Nightly News Full Broadcast - July 3

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tonight nearly 80 million in the bullseye for dangerous storms and Searing heat the southeast reeling from Fierce winds in Chicago a washout people forced to abandon their cars the heavy rains nearly put the brakes on a landmark NASCAR street race hundreds evacuated in Upstate New York one area getting two months worth of rain in just 24 hours the system barreling East tonight and the holiday heat warning as several cities in the southwest get close to 120 degrees Bloodshed in the West Bank one of the biggest military operations in decades as Israel attacks Palestinian militants by air and on the ground the region on alert the search for suspects after a mass shooting in Maryland leaves two dead and dozens injured who ran for their lives the scary real moment that shut down a Thrill Ride after a visitor filmed a crack in one of the nation's tallest fastest roller coasters while elsewhere another ride stops suddenly trapped bring Riders upside down for hours the amazing Rescue an injured hiker no cell service and the phone feature that she says saved her life and summer on the slopes the record snowfall giving skiers a fresh way to celebrate the fourth this is NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt good evening and welcome at the start of this holiday week where we are tracking weather that could severely impact a lot of July 4th plans including from the extreme heat we've been reporting on lately now extending across the country here's where we stand as we come on the air this evening starting with the storm risk in the East 46 million people across the Mid-Atlantic and Northern Plains could see strong outbreaks tonight with the potential for travel disruptions 33 million people are under heat alerts right now all coming off a weekend of violet weather that saw wind related fatalities in Missouri heavy storm damage in Kentucky and rains and flooding that delayed a Nascar event in Chicago Emily aquetta starts us off now with late details thunderstorms to epperling key Veer weather isn't taking a holiday heading into July 4th and it's packing a punch Wing us stopping 60 miles an hour sweeping through Lexington Kentucky over the weekend residents today facing the Tangled aftermath hail rain came from everywhere so when it raining so hard you know you couldn't come outside that system also peeling off the canopy of this business in Alabama and toppling trees in Missouri killing a 33-year-old woman and five-year-old boy near Saint Louis in Chicago flood waters inundating cars and pumping the brakes on NASCAR's debut in the windy city I believe this is the strongest downpour of of rain since 1987. well in New York torrential rain transformed roadways into Waterway Sunday prompting the Urgent evacuation of more than 200 people from campgrounds and homes in Clinton County the area recorded nearly two months of rain within 24 hours everything's like level roads are washed out looks like a war zone meantime Airline delays and cancellations continue to pile up with more than 28 thousand flight disruptions since Friday I am just going to stay at home and be safe and while the record heat may be easing in parts of the South it's intensifying elsewhere 33 million baked in heat alerts today with Las Vegas topping a sizzling 112 degrees we're going over to a friend's house whose home is air-conditioned the Western Heat Wave sparking Wildfire concerns this July 4th Salt Lake City joined the growing list of cities replacing fireworks with a drone show as weather extremes reshape July 4th celebrations Coast to Coast Emily joins us now from near the East River where New York City will set off its fireworks display tomorrow is that going to collide with the weather well Lester nearly 50 million Americans are in the line of severe weather tonight the overall storm threat should actually take a step down in time for fireworks displays tomorrow but could be hit or miss here in New York barring any severe conditions the Macy's 4th of July fireworks fireworks will go on rain or shine Lester Emily encounter tonight thanks turning to breaking news overseas now those soaring tensions in the mid East one of Israel's biggest military operations in decades is underway right now targeting Palestinian militants RAF Sanchez is there tonight heavily armed Israeli troops storming into a building exchanging fire with Palestinian gunmen part of a massive Israeli military operation in the Palestinian City earlier Israel using armored bulldozers to clear away hidden bombs and calling in drone strikes in the occupied West Bank is nine Palestinians killed in the fighting according to the Palestinian Health Ministry the city's hospitals flooded with the wounded it's like we're in World War III this man says Israel says Palestinian militants from Janine have carried out more than 50 attacks on Israelis this year including the recent killing of four men at a gas station the Israel raids targeting areas where they say Palestinian militants including Hamas plan attacks and stockpile weapons but Palestinians argue these raids inflame the violence and that Israeli troops stand by during attacks by Jewish settlers on Palestinian Villages tonight Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu I have no doubt that is Israel exercises its inherent right of self-defense the United States will stand firmly by our side netanyahu's conservative government is facing major protests at home and tension with the U.S over its policy of expanding settlements and in a sign of those tensions President Biden has still not invited the Israeli Prime Minister to Washington although the White House did say today it supports Israel's right to defend itself Lester all right Ralph Sanchez thanks back in the U.S police are searching for the suspects who opened fire at a summer holiday block party in Baltimore two people were killed and dozens more were injured George Solis has the latest tonight the search for suspects intensifies in Baltimore Maryland after gunfire erupted over the weekend at an annual block party claiming the lives of 18 year old Aaliyah Gonzalez and 20 year old kylas mcbemi today Gonzalez's family sharing their grief bar is so bright the best sister I could ever ask for it 28 others were wounded by gunfire half of them teenagers according to police we won't stop until