Nightwatch: Car Accident Rescues - ONE-HOUR COMPILATION | A&E

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paramedics city of new orleans 9-1-1 what's the address of the emergency i need an advertising emergency real real bad family i'm on the interstate room we slammed into the railing so you all had an accident we slapped it to the side and i can't i can't see them okay ma'am stay with me okay ma'am i just sent a ticket to your phone so you can give me your location once you click that i'll be able to see exactly where you guys are my phone is so bloody ma'am we need help man help us on the way ma'am okay they're on their way all right so we went to a wreck on the interstate hopefully no one's injured dog next up it can be for dad man dude what does that rain into i hope it ain't too bad yeah i guess it's gonna be on that side might be on that loop right though oh yeah you can see it i don't know we're gonna get to that you can show us an area we see it it's on a little flyover just give us a little delay we're trying to figure out the best way would you to advised [Music] a head went through the windshield you gonna back up the ramp and let me get up and back me and jill we responded to a call for suv that just hit a guardrail and they're telling me that the patient had went through this windshield i'm thinking does this lady have some type of head fracture so join i need to snap to it we're gonna have to walk up the on-ramp hey all right what are they wearing seat belts you say fans are you wearing a seat belt what's up what's up get off oh look you're bleeding real fast all right 50 contact chum activation we got you baby we got you love thank you are you able to stand up oh yeah any neck or back pain let that stretch her down i see that brother we got her okay did you get knocked out we got to put this on your neck let's take this jacket off give me this phone take the jacket off we got you sweetheart here we go we got your love it's gonna be all right let's just drop this jacket you gotta lower your head hold it out all right let's get her on the stretcher come on come on here we go you just stand there i'm gonna turn the stretcher toward you we got you baby the patient's talking to me so that's a good sign but she has a major laceration to her her forehead there's a lot of blood and so it's really hard to tell what kind of injuries she really has at this point all right my name is joe and that's titus okay and we're gonna take good care of you what was your name again danielle i can remember that because that's my sister's name i know you scared but everything's gonna be all right all right we got you all right joe how you been there dog i'm gonna go do it yeah are you having any trouble breathing no yeah we do there you go all right baby legs and arms you said did you pass out at all no nice deep breath i got you i got you all right cool that's good if you abandon that i'm gonna start an iv here's your uh acrylics let me set this off hey hand me a head a head block i got you baby hey danielle just keep talking to me all right keep talking dude we about to go to the hospital you got it come on all right big stick good job good job d you're doing good baby down keep talking how old is your kid baby four years old i got a little five year old too long we want to keep her talking because we want to monitor her alert status and this lady wants to live you can see it in her face the way she's talking and the way she's calm she's telling us everything that we need to know and the more information that we have the better chance we could do to save her life now we go to be good thank y'all trauma activation it takes a lot of force to go through a windshield so i'm really concerned about what's going on inside of her school i'm thinking i need to get this lady to the trauma center as quickly as i can because at this point she needed a cat scan like yesterday try to get an iv on you before we get there all right you left your veins at home huh yeah you are hard to get if you didn't knew how this was gonna happen you're the building with you huh i got you laughing that's what i want keep knocking for me okay you're gonna be all right 10 22 by the blue come on let's go going on a little car accident see a lot of lights down there already there's been a three-car collision on the expressway off ramp i can't tell what the hell's happening dude let's see what we have man yeah oh yeah that's a pretty bad cut i'm sorry dude what car was she in she was standing up she was standing behind the car the car came in smashed her what's her name hope oh her name is hope yes oh my name's dan okay i'm the paramedic that's gonna take you to the hospital all right we're going to do a bunch of things okay you're going to get some ivs you want to go to the hospital where a bunch of stuff's going to happen real fast all right she has a crush injury to her lower leg her leg below the knee was actually split open are you going to cut all right do you want to go to the hospital by ambulance i want i want to go with my sister this is your sister all right we're going to take all right all right dan i'm gonna have everything and i'm gonna have everything in the truck set up for you great job trigger wait right there by them doors for me if you're coming with us get in that seat i'm sorry mom i just want you to take nice deep breaths wiggle you there you go can you feel me touching your foot which foot am i touching that's right you feel me over here good gonna be all right hey look we have your sister with us all right 121. so you were standing at the back of your car is that correct i did i know i know i'm coming i'm getting ready i'm so sorry baby [Music] i just wanted to cover it up you got it on are we out man thank you all right do you got that go ahead yeah thank you all right let's