episode, this. I didn't actually have a clue that the GBA had tests performed on it to run 3D. Although to be honest, how many people still use the 3D mode on their 3DS?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/CapnCapers 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2016 🗫︎ replies
[Music] did you know the Nintendo 3ds wasn't the first system nintendo wanted to make 3d as well as the obvious Virtual Boy Nintendo tried to implement 3d in several other consoles however none of these attempts progressed well enough for them to publicly announce the hardware a 3d screen accessory for the Gamecube got very far into development the device even had a 3d version of Luigi's Mansion running on it but plans to produce the screen were put aside due to high costs Nintendo secretly displayed this 3d screen at e3 2002 but left it in 2d mode and neglected to tell anyone that it was actually capable of 3d interestingly a displayed footage of Luigi's Mansion Metroid Prime and an early version of phantasy star online episode 3 perhaps suggesting that all three games had 3d iterations Nintendo also tried using 3d LCD tech with the Gameboy Advance SP but they weren't happy with the results former nintendo president Satoru Iwata told VentureBeat when we saw 3d images on the Gameboy Advance SP we saw the resolution wasn't good and the parallax barrier display available wasn't functioning well the graphical processing power of the GBA also wasn't good enough a parallax barrier is a filter placed in front of a screen to achieve 3d without glasses with this kind of 3d a screen will show two different images from slightly different angles these images are broken up into vertical columns of pixels and then interlaced a parallax barrier blocks one set of columns from being viewed by the left eye and another set of columns from being viewed by the right eye and because of this each eye sees a separate image the brain then processes these two images in the same way it processes depth in the real world creating the illusion of 3d although simple and effective this technique also has its shortcomings all LCD displays have a fixed pixel resolution so when two images are interlaced on-screen this way the horizontal resolution is effectively cut in half with 3d the Game Boy advances resolution of 240 by 160 pixels would have seemed more like 120 by 160 which is fewer pixels than the original Gameboy one way around this would have been to the resolution to 480 by 160 but this would mean rendering twice as many pixels and putting more strain on the hardware creating 3d images by layering 2d games also sharpens the edges of objects which would have made the Game Boy advances low resolution sprites seem even more pixelated despite the Sawada seem to be fond of the Game Boy Advance prototype as he kept it in his personal drawer 3d was important to several members of Nintendo's management including Khun pea koib Shigeru Miyamoto and owada in fact the first project owada and Miyamoto worked on together actually featured 3d it was a Japan exclusive racing game starring Mario and Luigi called Famicom Grand Prix to 3d hot rally co-developed by Nintendo and halel utilized the commercially unsuccessful Famicom 3d system in Anna wada asks interview Miyamoto described the 3d feature as having universal appeal and believes this appeal is why Nintendo tried so many times to make 3d work Nintendo's main concern with 3d was of consumers they might not own a compatible TV or be willing to purchase expensive equipment to play 3d games and if Nintendo were unable to bundle the necessary accessories for a 3d console at launch not everyone would buy the required hardware this would negate the point of designing games with 3d in mind and is what ultimately stopped them from producing 3d products Miyamoto has stated that Nintendo tried to work 3d into all of their Hardware after the Virtual Boy up until the launch of the 3ds but this apparently wasn't the case for the original DS according to a wider they never thought of doing 3d with the DS partially due to their previous failed experiments they were also focused on the dual screen and touchscreen concepts and couldn't focus on or afford to implement anything else the natural power increase of the 3ds helped Nintendo embrace 3d the device was powerful enough that they didn't have to deal with the issues that halted the 3d Game Boy Advance prototype similar to the unused GBA prototype the 3ds uses a parallax barrier to present 3d Nintendo tried to implement 3d with both of the 3ds screens but ran into problems with the touchscreen owada explained as we experimented we realized that finger marks and other smudges reduced the 3ds impact and so did the decrease transparency of the touchscreen itself in other words a touchscreen and 3d screen do not get along very well screens were originally tested using a 3d render of Mario and Luigi but were later tested using a special 3d version of Mario Kart Wii Nintendo also tried to innovate outside of 3d there was actually a 3ds prototype where the d-pad and circle pad could switch positions for a time Nintendo considered putting this functionality into the final product allowing players to physically move the inputs around unlike the DS engineers made the 3ds as small as possible from the outset which is why the system never received a smaller revision such as the DS Lite or DSi surprisingly the most difficult part of the 3ds to implement may have been the cameras although they aren't high-end the cameras needed to be very precisely aligned if even one of the cameras was slightly off angle taking 3d pictures just wouldn't have worked properly the 3d depth slider on the side of the 3ds was first suggested by a Nintendo engineer and then personally requested by Miyamoto since people have varying levels of visual impairment and comfort having a fixed amount of 3d could cause eye strain for some players Miyamoto also wanted a physical slider on the outside of the device so players could change 3d without opening a system menu he even suggested its