Nightmares & Dreaming | PKA

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I had this weird dream where I was in part of like some sort of a cult and like that tall guy from babe you know the move of the talking pig oh yeah yeah probably I think yeah okay Walter Cromwell maybe anyway he's like James Cromwell James um well thanks yeah he's like in bed and I'm standing at the foot of the bed and all of his and he's like the cult leader and I've done something that the cult doesn't like I don't even know what it is but they're they're judging me I'm being judged and he he gets out of bed and he's like starts painting my head with like chicken blood or something like that and I'm like I think shits about to go for Lee and I'm like you know God told me in a vision that I had been judged and that we were cool now I'm hoping they'll be like really you saw the Lord in a vision but no he's not buying it at all because because you know he's a cult leader he isn't believing God he but he believes in [ __ ] underage girls that's what cult leaders do and he starts dragging me toward this wall where there's like manta khals you know like there's those metal cuffs with chains like they're about to chain me up and like kill me and I see there's a shotgun in the corner it's like a old timey double barrel with the hammers that pull back and so I get that and I'm just trying to threaten him but some crazy lady is coming at me with a sickle so I blast her doesn't give her one of the barrels and then that made James Cromwell I mean he was already six six but he must have grown to like seven six between me blasting the lady and looking back toward him and now he's like really coming at me so I blast him too and I run for the door and this has upset a whole mess of cult members you're out of arrows I'm also out of barrels money that your dreams are realistic with ammunition either the gun doesn't work at all or it works exactly like it's supposed to it's one of the other there are neurological guns there's no magical guns so I run toward the door and there's like a like a an umbrella stand full of guns and I'm like well thank you very much I get one of those magic guns that doesn't work for every time I [ __ ] the lever sausages are coming out the top little red wieners are popping out like well maybe I'll shoot a waiter at them and I close it just gets all mushed up in the mechanism it's a [ __ ] Wiener not a bullet and like and and I've really overplayed my wiener gun card like when I saw like three or four cult members coming I was like I'm here boys quit oh [ __ ] little Smokies what there's juice and they both have real guns they both immediately go to their trucks and water them comes out with like a submachine gun and at this point I'm resigned to my fate in the dream and my thought process is if I antagonize them enough they'll kill me quickly because it seemed like torture was the punishment of the day just a few minutes ago with his Manta khals and such and the chicken you just killed James Cromwell yeah just took him out and so I was like I was like we'll do it then I'm not afraid and one of them like lights me up with a submachine gun but I'm still alive and it hurts it hurts in the dream it hurt real bad like it felt like getting shot in the back with a paintball gun or something and I was like you better reload and I look in the other guy like this fat [ __ ] has like a gigantic light machine gun and he starts shooting the lower half of my body only and like to torture me like so like I drop down and try to put my head into the spray of bullets and and I'm just getting massacred but I'm just laying there not dying like I know I should be dead but it's a dream that's why I'm just laying there like I'll just pretend like I'm dead and they'll leave me alone and and and then I woke up and I was terrified and I was breathing real hard I mean that was like that was like a that was like 40 minutes before we kicked off the show did you've got very first of all I feel like you have a lot of nightmares oh yeah a high percentage of your dreams or nightmares I literally I can't remember the last time I had a nightmare I wear every night yeah that sucks yeah yeah Oh some freaky happened to me the other day I was I was like I'm not maybe like 8 a.m. or something a week week and a half ago and we were waking up on the weekend my girlfriend and I and I had woken up first you know I got up like got a drink of water and laid back down and like tried to get that like extra you know 40 minutes of sleep when you're still tired in the morning and she was still totally conked out and she sat up and like that creepy way that people like still dreaming do yeah she goes she goes Taylor Taylor you're covered in blood oh god you're covered in blood and then she laid back down and fell asleep and I was like what so I woke her up later and was like do you remember waking up and telling me I was covered in blood and now no she's in the basement a mannequin she's like I just woke up and I looked over and I saw you and you were just covered in blood and blood was spurting out of your chest now I was like wow and so you just went back to bed like you saw that and then use my bag to bed you didn't even try to like help me she's like I don't know I was just trying to go back to it but so now I know if I am ever bleeding to death middle tonight she's not gonna [ __ ] wake up no no you better apply your own sutures and should yeah I have very vivid dreams and I I remember them pretty accurately almost almost all the time and there'll be long long long narratives