Nightly News Full Broadcast - July 10

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tonight breaking news the deadly flash flooding emergency rescues underway roads destroyed cars Swept Away parts of a railroad washed out lives turned upside down a woman dies trying to reach Higher Ground and more rain on the way 9 million still at risk of flooding including almost all of Vermont our teams inside the flood zone Al Roker standing by The Manhunt for a murderer and kidnapping suspect who broke out of jail using bed sheets tied together described as a survivalist hiding out as communities are on edge Dr Larry Nassar stabbed almost a dozen times in his federal prison including in the neck and back a late update on the Man convicted of sexually abusing young athletes with one of his victims is saying tonight also breaking as the president and King Charles meet in London news NATO will expand amid the warned Ukraine the country on the verge being admitted plus late word on a new meeting between President Biden and zielinski Madonna now out of the hospital tonight what she's revealing to her fans about her future crime warning the energy drink with caffeine equal to six sodas that kids can't stop buying the new call for the government to step in this is NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt and good evening I'm Tom Yama sin for Lester we want to get right to that breaking news a type of weather event they say happens only once every Thousand Years close to 10 inches of rain a summer's worth essentially falling in some areas in just hours the result flash flooding that turned dangerous and deadly with a woman being Swept Away trying to reach Higher Ground there have been dozens of rescues many of them in New York while in Vermont almost that entire State under a flood warning tonight 9 million at risk for flash flooding which has destroyed dozens of roads and wiped out tracks on a busy commuter railroad servicing New York City and it's not just here in the Northeast much of the South and the Southwest still dealing with a brutal heat wave in a moment Al Roker will tell us where that heat Dome has moved and what's next but we begin with Emily aqueda in hard hit New York Emily so many there caught off guard with this flooding Tom absolutely officials called the flooding here a once in one thousand yard rails as you can see behind me and the unrelenting rain isn't over yet for those north of us tonight a brutal bout of storms inches North washing out roads and kicking swiftwater rescue teams into high gear states of emergency declared in parts of New York Connecticut and Vermont I'm Kristen Dahlgren here in Vermont where the rains isn't letting up some towns have already seen over seven and a half inches flash flooding has cut off entire communities dozens of roads are closed and now some rivers are approaching major flood States almost the entire State's still on high alert as we head into the overnight hours watch as flood waters pour over the dam the governor there comparing the Relentless rain to Tropical Storm Irene in 2011. this is an all hands on deck response we are closely coordinating with Federal Partners the dangerous downpour comes as residents in New York's Hudson Valley today are digging out everything's destroyed a summer's worth of rain falling in just a day collapsing roadways and stranding cars in dangerous flash flooding I've been here 16 years I've never seen flooding like this at all back up there with New York state troopers used rope Sunday to rescue drivers and authorities had to save 700 passengers stuck aboard Amtrak in Putnam County they're calling this a 1 000 year event authorities say 43-year-old Pamela Nugent died while trying to evacuate her home that had been overtaken by water it looked like a raging ocean with a hurricane nearby Savannah pitcher witted through treacherous flood waters to reach her grandmother and help guide her to Higher Ground if you had not gotten to your grandmother what do you think would have happened I don't think everybody would be okay honestly I can wash my car to swim away tonight in Pennsylvania residents are facing the aftermath of reading's wettest day in three years while back in Vermont First Responders are bracing for a potentially long night all right Emily aketa joins us now live Emily you're one of the worst hit towns in New York give us a sense of the impact there well Tom if you take a look at the damaged Bridge behind behind me you can get a sense for just how high those racing flood waters reach with debris stuck in the fencing and you can see why roadways are expected to be closed for the foreseeable future the sweeping storms also impacting Amtrak service and disrupting thousands of flights Tom all right Emily aquetta leading us off tonight let's get right over to Al Roker who's tracking this flooding threat and the dangerous heat and now all across the country there's these pockets of extreme weather that's right it's just going to continue Tom you look right now the heaviest rain in New England making its way slowly up to the north we still have flash flood watches and warnings out there for 9 million people could be another four to eight more inches of rain and from Miami to California 55 million people under heat advisories heat warnings and heat watches because this high pressure is just parked over the Southwest with a jet stream up to the north triple digits for the next three days for Vegas Albuquerque Lubbock El Paso and Phoenix and for tomorrow from Miami to