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[Music] you may be seated in the presence of the lord [Music] you may be seated in the presence of the lord thank you jesus we will know in a few minutes why the lord he must be praised he must be glorified i don't know how to say that with more conviction than i just did he must be praised he must be glorified he must be lifted high oh i don't think you heard what i just said not only not only must he be praised but he is to remain lifted as the supreme existence of all that we know and all that we can comprehend i don't i don't even know how to make that plainer than that tonight you will understand why he must be not only praised but tonight you must deem him the supreme the supreme matchless power that there is no power that is greater than him none none nowhere nowhere and every spirit has to come subject to the name of jesus oh y'all i wish i had somebody in here that i wish i had somebody in here that understood what i just said well we will see what it is the lord would say to us tonight thank you i honor the lord for everyone that is present bishop show well my son pastor sherman brandon pastor samantha bynum my aunt and uncle the williams mother heims our worship dancer just my dog prophet stefan prophet owen perry kim sanders pastor kim sanders pastor lady bolton just calling just a few of the names that i see nicole collins a blessing to the body of christ a blessing an absolute blessing to the body of christ and just advance on my spiritual daughter's athlete hmm i i i i woke up with the words still ringing in my spirit the through process the through process through process that everything he he does and everything that he will do bishop he would do it through something psalms 119 and 130 struck me really deep today it says the entrance and unfolding of your words give life the entrance and unfolding of your words give light their unfolding gives understanding discernment and comprehension to the simple the entrance of the word gives light and the light's unfolding gives understanding discernment and comprehension which means if i have the true light of the world i gain understanding and i gain discernment and i gained comprehension when that happens then i am not i am not um quickly swayed i am not transmuted i am not changed from one nature to another my substance and my form does not change when i am transmuted i am my my my nature changes nicole when i'm transmuted my nature changes the enemy changes the nature of who i really am and he turns me into something else that god cannot fit in because it's of a different nature okay he is trying to stop my through process i cannot say the lord get it done unless i come through something i can't get anything done unless i come through something so here it is people of god gerard it is it is then a a it's not a what it's not a it's not a what it's a it's a a a who another hold that's about to come through me because see we have we have we have we have diminished a lot of our if if if i may be allowed to say this we have diminished a lot of our demonic activity to what's and it is it is it is it is who has come through us it is not it is not what has come through me it is who has come through me so if the who is not god then there's no other spirit other than satan god i feel the holy ghost right there i don't and so and so the war the war that is going on is spiritual warfare when you hear people say i'm in spiritual warfare i'm in spiritual warfare you are in spiritual warfare because two different kinds of forms is trying to live in the same body i'm not hearing y'all i'm not hearing y'all and both of them are claiming dominance in other words neither one is satisfied with a partial injury it wants all of you or none of you oh jesus so there's a there's a there's there's a war of formation there's a war of of of a formation pastor sam that oh god there's a there's a there's a war going on and and and so listen listen to this listen this and so when we are are are unfamiliar when we are unfamiliar with the image of god then the only thing we can become is a portrayal of it and so and so the portrayal though it doesn't contain power and so we are a great image of a kingdom but we don't have the power of the kingdom no i'm not i'm not hearing y'all i'm not hearing y'all because the only place we feel the power is in church when the choir is singing when the preacher is preaching but that same power doesn't work in our house [Music] oh i'm not hearing nobody talk to me y'all ain't saying nothing y'all ain't saying nothing and so what the lord has done what the lord has done to guarantee himself that he will have a kingdom i have to shut the house down i have to shut the church down so i can get power in the people and not in the pulpit [Applause] y'all sit down static we got it backwards anyway the bishop show well gonna help me tonight we got it backwards anyway the temple was never built for the preacher it was built for worship i'm not hearing y'all but oh y'all come on somebody but in this hour it's our moment it's our turn to get up and perform i'm not hearing y'all because if we really had the real holy ghost nobody would be able to stand up and praise god in this atmosphere the power of god would slay us all [Applause] oh yo sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down [Music] so i've been watching i'd watch people watch people when i when i go places and then to to preach and i i can i can i can always tell what i'm going to be able to give you by your worship y'all can't get nobody to say nothing right there i could i yeah i know how much is going to go in by your worship code rabbi i show you i can't hear nobody talk to me i'ma leave that alone i i i i know what god is going to do by your worship and so and so when you look around and we in that we're in that age now where preachers don't worship and and prophets don't worship and you know that's for the people and i'm gonna stay in the back until worship is over i'm not hearing y'all talk to me when worship is supposed to be the most predominant thing in the atmosphere because god is what opens up a portal of heaven and allow god to breathe on his people what do you mean we don't worship i'm not i'm not hearing y'all that's why some of y'all sit on your seat looking and walking like like like somebody is entertaining you because you don't know god you just want your turn i'm not hearing y'all talk to me somebody better say something up in here but oh my god but pastors better learn how to worship come on preachers better learn how to worship oh who am i preaching to evangelists better learn how to worship [Applause] oh y'all sit down hebrews 11. hebrew hebrews 1 and 1 through 3 you all sit down in many separate revelations each of which set forth a portion of the truth and in different ways god spoke of oh to our forefathers in and by the prophet oh he gonna preach tonight to us in and by the prophets but in the last of these days he has spoken to us in the person of a son whom he appointed heir and lawful owner of all things also by and through whom he created the worlds and the watch this watch this watch this watch this he created the world ammonite he created the worlds and the reaches of space and the ages of time i created the world and whatever is out there in space and the reaches of time good lord have mercy y'all listen i created the reaches of space and i created the markings of time so that i can stop it when i feel like it i'm going to help somebody because i can stop it for you if i feel like it no no no no no no no no no they come in to possess my car properties because i don't have the money but i can stop time oh my gosh i can stop it for you because i created it but see we don't live in that realm like that yet we still live in the ramble of down here but there's another dimension that god is getting us ready for that we will control the spaces and the ages profit the ages we we were we were we were we were we would control it i'm