and I've always wondered what the time dilate like the right time elapsed verse the dream I've always wondered that too yeah I don't know if it's 1 2 1 or if dream time is condensed like if I'm experiencing an hour in my dream in five minutes of real world time I bet there's some sort of like neurologist who could answer that question maybe by looking at brainwave patterns while you're asleep or something oh boy they probably a recurring nightmare I had when I was younger it was like but it was the shortest dream much less nightmare I've ever had and it would like I get it like once every few months but it was it just started with me being late for school and my mom is already outside in the car you know in the driveway not in the garage anymore like Taylor come on you were late we're late we gotta go and I'm running out there with my backpack in my lunchbox and I'm like I hit the button to close the garage door and I run to try and dive through the garage door you know like you have to do so you don't get the sensor and cause it to reopen but I trip first fall and the garage door comes down and crushes my head and pops it like a grape and I die and that's the whole dream damn it's like 30 seconds of Taylor you're late Taylor you're late oh [ __ ] I'm gonna be late run out trip head crushed yeah my dad and I have similar nightmares in that we often if we're running from a thing we're sort of running in quicksand and like are very uncoordinated very uncoordinated with our running and so like it'll get to the point where you're grabbing on to walls or the floor and pulling yourself along you like like like to stay coordinated and and the other one is if you're dealing with a monster and trying to use a firearm to like like shoot the monster or the bad guy or whatever it is the the bullets don't work like you can't find the right kind of God like it's like a coffee can full of like 22s 9 millimeters 45 s 40 s 357 s and you've got like a 308 hunting rifle and you're like [ __ ] none of these fit this and like putting the 40's in one pocket in the nines and another hoping you might stumble upon like one of those guns later on it's it's a lot like playing rust and now you're just collecting various pieces to the puzzle and but the guns that the bullets will often turn to mush or chocolate and that's the thing that actually it's interesting because that's a dream a lot of people have it's even displayed once in The Sopranos when Tony Soprano is having this this this fever dream about killing his football coach or fantasizing about doing so he didn't actually kill him in the show his bullets turn to chocolate and his coach is like see you're unprepared and that's what that joke that's that's in many ways what those dreams are sort of expressing I believe that dreams it's your subconscious doing a thing for you it's about your fears of inadequacy or your fears of unpreparedness stuff like that actually I the the nightmare I can think of that I have had in the last few years and this seems like 90% of my nightmares are just this at this point it is anything happening where I lose all my teeth yeah like all my teeth will fall out and all like those are the only ones where I'll wake up in the morning and be like oh yeah okay it was a dream mine one fake [ __ ] teeth I had one a while back where the cap came off one of my tooth that's had a root canal and I looked and it was full of maggots I'm like the inside of my tooth and the gum through the hole in the middle of the molar was full of maggots have you ever had a dream where it's like so boring that you're surprised by it we're like you'll be why remember when I was much younger I had a long dream about waiting in line at an amusement park and I woke up when we were about to get on the ride and I remember being like what no no I got it yeah that forced myself go back to sleep I was about to be on the ride yeah you're never going it was about to be but you can never get yourself back into the same dream ever I have this verse sometimes I feel like I didn't do my homework and that I must have school PTSD or I'm just we all completely unprepared for the class and I and the feeling of dread in the the weight of the pressure it's all so real yeah we all have trauma from from our education but the way the system is set up it's such a fear like I I can remember it happening actually happening where I get to class and it's not that I didn't want to do the homework I forgot it I forgot there was homework I didn't write it down in my agenda and it's like well [ __ ] it's just this is [ __ ] heart dropping out of your chest feeling of dislike oh this is gonna be embarrassing and I'm gonna get a zero there's nothing worse you can get obviously and it's like that scars you like that was a bad student so it was like the night before I didn't prioritize it and now I pay the piper and and I still do I apparently it's funny you were a bad student because like it just doesn't click with me at all like knowing you the entire time I've known you I never would have pegged you as a bad student unless you let off a toast
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 28,984
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Keywords: pka, pka clip, pka clips, clip, clips, pka highlight, pka highlights, highlight, highlights, pka 432, 432, woodysgamertag, dream, dreams, nightmares, PKA 432 Parachute without Harness, Father and Son Ruthlessly Poach Bear, Dippity Dippity Dump
Id: jEAGn-wRYiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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