Nightmare Before Woe - FULL EPISODE | The Animation Coven [TOH Fan-Made]

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[Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] why do you keep running away from me do you have any idea of how that makes me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] loose hey uh which stick do you think looks the most aerodynamic uh I'll take a look if you go wake up loose okay goose [Music] Eda I think she's dead stop being dramatic and wake her up [Music] what are you doing I was trying to wake you up are you okay yeah I'm fine you sure you ever slept again oh no am I late for school not yet come on eat us waiting downstairs all right I'm coming kid we don't have all day breakfast lunch stick let's go [Music] bye bye [Music] okay this is the third time this week we're running late so what's up what's going on with you you're usually up before me sorry Eda I'm okay you sure about that yeah I have just been having some weird dreams lately it's nothing you know you could always just take a nap during your boring classes I won't be doing that but thanks anyways all right time for school [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] eating insects Off the Wall doesn't count their delicious friendship is always pausing in my belly sharing their thoughts their dreams their deepest darkest secret actually that gives me an idea yeah Mmm delicious friendship all right this is it a not now King I need you to deliver these invitations to Lucy's friends what are these for I'm planning something for loose and I want her friends to be here for it yeah okay but look where did you get that from Lewis's dance thingy with this sweat and I shall bring my enemies to their knees trembling with fear fine but go play with it outside I don't want it getting on my carpet foreign and turn him into a corpse [Music] oh what was that nothing I'm gonna go now I didn't do anything to the potion bye [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] oh come on notice me already you again [Music] yes hoodie stop doing that loose I Lose Friends what are you guys doing here we got invitations from King for surprise sleepover surprise you did heck yeah they did oh that's sweet but yeah let's get this party started [Applause] eyes I'm in my blue eyes white giraffe hey I don't think I've ever seen you with your hair down before it's pretty thanks loose you thank you uh I think I'm pretty too yes Hootie you're a very pretty bird I'm a pretty bird I'm a pretty bird I'm a pretty bird I'm a pretty bird I'm a pretty bird all right then gather around everyone huh what foreign I've got a fun surprise for all of you dream walking dream walking what's that see where we're game we're going to someone else's dream together are we going to go into Lucy's dream first I don't see why not unless there's a problem with that I mean totally yeah uh it's fine totally fine yeah foreign anyway don't worry about it this potion can last us the entire night but you can end the dream whenever you want and then someone else can have a go we have to do this Dip's not going next it's not gonna be like when we you know nah it'll be fine I used to do this all the time as a kid plus you don't gotta rely on a bell to get you out this time well kids get comfy and drink up oh it tastes like blueberry hey do you guys want any snacks eh more for the king of demons morning already that's darn so what now the potion didn't work so oh it worked all right it did question when did we change our clothes loose think of something cool hmm whoa did I do that heck yeah you did so cool eat up should we have any more snacks oh this is too good of an opportunity to pass up [Music] [Laughter] can't believe they're still sleeping oh what have I done oh my God I must have dropped something wrong I must have dropped the ground blue into the potion and how the potion is gonna be ruined and I don't even know oh my God they drink grumbles it's okay I'll be with you forever oh dude and ever and ever and ever I need to fix this so what do you want to do now loose I don't know well We're Dreaming right you can do anything you want try something else anything hmm [Music] oh thank you no problem take a summer fun lose I know somewhere fun [Music] seriously School what school is fun so since this is a dream we can do whatever we want right yep hmm [Music] nice throw Miss Parks top marks yes [Music] maybe you're less of a dweebus than I thought kid that's talent right there [Music] all right now where's Miss jenkinmeyer's old room all right nosetta what else can you do [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] this is really nice [Music] okay I'm done who wants to be the next abomination good thing I don't have to wash these foreign [Music] what's happening do something loose [Music] yay what okay I did something [Music] foreign [Music] loose bring us back kid that wasn't me I didn't do that then who did [Music] foreign [Music] where are we I think it's controlling the dream yeah that shouldn't be happening [Music] can't you guys do something this is your dream loose you should be the only one able to control it this was a bad idea I'm gonna wake up I want to wake up did it work I don't think it worked it's not working why isn't it working I I don't know okay this shouldn't be happening why [Music] why that's it stop being scared lose as if that's going to help wake up wake up [Music] oh come on do you want to hear my deepest darkest secret it's hoodie stop being creepy and help me everyone get inside now [Music] [Music] why do you always run away from me what's going on you said loose was the only one who could control the dream I don't know I made the potion this morning and followed the instructions I made the base put in the Slumber sand then King came in and oh I'm going to kill him what king he must have dropped some gromgoo into the potion dude what you drink Grom goo I think I'm gonna be sick that's definitely not legal oh said Terry so what are we gonna do we're gonna help loose deal with this nightmare that's what how I don't know kid making it up as I go along now stand back how are we supposed to find that pretty sure they went that way there you are Guardian Mommy I miss you so much I I don't want to why would you say something so hurtful I'm not going to be around forever you know you need to appreciate the time we have together start to leave me to play with your imaginary friends am I not enough no Mommy that's not no no you're not my mom this isn't real [Music] the bus is coming soon mija do you have your back don't don't send me away Mommy I'm I'm sorry I'm just trying to do what's best for you Carino well maybe you don't always know what's best for her [Music] guys [Music] [Music] it's it's gonna be okay kid just step away from it [Music] I can't I don't want to lose her oh kid that's not she she just wants what's best for me just because she's your mom doesn't mean she's always right my parents wanted me on the Abominations track remember but I'm a lot happier now that I'm studying plant Magic meow what they said but what if I could never be what she wants me to be that's not the point kid listen your mom loves you and you love her and it's okay to tell her what you need too and she needs to listen yeah and loose it's not just her I should have talked to you instead of just deciding what you needed by myself if I had then we wouldn't be in this mess foreign kid I took this too far I mean I'm pretty sure King is responsible for the whole Grom thing but you get my point I shouldn't have put you in this position what yeah nailed it and stay out King messed with a potion pretty sure it wasn't on purpose though oh so that's why the dream was so um intense this time also explains the blueberry flavor and hey if you want to talk about all that stuff I could use some practice on the whole listening thing yeah I think that might be a good idea all right so what do you want to do now I kind of just want to get out of here sounds good to me kiddo oh you're awake cool are you okay I'm sorry loose I messed up really bad huh either was making a potion and then I dropped the glom bra into the cauldron and it's okay I'm sure it was an accident accident or not you're extremely grounded mister and so am I tomorrow we're cleaning hoodie okay thanks guys for what you did back there of course loose all right see you kids in the morning wait could you stay you want me to all right scooch over [Music] [Music] King did you draw on our faces when we were out maybe [Music] nice foreign [Music]
Channel: The Animation Coven
Views: 286,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the owl house, the animation coven, nightmare before woe, the owl house fan-made, the animation coven full episode, the owl house animation, the animation coven fan-made, the owl house fan-made animation, the animation coven fan-made animation, toh, tac, toh animation, full episode, episode, the owl house fan animation, fan animation, fan-made, animation
Id: MbQloLWZzVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 25 2022
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