Night of Worship

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're my author [Music] check check check check check check check check [Music] man it's thursday what are y'all doing here you know what i say to everybody all the time hey listen we're here we might as well worship you know one of the verses that always strikes something deep in my heart it's in revelation it actually says that there is no music in hell [Music] that always stirs me to think to ever head to a place where there's not music think about it everything we do i mean you get on an elevator in the car at home there's always music but taking it to the next level for all of us brothers and sisters family to come together and to lift up the name jesus we're already here we might as well worship but here's my challenge to you and for all of us tonight let's go ahead and put our yes on the table we will do we will be doers of the word and our choice is to worship with all of our heart all of our soul all of our mind and all of our strength so this is what i want you to do i want you to look at your neighbor on your left and and your right and i want you to give them permission to worship however they want to worship just tell them you go ahead you go ahead [Music] [Applause] and here's the deal check check here's the deal i don't know what just happened now for some of y'all that may be somebody may want to sit the entire time you go for it you may want to stand you mean whatever you want to do you worship however you want to worship now i know you did that for the person on the left or on the right now here's the last thing i want you to give yourself permission to worship however you want to worship tonight but my challenge to you is don't get comfy my challenge to you is to push to go after god some of y'all came with a lot of questions some weight on you some stress some worries some things going on and this is that opportunity to lay some things before him so we're going to start by declaring the truths of god and who he is y'all sing with me you're my author my make my ransom my savior my wretch my hiding place [Music] you're my hope in the shadows sing it you're [Music] [Applause] [Music] and you stand by my side you stood in my place jesus noah i'm gonna sing it again you're my author you're my open my maker my ransom my foreign jesus [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] let me hear you sing it one more time [Music] you're my hope in the shadows [Applause] my strengths [Music] can you stand by my side you stood in my face jesus no one named only jesus no other [Music] [Applause] yes you are [Music] jesus jesus i just want you to say this name jesus jesus just say it out loud you don't have to sing it but just say it there's power in their name in fact there is no other name like the name jesus we're going to declare the name jesus over ourselves over our families over this night declare the name jesus just say it out loud you can whisper it you can say it you can sing it but we declare the name jesus father we say where else are we going to go we pray that tonight as our hearts are plowed our spirits are plowed lord that you will plant seed that produces good fruit in our lives be glorified tonight in jesus holy name we pray amen amen you guys go ahead let me see so let me read this passage over us and it's always good together uh in what joel said man if we're here uh part of the worship is to bring our sacrifice of praise when i was 18 or 19 is when i the first passage that ever understood what worship was like the corporate act we talked about it sunday and the story of elijah what i like just let me throw this on top of that is what a nicer worship is if you remember the story elijah stacked the wood but god brought the fire right and so what night of worship is all about is us stacking the wood the scripture talks about bringing the sacrifice of praise and when i was 18 or 19 been around church i'd always understood worship is to be something that a choir saying or somebody did some hymn or somebody did some solo and we all nodded and that was kind of get dressed that become and i was introduced to this idea of participating in worship i was introduced to this idea of that worship is something not that we take from but something that we give to and there was one passage when i was 18 years old one passage that i told them when we said we're going to do a night of worship before school starts if you know i was talking to some of the guys earlier we haven't we've done like a woman's night of worship women excuse me women's not not woman women's night of worship we've done a men's gathering but we haven't done a night of worship since the whole kovid deal right so we said let's get back together and do one because what this is for our church is about stacking the wood because if the believers who were worshippers stack the wood god brings a fire are you with me and so that's what we're going to do and this was the passage in isaiah chapter six i'm just gonna read it over it's gonna be two parts tonight and this is just gonna be our inviting you into actually what happens when joel was saying you lift the name of jesus up remember the northern and the southern kingdom i've been talking about the old testament old testament gets confusing because sometimes it's like they're talking about judah and other times you're talking about israel you're like aren't they the same thing kind of but not all right and so here's what it says isaiah is the prophet