New Orleans triple digit humidity making it feel like if it's in the triple digits Tom dangerous conditions and this lasts right on into next week yeah going to be a busy week for you in the weather Team all right Al thank you for that we want to turn out of Pennsylvania and the search intensifying tonight for an escape murder suspect who authorities say lowered himself out of a jail by tying bed sheets together into a rope he's also apparently a survivalist with military training Ron Allen is there tonight day four of a massive Manhunt for a fugitive police say should be considered armed and extremely dangerous this man Michael Burham 34 a suspect wanted in cases involving murder rape and other violent felonies who authorities say escape from this County Jail late Thursday night using bed sheets to lower himself from the roof of a Recreation Area the drama playing out in small heavily wooded communities along the New York Pennsylvania border the search extending into a national forest half a million Acres deep do you feel like you've been close to getting him at all I believe that we are actively and aggressively pushing him I don't want to say any more than that police say berham is a survivalist with military training and that they found supplies and campsites he's likely used and suspects someone may be helping him authorities warning residents to secure homes businesses and property the suspect might find useful leaving many here on edge I just think it's scary like not knowing like what's going to happen not knowing where he is we're going out to our cars uh we're checking our camper which has been popped up for the summer season we're checking our garages the second time in recent months police say burum has eluded capture that's a concern for us from the standpoint that he has experience in running from law enforcement after murder of a woman burum allegedly raped closed in on him in May police captured Burham 13 days later in South Carolina court documents show he left behind a note apparently apologizing for all the problems he caused his family it's when authorities brought him back here to Pennsylvania to face charges he's once again on the Run and with that Ron joins us tonight from the jail where the fugitive escape from and because of his background Ron those woods could make this very tough for investigators yes authorities say he has a lot of experience surviving in The Great Outdoors he's from this community and apparently knows the area well an authority is saying that for reasons they won't detail publicly that they do not think that he has gone very far Tom okay Ron Allen first Ron thank you for that also tonight the stunning news convicted sex offender Dr Larry Nassar stabbed multiple times in a federal prison in Florida Nasser was convicted of sexually abusing young athletes and Accused by hundreds including Olympic gymnast Stephanie Goss has late details former USA Gymnastics doctor and confessed child sex abuser Larry Nasser was stabbed nearly a dozen times including twice in the neck in this Florida federal prison the president of the Union representing Prison employees telling NBC News Nasser has a collapsed lung and is in stable condition the one-time head doctor for USA Gymnastics is serving what amounts to a life sentence for sexually abusing minors and possessing child pornography Olympic gold medal winners including the entire 2012 team among the abused violence wasn't what any of us were looking for Sarah Klein is an attorney for nasser's victims and a victim herself we were perfectly satisfied with the lawful and painful sentence of life in prison that Nassar was given in a proper court of law in 2018 hundreds of victims told their stories in Michigan State Court he betrayed my trust took advantage of my youth and sexually abused me hundreds of times nasser's crimes led to massive settlements with victims USA Gymnastics and the U.S Olympic Committee agreed to pay 380 million and the FBI faces a more than billion dollar lawsuit after a doj report highlighted the agency's investigative failures the FBI made me feel like my abuse didn't count and it wasn't a big deal Olympic Stars Ali Raisman and Simone biles testified on Capitol Hill I don't want another young gymnast Olympic Athlete or any individual to experience the horror that I and hundreds of others have endured Stephanie joins us now on set this was such a violent attack what do we know about this prison in Florida so it's a high security prison with 1200 inmates but this isn't the only time master has been attacked he was attacked before in a different prison in Arizona within hours of being released in the general population according to reports citing court documents he was removed from not prison for his safety all right Stephanie gosscuffin we appreciate that there's also breaking news overseas tonight amid the war on Ukraine NATO is set to expand Sweden now one step closer to joining it comes as President Biden joins other leaders tomorrow at a NATO Summit in Lithuania Peter Alexander is there tonight for us and Peter a lot of news breaking there yeah Tom that's right President Biden tonight is applauding turkey after that surprise announcement that it is dropping its opposition to Sweden's bid to join NATO a move that NATO Secretary General tonight is calling a historic step tonight A stunning reversal ahead of Tuesday's NATO Summit turkey agreeing to support Sweden's bid to join the NATO military Alliance after a year of opposition Turkish president erdogan making