NINJAGO WORLD!!! LEGOLAND Florida Adventure!

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[Music] [Music] okay we are going on a road trip we're on our way to Legoland Florida tomorrow we are going to get to see the opening of Ninjago World kids are tired it's been a long day of traveling but we're almost at the hotel so we'll see you there all right we made it Legoland Florida there it is I see the hotel up there there's a raccoon over there there's your bad Jill so here's our pirate room what are you scared a lot cuz I was gonna get um I I will just look at this to room with monster-free and so it's blowing up okay so Joey was sleeping up on top Evans gonna be down there can't be in here because it says adults keep out there's different moves you have to do on the ride that's kind of cool the lightning strike the fireball flinger chops of fury this sure can shuffle and the Cobra we have the feed to the security camera look there's minifigures dancing in the elevator look what's going on in the hallway go outside Jill see if he's there he's hiding in the hallway Jill's checking to see if they're out there [Music] no look they did deposit the newspaper look it got us the newspaper time bed lights out everyone see in the morning okay good morning it's still dark in here because it's really early the Sun hasn't come up yet we have to get an early start today got a view of the water way over there we're ready to go try out the new Ninjago ride I'm gonna see the opening ceremony walk the red carpet but first we need to get some food in our stomachs [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the rest reside in Lego I'm [Music] [Music] hi everybody proclaimed by the de tocqueville officially open at Legoland Florida resort [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay we're heading back into the park going into the secret entrance okay we need to get some sunglasses for the kids [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we're back in the juggle world kids want to do then Josh will ride again my arms are tired the first time dear lady we're crashing they're catching up don't touch us no jail what's wrong I got my pants are wet hey kids are going to driving school [Music] [Music] kids are gonna sit this one out okay so right now mom and dad are going on high school okay they're going they're going my dad okay let's watch him go up [Music] we are going to the minifig market [Music] [Music] [Music] the time to leave Legoland [Music] okay the kids have been doing their little scavenger she unlocked it yeah what's inside the monkey chess magazine okay we're gonna lock this back up for the next day no refill it for the next guest here's us the first time we did the Ninjago ride I'm doing the karate chop Evans doing crappy Gangnam style I don't know what mom's doing Jill looks crazy okay here are the minifigures that the kids and mom made I haven't made these two and these are the ones Jill made Jill made our guide Noah then a lasso cowgirl and then her skiing because we are gonna go skiing after we built our birds they took a picture and they made this cool picture out of LEGO bricks Evan builtin next so nice okay time to finish off the night with some dinner at bricks look at that doesn't that look good think we're gonna call it a night [Music] you
Channel: The Tube Family
Views: 4,879,588
Rating: 4.7374129 out of 5
Keywords: evantubehd, evantuberaw, legoland, florida, ninjago world, ninjago ride, vacation, legoland hotel, vip tour, grand opening, fuller house, eh bee family, jodie sweetin, jilliantubehd, mommytube, daddytube, youtubers, red carpet, amusement parks, pov, orlando, winter haven, carlsbad, california, brick's, restaurant, family, kids, vlog, family vlog, video blog, funny videos, mckenna grace, alias harger, michael campion, ashley liao, soni bringas
Id: Y0gTP3BedBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2017
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