gonna help you he he he he made he produced he built operate it arranged them in order i'm gonna help us tonight he gonna help us he is the soul expression of the glory of god the light being the outrage or the radiance of the divine and he is the perfect imprint and very image of god's nature sam i don't think i don't think people really understood what that just meant right there in other words bishop because i am filled with the word when i walk there is an outrage that okay lord jesus i just wish i had somebody to help me understand this there was a there there was a vibe an outrage that goes before me that people don't see god i'm not hearing nobody talk to me i remember one time when i went to get a massage and the man kept trying to massage me he said i can't touch you because there's something over you oh no don't you don't hear me uh i can't i can't because there's something i keep feeling the rain come off of you i'm not hearing y'all see understand something in this last hour the real believers watch this we won't be in that kind of warfare but we will be the ones that the enemy is afraid of because we walk with a word that radiates out of us but your neighbor says something is coming out of me no you don't hear me you don't hear me i said touch somebody and say there's something coming out of me no no no no turn around and tell them and whatever the enemy is trying to do to you tonight i'm here to tell you you are standing next to somebody that something is coming out of me [Applause] yeah we got about we got about five people in here that that really said like they mean that and i mean that finger who am i talking to that's why we get to scripture no weapon that's formed against me shall prosper why because something is coming out of me somebody no no see somebody ought to shout right there somebody on the shout right there somebody on the shout right there my god my god my god my god my god my god my god my god my god my god my god my god [Applause] [Music] he says he says he says he says upholding and maintaining and guiding watch it and propelling the universe he's he's he's he's he's upholding and and and and and he's he's when that boy was spinning i could have came off that chair he's propelling propelling wait wait wait wait wait i'm going to help us i'm going to help us he propelling aid bernie's the universe he's turning the universe not because you speak in tongues not because you shout but the word says he's propelling the universe by his word which means when i have his word i can turn the universe no no you don't hear me what i have his word i can speak those things which be locked as though they were and they have to line up with what comes out of me who is god preaching to we want to work miracles but we don't we don't have enough words we y'all y'all ain't gonna hear that y'all ain't gonna hear that we wanna cast out devils but we don't have enough words we want to we want to grow churches but we ain't got enough words we wonder why it won't get big because you ain't got enough words called he said if i'll be lifted up i would throw all men under me i don't care how many flyers you put up i don't care what you do i don't care how many banquets you have that won't draw people that won't entertain them but when you lift up the word of god while i speak in tongues i speak in tongues dr bynum i speak in tongues you know but but but i found this out you don't have the right tongues we don't we don't we don't we don't have the right tones or not we don't have the right tones because because the tones the foundation of the speaking in tongues is the word of god it is the blueprint so if you don't have scripture what you have what you have is a spirit of divination because the word of god becomes the foundation of the tongues the english version is for your understanding but the tongue is for the devil's understanding and it's for him to know that this is a private conversation between me and god i'm not hearing y'all talk to me and so if i'm speaking in tongues but i'm not living by the word then i'm making noise but i'm not making progress i just wish i had somebody to say something but you find me a person that's got the word of god and they build it up you find me a person that is living this world and let them speak in tongues and the gates of hell will shake up who am i talking to somebody opened up your mouth [Music] [Music] why is it that why is it that the spirit of the lord overtakes uh uh a tongue-talking believer who is the propeller of times i i am i know it took me a while to know that but i am a propeller of time when i got in god's perfect will time begin to shift i i don't think you'll understand what i'm saying my my my my my true work of ministry have just begun that was nothing that was for the church this one is for god he said no we are the propellers now what can you move with your tongues up what can you move with your preacher who can you deliver by what you're saying that yeah people are sharp enough but do they keep it when they go home did it go in them did it go in their spirits did it propel them up into being a different person or did it just make them happy or did it just make them shout out who am i talking to i need a preacher said the lord to preach deliverance so he said stay right there don't move he said he said well spirit of the lord when jesus said the spirit of the lord is upon him [Music] when he said son the spirit of the lord is upon me and nicole when he's when he said it they should show us the spirit of the lord was upon me because watch this because he has anointed me the spirit of the lord and and so we i started i wrestled with that and i'm like wait a minute jesus said the spirit of the lord was upon him and that and that and it anointed him i'm saying what do you god what are you saying he said he said he said yeah he said the reason why he he said i comment the volume of the book the reason why the reason why everything i did i did it i didn't try to do it i i i didn't i didn't try to cast out devils i didn't i didn't try to heal the blind man i did i i didn't stand at the grave for days and called lazarus i i i didn't try to raise the dead i didn't try to go to jail with his daughter and hoping that she would get up he said he said the reason why i was able to do it every time because i was a complete volume of the book he said you won't part of the book but you want all of the miracles and it doesn't work that way he said and the spirit of the lord was upon me because we waiting for some spooky spooky to fall out but the bible tells me that i found out what the spirit is he said the words that i speak of they are spiritual and they are life who am i talking to and if you ain't got the words you ain't got the spirit and if you want the spirit of god to sit on you then get his word because god is his spirit is the spirit really on you or is another spirit using you to impress you to stay out of god's will because you can do a miracle see the gospel that's being preached in this hour we're going back to are you saved [Applause] because we've gone through the phase of what is the lord saying for my ministry and i don't know what god wants me to do he wants you to be saved no i'm not hearing y'all talk to me well i don't know what god want me to do because i think i'm a prophet but are you saved i'm not hitting you i think he called me the pastor but are you saved and are you deliberate i'm not hearing y'all talk to me you can't bring people to a deliverance that you don't have you can't bring people to a freedom you don't have you can't bring people to a peace you don't have who am i to you can't bring them into holiness where the glory of the lord sits until you are holy [Music] because there come that time you ain't here tonight it comes that time bishop when the lord looks at one and he looks at several and he says okay it's your turn so you said lord what do you mean what do you mean and i said god i said um i said what are you doing he said no i'm gonna take you