israel's still a mess and it begins in isaiah 6 it says this in the year the new king uzziah died here's what i said here's what isaiah said i saw the lord sitting upon a throne he was high and lifted up and the train of his robe filled the temple above him stood seraphim it's angel type uh creatures jesus had six wings two uh he covered his face and with two he covered his feet and with two he flew and they were calling to one another and said holy holy holy is the lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory in the king in the year that king uzziah died king uzziah was actually a good and stable king for judah israel was a disaster of the southern kingdom usia was a good and stable king isaiah is trying to prophesy to the people of israel and king uzziah actually says he did right in the eyes of the lord and he dies and you know what that death was for isaiah a burden he looked up and goes here i am trying to be your person trying to be your man trying to be your voice and he feels this huge burden and sometimes metaphors help us i know when i pray when i talk to god i have things around my office that remind me and so tonight you got this rock because for us it's this idea that what you see worship as is first and foremost a confrontation with the spirit of god what we want to do is look at our burden name it like this is one my assistant gave me she wrote jason on it that's her burden right but her and my wife got together and said let's put this and give it to him okay but think about it the temptation for us whatever that burden is is just to look at it and what did i use what did isaiah do he looked up instead of looked at and the year that king uzziah died so what is the burden and the invitation for a night of worship is that we just look up holy holy holy is the lord god almighty worship begins the corporate act of worship and here's what we love about nights of worship often times we get there at the end of a sunday we just thought what would it be like if we get there at the beginning of a thursday so just for a moment whatever this is this burst which i hold it in your hand just metaphorically and all i'm saying is this whether it's a person that you're burdened for whether it's the thing that you're burdened about whether it's something we're not going to look at it we're going to look up and see god holy holy i mean isaiah saw him in his bigness in his greatness and his majesty and his glory holy holy holy is the lord almighty right now church that you just whatever we've been looking at in a busy week right we just we just make ourselves say the sovereign god of the universe the creator of all things the one who was above and before there was a there there was a hymn and after there'll be no more they'll still be him that guy that we just look up it's a confrontation with the spirit of god the sacrifice of praise is when we come and everything in our soul wants to look at but we make the choice to look up everything in us has this look at burden heaviness thing we don't want person we're burdened for we look at but it'll cherish the powers when we make the choice to look up isaiah looked up and he saw not a god that worked into his life but a god that was to be worshiped not a god that was his buddy but a god that was holy not a god that was like us but a god that is nothing like us so tonight we look up and we begin by just looking up and just acknowledging everything in our soul everything in our mind we want to look at sometimes we come in on a sunday we've rattled the kids together we've gotten here and we look at some of us who are online right now watching because you're not in the room my challenge is you look up holy holy holy is the lord almighty everything in us wants to look at the brokenness of our country the brokenness of our world the brokenness of our culture but before you can intercede for that you've got to look up church now look at and look up that burden that heaviness holy holy holy is the lord almighty the whole earth is full of his glory holy holy holy is the lord almighty we look up and we ask tonight chip god we choose to see you as you are worthy is the lamb who was slain holy holy is he singing a new song to him who sits on heaven's mercy worthy is the last worthy is the who was slain holy holy is he [Music] singing a new song [Music] [Music] [Music] praise to the king of kings you are and i will adore you [Music] uh [Music] man [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] you are my everything and i will control you again so [Applause] filled with wonders all struck wonder at the mention of your name [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] again [Music] so i'm singing holy holy holy [Music] is i sing praise to the king of kings you are my everything and i will adore you [Applause] so the scripture says you can keep standing holy holy holy is the lord almighty the whole earth of confrontation he sees god as he is and follow the story because this is what we're asking god to do in our few moments tonight it says in the foundations of the threshold shook josiah is dead he's got nowhere he's got a heavy burden he looks up and it says as he saw god for who he is everything starts to shake and the room fills with smoke and here's what he said and i said woe is me for i am lost i'm a man of unclean lips and i dwell amidst the people of unclean lips for my eyes have seen the king the lord of hosts church when we see god for who he is we begin to see ourselves for who we really