Fruit Scones – Easy Fruit Scones – The English way - Scones in the air fryer

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that is perfect perfect skull made hi guys how you all doing welcome to backyards here from Rick today we are going to make fruit scones now you don't have to put the fruit in you can have plain scones but this is a simple easy recipe to make we're going to use the airfryer now it is dead easy dead simple now you can make these and bake these in the oven but like I say I'm gonna beat these in the airfryer right this starts with some buttermilk well I don't have buttermilk we have to make buttermilk okay buttermilk is simple to make it's one cup of milk one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar so let's make that and then let's make the scones come on so all we're going to do guys we're going to tip some milk in to one cup I want one cup of milk in there to that we are going to add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar [Applause] give it a little stir now that's our buttermilk made so all we have to do is put on the side for 10 minutes the vinegar out with the milk buttermilk okay guys in here we have our self-raising flour and what we're going to do we're going to add our butter I've already cubed this so let's get our butter in there and then we're just going to mix it up into fine breadcrumbs melting on yellow so all we're going to do is incorporate that in there nice and gently until all that butter is in there and it resembles breadcrumbs now you could do this in a food processor if you want to just whiz it up but you know for five minutes work it's so simple nice and gently just work it in there nice and steady light hands lift up give it a little rub now guys I make my own self-raising flour and I do realize in a lot of places around the world you can't get it so what I'll do I'll put a link up here how to make self-raising flour I already have on the channel it's so simple to make you know and really expensive to buy so that's our breadcrumbs in there look guys that looks pretty good doesn't it that's nice and light that mixture that is lovely okay there's our breadcrumb mixture or to that we want to add our buttermilk now I haven't let it stand for 10 minutes and I don't intend to it's going to be about your milk anyway so we're going to Chuck all that in there and we're going to give it a mix up just mix it up nice and steady but you know I nearly forgot I want to add some sugar I want to go in there with about a tablespoon of normal granulated sugar so even I nearly forget so let's get all that mixed in there now I'm using the spoon but you can use anything you want to mix it up get your hands in there up to you guys okay like I said we're making fruits going so I've got some dried fruit here some reasons which have actually soaked in boiling water to plump them up now what we're going to do we're going to Chuck a few of those in there and we're all going to give it a mix up so it's all in there now if you think that that is too wet which is a little bit we want to add just a little bit of flour just normal flour or self-raising whatever you've got just put a little bit in oh to make up that dough so I'll give that a stir in and there you go we have a nice dough form there already that's awesome nice and easy now I'm not going to add any more fruit I think there's enough in there actually so I'll just put that through to one side okay all we need to do is put a little bit of flour on our work surface not much don't get it all over and just put our dough on there get it all out there there's no point wasting it guys and then we're just going to bring it together with that little bit of flour on there now what you can do is put that in the in the fridge let it sit up a little bit give a little bit of rolling when you take it out and it's ready to go I ain't gonna bother we're gonna do it now now if you've got a cutter use a cutter if you don't have a cutter use a glass dip your glass in your flower just to flour it up the top like that and it just makes it easier it doesn't stick and then all we're going to do is cut out some of our scones so nice and steady and then all we're going to do is take that out of there nice and gently so that's our scones and then with this do not squash it together nice and gently and if you need a little bit more flour on there put a little bit on shape it up again now if you squash it the scones won't rise so again guys just cut out your scones nice and straightforward and we're going to use up all the dough so that's how much goes on there guys now all we want to do is we're going to Bobby in the Indiana now my fa has got one of these Grill things on the bottom you know and they're quite large now it works okay but the dough sometimes comes through the bottom of air and it leaves like ridges underneath but that doesn't matter it's still a scone okay so what we need to do we need to put our scones in there so we got the scones in there and then what we're going to do we're going to take some egg wash a little bit of egg wash and put it over the top of those scones now you don't have to egg wash guys it will actually cook fine but you know the egg wash puts that lovely Golden Top on that we're all used to seeing and then just whack it in the airfryer guys it's as easy as that in the air fry yeah turn on the temperature 180 degrees for eight minutes and that's it so 180 degrees thereabouts whack it up and let it cook for about eight minutes and then that's it simple recipe for a really good results and then either you put Jam in or butter cream cream and jam anything you want so easy so we're on the countdown as soon as they come out we put the others in foreign oh come on come on look at those look at those guys now that now that is how to make a fruit scone right we need to swap them over we need to get them out of there put them on a bit of a rack to cool while we do the others oh there's the pink oh look at those just look at that guys that is the perfect School now all we gotta do is let it cool down and we can put some butter on and give it a go oh there we go look at those beauties that is how to make quick simple scones at home now I like using the airfryer for things like this because you don't have to eat up the whole oven all we need to do now is crack One open butter it up put some jam on and give it a nosh so let's have a look in there that is really lightweight look in there guys that is perfect perfect skull made put a bit of butter on there bitter Jam oh oh give that look at that um oh wow one scones Butcher and jam that's for me guys now if you put cream on that's up to you but that is fantastic um now what we're doing don't forget smash that like And subscribe share with your friends all that kind of stuff will catch you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Backyard Chef
Views: 1,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #backyardchef, chef rik, bkyd, rik cooks, how to cook, how to make scones, fruit scones, air fryer scones, english scones, scones recipe, easy scones, fruit scones recipe, easiest scones recipe, easy scones recipe, how to make fruit scones, fruit scones recipe easy, fruit scones recipe backyard chef, rik cooks fruit scones, easy scones recipe backyard chef
Id: itss0Q_4oC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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