go big stick one two three open your eyes big wide as well look right here at my nose when we checked out everything seems fine her leg is definitely broken the tip fab is broke broken [Music] yeah definitely because that's like totally just gone she uh has a pretty traumatic injury to her right lower leg the soft tissue and and deep tissue is pretty destroyed when you pulled in i saw she was talking she was protecting the airway so that was pretty good yeah you saw that leg there oh man dude so did you you caught what happened right so her car was the red car right the car with the most damage was the sister's car it was bringing her gas right and that third car plowed into the back of the sister's car which hit her and then somehow pinned her between that car and her own that could have been so much worse besides the leg i mean just think if they would have been walking behind the sister's car we'd have been working two trying with that would have been bad [Music] 10 in orleans 49 i'm in right from tulane all right we're going to an overturned vehicle that is definitely overturned damn everybody's out this does not look good 62.49 on scene who was in the car she hit the fire [Music] yes ma'am yes ma'am is that the only place you heard nothing yeah he'll be all right we're gonna take care of you all right i promise she got a broken arm or they just wrapped i don't know we're gonna have to unwrap it because it looks like it's wrapped with a pillow she was the only one in the vehicle bystanders had actually wrapped her arm with everything i think people could grab out of their vehicles and we're not sure what's under there oh you're going to the hospital that's all you're going to be all right let's relax all right we're going to take all that off baby and check that arm out real quick can you move your fingers forward wiggle your fingers i can't even see her fingers yet so are you hurting anywhere my arm we're about to look at it right now i know baby i'm sorry but i got to get all this stuff assuming you got a laceration on your arm that's why they wrapped it like that so we got to figure out if it's bleeding still so we can stop it that's all it's no big deal you remember what happened i was driving and i'm running into the car okay you had your seatbelt on yes okay that would be university that is not give me that trauma pad all right so look where's your window down do you remember okay you got a pretty good wound right there where it looks like your arm actually came out of the car and drug on the ground okay she's gonna be at room four everything's fine i can see just all of the adipose tissue the muscle the bone everything it is way more serious than i expected and she has no feeling in this arm do you feel her touching your arm at all yeah up here all right can you move your fingers no you support hold this up really try move your fingers for me okay okay so you might have a little bit of tendon damage in your arm okay can you feel this yeah that's correction right here all right i'll hold it you're gonna feel a big sticker over here you also have a broken arm to the bottom left of it that's why it hurts so bad it's obvious that she has several injuries which that leads me to believe that she probably has internal injuries as well she's a trauma coach she needs to get to the hospital as quickly as possible 32 32 code three uh room four it's all good but we're gonna be just fine all right we out [Music] oh that injury how about that arm she's lucky it didn't roll over one more time was not amputated oh i know i wanted it real i mean she was missing chunk yeah i'd have been pissed because my tattoo would have been ruined you know how mad i would have been i'd be like oh hell no i don't know like you better go find that skateboard you better go get it that's exactly what i was about to say i was like we ain't leaving until you find my hunk of skin so i can sew it back on and then hunk of me did i miss it you better go find [Music] right up in there i do not remember being this tired a long time but i mean we literally just worked two 16-hour days in a row we arrive on scene to a car crash between an suv and a taxi cab they actually hit so hard that the door was ripped off one of the vehicles and was stuck to the other hello when that happens you definitely kind of perk up because there could be some serious injury involved hey what's your name what's your name [Music] broken what okay we see a female laying across the back seat with an obviously broken leg how are we doing this just put a board in here slide her out it's a tip-fit right yeah open or closed it looks closed everybody else is okay yeah there's a little kid with a little bump on his eye but he's fine cool i think we need to slide her actually out that way we can kind of support her leg as much as possible when you have a long bone fracture you want to make sure that you immobilize that bone from moving around especially when you're moving the patient around because bad things can happen you have a lot of blood vessels that run up and down your legs and can possibly cause you an injury that make things worse all right this is really going to suck i'm going to go ahead and warn you but i'm going to try to make it as easy as possible okay if you need to squeeze me scream whatever you need to do do not be ashamed okay all right i'm gonna grab you under your arms and we'll pull you onto this board [Music] that's it i'm going to just move your torso uncross your arms for just a second no liquor nick this is you down there that's gonna support your leg okay [Music] it's almost over all right that's it just relax okay we're gonna get you in the truck we're gonna give you some medicine i'm gonna go set that up all right nick you want morphine yeah these are the last few bumps okay darling is getting you in you