are right and so isaiah just says it yeah amen i need you and i think a lot of times we we do this deal when it comes like me who i really am is this idea of condemnation that's not the invitation because god invites us to confession which is just to own it i'm a mess you know i got this bird and i got this stuff and i got this junk and i got i always tell people people are shocked that guy's not surprised by your mess the funniest joke in the church is everybody thinks they're like they're like i don't want the pastor to know i know i know all of you a big mess pastor you've probably never heard this i'm like i heard it three times today already you know what i mean not about you but people struggle so isaiah says when he looks up at god i saw the lord seated on the throne and he says i'm a man i see myself so part of worship tonight is as we worship we just own and say god we need you right and then he says this and i live among the people of unclean lips church we the church is the most powerful tonight when we don't worship for ourself but we worship for those around us what that means is i don't know if you've looked at the news lately it's a mess it's divided it's evil it's awful and i don't honestly i don't know the end of it for us as a country but i do know the end of it for us as people of the kingdom right saw god sitting on the throne and then he said this look at what it says then these there's a vision he's having these angel type creatures come down and it says listen to me uh in the midst of it one of the seraphim flew down to me with a hand with a burning coal he had taken with the tongs from the altar and he touched my lips and said behold this has touched your lips your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for see when we confess ourself god doesn't condemn us he cleans us up and so time tonight part of worship is god cleaning us up and then here's the best part and i heard the voice of the lord saying whom shall i send and who will go for us and so in the next few moments here's what we're saying isaiah hear my send me here my worship is not just about what we take but what we give and so tonight our invitation as you sing as you lift up we're gonna this is the prop tonight we decided we're gonna do the prompt up top and then we're gonna let it go amen as god leads you again sometimes metaphors help you know for some of us as we worship as chevis sings as joel sings his clothes as you worship with them for some of us the way that says here i am said me we put buckets around the room they're in the back but you leave your burden here and so as we leave and as we leave tonight part of it's just going you know what i'm leaving this here i'm leading this burden here and i'm worshiping so maybe as you lead and we worship tonight you just feel free to symbolically say with my life i'm leaving this here and i'm making it all about him and so as you're prompted and led or even as you leave drop that and leave that rock here because that's not your bird to carry because it is god's that carries it for you are you with me church so it's in the name of jesus it's in the name of jesus we are isaiah 6 changed my understanding of worship holy holy is the lord almighty confess myself i'm a sinner i need you i messed up i said something today this burden i care i can't carry it home and you are faithful and just in this moment in these next few minutes as we worship you you're going to clean us up and god you call us so we leave our burdens as we worship we sing some of us drop it here at the altar we just walk down and we drop at the altar as god promises god leaves others of us leave it at the doors we leave but tonight we surrender all to [Music] and you me free and my eyes are open [Music] you would think about me times and you paid a price that i could [Music] i not [Music] [Music] you me and set me free [Music] that i can't do [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] oh [Music] would i believe and lord i believe you in every word you have my heart heart keep singing it out keep singing [Music] lord [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you can have it all you can with you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] here [Music] i surrender [Music] what do jesus and all to thee my [Music] blessed [Music] [Music] is even when i can't see it god and as i walk through the shadow your love surrounds me every step of the way [Music] [Applause] fight on my knees [Music] and i'll sing through the night oh god the battle belongs here for jesus there's nothing impossible [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] and every year [Music] is and almighty for lift it up you go before us and nothing can stand against the power of our and you shine in [Music] [Music] [Music] he wins everybody nothing can the power [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's declare this together one more time church you sing and almighty fortress you go before us and nothing the power of art and he shines in the sky and he wins everybody and nothing can we sing cause we mean it and almighty fortress yes you go before us and nothing i hope you know it i hope [Music] nothing can stand against the power you declare that over and over to yourself nothing can stand against the power of art yes nothing can stand against i hope you know one more time nothing can stand against the power [Music] uh [Music] yes [Music] and they say these chains will never break but they don't know you like we do there is