on a journey i've never i've never really been able to to testify this publicly he said i'm giving her to check you out i said okay and he said to me i want you to do the threshold and i said okay god and here we are again 16 years later [Applause] he said i want you to do the threshing floor i said okay and so i did the threshing floor while i was on that floor the last day and the glory of god hit that place the power of god put that picture up knocked me flat backwards on the steps and i fell and there was no sign of life in me till my mother said i think we better call the ambulance because i think she broke her neck and my eyes was locked and mother i the angel of the lord snatched my spirit out of my body and took me up in the top of that door and i was looking down and he said look down because the life that you see it would be no more he said all that you know it would be gone and he said prepare yourself because i'm taking you on the journey and i laid there and i laid there and all of a sudden my spirit came back in my body and i shut up and i didn't really recognize where i was and so my mother came over to me and she said are you okay and i said yes ma'am that was april april the sixth of the week of april the 6th 2006 2007 in august i was walking on my property i got up early one morning and i was walking on my property and the lord said to me go in the house and get pad and paper in your bible and i got my bible and i got the pad and paper and i came and i sat down by the lake and he said to me you're getting ready to go on the journey of your life you're going to think you're going to die but you're not he said but i'm going to chat your course through the word and he gave me scriptures that were going to be my journey you don't hear me you don't hear me uh uh uh uh no no no no no no no it wasn't a surprise to me because he showed it to me it came up out of the water and he told me the whole story i was waiting for the day i wasn't shocked i'm not hearing y'all and he said no and you can't say anything and there will be no comfort for you good lord have mercy he said there will be no comfort for you and there will be no no nobody up to defend your name because i'm killing all of that no you don't hear me i just wish i had somebody in here to understand why we talking about using me lord you better stop lying up because when he gets ready to use you he got to break who you are he got to tell down who you are i'm not hearing you he got to tear down that that that i'm somebody and they made me somebody and you got to become nothing that one writer says you got to find your nothingness in god you got to get to a point where you satisfied with being nothing [Music] he said i'm gonna i'm going to take you on a journey make watch this because you got to unlearn the church so i can teach you the spirit [Applause] you gotta unlearn the church so i can teach you this nicole don't try to learn the church because he's taught you the spirit and i said okay god so i'm walking for several years and this church the news cnn abc everybody and i get up one saturday and i go to the grocery store and there was a there was a little antique store around the corner from the grocery store and i went in the grocery store and i came out and i went in the antique store and i walked in the antique store and i saw something that i wanted so i bought it now now at this time i am i am broken to nothing like this broken and i said but but i knew that i was i was on the trial of the lord because he said that that it is the lord that gives us the bread of adversity and the water of affliction that we may hear our teacher behind us then come this way i'm not hearing y'all because you're not in the healings and you're not headed in the way of the lord until he give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction i'm not here as long as they think you're wonderful you're not there yet as long as they praise and your gift you're not there yet as long as they're moving over and thinking you're the best thing that ever walked in the church you're not there yet you're not there yet until you're sitting there eating a diet of adversity until when you get thirsty you drink in the water of affliction and you don't even think you're gonna come out of it and you're asking yourself do anybody see that i'm about to lose my natural mind who am i talking to up in here that's when you know that you have tapped into the will of god that's when you know that you are in the will the divine [Applause] i walks in the store mother hunt i get my items and i get to the counter and i look over to my left and there was this that was that stick put that picture up that was that stick laying against the wall and i said that's unusual prophet i went over there and i got it and i i i went over there and i i took it to the counter the man was writing up something and i said how much is this his face went flush white he said that stick and i said yes i said how much is this because what no price on it he said well well well and then he hits the cash register and he said if i if i tell you something would you think i'm spooky and i said no he said a couple weeks ago you know he said about a year ago he said an old man came in the shop early i had just opened and he said he was old with white hair and a great trench coat and he walked in here and he said is this the place where i can leave something to for somebody to get if i don't want it and he said yes he said well what what i'ma leave it here he said well give me your address and your phone number so i can contact you when it sells and he said to me the person that asked for it it is for them and it is no charge and they will understand what it's for you don't hit me up he said and that was the running joke in the store have anybody asked for the stick yet but when i picked it up in that store something came over me and he said my rod and my staff that's where you're going to get comfort for who am i talking to in this place who is god preaching to until you can go back to his rod and his path to comfort you so i started walking with the stick when i would get weary i would pray with this this is not the work of a man he said this is me this time and this is all the strength you're gonna get right here and if you can't trust my rod and my staff there's nothing else to trust about he said i gotta i gotta get you out of this realm you you you can't be my prophet when you're asked them i'm gonna send it over here to maybe some prophets over here can hear me how you gonna be a prophet and you run with them how are you gonna be a prophet and you look like them how are you going to be a prophet when you talk crazy like them in back rooms how are you going to be a prophet when you cannot control your mouth how are you going to be a prophet when all of a sudden everybody agrees with you no no no no no he said he said the hour is coming that when the prophet walks in the room people are going to disperse because they're going to say or do you come in peace he said because this is the hour i'm getting ready to raise up my real prophets i'm not talking about the prophets that's going to prophesy some houses and some cards and and who is god talking to i'm talking about prophets that's going to change dimensions change times speak a word and god take the room over so when he said i gotta teach you another realm i had to get ready so one of my first trips was to the word network and he had sent me on a fast with the pressure and while i was there he said i want you to spend the night for four days in the studio and i want you to sleep with these pressures as people think that this is just something that i do put the first picture he said and i'm going to i'm going to reveal myself bring me that yardstick off the table back it up wrong picture first picture it's not that close he said i'm going to reveal myself and he showed up on the bottom of my dress and somebody took that picture bring me that yardstick off that table right there behind