Nikko Jenkins sentenced to death

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Lol this guy looks like a boss out of the yakuza games.

Also why’s he allowed to have sunglasses?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SuperLasers 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2018 🗫︎ replies

Interesting that out of everyone hes killed the only family there was for the one person he met in prison.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PhatsoTheClown 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2018 🗫︎ replies
my life for four years and I've struggled for four years you don't get their power today so no I don't have anything to say to him emotions run high is the man convicted of brutal murders in 2013 is sentenced to death the first death death penalty imposed since Nebraskans voted to bring it back Nikko Jenkins had a lot to say in court throughout the last four years but today he was noticeably quiet a judgment lien Douai capital punishment is justified citing a bunch of factors including that the four-time killer has shown no remorse miranda christian was in the courtroom she has the sentence and reaction this case has been delayed for years leaving for families wondering what will happen to the man who killed their loved ones this panel finds that the death penalty is appropriate should be and is hereby given for each of the four murders by the defendant for death sentences and another 12 convictions each with 45 to 50 years in prison that is what the three panel judge rules in the Nikko Jenkins case the defendants commission of these four murders over a 10-day period is one of the worst killing sprees in the history of this state the mother of victim Curtis Bradford was emotional after the verdict this has been too long she says it's time to move on and let go of what Nikko Jenkins did to her family absolutely one thing to say to him he's my life for four years and I've struggled for four years today Douglas County attorney Don kleine says Jenkins is one of the most manipulative personalities they have ever seen in his history is a very dangerous dangerous person and I said that's part of this process that the court found that he deserved the maximum punishment the three judges had to weigh his past like his family history and mental illness against the severity of his crimes they also compared to this case two others in the past each one of these murders was a deliberate and planned act the victims were pre-selected and the murders were purposeful and now it's a time for healing and for these families to maybe have some closure after four long years I'm ready to go home and heal that's what I want to do this I'm tired of weary and I'm ready to go home never want to see this place here yeah even if Nikko Jenkins isn't executed he will still have to serve a minimum of four hundred and fifty years in prison for his felony convictions reporting at the Douglas County Courthouse I'm Miranda Christian 3 News now today's sentence is the latest chapter in a terrible story that left four people dead
Channel: KMTV 3 News Now
Views: 43,944,912
Rating: 4.7071915 out of 5
Keywords: news, local news
Id: wNfq4mlfU6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 49sec (169 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2017
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