all right this lady was in so much pain that she's actually physically shaking from the shock factor and it kind of pulls at your heart strings so you want to make it as comfortable as possible for them luckily for us we have medicine that we can give to kind of knock the edge off everybody's fine everybody's good and you're gonna be fine you're just gonna have to have a little surgery on your leg kind of put everything back together but you're gonna be okay so this is gonna be morphine trading this arm out for me went ahead and gave five to starving so she got five uh markings beautiful where'd you get your leg called on do you remember was it the center console you don't know i might have my like squirrel okay my husband the eight-year-old doctor okay we're at okay okay y'all here visiting okay yeah we're good thank you 3232 show us our tutorial one patient 1 10 12. my four year old was right in front of me in the booster well he was completely fine so everybody was fine i decided you'd be unfortunate enough to get your leg broken but it's okay exercise glasses oh well you might not be doing that too much but i guarantee you'll be back on the feet quickly because it's nice and easy it's a clean break so it should be really easy to prepare the 35 year old female she's got a tip rip fracture that's closed she's got an iv with some more feet on board she's fully immobilized we'll see in a couple minutes it really sucks though think about it i mean people just coming out here have a good time trying to pay attention to the parades and next thing you know you got a leg fracture that's pretty much going to keep you out of oh man she caught a bad break there you go [Music] left lane his vehicle is in the right place and all his parts are in the middle of the road okay i'm going to get ems in the fire department out there we need the jaws of life that's what we need to get him out of there all i know is that there's a motor vehicle accident and there is someone trapped that's what dispatch related to us that there's somebody trapped they're just not able to get out for whatever reason hopefully fire rescue unit is up tonight it's extremely difficult to administer any type of care to someone that's trapped in a vehicle sometimes you can't get to the patient at all all right i'm on scene yeah they got somebody tried and so there's nothing that you can do until rescue cuts them out of the car literally every second is a matter of life and death there's one in there they're trying to get them out they're right he awake okay can you tell us all right what about on this way he can move his toes he's got sensation because it's so dark i can't tell what type of injuries he actually has but the fact that he has feeling in his toes it's a good sign because it means that there's no paralysis keep your head real still okay i'm gonna do a quick little iv on you okay baby any belly pain or anything baby or my chest pain right your knees and your legs we're going to give you a little pain medicine okay all right look i'm just going to block your face that way that glass don't pop on you all right hey watch his way he is stable so we don't want to take him out the passenger side because we don't know what kind of spinal injury he may have and any movement that we do it it could paralyze them so the best thing for us to do at this time is let rescue cut him out with the jaws of light you got it we're going to get you out that way over there i am going to get ready to pull you out now okay here we go go this way oh there you go it's as bad as it was or is it getting a little better does that pain med you're getting a blood pressure and you're gonna check everything try and get some more uh pain meds to you then once we get him into the unit i go ahead and give him some more pain medicine we reassess him fully and there's really not too much more that we can do other than go ahead and get him to the trauma center all right guys let's go let's go baby let's go yep [Music] [Music] city of new orleans 9-1-1 yes you need a police on governor nichols and uh playboy all right tell me exactly what happened the guy was just coming off the bridge i was sitting on the back of the truck when i looked up again he hit the pole he hit the pole and hit another car is anyone injured yeah they probably i'm not over there i'm just looking at them okay um anyone trap their pin inside the vehicle getting trapped in both saw some people trying to pull the doors open though are there any hazards involved vehicles smoking or leaking any fluid smoking all right i have officers in ems dispatch [Music] to what sounds like a two-car nbc person's unresponsive of course as soon as i get there i'm gonna try to see how many patients we have to see if we need additional resources all right it looks like the vehicle struck a pole oh yeah it's still up to the toilet yeah we got it looks like they hit the bridge oh yeah that's going to make a trauma crowd here right there show us something hey my man you all right what a other car where's your other car at okay you check him i'ma go over here all right hey look my brother what you hurting that your head hurt did you did you just run right into the bridge when it hit me all right it's chaos there's people standing everywhere and we don't know who's a patient and who's not so titus and i have to split up to cover more ground and determine how many patients we have now 62 49 on one scene [Music] is the back of your head what about your neck all right hey tight end how many pages you got in that car i just got one he said car hit him and he ran into the bridge one yeah one patient i'm a good child all right what about your legs you let her all right dude chill right here i'm gonna get the stretcher all right stop okay anybody over here is hurt she's ambulatory she's all right she said