you somebody was watching on television bring it to me somebody was watching on television and they took the picture go to the next picture i said god what are you doing i felt his presence i felt his divine presence there people and i knew he was there and i said to the people the lord is here he is here he is here go to the next one he is here i said he is here shrink the picture and here he is he said i have to show you i have to show you these things one needle because i need a profit shrink the picture i have to show you these things because i need a prophet and i need somebody to believe my word and i need somebody to know that i'm talking and that day the lord shook me so bad and that was another reason why i couldn't go back to the word network because the lord shook me and he said this is not a game this is not a game people i'm gonna say it again this is not a game what god is getting ready to do in this hour is not a game and he getting ready to use his profits and you're going to have manifestations in your services and you're going to have angels show up in your services and you're going to have angels to show up while you're dancing and people will begin to take pictures and he said because it is time for heaven to be manifested among the prophets i'm not hearing nobody talk to me i'm not getting up i listen i can't make this up i can't make this up and when i felt his presence and turned around i didn't know who saw him but i know i did i knew that i did and i just said god i don't even know what it is that you're doing he said i gotta teach you this round i gotta teach you this round are you hearing this i gotta teach you another round no we in the realm of jumping and shouting i wanna teach you the realm of the spirit because where we are now in this hour you better know how to combat the enemy and you better know that you've got power and you better stop playing and if you're not ready to shut out to god you better run away from this because this is not the hour to play church it's not the hour so where where's chris go to the next picture we're in brazil come here chris wrong picture we're in brazil and i'm preaching right there and i felt 10 000 people in the building and i'm standing here worshiping god and i felt the enemy come up on my back and the lord said to me hold still don't move and i i started to speak in tones it's like he's teaching me he said no you don't you don't fight the enemy like that he said when you feel the when you feel the presence of the enemy you'll be still and let it come from out of here to attack him you don't you okay i'm i'm i'm i'm gonna come over here i'm gonna see uh all all that from an angle and we'll be doing that satan the love no no you'll be still he says stand still and see the glory of the lord stand stand still this is not your fight this is not your fight you're the instrument that the world is going to come through and that the bible said he made an open show of the enemy and strength him of his power who am i preaching to right now then what do you have in you then what are you swinging your arms for stand still and let the power of the world come out of you [Music] i felt it coming adrian on my back and he said hold still i didn't even know somebody was taking pictures like that and as i held still it came up on me over my shoulder next picture came up over my shoulder and i said in my in my spirit bishop show where i went to another realm i wasn't there anymore he just he escalated me into another level i went into another round go to the next picture i hit the floor and nobody caught me i hit the floor with microphone and everything boom went out what happened to me the power of god in me conquered the enemy and he completely used me and i collapsed out but what i want you to pay attention i want you to pay attention to nothing is on the floor go to the next picture i began to when i woke up i began to tell the people in the building 10 000 people chris was there i began to tell the people get down i said get down and people were looking at me like what i said get down because you don't know what i see i said you don't know what i see i said i see lucifer coming through the wall get down i said and start worshiping god i said because when you worship god it won't overtake you and the people just started going down you know they didn't see what i saw but but but what i want to show you what i want to show you is this right here i want to show you that that this is this is my my my burberry shawl and and this is the floor go to the next picture and i said to the people you you you got to get down you got to get down i said god is slaying a mighty giant here is my my burberry shawl and the floor is empty go to the next picture and and nana was at home and she took a picture look nothing is there and i was shouting to the people please get down i said the glory of god is slaying giants in this building and go to the next picture my nana is here she took the picture she said a bright light came across the screen but what i want you to see is here is a demon laying on the floor right here behind me right here listen listen this is the reason why and look at this spirit go to the next look at this spirit right here look at look at this animal coming through here back it up back up the picture see this is the reason why i don't have time to to respond to people talking about me i fight real demons i'm not hearing nobody talk to me i see real devils who am i talking to when i get in prayer i do battle for the people of god with real demons who is god preaching to back up the picture so they can see it my god my god my god my god and here if i showed you the original picture this was a gold curtain in that church and this was the doorway and if i showed you the original picture you can actually see lucifer standing in the doorway you can see his whole face you can see his whole face i jumped up and he said run to the back and stripped down of everything chris was there and put it in a garbage bag and he said and tie it up he said because you just slayed a mighty giant a mighty giant over that church and over there and over that country so when i'm when i'm moving across the stage and and people was like well where is wanting to buy them and why is she here and why he said no i have to pull you off the scene so i can teach you another level of the spirit because if you getting ready to be an end time prophet then you are getting ready to stand face to face with the real devils i'm not talking about people people who are portraying like they somebody come on somebody and see and see some people i won't even mess with because you would die and he said some people have to just ignore what you say and what you do because if i ever turned in your direction and i really prayed something would really happen so i pray for the mercy of god come on somebody i don't have time to be angry we don't have time to be mad and what am i saying to this generation i'm saying this to this generation that you better get ready because guess what mother boyd is gonna pass the boy that's gone all of these older people have gone up and now we're here we're here and you ain't ready i'm not hearing nobody talk to me i wish i had somebody to talk to me i'm here and your churches ain't ready preachers your prophets are not ready we are not ready for the battle we are not ready for the battle of the lord we are not ready for the day of the lord we're too busy thinking that this is something cute that worship is something cute but we're supposed to bombard heaven and pull down the strongholds of the devil [Music] but you can't come against the devil you live with [Applause] you can't fight the enemy you agree with oh that's nothing i got many pictures i got many pictures this is why i'm quiet because i'm getting ready i'm getting ready for the real revival y'all ain't saying nothing i'm getting ready for the real revival and y'all better get ready for the real revival okay i'm gonna just i'm just gonna