we find those responsible and hold them accountable we won't he just kept screaming Raquel Nelson says she rushed two young women who had been wounded to the hospital I have children you know and um I would have wanted somebody to do that for my child if she was in that I need like that authorities say the event takes place around the same time each year despite a lack of permits and is usually well patrolled but some in the community say there weren't as many officers present this year with Staffing of police also at play here why there may not have been adequate protection at this event no Staffing was not an issue we knew it was coming up at some point but we had no indication that it was happening that day a 28 thousand dollar reward now on the table for information Lester tonight officials say seven victims remain in the hospital four of them remain critical Lester all right George thank you one of the nation's most popular thrill rides is shut down tonight as inspectors try to figure out what caused a support section to crack it comes as yet another ride left people dangling upside down for hours Sam Brock reports with families all over the country looking for a Holiday Rush one ride not open to the public The Fury 325 in Charlotte shut down indefinitely after a father discovered this frightening crack right after his daughter rode the roller coaster so why it appears to spam the circumference of the support beam and visibly shift when the coaster cars come through the man who shot the video says he flagged Guest Services then the County Fire Department which intervened and I just happened to see that crack I'm like I can see light through it and I'm not an engineer but that's not that's not good after the report surface of the coasters crack another woman found this photo from a week earlier showing a sliver of it starting to form Carowinds the amusement park which features Fury 325 built as the tallest fastest longest Giga coaster in North America said in a statement that the company closed Fury 325 after Park Personnel became aware of a crack adding safety as our top priority and that all rides undergo daily inspections today State inspectors were out probing the attraction still some Riders remain Furious about Fury 325. when I first saw the video it was shock terrified anger because how did it get to this point over the weekend more roller coaster drama when a Wisconsin ride was suspended with some people hanging upside down for more than three hours all we know is that there was a mechanical failure with the ride where it became stuck up in the upright position Riders left not exhilarating but shaken by the dangerous turn of events sambrock NBC News a tough new immigration law just took effect in Florida and its already sparking concerns about how a shortage of undocumented workers there could upend the economy Gabe Gutierrez reports the new immigration law that took effect July 1st has prompted protests in Florida we are people too we are all people we are not illegal the state's Republican Governor Ron DeSantis signed the bill in may just weeks before he announced his run for president it's easier to come to this country illegally than it is legally the law bans local governments from issuing ID cards to people who cannot prove citizenship it requires hospitals that accept Medicaid funds to ask about a patient's citizenship status it also increases penalties for people who hire or transport undocumented immigrants and it expands the use of e-verify a federal database employers can use to check a worker's immigration status we recently asked the governor what he would tell desperate immigrants fleeing violence in their home countries Governor when should do what you could to protect your family once Biden became president he basically said come and so they're coming and so in that sense you know I do have sympathy for the predicament that they found him and because I think they've been sold a bill of goods at the other at the other on the other hand you know we just have have to have a rule of law in this country south of Miami in these agricultural Fields Yvette Cruz with the Farm Workers Association of America says some migrant workers have already left the state there would be people who support Governor DeSantis would say that's a good thing they would say loud just say I am okay okay who's going to do the work that no one else is doing we spoke with lesbie who says she's undocumented and asked us not to show her face because she thinks the new law might make it easier for her to be deported you're going to stay okay why she tells me she plans to stay for now because this is her home but that she and other immigrants like her now live in fear Gabe Gutierrez NBC News Homestead Florida now to an NBC News exclusive Chief foreign correspondent Richard angle takes us inside a Taiwanese military base with its forces preparing for a potential Invasion by China NBC News was given rare access to a military base in Southeastern Taiwan I feel pressure like but um this is what I do where rookie Pilots are preparing for what officials here see as an increasingly urgent threat from communist China to invade and strip Taiwan of democracy and autonomy we can all foresee there might be a war with China that's why we are all all preparing to do like we train to to fight and fight fight and win Taiwanese defense officials tell NBC News a controversial trip by then speaker Nancy Pelosi a year ago was a turning point for China it seemed close to recognizing taiwan's Independence China fired 11 ballistic missiles right over the island and encircled it with warships to prove it can strangle Taiwan whenever it wants it was a wake-up call and taiwan's government is now hardening its defenses extending mandatory military service for men from four months to a year making Reserve training more intense and realistic and pressing the U.S for delivery of f-16s very nice to meet you in Taipei taiwan's foreign minister Joseph Wu told us a Chinese Invasion would have devastating impacts on the global economy and we need to deter the war from happening if there's going to be a war it will have a Major Impact upon the rest of the world and that is something that we don't want to see do you think that the United States would come to taiwan's defense of course I cannot speculate whether the president of the United States is going to enter War over