she's good okay so we don't need another ambulance no other ambulance no all right cool what you need a sea collar and a stretcher hey baby so look i'm gonna touch your neck and your back real quick okay any pain right here pain no no pain any pain down here nothing you sure you ready baby that's your mama calling you you want me to talk to her what's your name my name is that's lance yeah is this lampa's mom have a seat right here hey this is lieutenant sherman with new orleans dms hey so he's awake he's talking he does have some injuries he was involved in a wreck but we're about to load him into the ambulance and try to check him out a little bit further okay last look you got a little flag to your head but you're gonna be all right brother did you pass out at all when it hit me you hit so you did pass out he's not really answering me quickly like i would like i don't know if he has a head injury or he's just in shock so right now i need to give him an ambulance so i can do a better assessment hey lads wake up clear hey baby let me have this arm right here does it hurt to breathe at all i need you to take nice deep breaths from it good job baby good job hey lance wake up for me man yeah i need you to stay up for me last he's having a decreased mental status plus he has a lock to the front of his head so we have two indications that it may be a possible head injury all right y'all be careful thank you all right joe are you ready titus yeah i'm ready 3251 is code through the trauma center with one patient all right how fast were you moving all right good but you had your seatbelt on right bro all right what else do you remember from the crash just the airbags i need to do a full assessment of you all right what about your legs just your legs hurt oh you should see you gotta uh that one hurt all right good what about this into that and the bad no shoulders all right chest does it hurt when i touch on your chest and you have a little lack on your head right calls like this can be a grim reminder that anything can happen to anyone at any moment you never know this kid looked like he was out having fun and boom he hits a concrete pillar hopefully it's nothing that changes his life forever and maybe he can get out here next weekend and you know make up for this night how's your breathing is it all right good [Music] [Music] a three-year-old in the wow also was in her seat got a busted nose mom's probably got a broken arm there's nobody in the other vehicle or the other people oh okay so we have four total yeah all right we get a call for uh mva there are two vehicles one that is still smoking and another that has two children in it along with the driver the driver of the car that caught on fire she was very lucky apparently a passerby stopped and opened the door and helped her out of the vehicle before it got fully engulfed in flames we got around i hadn't moved here all right let's get i got the this i think this one has uh the seat the car seat in it the baby is maybe four or five months old she's a newborn almost i see some brush burns on her like little abrasions to the head she starts crying so that's always a good sign oh my goodness because that means that they're feeling any pain that they might have and that they're scared and know what's going on if you have a baby that's quiet that has just been through uh something as traumatic as this that's always a cause of concern that one's okay i get the baby girl all set and firemen bring her older sister in okay that hurts all right all right you want me to get you a little something that's cold and put some coal on it all right i'll start to talk to her and and assess her i see she's got some swelling to her lips and nose area you want a whole lab you want me to hold it all right i'm gonna sit right here and hold it for you can you wiggle your feet oh very good i like those tennis shoes [Music] the firemen were taking care of the mom apparently she had what appeared to be a broken arm or a broken elbow um your mama we're gonna get your mommy in in just a minute okay the baby look i got your baby she's doing good too she keeps asking about the baby i thought she was asking about her sister i kept telling her baby's right here she's fine she's fine [Music] all right we're gonna we're gonna get your doll for you come to find out she was talking about her baby doll christine's gonna go get your doll okay oh christine got your doll yay all right she's got that little mark on her head that would mean trauma criteria the mom is in a lot worse shape than the children so we need to get her to the doctor you're all right with them going to ochsner or you want them at university the two children they were very lucky that they were properly secured in car seats and that's the only thing that saved their lives if that hadn't had been in play i'm almost pretty sure it would have been at least one fatality if not two it's hot [Music] i keep thinking i'm having hot flashes off that um just happened on acting the franklin avenue exit he needed ambulances yeah we got a call about it we're getting somebody out there to help now okay mid-rancho motor vehicle accident on the interstate and i hate going on accidents especially on the interstate really dangerous truck that's on the right lane and right shoulder all right we got our rescue truck on scene he just happened to be in the area he just advised that there's one trauma activation so far 20 put me in the area hold still oh i need gloves babe all right we got one was there another vehicle they think about the interface you could check on the other patients i'm on scene of an mvc it's the critical patient his head has gone through a windshield the crew already has their patient so i need to go check for the second patient okay he's stable 62-20 send me a second unit please you knew [Music] the second patient is stable he's not critical so i call for a second unit and assist with the critical patient oh i got to get him out here hold up my immediate concerns is a possible head injury brain injury neck injury windshields are pretty thick so for your head to go through a windshield is a very significant impact your arms down baby arms down one more time hold up right there there you go i got him baby keep your arms down for me 32 48 we're honestly what you got kelly they already towed his truck off the interstate the car down there hit him at full speed behind and uh spun him out caused him to hit this left shoulder pain in woodhouse baby okay all right any trauma activation criteria we don't know what the vehicle looked like because they moved it regardless of the patient's mental status we can activate a patient photo trauma center just based off of mechanism and damage to the vehicles the white vehicle definitely met that criteria any of this hurt back here all right the right side just your arm but no neck or back pain yeah your seat belt on brother yeah what's your name now all right be look we're gonna we're gonna hold you down all right the patient's complaints are shoulder neck and chest pain so we decided to put a c-collar on it okay we're gonna put this on just precautionary all right casey has some damage to the bony structures in the neck but i really want to get him off of the interstate into the back of the ambulance where i can further assess them now look just to make sure so does it hurt so your chest hurt all right what about any stomach pain no does it hurt to breathe a little bit terrible it's important to get the trauma activation right we don't want to try to activate everyone because then we tie up a lot of resources that patient may or may not need but i decide to err on the side of caution and call the trauma center and see if they want to trauma activate the sky university medical center new orleans ems trauma activation go ahead and proceed to ems triage temple i'm gonna run down here and take a look at his van all right brother we're gonna get you to the hospital okay you were at work are you getting off i was going back you're just chilling and next thing you know bam uh but get there all your bottles look good your lung sounds are good you got a little bruising right here okay all right yeah he took a good look he had air bag deployment and like the whole front end of the delivery van is is pretty much uh gone is there any trouble no not really there's some damage to the back of it but it's minimal nothing that needs to report all right so they're probably not going to activate you once i tell them that all right i'll relay the information that keeley gives me to the doctors and let them know that the vehicle didn't meet trauma criteria and let them determine how they're going to proceed with treating this patient hopping off the interstate now we're gonna be pulling up okay [Music] [Music] [Music] it sounds like they definitely got two people we received a call for a motor vehicle accident with entrapment meaning that they were occupants of one vehicle that were unable to get themselves out of the vehicle what car is he oh [Music] when we pull up on the scene i see a car kind of like up on the sidewalk that had collided with a light pole what is what is hurting you right now why are you sitting like that is it more comfortable for you like that i got knocked sideways until we physically be able to touch the patient we're still at a a loss like you know we don't have a clue what's going on the gentleman driving the vehicle that's your son okay the driver was not able to get out he said he had too much pain in his back to try to climb out the passenger side so chris on our rescue unit is on scene to help extricate the driver from the vehicle all right baby try not to move too much from him right mom you didn't get knocked out right all right we was concerned that a lot of things could be going on something hit him that hard for that car to ball up so we don't know what's going on until we physically be able to touch the patient we're still at a a loss like you know we don't have a clue what's going on ready one two three hey look my man we're gonna get this under your butt we're gonna slide you back towards me and me and my people gonna pull you out okay right now we're putting your son in the truck with us and we're gonna go listen you're gonna feel like you've fallen on this bench but you are not gonna fall okay you know you prioritize things even though we was mainly concerned about him because the impact was on his side we know we wouldn't be able to get enough information until we secure his moms so let's get her out get him to calm down and then let the call just run you know smoothly russ if you get a chance snap a picture of his side of the car and send it to me so i can show the docs at the hospital please what happened man just blew a red light or something right i saw him coming but i thought he was gonna stop right look right here at my nose open your eyes big wide look at my nose hey i'm gonna come do you first all right take your vitals your blood pressure is hot i'm a little concerned about it right now i know you're upset it hits me so hard and knocking my wiggles that's pretty that's pretty hard during our routine assessments the mother is found to have a really high blood pressure this is worrisome because high blood pressure can cause strokes and other things like that so either way she needs quick transport to the hospital all right baby look i'm gonna get you to the hospital i'm gonna take a nice easy job okay please tired all right no one's ems two lane patient report hey it's dan with new orleans i got two patients for you from an mvc we usually don't keep two patients in the back we are equipped and we