power in your name oh yeah we've heard that there is no way through we've heard the tide will never change they haven't seen what you can do god there is power in your name so much power in your name god we believe yes god we believe foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] and you are the way when there seems to be no way can we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] why [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] we've seen what you can do oh god wonders your power has the things you've done before in greater measure you will do again because there's no reason why you can't break through no mountain you can't move all things are possible there's no broken [Music] the darkest night or you can light it up or you can light it up and let over [Applause] [Music] [Music] forever [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the city [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh god [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] blue [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] people come away i can't change [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] without everybody [Music] i think i was in college when i first had this experience where we were having a moment like this where people were taking burdens and they were laying them down something similar to this i'm old so i don't remember exactly how it went but people were laying burdens down people were just taking things and um it ended up being this really incredible powerful move of the lord just like we're seeing people just coming in and then i had this picture [Music] i wonder how many people come to church on sunday come to things like this and they they take these burdens these things that weigh on them and they lay them down and then when the service is over they go pick them back up and go home it's real easy to lay a burden down before jesus the hard part's leaving it there and the reason why it's so hard is because for some of us it's become our identity it's who we are whatever that is it's just become who we are some of us are okay with laying it down putting it in a bucket yes but you know before i leave we're going to pick that back up because i'm not quite sure if god can handle this and so i'll i'll keep this for myself one of the things we prayed before the service was we pray that not one person leave here tonight without knowing that their sins are forgiven it's been it's been a prayer for a long time we just pray that people not one person leave this place tonight without knowing that their sins are forgiven i don't want to embarrass this person but there's a person here tonight who uh gave her life to jesus on sunday got to spend a little time with her before the service we went to the back and we began to pray and pray for tonight and just one of the things that just hit me personally is lord don't ever let me get used to that when you hear about the greatest miracle you will ever see on the earth is when someone dead in their sin gives their life to jesus [Music] we're tempted to grope and grab after these other miracles in there i mean listen nobody loves to see god do what we can't more than me but i think at times we look for those things more than the greatest miracle and that's just people coming to know jesus i hope i never get over it i hope i'm never saved so long that that becomes routine to me and as we sing this song about revival pour out your spirit pour out your spirit lord that is our prayer that you'll bring revival that chains will fall off and we have all these incredible songs that we sing but it's just a daily what do you do now [Music] so this is my prayer for us we've got a few more songs we'll be done but what i want to challenge every one of us myself included is that we don't just make it through another service laying something down picking it back up there are people here tonight who came giving god one last shot you might be standing next to them you might be that person and i love to do this and so i'm going to do this right now how many of you how many of you if you will turn the lights up just a little bit please how many of you could testify by raising your hand that there have been there was a time in your life a place it may be multiple times where there was no way out but god [Music] made a way raise your hand now listen those of you who came tonight giving god one last shot those of you who have that have had that heaviness on your heart you may be thinking man you know like i don't i don't i don't know if god could do something like that for me look around you everyone here felt that same way and yet god in his love and his mercy and his grace did for every hand raised tonight what he wants to do for you he wants to save you he wants to meet you where you are you put your hands back down if you're anything like me i just want to raise both hands my feet take my shoes off put my toes in the air how many times has he rescued us [Music] what i've learned is i never want to get to a point where i stop needing jesus in every area of my life and one of my greatest fears healthy holy fears is to slowly drift away from god and not realize it where church becomes routine where somebody getting saved is normal baptizing over 200 people is just woo that's great okay what's for lunch and yet really that should be our greatest desire so my heart for all of us if you will join me over these next few minutes as we begin to press in this next step we're going to take