Taiwan or not what we need from the United States is for Taiwan to be able to defend itself Taiwan would not get much notice of an attack Chinese Jets could cross the narrow Taiwan Strait in minutes so Pilots here say their main mission is Readiness Taiwanese officials do not believe an attack is imminent but could be years away Taiwanese military officials tell us they do not believe it's a question of if China will invade but when Lester Richard angle thank you just ahead in 60 seconds when cell service didn't work how an injured hiker was still able to use her phone to get help plus when anyone was student loan debt needs to know about paying it back after that Landmark Court ruling foreign new smartphone technology could help save lives especially those who love to venture Off the Grid Aaron McLaughlin has more on how it became a Lifeline for one hiker in trouble after she was injured and had no cell service never expected her weekend hike through a remote Los Angeles Canyon to end like this a rescue mission made possible thanks to new cell phone technology the dirt just gave way I tried to find my footing but it wasn't stable I landed on the grounds and uh sort of contorted way on a trail like this one Reyes didn't have cell service but she did have an iPhone 14 which boasts a new feature emergency SOS found in Settings that allows a user to dial 9-1-1 via satellite lucky for Reyes her hiking buddy knew how to use the new feature and successfully called for help it was literally the only way that we got communication out for EMS to come and help us the third satellite call LA County search and rescue says they've received this month the notification goes immediately to the nearest 9-1-1 call center last month 10 teenage hikers used the tech after getting lost on a Southern California train Trail and in Colorado two hikers were rescued after using a similar technology from Garmin certain Android phones will soon offer Satellite Communication which Rhea says she'll no longer hike without and you never expected something like this to happen absolutely not never in my wildest dreams Aaron McLaughlin NBC News Los Angeles and up next for us tonight crunching the numbers as tens of millions try to figure out how they'll pay off student loans Tom Costello with what you need to know [Music] for 43 million Americans loan payments will resume in the fall after the Supreme Court struck down the president's student debt program as Tom Costello reports there are ways though to soften the blow after a three-year payment Hiatus during Cova the clock is ticking down to a potential wallet Buster the Supreme Court decision means borrowers must resume paying off their entire student loans starting October 1st I planned on saving for my home uh possibly starting a family 30 year old Sharon Elliott still has twenty thousand dollars in loans just married he and his wife must now put their plans on hold my wife also has uh 53 000 student loans as well so we're both going to be set back what's interest rates averaging nearly five percent experts urge borrowers to make more than the minimum payment if you make the minimum payment on your student debt you're going to be carrying that debt for a very long time the average student loan thirty thousand dollars now the Biden Administration is developing a slow repayment on ramp borrowers who can't make a payment for the first 12 months would not be penalized and a plan called save an income driven repayment program we would cut the minimum monthly payments in half from 10 percent of discretionary income to five percent after 10 years of payments loans of twelve thousand dollars or less would be forgiven it's good for the economy it's good for the country this can be good for you meanwhile Public Service workers including First Responders nurses and teachers might also qualify for loan forgiveness there are affordable ways to pursue college degrees and in many professions and in many occupations you absolutely do need those uh you need those credentials to be able to to pursue those careers College enrollment is actually dropping with fewer students and higher tuition financial advisors say in-state schools and to your community colleges can help make that degree much more affordable Lester important to know Tom thanks when we come back a new Fourth of July tradition is born 900 inches of snow later finally tonight Maggie Vespa takes us to California where Believe It or Not thousands are celebrating the fourth on the slopes happy Fourth of July on the holiday devoted to red white and blue a rare chance to shred the white you're skiing on the fourth of July yeah hell yeah how Wild is this so so sick many repping their best Stars and Stripes we're doing our best to not grow up others simply in Summer's finest I've never seen in the Summers and I've never seen a bikini against the odds this Fourth of July weekend the slopes of Northern California's Majestic Mammoth Mountain remain primed for an estimated 10 000 patriotic runs the snowy summer conditions remnants of a Relentless winter swelling the Golden State's rivers and streams and at its peak burying the mountains chair lifts staff had to dig them out how intense was that a very there were some that it took us a number of days to get dug out even this Lodge was completely submerged some 900 inches of snow piled up here on the summit shattering previous records and stretching the ski season well Into Summer a silver lining some say to a rough winter it's great that we can all enjoy it now speaking of enjoying it we can confirm resistance is fuel like this is July this is wild marking an unlikely celebration of America's Independence on ice Maggie Vespa NBC News Mammoth Mountain California yeah that's my kind of Summer that's Nightly News for this Monday thanks for watching everyone I'm Lester Holm please take care of yourself and each other good night thanks for watching our YouTube channel follow today's top stories and breaking news by downloading the NBC News app
Channel: NBC News
Views: 1,318,089
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Keywords: Health, International News, Lester Holt, Making A Difference, NBC Nightly News, National News, News, Nightly News, U.S. News, breaking news, evening news, politics, world news
Id: UK5jkwQitvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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