stop right here i say y'all better get ready for the real revival you better get ready for the kind of revival you got your people fasting why say every time they turn around they own another facts and another fast and another fast because it's time to dismiss the flesh it's time to dismiss the flesh because the minute you said that you were going to pastor you were going to be a prophet or you were going to be a preacher you became the enemy of the devil who am i talking to and you don't have room to have one foot in and one foot out you ain't got room to have balance i'm not hearing y'all you ain't got room to be relevant as they say it's got to match in the spirit you can't act like the world and claim god you can't dance up and curse up with worldly music and then turn around talk about you want to prophesy who am i talking to you better open up your mouth in here it's got a match the power of god gotta fit your form you can't do it you can't do it you can't do it you can't let your people do it you can't let your church do it you can't you can't turn around and say well you know what they're young we just gonna let them you can't because the devil is killing young people i'm not hearing y'all talk to me you can't because you're responsible for their souls i'm not hearing y'all talk to me you can't just have a ten minute prayer you gotta call all night prayer meetings with no blankets and no pillows where we walk the floor and we pray for real you can't slack the rod who am i preaching to you can't be lenient you can't [Applause] you can't i gotta hold you accountable i gotta ask you where you've been i gotta look at you and say you don't look right to me so y'all ain't saying nothing up in here i can't get nobody to talk back right there so i'm gonna come over here on this side i gotta be able to look at you and say you look great in me uh you into something i don't know what it is but god gonna show me i'm not hearing y'all talk to me where have you been why ain't you been to church accountability you don't get to do whatever you want to do when i'm watching for your soul who is god preaching to oh my god i hear the holy ghost it's time to tighten it up it's time to get right it's time to go back to holiness it's time to go back to sanctification and go back to talking right i'm saved not just a christian i'm sanctified another holy ghost build up an empire [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign yeah y'all keep playing all right keep playing and keep playing keep letting people play with you uh-huh yes lord jesus keep playing keep on letting people keep on letting them play with you keep on letting them say oh that's how i go ahead oh ain't nothing wrong with that go past the bump on your wife go on play to play world of music go dance go go do whatever you want to do god ain't going to send you the help for that just gone you just go ahead because the bible talks about the bible talks about living in ease zion the bible talks about bringing the pillows into the sanctuary for the elbows of the people and making sure that they're comfortable and not delivered who am i talking to uh-huh we got to go back to preaching the kind of gospel that makes you mad we got to go back to clouds and preaching the kind of gospel that'll clear you out of here no who am i talking to y'all better open up your mouth you so busy trying to draw a crowd you're drawing demons you've been so busy trying to get a big church you got a big room full of demons but i'd rather have five people that love the lord than 5 000 demons swaying in the room chanting in the room because if you're not saved you are chanting them and spreading witchcraft you are not worshiping god the mixture will not work you styling and profiling the mixture will not work the hybrid the hybrid church the church that want to be half secular and have god the hybrid church the church that wants to fit in both worlds the church that wants to go to the clubs and still come preach to us the devil is a liar and i don't care who don't like me i'm not hearing y'all and if you think i'm talking about you i am i'm not hearing y'all because i can't stand back and let you leave young people astray the mixture will not work it is either holiness or hell i'm not hearing y'all talk to me it is either holiness or who am i talking to up in here no no no you can't mix it up and you can't mix it up and make us swallow it because that junk is what's making us sick right now and that's why we don't have any authority in the church because you got us watered down and you got us compromising and you got us with one foot in the world and one put in the church it doesn't work [Applause] and god is going to judge pastors and apostles and preachers that's letting your evangelists and your teachers do that kind of foolishness you watch what i say judgment is coming for you allowing them to portray something that is not holy and the new word is that's religious [Applause] [Music] that's religious you ain't got to have all that religious stuff you ain't got to do all that religious stuff the bible said come out from among them don't tell me you're not the bible you're not the bible that's we religious got it we're all left we ain't got to do all that you got the holy ghost and nothing talks to you about your character you got the holy ghost and nothing talked to you about the way you look you got the holy ghost and nothing talks to you about the way you dress and what comes out of your mouth you got the holy ghost and you don't care what you want you got the holy ghost but you in hotel rooms with people that's not married to you i'm not hearing y'all talk to me who am i talking to who am i talking to something is wrong something is wrong and god is saying i don't care how religious it is do not move the altar some things you can't move some things you can't move don't move prime meetings some things you can't move don't move worship i'm not hearing y'all talk to me don't move consecration don't you touch fastly don't you touch praying don't don't don't don't don't you dare touch that that better become the fiber of your church as a matter of fact all y'all sit down sit down for six weeks so i can really see is that your show of god show no no no no we got the center washing through the church everybody sit down all the praise thing we gonna play we gonna play with your smile hood or somebody but no no no no because we got to get right we got to be holy we can't be standing up here pretending this ain't your moment because you wanted to be a star in the world and because you didn't make it now you're going to use the church as your stage no we don't have time for that you're going to sit down elders you're going to sit down till i know you saved i'm not helping y'all talk to me evangelist you're going to sit down till i know you say i don't care if you can't prophesy and see through a wall you can't see you you need to sit down have a sit-down anointing is coming back in the church because god is calling us to holiness [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me i feel the presence of the lonely heaven he said you a prophet and you a mother then raise your children and if they don't let you raise them put them away from your life because the connection is their spiritual obedience and when that break i'm not your mother he said don't be letting people hang around here on your name tell my properties by them is my mother i said come here and sit down i don't care if you is a bishop i said the lord told me to tell you to come here you're walking you walking places and all of a sudden you turn around and you and that demon is standing right there talking to you i had to learn another ring i had to learn another realm because of what i have to do in this hour this hour and come in let me just pray for you no no no and if i call you and i tell you god told me to pray for you it's because something is happening in your life that is going to blow your mind you can't and i want you to hear this