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okay so uh before you start watching uh my mic was like really far from me so my mic my sound like really quiet in this video I'm trying different mic positions to see what better but it's hard so just like right here tell me in the comments if this sounds good okay thank you uh like And subscribe and comment and all that uh on to the video where where am I wait oh it's the high school wa why am I here and wait where is everyone oh whoa there's a TV what the this wasn't here before why is there a TV here now weird what what's that sound hey yo what's up my welcome back to another video today I'm be I'm about to be chasing all of you you realize you said that first part shut up shut up shut up oh shoot wait we're going like we got disgusting Alfredo alfredo Zoom come on let's go in there go we need come come on [Music] guys you still right wait still right here right here get out my spot wait wait what if we all go on top of each [Music] other okay just remember don't sound do not you said turn your damn flashlight off I can see that wait is he on top of us no way can you actually fit sh there there wait wait wait wait wait wait I was on his head get on get on get on wait yeah like that then oh never mind I don't like this one I'm going go see what's going on wait hold on what if I just just he alert wait guys let's go check on he doesn't seem to be anywhere I don't he [Music] this you what what where what what oh he he guys guys I hear him this isn't good I hear him guys guys hello hello guys very yummy no no no no no get [Music] bit I you shut up shut up shut up why do you laugh like [Music] that did everyone set their bind zoom zoom give you 10 seconds this time hold on no go go go go go this absolute [ __ ] no it's your fault buddy hey mister hey Mr no better hey what what are you doing yeah you stay in there nerd let me leave nerd isn't you in here hello are you wait what oh what hello where are you what what hello you in here oh my God scared me I scared you I I wait wait I I hear him I hear him oh no I see him I see him go go go he's com he's so fast are you sure this is me open the door well well well oh my God he's so quick what where in this one in the other one in the other one in the [Music] one all right today I got trapped in here what are we learning about today's subject slavery go to the bathroom may I go may I go no no hello hi guys I was fixing the timer my bad set down for today's subject I need to find that furry and Dove man this is crazy hold on let me turn my screen brightness up a little bit well that [ __ ] didn't help at all but [Music] hey he's behind the door no I'm not you wait what this isn't fair wait wait I got you I got wait if I fix you will you let us know this is discrimination let us go and only kill double if I fits you no shut let you guys go for 5 seconds can you fit now okay let's go can you fit can no I'm asking can you fit can you fit hold up let me hold up let me see oh you can let it no you're cheating hey hey hey hey hey hey who wants to play over bye-bye oh hold on Goofy byebye think he's on the oh hey dude how you doing oh Pikachu oh Pikachu he sound like that shut shut the f up who what are you talking to my dog H know B what up we should go explore should go explore Mr low better I could barely hear you man say you should go explore Venture the world go explore what's going on over here uh um uh oh oh my God he's going he's coming up go quicker hurry up there you go serious man bro you got me Mr doy what are you doing let's go find him bro I got I got dude I better hurry up yeah you better hurry up buddy trying to kill another guy I I need to do this ow stop it oh H wait wait wait before you leave before you leave everyone hold on wait wait wait send me a song God damn it we're going to do a sing along guys hold on it's bad Albert and I'm going to sing a song for you how did Dark Star died of us [Music] [Music] oopsies whoopsies hey who's crowbar I hear that wait you in here I hear somebody in here [Music] hello hey I see your flashlight get over here get over here get over here what the one down there's someone someone shot hello can you see me why you can't what the hell hold up hold up hold up hold on wait can you see this SP him in again Huggy again there oh I can see him now yeah where about now yeah I can see him now okay go give me like a few seconds princi princi who oh oh you who's in here oh you know I'll check this you're in the same spot a little better are you you brought Zoom too they they force me they force yeah can we all leave at least give a chance this is like bro we should all leave man you know who else is here second if you're here just pop out Li bro Dove is right behind me bro D D's behind you dude D's behind you D just being quiet o here can I go ow [Music] rest of you can go I only wanted one I'll see you later go I promise you can go not joking you can go go you too dog 10 nine yeah buddy that's what I thought I do you in here no you're not there a door in here Sir Mr Dove or zoom zoom I swear to God did you go in here Zoom don't lie you go he here yes wait you're in the library do that again I bet you won't I bet you won't what with my little ey some I eat get over here get over get over du don't don't worry I'm Your Guardian you're not get over here come over here come over here where you at where you at see you there's someone in here just say it someone's in here Zoom JK get back here just the process just process just process Library bro what I know you're little does he know I'm doing