Ninja Air Fryer Scones | Air Fryer Scones Fruit and Plain

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hi lovies or welcome if you're new here I'm Lind so we are going to be attempting to make some scon or are they scones I don't know I suppose it depends on how you say it it's a bit like tomato tomato so this is recipe I have been using for years now I've never done it in the air fryer so we're learning together on this one I'm going to come down and have a look at the ingredients to start with so first of all I'm going to start off with this now I have 175 MLS of milk in here and let me just I knew I'd forget to get something out I thought I was nice and prepared but apparently not I am just going to be adding literally that into that and it's just going to turn it into a little bit of I suppose a buttermilk type consistency so that's what we do first then in this bowl here I have 350 G of self- Raisin flour in with this I am going to add one teaspoon baking powder that just give that a little bit of a mix mix around now I think depending on sort of your recipes and things like that depends on when certain ingredients go in but in this bowl here I have 45 G now it's meant to be cter sugar I'm just using normal granulated sugar because I just don't see the overall point if I'm honest so I'm going to pop that in there too and my main ingredient I've left in the fridge be with here I have 85 gram of grated butter now I grated it and then popped it back in the fridge because I needed it kind of more on the hard think so we're going to pop that all in with there you can make so many different variations of we leave that there for a second of scon scones depending on which way you want to um say it but first of all we're just going to basically you want this to kind of come into sort of like a crumb consistency but the B oh I don't know if you can see that coming off I'm sure you can the butter itself because it's grated we're not going to overly bother too much with that you just want to give it a quick you can do this as well in your food processor and it literally takes seconds note yourself wearing sort of dark colors when you're dealing with flower probably isn't the best idea especially when there's Blooms of it everywhere blooms the right word that's not the right word been in the garden too long me now this is about crumbed as I'm going to bother with to be honest we're not going to go overly mad just going to make a tiny little bit of a well in that we just take our milk and lemon mix see it hasn't overly done too much but basically what that does is it helps the baking soda or the baking powder to rise a little bit so I'm going to pop just some of that in to start with and combine Bine it I'm using sultanas in my mix today and I have 85 G of them you don't have to add any fruit you can make these plain if you are making them plain I would advise to add um maybe a little bit of salt in with them too just a pinch not much now I have um a beaten up egg there as well but that's just that's not going to come yet that's going to be um to give them a little bit of a glaze afterwards just going to pour the rest of that in now they reckon the key to a good scone scone I don't know which way to call it um is not to particularly overwork the mixture too much so that should start coming together quite nicely now you don't want it too sticky but you don't want it um too loose evil if that makes sense so get in with the hand now to combine all that together if you do think it's either a little bit too dry or too moist wet then you can add either Another Touch of milk if it's too dry or um a little bit of flour if it's you think it's too wet I think that's perfect actually and when you're kneading it what's happening as well is that butter is also getting a bit warm so I'm just going to pop that there I have some self- raisin flour here we just made a mess that's what I was trying to avoid now we're just going to form this I'm not going to get the Rolland pin out or anything I'm just going to go by hand and I want around I suppose up to sort of like your first knuckle there on your finger you kind of want to make sure they're even so I'll use no we use this one this is a 7 cm cutter now traditionally they're kind of made using this fluted sort of is it fluted Edge that's called but depending they rise a lot better if you use this in my experience anyway she says and yeah and then we're going to be um probably have some flops but if we can see that that's about that there so and everyone's shouting going hold on a minute where's the fruit I want some plain ones as well as some um fruit ones so I want four plain and then we're going to combine the fruit in with the rest of the mix so it's just a way of if you've got certain people well I'm the certain person I'm not particularly too keen on the fruit in my spa I don't mind it I've got better over the years but not much this is enough fruit to do the whole mix so do that as you will again just shop them in she says the key is a good not to mix too much and look what she's doing it will be fine my lovelies about that let go again probably should have put a little bit more flow down yep cuz everything's stuck see hopefully the right size there but we get there typical you see a normal YouTuber would have just cut this out and gone oh I can't make that video me nah is what it is so and then this one with the bits left we'll just mold it into roughly same shape and that want to do so I'm just going to go and wash my