Ninja Ken Burns Techniques in Final Cut Pro X FCPX

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hello and welcome to another free Final Cut Pro 10 tutorial this time we're gonna be showing some amazing ninja Ken Burns hacks which are quite incredible but first if you like these tutorials please like and subscribe maybe hit the bell leave a comment below we'll check out the great plugins on our website on Sir Ken Burns ninja tricks I'm in Final Cut Pro 10 and as you can see I have a still image here of a girl jumping it's 10 seconds long and nothing happens to it at all so let's add a Ken Burns move to it and I'm sure you all know how to do this but I need to do it to show you what I'm going to do so command 4 opens up the inspector and if I hit the crop it gives me an option of what type of crop I want to do so go and say Ken Burns and you'll see we have start and end points that show up on here so all I need to do is arrange those to where I want them so the end point I'm actually going to make quite small on her face on her head and the start let's make that bigger somewhere around there now I'm sure you're pretty familiar with these that's a preview button on there and also this response the end to the front and the front to the end so it's a quick way of reversing the move and I'm sure you've seen some tutorials that people have done by using that by duplicating things so at the moment it done on there and we have a fairly standard Ken Burns move which is pretty good no framing it works it all out for you stops and stars but we want to get a bit funkier than that and there are a few ninja tricks that we can do to help now anything we do to this clip is going to split the actual Ken Burns move up so you don't want to do that and the key to this is I think one of the best features in final cut and that's compound clip so right click compare clip and let's just call this girl and now as you can see nothing's really happened but what we've done is we've made a compound clip of that image and we could double click it open it up and you'd see that but the actual move is within the compound clip and what a compound clip does is really clever it kind of bakes everything into that clip and also makes it new media so anything that happens within that I can actually alter so if I call up the speed this is command R you can see this is a hundred percent all the way through what I can do is I can actually go shift B which is speed blade which puts a like a like a speed cut in there and down here I'll do the same grab hold of here and have a look at this instantly we've done a big speed ramp in the middle of the Ken Burns effect when how clever is that with just a few clicks may take you forever to try and get this with keyframes and make it look as smooth now we've actually got speed transitions on here as you can see you can actually turn those off by going into the menu here and just toggling that off but we can actually go even faster on there which is pretty cool now one thing I want to do is I want to make that look a bit funky as well so if I mark X on there and then open up the title browser we have got some plugins on here and these are our recent update to our toolkit version two of the toolkit has just come out very cool we've hadded object tracking so we've got things like map pointers and magnifiers but of course there is some motion blur effects and that's what we're going to use in Final Cut Pro 10 so we'll go back there now here we are with the compound clip marked I just used X so up to the effects queue and that applies the motion blur and as you can see straight away we get that lovely streaky effect on here the motion blur because the we sped up the Ken Burns move so much that the motion blur actually starts to can I bite in there what I'm gonna do is I'm actually just going to render that selection and while we're doing that just gives me time to say if you are gonna do this I think this image is about 4k white in a 1080 timeline if you're gonna zoom right in you do need to have quite a few pixels so that's why it works with a 4k image you can do this with video but maybe you need a 4k image in a 1080 timeline to give you that resolution and let's just play this back and we get that great motion blur up to you how much you want to speed it up and how much motion blur you want on there but I think that looks quite cool a great way to add some punch to anything like an advert or a music promo or a trail and you can match the beat with the zoom etc but I'm just going to do one more thing before we move on and that's using the range tool and R on the keyboard and marker range and then go off to the speed tool again and hit rewind on here and what it does is it takes the area that I've marked and plays that back was at 200 so you're not limited to going just forward you can go backwards as well and you can do some really complicated things you can actually make this into a hold play backwards forward speed it up speed it up backwards whatever you like to do the only thing you can't do is you do speed transitions between going forward and backwards but apart from that you can do an awful lot of things and this is a very flexible way especially as I said if you're trying to match music or or hit a beat or emphasis you can do that here we have our next image and you can already see that we've applied a chem Burns move we've gone in to start off with close to the girl's face and it should pull out to reveal the wall behind us so I can just preview that you can see we've got nice acceleration it moves out and it should eventually slow down and stop at the end of the clip which it does okay we like that so again hit done and we have that move again we're going to make this into a compound clip so let's call this girl too and this time we're not gonna do a speed ramp we're gonna do something with markers so what I'm going to do is hit m4 marker there and then go forward by hissing the four key and the right key twice which gives us the same gap between all of them now you could put these on manually match them to the beats or some speech or whatever you like for impact but for this example I'm just going to put them evenly matched down the compound clip nothing happens until we go to the speed menu and say jump cut the markers and I'm going to go ten frames and now we get a staggered zoom everything's still moving so in between the cuts it's still moving this would take you forever to do with keyframes and that really help if you're cutting a trail or a promo or indeed a music promo something like that the last technique is a benefit from us using compound Clips so let me double click this clip to open it up you can see here's our original image with the move I'm just going to go command C and that copies the Ken Burns move then if we open up the browser you remember this picture of the girl jumping so I'm just gonna drop that on top of the girl and then go up to my menu and go paste attributes and make sure the crop selected and paste now that puts the same exactly the same move onto the image but as you can see it's zooming out it's not zooming out from a face so what I want to do is I want to change that so again go into the inspector and hit this to get Ken the Ken Burns move up I need to click the start to activate that then move that to where it want done and now you can see on there I've got to zoom out and if I go back to the original I've now got that girl with the same move so if you're matching up to a promo or something with a beat you don't have to make this over and over again one thing I would say if you duplicate the compound clip so if I hit optional alt and drag to make another version whatever you do in this clip will be reflected in this so therefore if you change the images within this this one will change as well because they're a compound clip is the same compound clip to make them different you need to go up into the menu to clip and hit reference new pair and clip and then these are now two independent clips and you can do whatever you like to them and they won't affect the other one so there you go this can like quite a few great tips for doing some really good advanced Ken Burns ninja tricks I hope you enjoyed that tutorial please like and subscribe we've got a lot more coming and hopefully see you on the next one bye bye [Music]
Channel: Idustrial Revolution
Views: 26,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, ken burns, final cut pro x, ken burns effect, final cut pro (software), final cut pro, how to, final cut pro tutorial, video editing, fcpx tutorial, final cut pro x tutorial, final cut, fcp x, video production, film editing, final cut pro x effects, fcpx, apple, tutorial, editing, fcp, how to edit, Ken Burns, How to Ken Burns, FCPX Slideshow, final cut pro x tutorial beginner, final cut pro x free, final cut pro x music video editing, ken burns effect example
Id: tfb6lLzgiT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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