the decision after talks with the NATO Secretary General President Biden also speaking with erdogan agreeing to meet in person tomorrow after beginning his Day in the United Kingdom President Biden today enjoyed his first visit with King Charles [Music] the castle appearing relaxed laughing and smiling together the king seemingly unfazed as the president broke Royal protocol placing his hand on the king's back before discussing climate initiatives of personal passion for the king it followed President Biden's face to face with British prime minister Rishi sunak ahead of this week's NATO Summit in Lithuania the president Landing there tonight just a few hundred miles from the fighting in Ukraine with last month's Rebellion exposing new cracks in Vladimir Putin's leadership President Biden will look to fortify NATO even as he dismissed Ukraine's push to join the alliance raising concerns about how that would impact the Joint Defense agreement a commitment that we've all made no matter what if the war is going on then we're all in the war you know where war with Russia is never the case late tonight a White House official telling NBC News President Biden is expected to meet with President zielinski tomorrow here in Lithuania traveling with the president Peter Alexander NBC News Vilnius Lithuania and we learned today that the leader of Russia's Wagner mercenary group met with President Putin just days after threatening to store Moscow cure Simmons joins us now with more about that here what do we learn about this meeting well it is bizarre Tom a heart to Fathom what we're being told by the Kremlin which can't be confirmed by NBC news is that just five days after a mutiny that President Putin said could have caused a civil war he sat down with the men that he accused of treason spoke to them for three hours and suggests they go back to the front line in Ukraine now Tom you remember last week in Belarus we were shown tents where evgeny pagosian and his Wagner Fighters were supposed to be they weren't there we were told they may never come I think this may be the Kremlin trying to reassert control and say President Putin is in charge here a lot of mixed messages there so what does this all mean yeah well it is confusing you know in the Soviet era they used to call this a kremlinology I think for President Putin one of the challenges is what does it look like not to have crushed this Mutiny and the people around it is he concerned that there may be some kind of a backlash I think Tom one of the things we can conclude from this is that the ramifications of that Rebellion are still playing out for President Putin good point cure Simmons for us tonight here thank you Madonna breaks her silence on her health scare stay with us Madonna broke her silence today following that Health scare just two weeks ago that landed her in the ICU with a bacterial infection the Queen of Pop posting on Instagram that she is on the road to recovery Madonna who's 64 says she's focused focused on getting well and getting back on stage announcing she will reschedule the North American leg of her tour okay up next it has as much caffeine as six cans of soda the new calls to regulate Prime the viral energy drink kids are obsessed with that's next a couple of social media Superstars are pushing an energy drink critics say could be dangerous for their millions of young followers it's called Prime and it may even be in your refrigerator now one of the most powerful senators in Washington is calling the drink a cauldron of caffeine and he wants the FDA to investigate here's Ann Thompson it is the drink with Buzz among kids Prime energy the newest addition to influencers Logan Paul and ksi's Prime drink line the pair has almost 64 million YouTube subscribers the drink now in the crosshairs of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer fire and parents beware because it's a serious health concern for the kids it's so feverishly targets Schumer wants the FDA to investigate Prime Energy's marketing and caffeine content it has lots of it 200 milligrams per 12 ounces that's almost as much as six cans of Coke or two red bulls though the label says the drink is not recommended for children under 18 it's cancer similar to the wildly popular caffeine-free Prime hydration sport drink is there any circumstance which a teenager should have 200 milligrams of caffeine a normal teenager should not need need that much caffeine ever Dr Minnick says the risks are anxiety sleep disruption and cardiac issues caffeine can cause heart palpitations it can cause chest pain if a patient perhaps has an undiagnosed cardiac issue it can exacerbate that in a statement the company says it complied with all FDA guidelines and welcomes discussions with the FDA or any other organization to protect consumers making sure the buzz is just popularity and Thompson NBC News That's Nightly News for this Monday I'm Tom yamas in New York thank you so much for watching have a great night thanks for watching our YouTube channel follow today's top stories and breaking news by downloading the NBC News app
Channel: NBC News
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Keywords: Health, International News, Lester Holt, Making A Difference, NBC Nightly News, National News, News, Nightly News, U.S. News, breaking news, evening news, politics, world news
Id: 5yrOAF5upOs
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Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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