pastor sam pastor blandon prophet stefan pastor orrin prophet oren lady bolton pastor kim nicole the lord is raising you up out of this bible pastor the lord is raising you up not for you he is raising you up to bring a correction to a generation and you can't solve the problem if you are the problem prophetess jerry he's raising you up you're watching by internet and you're a prophet he is raising you up to bring stability to a lost generation amen to a listen to a generation that have so many different bishops so many different kinds of of of explanations about what salvation is so save has been lost in translation now you can be saved as a preacher and curse now you can use the f-word and the b-r-t-c-h word now you can curse your members out in the office and then go out there and preach and claim i'm only human well if you only human then set your human self down [Applause] because we don't want you to be our pastor because you're only human we want you to be our pastor because you're seeking the face of god [Applause] [Music] now you can be saved and slip and slide now you can be safe and have a wife and a girlfriend and a boyfriend [Music] now you can be saved and your deacon got one too and your elder got one too and since it's all your secret we just don't cover each other no you'll need somebody in your life to say i see you and the lord says stop and god said clean your life up and god said put that on the altar now you can be saved and go to the club and smoke weed now you can smoke marijuana because it's legal now you can get high where's your children why is it so quiet in here why is it so quiet here now we can get high now we can smoke weed now we can play the lotto we don't have to pay ties we can just play the line we are messed up we are messed up and i'm so glad that god charges me i'm so glad i can't be lost you can't be lost oh god it's a feeling you can't be lost don't let the devil trick you with a feeling you can't be lost and you can't lead people you can't lead them wrong you can't lead them down that pathway because it's not true deliverance and you're leading them out in a spirit realm that they can't get back from and you can't bring them back and when you decide you want to get right you have left the generation out there and god is going to judge that because see the hybrid and let me say this to you and i'm going you can put the threshing floor man the hybrid church the hybrid church wants you to pastor them by permission i'm going to let you pastor me and if i don't like what you said then i feel led to go somewhere else the hybrid church can handle correction because what you call your feelings hurt is correction the hybrid church one praises and it wants honor and they want you to glorify it and we want you to praise it and tell you tell me about all of my gifts and how wonderful i am until it's time to stick a knife to your spirit until it's time to gut you out for the gospel until it's time to get you right and get you heaven ready until it's time for god to deal with you and that's when that's when i'm offended that's when i gotta go that's when god ain't calling me to do this no no [Music] and i don't know a mother that can raise a child without correcting them so now parenting has become the buddy system you're my friend you're not my parent [Applause] and i tell everybody i'm not your friend i am your mother in the spirit and i am the prophet over your life i'm not your friend and when i tell you what god is saying what do i gain from it tell me what do i get out of that what is my benefit for bringing your life to corrections what kind of church are you long are you going to put on white and not change how long are you going to worship and not be broken how long how long how long is your goal going to be when they call me to go through that door how long that's why you got to be careful you got to be careful you got to be careful you got to be careful because the devil will bless you to blind you he'll open up a door to trap you he'll open up a door to get you high to the moment and now you're addicted you're addicted to fame and you can't come out is somebody in here listening to what god is saying is somebody listening is anybody listening he'll get you stuck out there to get you stuck out there using you using your anointing for something that they care nothing about as long as you can bring them ratings and don't let them rape you don't let them rape you son so come on over here we want you on the show again we want you on the show again we want you on the show again no no you want me to paint a picture that this is righteous you want me to paint a picture that this is holy and i can't do that when they said i couldn't pray for prayer shawls anymore when they said the box is gonna come in and they're gonna send them out when they told me that i couldn't come back to lay down over the prayer shawls and spend the night with the pressures that's when i quit and i didn't care how many people how many millions of people that would never see me on that network again that's when i quit because he showed up and i can play because he showed up and he gave me this as an assignment and this isn't something that i just do well you know i'm just going no no no this ain't nothing that i just do this is something that he gave me this is my this is my assignment to put the people of god under the cloak of prayer this is not something that i do i don't play with this and you're not going to tell me that i can't lay in here with it and i can't lay down by it and i can't throw my body across these pressures when ain't nobody in here but me and god you can't tell me i can't do that because this is somebody's life i'm not hearing y'all talk to me and that's what i tell the people that's helping me this is somebody's life be careful how you handle it every last pressure you're picking up somebody's life in your hands play with it and they will tell you when the shows go on this floor something fills this room it's almost like we cannot breathe we have to step out of here for a little while because this is the lord's doing it's not our job people are god i didn't do this revival because i i i needed something trust me when i tell you i paid for the revival before the revive even started that ain't why i did it i did it because god told me he said there's going to be people that i'm going to tell you to call and i want them to come because when they come i'm going to recharge them and i'm going to reassign them i didn't hear y'all say nothing right there no i didn't i didn't hear you say nothing he said i'm going to recharge you and i'm going to reassign you and i'm going to re-fortify your purpose and i'm going to put you back into your original intent when i first called you i'm not hearing y'all i just wish somebody would come on he said i'm gonna put you back there i'm gonna put you back where you were when i first called you i'm gonna take you back to the days when you first got saved that's what i want to do for you i want you to feel my glory like that i want you to feel my power like that i want to take you back to your original day i want to recharge yourself i want to cause your mind to go into divine reversal [Music] open up your mouth if you open up your mouth he'll get religion off of you if you open up your mouth he'll get the hybrid cut off of you if you open up your mouth he'll feel you again he'll baptize you again [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're [Music] taking [Music] come on open up your mouth [Music] god [Music] come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on tracy schmidt come on come on you burned the call julian i shall beat you come on my god jesse burglar jackie don't see you melancholica jerry brown deborah jackson sale board sharon johnson kareem coleman he's doing it now pull the whole seat into the heart tell him to give it back to you tell him to give you back the fire tell them to give it back to you give you back the fire of the 80s give you back