importance would be equal to a volume control slider Nintendo took every precaution necessary to protect its customers health they warned that children 6 years old and younger shouldn't use the devices 3d mode and even added a parental feature to restrict 3d despite Nintendo clearly stating any possible health risks there was still backlash and many parents were concerned several experts weighed in on the issue with Caron Sparrow of the Association of optometrists stating children need a clear sharp image in each eye in order for their vision to develop properly if a child spends excessive time using a device such as the 3ds it could effectively act as a negative exercise causing a lazy eye Nintendo eventually created a version of the console without 3d the Nintendo 2ds to fully address these concerns however experts from an entirely different organization believe the 3ds may have medical benefits michael dunas of the American Optometric Association said the 3ds could help identify depth perception issues in young children if a child has trouble perceiving the 3d they may need vision therapy and the issue is much easier to fix if caught at a young age interestingly Nintendo didn't announce the 3d S at e3 or a similar press conference instead the company unceremoniously disclosed its existence at an investor meeting the timing of the announcement was curious as it drew attention away from Nintendo's recently launched DSi XL several news outlets speculated the Nintendo revealed the 3ds early to circumvent and pending leaks before e3 however despite Nintendo's efforts some features of the 3ds released over a year before it was officially announced in February of 2010 an anonymous third-party developer told CVG that the DSS successor would have motion sensing technology similar to an iPhone although new to handhelds this feature was actually considered for the original DS Miyamoto told The New York Times that he wanted to include some sort of tilt or gyroscopic technology in the DS but left the functionality out to focus on the dual screens the StreetPass capabilities of the 3ds were inspired by similar features in Nintendogs and dragon quest 9 for the DS the 3ds has other more obscure inspirations in 2006 the Shigure Eden Museum was founded by former Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi the museum presents an anthology of 100 classic Japanese poems using modern technology and the museum can even be toured using the Nintendo DS when sugar atom was being set up young Yugi wished that the exhibits could jump out at the visitors and from his desire some experimentation was done using 3d displays Yamaguchi had a reputation of being somewhat of a visionary and even came up with the original idea of having two screens on the DS Yamaguchi's desire for 3d exhibits would eventually come to fruition only not a trigger ridden the Nintendo 3ds guy Louvre is an app designed for visitors of the Louvre museum in Paris and has been available since April of 2012 it was originally intended only to be installed on rentable 3d s units at the Louvre but a home version was also released on the eShop in 2013 and a physical version was made available at the Louvre gift shop interestingly this application is the only software on the Nintendo 3ds that is region free with Nintendo reasoning that since the are Burak at the Louvre didn't need an age and content rating it didn't need a region lock either though the 3ds has gone on to be a successful system selling nearly 60 million units worldwide the console initially struggled to sell in an attempt to attract more gamers to the handheld Nintendo cut the price of the 3ds from 250 dollars to just 170 dollars in the US only six months after its release its failure hit the companies so hard that Awana took a 50% pay cut with other key members of staff taking 20 to 30 percent reductions and pay as well the company also introduced the Nintendo 3ds Ambassador Program to compensate early adopters who bought the console at full price offered them a set of free NES and Game Boy Advance games from the Virtual Console the 3ds also has several secrets in Easter eggs some of which are rather strange inside the 3ds there's a stereoscopic image of a rhinoceros skull this image was likely used for testing purposes and can be found in the system's debug MPO folder another 3d image can be found in the data for the StreetPass Mii Plaza again likely used to test the 3d the 3ds eShop also contains the title theme for Mario Kart Double Dash the exact purpose of the music is unknown but it has some relation to testing StreetPass did you also know that Super Mario World is Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto's favorite Mario game or that the game originally used Super Mario Brothers 3 power-ups for more Mario facts click the annotation on screen to watch the digital gaming video on Super Mario World if you liked this video give it a like don't forget to subscribe did you know gaming for more facts and trivia and yo what up is Li from Arcadia you know what's entirely related to the 3ds because of its magic technology from the future Star Trek so why don't you go saunter over to Arcadia and watch me explain to you what I think is the best Star Trek The Next Generation episode so you can fill your ear holes in your eyeballs with some good sci-fi content [Music]
Channel: DidYouKnowGaming?
Views: 1,781,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nintendo 3ds, nintendo, 3ds, Gaming, dykgaming, did you know gaming, did, you, know, gaming, super, mario, world, facts, easter eggs, easter egg, kart, mario kart, mario world, history, documentary, gameplay, gba, 2ds, explained, handheld, 3ds xl, 3ds games, games, game, play, ds, nds, video, new, console, 3d, eshop, pokemon, zelda, new 3ds xl, nintendo direct, nintendo 2ds, nintendo nx, new 3ds, gameboy advance, game boy advance, boy, advance, gameboy, analysis, nx, hardware, gb, nintendo ds, dykg, nes, nes mini, mini
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2016
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