Ninja Foodi Digital Air Fry Toaster Oven - In Depth Review - 4K

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this is the ninja fully digital airfryer oven it's a fancy schmancy toaster oven that air fries Eros air Broyles bakes dehydrates and toasts is this the michael air jordan of toaster ovens let's find out so just to establish a scene here we're coming from a dark place in the toaster oven game that's not metaphorical we literally hit our toaster oven in a dark corner so that no one would see it it's not that we set out to abuse our toaster oven but you know how in life when you stop caring about something you just kind of neglect it and you let your kids melt non-food items in it that's what I'm talking about here but with this one there will be no neglecting hopefully cuz it cost me two hundred and thirty dollars so let's get right into this review first off it comes with a crumb tray wire rack air fry basket and a baking pan the instructions say to give these parts a nice warm bath before using for the first time now that everything's clean let's test it out we're trying to eat a little healthier here so we're gonna make some sweet potato fries I've only made these one other time in my oven and I couldn't get them crispy so I'm hoping air frying helps with that we're gonna cook two pounds and I challenge my son Luke to weigh out two pounds of sweet potatoes without using a bowl come on bear we need two pounds it's two all right perfect next we cut and soak them in cold water for thirty minutes then pat dry the instructions give times and temps for only one pound so we're gonna shoot from the hip here and see what happens when we double it you excited to eat some sweet potato fries if you eat a sweet potato fry yeah sure Nathan I will give you a thousand dollars I'm coating them in a little olive oil to help crisp them up so we're gonna set this to air fry and I need to up the temp so temp I need to go to 390 and then time thirty minutes and then what do I hit dessert start oh yeah right there so it's gonna create now one thing that really surprised us is just how fast this oven preheats I mean it's very fast this only took under a minute to preheat from a cold oven if you notice the timer doesn't stop keeps going so I'll have to reset that time so just to summarize and make a long story short we overloaded the toaster oven with two pounds of raw sweet potato fries using the air fryer basket we air fried them at 390 degrees for 30 minutes turning them a couple times throughout after 30 minutes they weren't crispy enough so we cooked them for another 10 minutes and after a total of 40 minutes they still weren't that crispy but we did learn that sweet potatoes are not that great they're just okay just not great all right so I'm gonna try it not bad they're not crispy they're not you don't like it I'm sorry you know I get but despite that you don't like sweet potato taste how is the fry that was air fried still gross [Music] thousand bucks thousand bucks hmm crunch that was an edge one okay so I can't say this was a total fail because to be fair I overloaded the basket and I'm not even sure sweet potato fries will ever get crispy in an air fryer if you've had a different experience let us know in the comments below no you look like you're having a good time over there are those our favorite our next test is chicken wings and unlike the last test I'm very experienced in the chicken wing arts living in fairly close proximity to Buffalo I've eaten chicken wings most of my life I like them buffalo style and well done the air frying chart that comes with the oven has a cook time of 28 to 30 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit I must have been looking at the cooking chart for something else when I set this but we're close enough now if you notice I didn't put the baking pan underneath the airfryer basket that was stupid the thinking was I would get more airflow which is right but then the grease just drips down to the bottom and on to the burners creating a gigantic mess the airfryer basket has an indentation allowing the air to pass through the bottom even if the baking pan is directly underneath I realized my mistake about eight minutes in and put the pan underneath so some of this mess could have been avoided I say some of the mess because they're still grease fine everywhere but oh well at least we'll see how it cleans up stay tuned okay so this thing does a great job of cooking chicken wings I ended up cooking them at 390 degrees Fahrenheit for 40 minutes flipping them a few times throughout and they came out perfect similar to deep-fry kind of kind you see the bone comes out right here I'm gonna strangle hold it oh oh are you sure there's no bone in there Gary oh no my only complaint is the giant mess it created there's grease everywhere for our next test we're making toast and for two hundred and thirty dollars this then better make toast like Colonel Sanders makes chicken one of the reasons I bought this toaster oven is because it can make nine slices of toast at the same time that's one slice of toast for everyone in my family at the same time I okay which won't come in your way yes and okay it also has some pretty stellar tow settings you select how many slices you're making and a darkness setting between one and six on my old toaster oven dial being off a millimeter meant the difference between lightly toasted and scorched earth let's see how this one does well I'm happy to report this thing makes toast really well I mean I'm a simple man and it doesn't take much but if it can do nothing else at least it can do this perfect repeatable toasting makes me happy it even has a bagel setting that uses slightly less heat on the bottom that is so thoughtful I've also created this darkness setting toast guide for your convenience okay now that we know it can toast well let's move on to baking next up chocolate chip cookies for our chocolate chip cookies we use the recipe on the back of the Nestle Tollhouse chocolate chip bag it's a solid recipe and since we make it a lot we have a baseline of how these should come out well friends it can bake too our first batch was a little overcooked but keep in mind this is a convection oven so you need to adjust your cook times and temps if you're adapting from a traditional oven recipe our second batch was spot-on this thing is turning out to be a solid unit first batch at 375 second batch at 350 much better bottom alright no more cookies for you I don't know how you got this many cookies did you steal another cookie do the job making cookies yeah once we got the temperature figured out yeah I think it good do you want more cookies how many cookies of you head okay it's here and here your mouth okay for our final test we're going to use the dehydrator function and we're putting it in a head-to-head battle with our tried-and-true dedicated dehydrator the time chart for the ninja says seven to eight hours on the dehydrator setting and on the nesco it says four to ten hours that's quite the range the ninja calls for one-eighth inch slices and the nesco 3/8 I have no idea how thick these are so we'll just dehydrate till they look done one disadvantage to using the ninja as a dehydrator over a dedicated dehydrator is its capacity you're limited to this one basket but if you want to do some occasional beef jerky or dried fruit this may be an option for you okay so I just went until they look done and that ended up being just under six hours the results they look virtually identical so how do they taste tell me which one tastes better alright first up we're going whatever dehydrator we have just like a dehydrated Apple okay taking two you're taking forever the ninja don't leave more dehydrated the ninjas more dehydrated yeah way more dried out is that a good thing or a bad thing I would say it's a good thing because it technically did a better job cuz it's supposed to be dehydrating what do they will any prefer a chess reader in the end the ninja foodie dried them out a little better than the nesco so not bad ninja alright let's talk about the cleanup it wasn't as bad as I thought after the chicken wing Fiasco it was pretty gross and I thought I was in some real trouble but you can access the entire oven through this backdoor and it allows you to get to all the nooks and crannies and give it a deep clean so it has that gone for it I have to say I don't really have any negative things to say about this thing believe me I would tell you just watch my other videos one of the main reasons we bought it was for this reason right here we have limited counter space and when you're done using it you can fold it up and out of the way it works perfect in this corner of our kitchen after you're done cooking you have to let it cool down a bit before you can flip it but it even tells you when to flip I do have to say this does take a while it took about a half hour for it to cool down but you can speed it up by leaving the door open oh and one more thing I shot this video in September and I'm finally getting around to editing in it six months later and we have used this thing almost every single day since then so take that for what it's worth we hope you enjoyed this video we'll see you on the next one god bless [Music]
Channel: Diff Family Reviews
Views: 309,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toaster, Air Fryer, Ninja Foodi, Ninja oven, digital oven, air fryer oven, Ninja Foodi Digital Air Fry Oven, Toaster oven, review, best toaster oven, best air fryer, ninja convection oven, smart oven, counter-top, multi-purpose, air fryer, flip away storage
Id: YK6AX3_Lw5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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