the fire of the 70s give it back to me when i first found you out when i first talked you up when i first came after you but i can't speak enough when i came railing up can i go god when i came god groaning in my spirit give it back to me god give it back to me god born into the [Music] 30 seconds 30 [Music] save me again somebody giving their life back to jesus save me again i'm a preacher but save me i'm an evangelist but save me i'm a pastor but save me i'm a prophet but save me god i'm a leader but save me [Music] i [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] forgot how to go after it we didn't got imported and we just forgot how to seek himself we didn't became a preacher and that but god had to cry out we didn't became a pastor and we don't know how to cry out we became a bishop and we lost our trust for god hold up give it back to me god give it back to me god give it back to me god give it back to me god there's a heart [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're the church that we must seek you on we're the church god that want to seek you out we're the judge that got time for you we're gonna talk that woman being powered up when the trumps that will not be renewed oh god oh god we don't want to be the church that is a clown without rain we don't want to be that church that is a cloud without rain oh god we don't want to be the empty wind [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's it that's it that's it that's it oh here it comes here it comes here it comes here it comes out i think i see somebody that wanted to hold the message [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] get your hands up and praise him get your hands up and praise him sherman blended [Music] you're in the pool of the prophet you're in the pool of restoration you're in the pool of the puppeter open up your mouth god's gonna do it for you hold up [Music] [Music] somebody shouted here [Music] [Music] moving in here jerry robinson step in sheila conway stepping this is your moment prophet prophet of god [Music] it's time for the prophetic gift to come back [Music] somebody open up your mouth open up your mouth hold it in the under the hosanna come on press in prophet what's the matter with your press you want the people to press in you crazy enough what's the matter with your presence press out of your soul press out of your soul to the refreshing [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] that bedroom falling he's fallen his father his father his father [Music] got him [Music] he doing it down here he's doing it down here he's doing it for the prophet the people can't press in you can't throw fire you don't have a you take your power you don't have a you can't break through huh you can't break the people through us if you ain't got no breakthrough let it out of the ocean agent get in there [Music] [Music] [Music] supernatural hold up open your mouth prophets open loud [Music] [Music] he said if you press him the next time you open your mouth the glory is going to fall off he said if you press her the next time you dance people getting out of wheelchairs he said if you press the sound of your voice it's going to shake the gates of hell yeah [Music] foreign [Music] come on be talking to the body of christ he's talking to the body of christ there's a clarion [Music] come on up to the high place high place high place and hear what the spirit is saying come on up to the high place [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] come to [Music] here so everybody give him a prize everybody give him a price [Music] everybody give him a prize hey hey it's a praise of transition hey hey it's a praise of elevation it's a praise of elevation everybody give him a prize i'm taking you up i'm taking you over i'm taking you up i'm taking you up now [Music] higher [Music] come on up and see come on the prophet and see [Music] come on up and see i'm expanding your eyes i'm expanding your eyes you shall see what you have never seen before [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] it again down in us lord do it again down in us lord oh give us a regression of your spirit oh give us a washa [Music] we need you to watch us lord jesus purge us from our ideas lord purge us from our own image god make us what you want us to be make us what you want us to be make us what you want us to be whatever it is whatever it is oh god create a clean heart in us oh god renew our rights given in ourselves god [Music] nobody but a clean hand and a pure heart we won't ascend to the hills we're tired of being in the valley lord we're tired of being in the pit lord we're tired of being in struggles god [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's permanent this time said the lord it's permanent this time it's permanent this time you won't waver anymore you won't be moved anymore you will be steadfast you will be unmovable i'm taking you up i'm taking you up i'm taking you up up up up up [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh god [Music] sweep over my soul lord [Music] of my shoulders [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] oh my god [Music] hmm breathe honestly [Music] i will do nothing except i reveal it first to the prophets and i will do nothing except i reveal it first to the prophets i will show it to my prophets the people are being surprised because the prophets can't see the church is being assaulted because the prophets came here there is no warning out of zion because the prophets have dull hearing [Music] there is no benefit to the body because the prophet's prophecies is for their benefit and not for the benefit of the kingdom but tonight the lord speaks tonight the lord speaks you're watching by television or by internet are you standing in this building tonight the lord speaks and he said i have found i have found prophets that i can speak through you've got to open up your mountain here i've located some people [Music] i found [Music] you can't run you can't run it's too late it's too late i've shown you too much you've heard too much you gotta go to the hill you gotta go alone i'm commando you better shout if you're a prophet that's watching you better shout if you a prophet that's watching you better [Music] you gotta shoot [Music] now [Music] he giving you back your original vision [Music] he said when i first called you when i first called you you could see clear the lord said that's coming back right now right now right now right now somebody needs a shout that's a prophet i'm giving you back your clear vision how about it [Music] define vision define vision [Music] yeah divine observation divine observation define activation define that to patience you didn't pass for it you didn't pray for it i'm dropping it on you up because it was your turn you were blind with it and the devil tried to wrap your prophet and i'm giving it back i'm giving it back i'm giving it back [Applause] [Music] i'm giving you back your strip [Music] [Applause] club [Music] come get the on [Music] come on lift your hands up your love is your love it causes me to breathe again your love is your love it causes me to breathe again your love your love is your love [Music] it causes me to breathe again your love it's your love [Music] your love everybody come in your love [Music] [Applause] [Music] it causes me to breathe [Music] is [Music] you're [Applause] [Music] oh put your arms around somebody give somebody a hug give somebody a hug give somebody a hug in this building [Music] put your arms around somebody in here you at home put your arms around your children you at the church put your arms around some of the members my god the lord is doing something across the nation hug somebody else you better learn how to touch people profits that's your job your job is to touch people cause it's me come on your job let's touch people come and hug somebody else [Music] cause [Music] if i not to be every prophet divine activation 333 divine activation every prophet every prophet define nothing