is we're going to ask god for his presence we need your presence lord that peace surpasses all understanding and father i pray for the people in this room right now who somehow in their mind just decided to keep that rock in their pocket in their purse on the chair under the chair [Music] knowing lord you've been saying to them for the last 15 minutes you need to go leave that somewhere up there i want to speak this to you i'm talking to god and you kind of back and forth but i just want to say this to you some of y'all think well god knows my burden but i think you know the bible says to love the lord your god with all of your heart with all your soul with all your mind and all of your strength strength is your body and sometimes what's required of you is to do something with your body does he know that burden what you wrote on that rock yes but sometimes god's waiting on you to take that step people all the time talk to me about we're just waiting on the lord and you know what i say to that wrong he's waiting on you he's waiting on you he hasn't gone anywhere he's waiting on you [Music] well i've carried a bird too long on my own i wasn't created to bury it alone i hear your invitation to let it all go i see it now i'm laying it down and i know that i need you i run to the father i fall into grace i'm done with hiding no reason away my heart needs a surgeon my soul needs a friend so i run to the father again and again and again and again [Music] you saw my condition [Music] the price [Music] and i don't have a context [Music] is [Music] [Music] and again and again again and again [Music] my heart has been in your sights long before running into your arms is running to life from death and i feel this rush deep in my chest your mercy is calling out i'm just as i am you pull [Music] my [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] no [Music] again and again [Music] is [Music] again again and again [Music] so here's the trick it's not a trick but it sure seems like it you want to know the greatest weapon that you've ever been given it's one thing it's mentioned 100 over 180 times in the bible as a weapon guess what it is thankfulness gratefulness it is the greatest weapon you could ever hold to live a life of gratefulness and i'm sure it really frustrates the enemy then in the mess that every with all the mess going on around us even in your own personal life and outside of it when you walk in gratefulness it's just gotta take him off it's a powerful thing because it keeps your heart from shifting into sin keeps your mind from going down into sin when we live our lives with gratefulness of being thankful and i've had people say to me well i don't have a whole lot to be thankful for well i don't need anything else except to know that god sent his son to die for my sin i don't need another reason but i would venture to say that we have a whole lot more to be thankful for even than that in your own life but it's easy and contagious to get sucked into negativity being critical and judgmental and we can put on the smile but it's the things it's a nasty sin because people can't see it many times but our choice is to step into thankfulness step into gratefulness and to worship [Music] him my soul is time to forgive us it's time to step into freedom yeah it's time to come out of hiding always time to lift your head and praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift get up and praise the lord yeah so it's time it's not a question though and oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so we [Music] it's [Music] i got lost [Music] [Music] to rewrite the words [Music] and i [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] you gave [Music] [Applause] [Music] god [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you keep [Music] and i didn't know [Music] [Music] my you know [Music] last verse one more time for those of you that love animals there's at least horses in heaven because jesus is riding back on one so i figure i figure there's other animals too so let's sing it again [Music] and i didn't know how much [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] know [Music] and i didn't know how much [Music] [Applause] [Music] well i search the world but he couldn't fill me man's empty praise and treasures of faith i'll never know then you came along [Music] and put me back together [Music] in every design is now satisfied i'm hearing your love oh there's nothing better than you oh there's nothing better than you know there's nothing nothing is better [Music] my and you still call me [Music] oh [Music] is nothing is [Music] yes [Music] see that again you turn morning [Music] [Music] you [Music] oh there's nothing seeking out oh there's nothing you gotta do [Music] [Music] is [Music] in the highway [Music] [Music] crazy [Music] [Music] you're the only one who cares [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we love you so much do not pick your burdens back up make sure that you leave your burdens here we look forward to seeing you sunday unless you worship somewhere else but we love you very much god bless you have a good evening have a great weekend we love you thank y'all so much for coming [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bethlehem Church
Views: 626
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: b5JVdHk0hpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 19sec (6019 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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