backward psychology I just want to play little look at these doors hey Jaylen D I hate you not going to that's F not this time no stop getting my way stop Guardian Angel what's you doing oh hi dby I don't care I don't care did Dove get past no he didn't no you didn't hi who snitched who snitched I just found you I mean dog kind of snitched earlier but you could have moved if I could move I hate this I can't move I'm getting stuck on everything moving is great I love moving I love moving I lost where they [Music] at oh yeah I [Music] you [Music] after this after this after this shoot no no no no hey hey hey hey Zoom y y guess what is dog day oh shoot oh shoot go go go why are you so fast stop oh my God no no no no no go go why did you say that Zoom you're autistic he's behind the door kill him he's behind the door kill him you who's in here who is in here who is outside who is outside low better us low better Zoom oh oh you can't get me you if you sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice Dark Star I I'll let you live no zoom zoom you going to have zoom zoom zoom and low B you can leave no they can't oh I don't want to leave yeah they come no no no no stop stop stop stop stop stop they can't leave they're Shing what but you know y'all already sacrificed me last time remember I think it's zoom's time we can both agree y'all sacrificed me last time remember hold up hold on why can't why is it so like laggy did you hold on wait come on my KNE man please oh please just let me wait am I Garfield if if you do a la if you do if you do slash dance for me then maybe I'll let you live if you sure you're not just going to kill me no I'm not going to kill you I want to see Garfield dancing no no Zoom I hate you ow yeah hurt your head didn't it oh that hurt really bad Mr D head where is he I hear the sound I hope you die you deserve it no kill him kill him murder him you just let him what are you doing what is what you I just barely saw you do you have night vision on oh yeah now I can see ooh and I just saw little cheeky bugger going in little bugger is that what you're calling him now are you stupid did you just let him yeah yeah push ow are you stupid or something stop yes good sir I hate you are you stupid genuine [Music] [Laughter] question somebody got to take this away so you realize I'm using the push on you I'm spectating and pressing e to push you why because you killed me you got me killed no yes I stay outside with you you [ __ ] yeah but then you jumped over his head and left I'm surprised I keep him that long for wait L you died what happened oh oh yeah yeah go back go back oh yeah boost me boost me boost me oh yeah I got you I got you yeah thank you oh ow stop it oh sh thank you what of these songs are going to laun you backwards okay that was clean you you go from that was clean now stop why you keep jumping why you jumping why you jumping why you jumping why you jumping why you hitting yourself why you hitting yourself okay I'll stop maybe I'll help you depending on your what if I help you jump over his head I wonder where he is are you stupid yes yes answer the question oh thank you thank you yes oh ow yes Mo yes push me push me like you should yes yes yes [Music] oh man that's H that's I I typed kick Mister in the last second I was like wait a minute myself were you about to kick Mister were you about to kick Mister yeah I was about to he was about to kick [Laughter] [Music] him [Music] all right let's go before I catch you boys wait let meon duck skin bro let me try boost you wait wait hey he's getting push me push me push me oh here I got you oh dark it's the first time we've ever been outside we need hi go go go go go go go go can you kill him for being Outside Pretty Please Mr little oh go why would you do that oh my God where's Zoom he's coming boxing oh no don't go in there he's so goofy he looks so goofy look at him look at him they running in they were running in circle no way Dove died no way he di to like the the special end no no no no no no no no no no no no no no stop oh my God stop stop [Music] it stop sh the door you deserve to die you killed me last round he coming what do you mean how you were it oh yeah oh yeah yeah you did oh yeah yeah yeah you made me dance wait is he coming yeah Zoom Zoom Zoom Zoom Zoom is this Zoom you stupid or something you stupid probably look like boy stop doing that hey that's not nice you look like box we're fine right that oh my God it's the [ __ ] child Z go still got another person out are you going to chase him what are you doing took you long enough in watermelon take it in Chicken and watermelon it tastes so good meal of the day is chicken watermelon and Kool-Aid shut up I my chicken drumsticks I love shoving the bones up my and then getting chck IAM Dy shut the up you're so lucky he just walked by I got some Skittles Skittle boy I got some Skittles for you Skittle boy oh I see see him I see him oh my God hey want's some Skittles I see hey hey stupid Skittles he wants the Skittles yes yes he want Skittles he looks like he's running Mo through a flame he's running to the ice cream truck like he missed the ice oh my God you look like scared myself oh we're not doing that be salty cuz you're dead thank you there a gumball when he dies no I don't hey you're stop stop you Do You Hear What dog's saying what Chicken and watermelon my favorite ladies and gentlemen I would like to introduce to you Chicken and watermelon drag him out there are you doing no way no way he are so Jammy so Jammy hey um do you suffer from brain damage he said what the are you doing