are trained to cover two patients but both of the patients know each other you know at that point if they comfort each other all we do is just give them a ride to the hospital and next thing you know we pulling up on the ramp we got a call for a mooted vehicle accident a car hit a dump truck and there's uh possibly somebody ejected i really it's my least favorite calls to go on mbas especially on the interstate because it's just so dangerous and unfortunately it happens way too often that one of the first responders gets hit or the vehicle gets hit the bumper-to-bumper traffic tells you a lot it tells you that it is a big accident it's including all the lanes there's obviously something big going on i don't know how we're gonna get up there they don't have to move i don't think they can they're so tightly packed it's definitely frustrating to know that someone is potentially very injured ahead of you and and you can't get to them [Applause] 20 you put me on scene trying to get through traffic you're good damn that does look uh really really good good job we see like a ridiculous amount of damage a sports car has obviously hit a dump truck and another car and i'm thinking well you know there's going to be someone injured on the scene who is in this car what do you mean he's walking to bridge the first lady i come up to says that the guy was in the most damaged car her exact words were his brains were hanging out and he was walking down the bridge and i see this guy walking down the bridge though you all right yeah i'm good caught up with a guy all the way down the bridge and luckily for him he had no major injury uh he was just really scared didn't know what to do yeah all right man you got a little scratch on your nose nothing else i could see i don't know how that dude's even alive man the whole roof is stuck in the back of the dump truck back there holy hell man the passenger side of the camaro was completely destroyed wow you're lucky man look at it that way it could have been a lot worse you could be your brains on the steering wheel you know what i mean if you get out of the pasture they've been dead as insane as this wreck looks on the outside everyone is completely uninjured so there's nothing left for us to do here that's unbelievable i can't even i can't believe he don't he that dude doesn't even have a scratch on him i tell you what when it's your time to go you go and when it's not you don't go it did every day you see it like that dude should be dead [Music] 3251 you could put us in the area geez not the mic yep well i guess i won't be surprised if her arm is injured guy in the black jacket was driving all right swelling about days or so could it be broken it just could be something minor okay a lot of the times with patients who are complaining of arm injuries it's due to the airbag deployment because it comes out with such force and then boom they've got broken radius and ola hey you're driving yes ma'am uh are you wearing your seatbelt yes all right you got some slowing on your arm yeah you got a good amount of swelling it's a little bit swollen huh any numbness or tingling no i mean it's sore you can wiggle your fingers close your eyes your finger am i touching uh my index finger okay just real quick any head neck or back pain all right any pain room touching all right which hospital do you want to go to do i have to what day is it today part of the silly questions i got to ask you what day is it today it's a good thursday night all right cool it's my birthday today is it really i was going home all right what year is it it is 2021 how old are you i am 46 years old yeah i mean i don't feel anything broken you're moving it all right yeah it looks scary but yeah just hop in the back we'll put the put a nice work on it luckily this gentleman is ambulatory completely alert fully oriented walking around i didn't even know he was the patient at first because i was expecting someone with more severe injuries than what he had was having a good day all day you know that happened now that you're heading home 150 over 90 heart rate 112. cool do you have any medical problems beyond any blood thinners anything like that i'm going to hold that on there right or left-handed good so we can still bill you okay um how are you getting home now are you friends uh my son oh okay i'm like half a mile from home i almost made it hold your kids uh i got three boys that are 19 20 and 22. oh so you said one right after the other and then you're like i'm done yes that's fair so what happened he ran a red light had sex apparently his car is still against the tree up there that sucks happy birthday he's in very good spirits considering his very nice car is now totaled but even though that's a pretty crappy way to spend your birthday it could be a lot worse hey man on the bright side you're gonna get a new car for your birthday yeah yeah i mean you got old but like you're getting a new car [Music] so lindsey and jeannette were making fun of you yeah they tell you what they said about you they were trying to mimic my voice but it's uh you can't make me it's uh it's original i hope everyone's having a good day today especially this guy right here be careful there man it's dark outside you're stupid 32 48 you're going for a motor vehicle accident unknown script of the vehicle we responded with a traffic accident traffic accident on the high rise which is very dangerous on here it says high-rise east 7th the location of this nvc is particularly dangerous because it's it's the part of the interstate that goes over a canal which connects to the mississippi river we call it the high-rise people speed and it's so tall that when you get to the top it's kind of blind for a couple seconds so people get hit all the time that's probably it right here yep you can share what's unseen when me and flex