NiKo Stream w/m0NESY play FACEIT (mirage) | Dec 4, 2023

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nice P to microphone uh uh IIA go apps let's go out mid with two and we got two BFS and we split B okay I'll flash you guys out m in front I just flash V okay FL one guy go up one guy go toward short okay he's on the yeah he's left window still there yeah very bad we wait for yeah but IIA is baiting us see stair jungle stairs guys Ed [Music] has one one mid sight and BFS no no default PL who's this guy holy [ __ ] scream but sco diffused counter terrorists win I'll pick bench some flash me a bench I drop him flash you guys have no smokes next and take smoke I die yeah I can we can yeah die die die die die fire did he push or I think so I think I heard jump yeah he's Shadow now same guy yeah yeah I'll on you SM just come to us no no he down I think I'm coming up guys with the bomb I'm going to pick stairs next holding it my stairs walk I'll tell me you have stairset what a sand should be here here I'm going to their sandwich the stairs okay don't see balcony thinkon maybe default Shadow I'm holding he's not ninja I for Jungle can you come yeah yeah okay you have jungle yeah yeah yeah I have jungle jle jungle jungle peing counterterrorist win what are these angles that are they he Crouch big window they kill me this guy left after he pushed STS or what yeah what the [ __ ] he went to ticket it's the guy with9 I will go B for sure I will be let go let's go I need to short and one Flash B one a only we are three [ __ ] it it's microphone AC you think yeah yeah he Me Maybe Le to window he left short guys I'm behind yeah we have try on microphone M microphone activated he's set yeah I shot finally this is the first time I see you kill a guy when you say this time I see you and it's on the stream more realistic okay realist was good nice round two years ago I two years AG yeah uh guys go three apps next smoke window I smoke Mouse go go mid fast go I smoke I smoke flash guys go as soon as you can you can you can you can two one I take jungle smoke guys what the [ __ ] has one city they kill a guy from c Watch C take take take okay blocker what is PL for not cross city city C terrorists win we will stop your right okay we go fast spit again smoke window I smoke Mouse two guys go mid and the three a three BFS okay okay three BFS or three three BFS and two shorts I'll for you guys next support let's play Let's Be play bomb has planted terrorists win how did C get on B already from what the [ __ ] okay guys now we just do default and we split okay you smoke me next yeah but I was still smoking cor okay bro I felt like I killed the guy in kitchen like he went one me away from my Crosshair don't go 100 one 100 one 100% I'm under can you [ __ ] it from I FL I FL go go go go flashing now Flash Bangladesh I don't see jungle stairs anything of the one should be on a be inside for fire box fire box fire box okay okay I player right yeah bomb has planted you got sure yeah mhm no terrorists win I'm here to save you my son thank you thank you okay okay okay okay okay listen I smoke window next time you smoke Mouse for us and next time you break cor for us ability to react okay I'll go you guys to rushing me yeah yeah yeah next time will break us for take the bomb for wait wait wait wait break I break window watch out watch window another window no no no no he he's in window right side he doesn't have the bomb so he's not pushed yeah yeah he had do like he has to get ticket right he has no no no he shot it to second guy then one guy was on awaken he was Shadow this [ __ ] stupid game careful Shadow oh no no he's here [ __ ] my life counterterrorist win stay in Shadow I thought you saw him but this [ __ ] game you cannot jump two times in a r on anything we can top window nobody nothing no no no let's do whatever flash flash I can break one again no no no no no I'm dead two on B on op is rotated towards kitchen guys I'll put more pressure guys f i jungle he's pushing jungle one and one anchoring me it's from guy no no no no microphone microphone activ that's one a alive and uh two one kitchen of dog he was at least be that one was rotation towards b and a anchor smoke the guy from where he terrorists win thought they had double up microphone muted I heard the guy out microphone activated microphone muted microphone activated this is what we have been working for under from window they FL top M no one top M guys sound I wait one Edward and guys they're helping him on B they will not help next round one under stairs that's the guy who kill me one CT one left he's op can can picking one short counter terrorists win is our money what the [ __ ] do you do we just love anyone has a window smoke no look our just in the line like the school I tried to pick window Scout window microphone muted microphone [Music] activated yeah he want to he want to like [ __ ] hell dude I can Flash wait wait I'm ready I flash I flash short peing see what the [ __ ] how many bullets I'm one going one going BFS from one going BFS you say one short in we short one short one one Ed tag holy [ __ ] Ed PS me why do I have Scout in this [ __ ] scenario has been diffused counterterrorist win I think listen to me I think you need to make b b b and we need to search a or something we'll [ __ ] the guy name this gu almost every time because we are searching G on B A lot of times can we do B Expo fake much I'm going to be [ __ ] we don't have a lot of short one he's they know about me guys he spam me search push he pushed Tetris yeah he pushed like in he want Push that's jungle us two jungle two jungle I'm going to play from t from SL one more should have been on a Nico I'm coming I can Flash over stairs can you flash yeah flashing flash I'm holding C with the smoke I have bench one more jungle a fireb jungle City guys I think the guy from city that was the J okay okay two jungle I'm not don't see behind don't see anything jungle from Tetris guys