NIGHT TABLE MAKEOVER water damaged tops || When Flips Don't Go As Planned

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welcome back everybody i've got a set of oversized nightstands here i feel like i need to do a little bit of a trigger warning i am going to be painting these so brace yourselves if these oversized nightstands look familiar i actually did a set not that long ago but the tops on those ones were so damaged i had absolutely no choice but to replace them and that set came to me already refinished someone had already painted them redid the tops but as you can see they just didn't hold up so i replaced the tops they turned out absolutely beautiful and this next set is going to be a lot different my name is angie and i'm the one behind transon furniture gallery it's my mission to keep as many pieces of furniture as possible out of landfills sometimes i paint sometimes i don't but i always do what i can to save old pieces from the trash welcome to my workroom okay so at first glance these don't look too bad aside from the tops the tops are obviously shot they have to be completely redone but the rest of the piece isn't bad i could have just polished it up stripped and redid the tops and called it a day but i didn't maybe i should have i have a feeling you guys will let me know either way i'm using my favorite stripper which is circa 1850 it's great at cutting through these thicker finishes i'm going to be doing a white wash on the top the top drawer and around the base the trim around the base everything else is going to be painted and this was a bit of a process this did not turn out at all how i pictured it in my mind but you know sometimes when that happens you have to strip it back and start all over again and sometimes you roll with it and in this video with these particular pieces i chose to roll with it and i ended up with a very interesting finish [Music] i'm just removing the first bit of stripper with a putty knife and then i'm going to go back in with a stiff bristled brush to get around the edges and a 3m stripping pad just to get any residual stripper gunk off i like to add just a little bit of fresh stripper when i'm using the 3m pad it just helps sort of reactivate any bits that have dried and then i'm going to clean with some mineral spirits i'm just pouring a bit on i'm going to work it in well make sure to get any residual bits of stripper off and then i'm going to wipe it dry immediately i don't really want this to soak in if you remember from the other video of the similar set of nightstands well actually there's the same set same brand same make and all that um the reason the tops were damaged is because it's just a thin veneer it's not solid oak and under this layer of veneer is pressed wood so what happened was someone left a water glass on their nightstand or a plant that got over watered anyway some sort of moisture got on there got into the pressed food and the press would swelled and that's exactly where this set was headed but i'm intervening now and we're going to seal this up really good at the end so at this moment in the process i am seriously considering my sanity for wanting to strip this drawer what a pain in the arse it is trying to strip this off with all these little grooves but getting it done and it's gonna look great it's gonna look great right i don't know all right so i finally got that sorted and then on to the base the base is also going to be whitewashed like the top drawer and the tops in this moment the plan is to paint the middle section in a dark charcoal gray i'm using ash by fusion mineral paint what i don't know yet is that the contrast while i knew there would be contrast obviously it was just a bit too stark and i didn't like it but we'll get to that shortly right now the mineral spirits have completely dried and i'm ready to sand the tops i'm using an orbital sander for the very top and i'm going to hand sand all of the trim and the curve details i'm using a 150 grit sanding pad here and also on the sides to scuff sand where i'm going to paint i'm doing a 50 50 paint water ratio for my white wash here i'm using fusion mineral paint and this is really easy to use you just want to wipe it on you can use a rag i prefer a brush it's just a little bit neater and then once i have the area coated i'm going to take a clean cloth and wipe off the excess [Music] you do have to move fairly quickly when you're white washing because you don't want the paint to dry before you have a chance to wipe it off often what i'll do on a big surface like this or even bigger surface like a dresser is i'll put the paint on and then i will quickly do a second wash on top just to reactivate the paint and the water and then wipe it off i tend to have better results that way [Music] [Music] and here's where things start to go south for me a little bit the second and i mean the second i started putting this on i was like oh this contrast is going to be too much and if you've seen some of my other videos you know that i'm not afraid of contrast in fact i have a whitewashing and cold black video and the results are absolutely stunning but it just wasn't quite what i was picturing for this piece so i'm a little bit distraught right now as i'm painting this on and i'm trying to think in my head how i can soften this so what i decided to do was take an 800 grit sanding pad and just very lightly sand some of the charcoal paint i'm distressing it just slightly i don't do a lot of distressed stuff anymore i did more so when i first started painting furniture but i've since moved away from it a little bit anyway at this point i'm thinking with the white wash sort of a weathered paint look might look cool and uh so that's what i did i started sanding back some of it i only have one coat of paint and i opted to do it now specifically so that some of the wood tones would come through so don't give up on me yet there's another step coming this is big mama's butter by dixie belle and i love this product it's similar to the wise owl furniture salve in a way and also smells delicious so i love using this what i'm doing i at this point i've decided i'm going to add white wax over top of the charcoal but i want to seal the charcoal paint first what sometimes happens when you just go in with any color wax really on top of just paint is it doesn't slide on the surface very well it tends to sort of clump and you get streaks and it just doesn't look very good but if you seal the paint first it gives it a nice slick surface and you can manipulate the wax better and it's just i prefer to do it this way this is art mines which is a michael's brand white wax and you've seen me use this a few times before i really like this particular wax i'm just smearing it all over in manageable sections i'm not going to wax the whole piece and then buff it off i'm just going to do a section at a time wipe it off and hope for the best oh my gosh you guys i feel like this is the least professional video i've done so far since i started this in april to be honest i really struggled with whether or not i should upload this but the fact of the matter is if you do furniture long enough you're gonna have these situations where you can have the best laid plans and it just will turn out completely differently and that's kind of what happened with this i had a vision for it and it just didn't turn out so i just kind of rolled with it i like how this is looking um i completely understand that some of you will not and that's totally fine it's like anything there is a lover and a hater for pretty much anything what's kind of neat about it is it has a little bit of a cerusing effect which is kind of neat actually it also looks a little bit maybe like brushed denim in a way is i don't know it's a really different look and i kind of like it the more i look at it the more i like it i'll say that well thank you for sticking with me whoever is still here i love and appreciate you let's have a better look at how these turned out [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Transcend Furniture Gallery
Views: 216,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: furniture, furniture flipping, painted furniture, furniture painting, diy, diy furniture, repurposed, refinished furniture
Id: k9eUepnJphg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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