gets on scene it's only us we're really high up on the high rise right now and i can see here and i can actually feel the unit shaking every time a car flies past us hey y'all were you all involved in this accident yeah okay do you all want to go to the hospital anybody needs to go to the hospital all right give me one second what about you sir you good okay you're gonna go in the morning we have one up there wants to go the one in the back seat he wants to go okay okay all right baby you all take care okay put call back if you all want to go uh we're always here okay all right hello hello hey hey what's your name vernon all right mr vernon you said you're having some head pain you had your seatbelt on right you didn't i know sir okay okay all right i'm gonna put this collar on you real quick okay once i find out the patient was unrestrained in the back of this ride-sharing vehicle this call goes up a notch because he can have internal injuries that i can't see so we place the c-collar on him for precautionary measures to keep his neck straight and in line all right a few bumps man okay so no loss of consciousness you didn't pass out the i just kind of did dizzy like right now okay all right man we're gonna get you on over there okay [Music] so you just said your head hurts a little bit your neck does back here where i'm touching just just right here in the middle okay 10 being the worst pain you have ever felt one being hardly no pain at all with your neck about right now okay i feel bad for him because he's just trying to get home and his rideshare gets in an accident he's hurting but he's in good spirits nice quick fast bumpy ride over there right hopefully i don't hurt your neck any any long no i won't actually fun you'll give us four stars on a yelp review [Music] you're responding to i-10 west just before the exit 232 west's which is the norman c francis overpass there you have a six vehicle accident one vehicle is overturned and smoking it's a culture in the first we fired 46 we copy we're going i-10 west exit 232 west that's close to us it's in the city we're gonna have a distance today it might be an mci if there's yeah it's actually there's six cars i know how many you know let's just chug this we're going there today go go go go go go go just shotgun revival what bam 30 to 46. we're gonna have a traffic delay the high rise is like a parking lot come on y'all get over is there another accident up here oh these guys don't need anything because that could possibly be a freaking trauma activation right there but i only played three this accident does look pretty bad but we cannot stop because we have to get to our call which is a code two possibly people trapped 32 46 year old yeah we're on tax yeah okay all right so we got rerouted from that call and we're going to another mvc the one looks like we had to pass up on the high rise i'm glad the other wreck wasn't as bad as it could have been if you're requesting to meet at the wendigo organizing trying to get the calls off we gotta be yeah the white car looks like it's probably gonna be a trauma activation especially if anybody was seated in the back of that vehicle hi what's going on somebody ran into the back of me okay where was he sitting in the back seat has he been acting normal the whole time i guess so he's saying okay okay he don't he don't actually talk okay basically because of the damage to the car you are considered a trauma activation so we'd like to take y'all to university okay you may take him and start getting them settled are you hurting anywhere my bag okay okay a big guy me logan's first priority is stabilizing and immobilizing the kid at this point we do a full assessment on him yes he was secured in a car seat but that doesn't mean he don't have any injuries they were hit pretty hard from behind let's see bubba i'm gonna take this off it's okay at least something what is brand new it's okay it's okay he don't know what's going on he don't understand he just understands that boom i just got in a car accident i'm scared you have strangers all in your face sirens are going off so right now we just want to keep him calm so he doesn't keep moving and maybe hurt his neck or back more you want me to get you some tv here buddy there we go there we go you want to um peed on him yeah we're going to get him in a collar you want to put some special seat belts hey you ready it's okay i mean it's not the tightest but it's it'll shorter it'll keep him kind of cocooned yeah hey big guy you wanna watch some tv i got a lad and playing for him he's okay this is precautionary okay he's not gonna stay like that he's scared i know baby let's get you on the stretcher mama put your feet up there you go baby we're going to get a mask on you and go ahead and lay down flat let's try to keep your head straight baby i don't want you to turn it in case you have injuries that we can't see okay does any of this hurt you that i'm touching anything here the back of your arm and my buddy i don't see any like gross deformity or any bleeding you probably hit the dashboard okay i'm gonna get some seatbelts on you you ready to roll yeah all right all right baby i'm gonna take some bottles on you okay y'all got lucky my baby hey big guy you doing okay yeah all right so far so good his vital signs look great we're getting your vital signs right now all right mama are you doing okay he's still good okay we got him watching a movie he's nice cool calm collected okay he's not complaining of any pain whenever i'm pushing on any of his stuff okay you did good you had him in a car seat he's nice and safe he was exactly where he needed to be i don't see any injuries on him i know you're worried about that deep breath deep breath it's okay baby the scary part's over okay y'all are safe right now there's a male pinned inside of the car and