can you shot jungle just jump jump coming out he doesn't see he's holding J jungle cross I will jump next time you pick from down okay sear me one more stairs inside counter terrorists win you want to pick top on the right side of the smoke I'll smoke your left side guys he's he's peing window want flash or not uh no you can VP flash n don't smoke window [Applause] holy [ __ ] this guy [ __ ] G man who one more was for B player microphone muted microphone activated microphone muted another one V one video counter terrorists win they want another video IIA One V one me and you microphone activated they want another video One V one me and you you had no chance so I don't know if I should do it again I no you're taking rev ah ah yeah I lost I think will do it next year no for sure you will ask see if you improved yeah we do it all the like every new year you know FIA go be microphone muted microphone activ it's or them I go high on B guys r b Rush B default still default for short counterterrorist win why do I so [Applause] dumb they buy Scout and they'll pick me think they bu H you think they buy mhm give me one flash I don't have flash from it let me counterterrorist win we can Ro we can push guys you want to push okay I'll go window and hold before they swing and got from stairs [ __ ] next [ __ ] listen to your brother you can you can push me flash two more two more did you leave n one more one more now one out mid guys yet they just flashed mid no one out mid I can't be out H I'm taking a risk just holding top mid be smoke smoke watch counterterrorist like maybe one more map I smoke c i r okay I can flash flash nothing r i for you you have r careful I Pi h i i one he he one more one More's here one here only I'm going up guys I'm going clear for uset what did I got blocking blocking smoke two top mid guys two top mid I want to kill them no no nothing bwhere they can have counterterrorist winion bro you don't watch enough demos of B anchors what the [ __ ] I'll jump under window and I'll punish me let's go if I die you pay me a drink come maybe stairs again flash I'm BL behind box I break he made one guys what top top under top under yeah clear clear next time [ __ ] [ __ ] you want to push for maybe uh yeah wait wait I'm coming towards B wait wait wait wait a bit next I'm going we're going to push B okay I'm going to play with just play ret from Jungle yeah they can under under one really this the second guy blocker was there as well kill how this microphone Pi up C I'm playing kit okay next jungle FL on yeah terrorist suck I suck oh broke his underground holding push even though you did this fake Molly that I first time see in my life microphone muted microphone activated I got surprised at the Molly that I didn't we we can swing shortly are okay okay it's fine nothing got nothing got Meen out sandwich Shadow AB slow cor one on ticket one ticket fire fire fireb shoot the right on the right for terrorists win I wanted to [ __ ] go and I just call why am I stupid drop me drop uh for me should drop you up no why two guns because for next for next and you yeah but he can buy you to I'll drop didn't see anything I have for you okay you want no got flash two more two more two more next I smoke push SL okay yeah you can push slap I think I smoke you can keep ey eye on watch take over window help they she one is short get don't see anything ramp nice watch what short that window there guy from one at one was short okay both both both short both short I'm flashing I'm flashing they hi I'm behind holding you holding you left seconds I can clear you sure yeah yeah he might be yeah you can go to a next counter terrorist he was position like like this and Flash C him in the face they were both blind they again maybe they last oh no no they full last I I up ining or not next I don't worry worry I'm leaving me guys we should left I'm not up stairs one three three come come come here come here guys fire box fire boxia I'm just hiding Shadow c c yeah jungle no no he's not I don't see him short and [ __ ] okay okay I think nobody no no one C no one where's the C4 planted C can you just smoke it it kill him maybe should have killed him no huh could kill this guy terrorists win kill this guy I can drop on drop drop Scout yeah I have I'm going to jump under I need just FL over I try to [ __ ] you can if you have not guys I'm holding up what's nice let's go nice nice cter Ione muted how was this zero hits on the guy in how microphone AC [ __ ] guys can you stay ticket with the Nexa NEX can play Balon and guys like for you it's like up for you flash one M Eagle smoke Z back flash I can FL left left I hold I hold I hold I don't know the perfect one but I'll pick ramp for you okay watch a watch a can be boost window can be boost Window Guys he has no weapon he has no no he's not out he's not out he's inside inside noted I have short and I have I have cor and are F on B Window yeah yeah iose window I don't I plays and PE on me I didn't see connector short short one last guyp counter terrorist win me what did he no Nexa again your flashlight throwing nothing nothing nothing there short P maybe you guys push or three there no way BF t t I'm taking fight in the me yeah they can be out everywhere holding [ __ ] I'm playing jungle yeah I I I didn't see guys I'm taking the F and window smoke again okay yeah block lay down smoke see nothing out me guys nothing left and they went A or B that's it the guy is [ __ ] hiding in and I think there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm going to try to punish it's a it's a it's a two terrorist wice easy the most important round for
Channel: LIM-CS POV
Views: 169,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: csgo, pov, demo, fps, faceit, inferno, g2, highlight, gameplay, major
Id: iUwdyHcpUe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 3sec (2283 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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