hands and then we'll get on to putting them into the air fryer I have an awful mess going on down here but that's just the way it goes we are going to be removing the crisper trays so somewhere where I can find space and we'll start off with the plain ones I'm going to pop them in they do look a little bit bigger but you know they'll be fine you could probably fit about six in there but I'm going to do four for the plain ones in this one we're just going to take some of this egg wash you can see here and just brush a good bit over the tops you can do this before you put them in but it seems to make I'm going to well assume it would make a lot more mess as I said I've not done scon in the air fryer before so that's warm again crispas tray out now I am going to put all five of these in [Music] [Music] here or six actually six I can't even count today that that's good Lind yeah okay we'll try all six then see what happens so I haven't got much B but they tend to more rise than they do come up so that's them there again let give them an egg wash make a mess you know standard stuff here in the kitchen you've been here a while you'll understand now times let's see I'm kind of thinking maybe one 80 for about 8 minutes we use the bake setting maybe yeah and we'll check them then if that's not enough then we can put them back in so so we're going on let's see yeah we'll try bake which is no I'm going to bring that up to 180 and bring this down to eight am I that might not be enough time but we'll check them and we'll go on to match so that's the two drawers and then we'll start I'm going to clean this mess up and then I will come back and we'll see how this is getting on it might need another few minutes it might not we don't know yet all right lovely so let's have a look shall we oh look at them they have re risen fantastic they're the plain ones I didn't do much handling with and they are the fruit ones so I want I'm going to take the biggest one no I'm not because we're going to put them back in for two minutes yep okay so back on bake back on 180 and we're just going to bring that down just another two minutes just felt like it was about to fall apart when I went to pick it up so we'll try that NOP cuz I was only doing in one draw so we're going on Match and we're going to have to start that again so bake 180 80 hello and down for 2 minutes match make sure the two draws are going obviously right we're done our next two minutes these are massive old days let's have a look at one shall we look at the size of them perfect they're the plain ones and yeah these ones are a lot taller than the fruit ones because there was less messing with the batter so let's have a look yeah they're all fine see that perfect now I just have to get them out there we go I bring these down so you can see oh the smell is fabulous I can't wait to tuck into one of these and yes we will be doing a taste test lovies afterwards just to make sure as well that they are cooked through so I'll cut open one of the bigger ones that's the one we didn't mold and we'll cut open one of the plain ones just so you can [Music] see now and leave them to call for a little while and I'll be back now this is the part I keep my fingers crossed and hope that they actually cooked all the way through so we're going to take a knife not that we really need to CU they've broke oh wow look at that they've broke apart really really nicely let's see let's grab grab this one and for the fruit one they're so fluffy oh wow pleas be cooked yeah it's not too bad to me I'm happy with that but I think to be honest I would have probably put them in for another minute or two I'd say we'll see anyway I'm but a little bit of these just some plain butter they're still a little bit warm now I will be having strawberry jam as well but just four where he is all of is the for some reason like to see me eat on camera don't know why but yeah we'll have a go lovely oh I really really do like that I'm not going to try to I suppose I should really shouldn't I I'm not a big fan of fruit scans good cheese one's nice too but just to show you that they are cooked and they're edible I I'll I'll do it for you I'll take one for the team now lovelies I want to know down in the comments do you do your scon scones however you want to pronounce it in your air fryer if so let me know your times temperatures all that kind of jazz down in the comments below I'd be so happy to hear them I'm happy with them now do bear in mind as well the bigger you make them the smaller you make them the the height the width the what might depend a little bit on your cooking times now I am happy with them I'm Fally enough the ones that we didn't F around too much with just the plain ones that were was very lightly needed and then C have risen substantially but then I did make the fruit ones just a little bit wonky of sorts they look homemade they taste great that's it for me Lov these I am going to enjoy my scone or scone you know I haven't got any CL cream unfortunately so that's not going to be happening but once again thank you so much for spending time with me this has been a long video If youve made it to the end thank you so much take care enjoy whatever's going on in your day and I will talk to you all down in the comments or over on another video bye for now lovelies
Channel: Lindz and Life
Views: 17,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ecXS9udHgxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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