hey brain damage I [Music] will I'm so good yo where you guys at stop that stop stop stop oops did [Music] something oh my God who died who died oh dog died look at his C ass [Music] [Music] kid [Music] 12 bro what do you mean what do you mean 12 he said 12 seconds exactly wait guys guys guys I'll just go in the same room no right this room this room TR come over here no go behind here no hell no what happened to the door what happened to the door yeah I got stuck last time shut up I'm going first check the library damn you guys already hidden here I got I got to hide no little is that guys guys guys guys I broke his ankles where he was coming at me he was coming at me [Music] come oh my God he was running the other way his tail he's like wait go to the band go to the what [Music] yes I swear to God if you're hiding in there you know I hear you right and also um because I'm in third person I also see Garfield over here praying to God right now turn your flashlight off you oh my flashlight wasn't it's not on yeah your flashlight at first kind of angle I saw your flashlight too so wait there's eight minutes left too late anyway sacrifice Zoom cuz I've been sacrificed twice already kill him one of you better sacrifice yourselves sacrifice Zoom zoom's lived every round think about it he's literally lived every round all right which one of Y all right which one of y'all people going to die bro I ain't going to lie like I'm going to need a meal right now now I'm just going to stay now going to stay here until you guys oh wait a minute actually hold on wait hey wait you did oh my I don't [Music] [Music] like had it back are you kidding me that's not me that's not [Music] me hey hey hey stop doing his looting D I know that's you I'm oh than you the other one wasn't me though next video this push add-on is off it's it's off we're helping so stupid go no stop hitting him stop hitting him no more push oh God this that's you doing it I'm not stupid low better is doing it too what is love I want you to die oh [Music] what kill him stop I'll give you around 7 Seconds here let me just get out of here first okay this guy is so annoying I hate jail why it's heav but not okay buddy okay buddy that's fair yep yep yep yep yep Zoom my oh no you don't oh my God oh my God oh my God hey buddy good hello pal hey hey course is not he wouldn't be that stupid hello pal you know I can hear you right no way oh my gosh I was so close I was so I'm actually oh my please tell me that's somebody oh my gosh that's dark bro I'm trying to zoom oh crap okay let's go I finally got him the bag has been so did you last second how's it feel you see my [Music] [Music] juke [Music] is it good why you staring me are you special hi his name [Music] is we need to find the computer room where's the computer room what do you mean the computer room it's at the front it's at his spawn it's at like near spawn we're so we got to sneak back we got to see here I'll watch the corner ready she Ys no stop this isn't even fair please I know where someone is there's one going towards cafeteria just leave me alone please you're acting like I can open the door oh you're too big aren't you open it for me so I can come in yo can you open the door so I can kill you what wait wait wait wait stop stop wait actually I've died way too many times you now I'm what are you touch you like no one's ever touched you you got lips you've actually got lips damn hold on wait wait you want play fortnite on the computers please no did uh cool math game is not blocked come on go ahead and run look look look look what do you mean go ahead and run you're going to kill me stop stop it oh you could have gotten out right there this can go on forever open the door then bet you won't no balls no balls open the door no balls no balls open the door open the door okay open the door okay just here I'll help you get on stck open the door oh oh wait wait wait wait I'm stuck I'm stck no you're not no no no like I actually give move no yeah yeah yeah you look so special you're doing yes yes I win I win I win I win I win I win I win help mea for what happened what happened yeah I come back come back come back come back come back go go go go go go go go go that the entire L is outside low better is outside low is standings Oh you mean the main house SC just crouch in the middle Crouch be here and wait bro what happened in there like I saw him go in the room you went play Ring Around the Rosie for like two minutes do do do got to tactic come here come here come come I got a tactic basically if he comes down there basically we go here we go basically we go like this we go oh you better to do that tactic you better to do that tactic hurry up hurry up and do it hurry up and do it [ __ ] up bro don't hey M what you doing you want to play this game again you want to do this again oh you're freaky does he want me him he want him okay oh my God [Music] [Music] you're shut up you're mean ice cream are good hello oh [Music] hey prise now he is in theater so what are you doing zoom zoom zoom he's right here right here he's literally right here no the other one the third one the third one the third one down no way you're that Bo yeah hold up you dark you really Tred to do that that was that was [Music] Dove where's low uh right here I heard that [Music] crazy [Music] he
Channel: Dark Star
Views: 123,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3off0ie7q2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 23sec (2783 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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