the car is upside down whenever you're looking 62-15 20 win area looking awesome all right y'all have a callback you did say the 200 block we actually just hung up with the callers yeah we said yeah i see him as we pull up there's a vehicle on its side and i can see through the windshield that there's still someone in it they're 220 we're all seeing them they're clear on the other side of that car keeley watch that car it don't roll you have one patient at this time but if that car turns over you're gonna have multiple patients there you go he's coming out you can cancel fire the neighbors helped get the guy out of the car on a daily basis people are always there to help people in the city have a lot of heart it makes me proud to a new orleanian and 10 boy 23-year-old boy thank you all right i'm right over here that's the american version of spanish right it's exactly i don't know how to say seat belt though seat belt were you wearing your seat belt the challenge is with treating someone that doesn't speak english is that i speak pretty poor spanish can you get the information from them yeah i try all right you have an id dna id no no no uh there we go uh hey we got that elsa huh uh eddie damn yeah damn damn use the outside in one's ems has the elsa it's set up that it's gonna 24 hours a day we come in contact with an english-speaking representative and she can contact us with dozens of different languages all right we need uh spanish interpreters keeley with new orleans right now the first thing i need is he hurting anywhere and if so where is he hurting that [Music] since my spanish isn't as good as it should be it's great to have the elsa as a primary means of communication how did it happen what happened okay that's fine thank you he was a big help see if you don't have dan around we got elsa hey look you did your thing speaking speak your feet come a stop city of new orleans 9-1-1 what's your emergency someone just hit the guardrail boom boom boom they're in a uh in a white car they flipped over to the construction zone you said it was a white vehicle it was a nissan center because no one hit all right we're going to get units to that location as soon as possible there you have it nba involving the white beast on central [Music] so we are headed to an mvc way out there it's such a huge stretch of interstate people get tired it's really dark and oh there's construction in that area and if you're not paying attention and you're exhausted i've worked a lot of like bad calls out here city of new orleans now on one i'm on the interstate this had a terrible accident they're going to need the himalayan do you know how many cars are involved it was just that one car okay they were stirring into the left lane and they kept on and boom and i could see the car bouncing off the wall do you know if anyone is injured most likely they are can you tell if anyone is trapped in the car they were trapped in a car it was pissed off even if they wanted help nobody can see them okay we have help on the way [Music] is [Music] no no come on man that would just change the whole mood having someone trapped inside of a vehicle can really make the difference between whether we can get them out alive or whether we're pulling out somebody that's now a trauma co this person can be extremely critical but you have no choice you have to wait until they're cut out of this vehicle before you can provide any care it's accessible from the eastbound side right before mile marker 251 it's like right in the barrier what in the 62.49 you show me how long the did that happen but how did this happen [Music] hi hey what happened you okay yeah it was just you yeah how'd you end up in here not sure when you look at damage like this the fact that somehow he was able to get off of the interstate and into this barricaded off construction area and he's walking around completely unscathed i mean on a scale of one to final destination he's extremely lucky are you injured oh no okay are you sure yeah i've been in a lot of wrecks okay so you don't need to go to the hospital by ambulance 62-49 no one's trapped how'd you eat right yeah you're lucky that didn't impale your final destination oh i don't like that where are we at right here you're in between mile marker 250 and 251. that thing probably saved his life i i mean you're technically in new orleans you're just in the east part of new orleans okay all right yeah all right we're getting out of here thank y'all um nopd should be on the way if at any point in time you start feeling bad you feel injured you change your mind you want to go to the hospital please call us back okay just call 9-1-1 all right all right you have a good night bud glad you're all right like i don't know man like i don't know how he got right there it's gonna be just he went over the guardrail like launched over the garden i had to oh that didn't supposed to stop him and that piece of rebar like came up and stopped him and he's just walking about like everything's fine all right that is some final destination hey five of us [Music] [Music] [Music] be safe be strong let's do this get that stretcher in here you're gonna bleed to death they're not dead i can work with that
Channel: A&E
Views: 5,674,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, nightwatch, nightwatch full episodes, nightwatch clips, new orleans, new orleans crime, new orleans medical, emergency responders, emergency workers, new orleans police, night watch scenes, nightwatch episode clips, watch nightwatch, marathon, nightwatch marathon, car accident rescues, rescues, Car Accident Rescues - ONE-HOUR MARATHON, craziest car accident rescues
Id: iSWkyo5eIsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 28sec (3688 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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