divine activation every prophet we'll get your right side just catch the vision just catch the vision come on catch it define activation 333 divine activation yes lord you watch it yes lord divine activation divine activism [Music] [Applause] divine activation anybody else have missed something [Music] divine activation all the way all the way divine activity [Music] i didn't do this [Music] because i wanted to [Music] i did it because god told me to [Music] and the 12 days that i have been in this church in this studio not even going to the door walking the floor of this front until god called it the pool of bethesda pool [Music] i can't tell you the experiences i've had in this building with these shops i don't play with this and when god said don't i don't but when he say do i have to i had to are you watching and you were part of this revival he said this would be divine activation which means that which was held up and i know you've heard people say it and i know it almost sounds like it's just a cliche but i'm not talking about with a half a peanut butter sandwich i didn't even think i was going to be able to preach this revival [Music] i tried to eat soup [Music] a couple of spoonfuls and it came back up he said water and only juice when i tell you you can have it and that was a half a one it was a real fast and he said these kind come out but by fasting and praying and the fasting and the consecration that have gone over these shores your house won't be the same and i know i mentioned it last night but the lord told me to stand here and talk to you that are watching he said because it's time for salvation and divine activation to hit your house and not waver i'm not talking about a touch i'm talking about permanent change i'm talking about changing the never to change back again that's why i said to them we don't have enough operators then create something and put it online because the people of god got to be able to move when god say move and tonight the lord is saying move tonight the lord is saying you need to get this y'all into your house tonight the lord is saying you're praying for your sons you're praying for your daughters but you gotta have something that stands proxy for them in the face of the enemy to let the devil know i'm not giving up on my children i'm not giving up on my family but i'm gonna wave this question in the pace of the devil until the divine activation began to operate in my family and in my black line god's getting ready to do it god get ready to do it operators will be standing by probably on monday but right now the lord is saying it's time for divine activation right now right now do it right now while the presence of the lord is coming into your house while the presence of the lord is still resting while you are in contact with the anointing of god that is sitting in this building the spirit of the lord is sitting upon it and if you obey it now oh my god no eyes have seen not ears have heard neither has it entered into the hearts of men the things that god has set aside with your family's name on it divine activation happens when there's divine obedience [Music] i'm gonna say that again when god gave me this revelation that i preached on last night i told them i said come and take a picture of me when i was on that floor and when they took the picture the clock said 3 33 divine activation is when he brought that revelation down and that's why he told me to do these shirts you know it's been a minute he said because when they wear it when they wear it it's going to be a prayer contact and that's the reason why every time the clock strikes 3 33 anybody around me can tell you i don't care if it's 3 33 in the morning i don't care if it's 3 33 in the afternoon i don't care where i am i can be in grocery stores i will stop and throw my hands up and i speak it in the name of jesus divine activation in every area of my life in my mind in my spirit in my finances in every area of my life and my ministry every single time and if i'm not watching somebody would touch me and say it's 3 33 and my hands would go up why because it's a revelation that god gave me that the number three is the number of activation father son the holy spirit morning noon and night there is three that bear witness in heaven there is three that bear witness in the earth it is the activation number who is god talking to [Music] that's what he said that's what he said that's what he said and the miracles that i have seen when i pronounce that the deliverance that take place and you're watching and he said go to the website now he's talking to you and you out there and you're saying you know what dr bynum i got it last night didn't show a seed for 33 dollars stow a seed for 333 there's 12 people out there that need to sow a seed for 1 33 not because i need your money not because i need your money we're not in debt my god my god that's a blessing to be able to say that we don't need it you need to connect with what's in this building well how do i know god is talking to me for one thousand three hundred and thirty three dollars because for you to give 33 is for you to give 33 cents because too much is given much is required and when it comes down to the time that you want to connect with something you got to stretch beyond your regular limits i didn't see god begin to work miracles until he returned me back to my mental state of the miraculous and he got me out of the church rationale of just giving a little bit and giving a little bit over here he said if you want to see my hand you got to stretch out and do something that you've never done before in order for you to get something you've never had and he's talking to you and you can go to that same website or the cash app is right there on the screen and show it and watch god go to the media and get the prep kit and watch god because it's coming off of this altar it's coming off of this altar out of this 12-day fast because these kind will come out by much faster than brain you in this building tonight and you weren't here last night walk up here and get a prayer shawl off of this altar because god said come pick up your new life you weren't in this building last night walk up here and get a prayer shall offer this altar because god said come get your life come get your new life because the glory the glory is the speaker of the house and it's going to talk about and get a pressure off of this altar cause it's gonna speak the will of god don't speak god i love you come on quick come on quick come on quick hold up the lord has invited you the lord has invited you i didn't invite you the lord invited you the spirit and the bride said come the spirit in the bride said come on prophets and evangelists and teachers this is what the lord is saying this is what he's saying ain't got time for no 10 minute prayer if you're not going to pray people through then get off of facebook if you're not going to get the word of the lord to purge people out then get off of facebook because we don't need anything cosmetic we need deliverance people need hope and they need to know that in you is the hope of glory my god that the christ in us is the hope of [Music] glory all over this building all over this building all over this building did you notice all three nights we don't even go off the air and i ask them for offering that's what they want to do fine if they don't god bless you but that's not why i did this because the lord told me i did this because he is already opening up doors that are blowing my mind in the last 24 hours i've already begun to see the results of this mass [Music] and i speak it now in the name of jesus i speak it divinely over his people everywhere at under the sound of my voice i speak divine activation in their lives that they would never be the same i speak it to the point that the miraculous will shut them and overtake them that what will come out of them will surprise them i speak it that they are a part of the kingdom and the army that you are raising up without compromise i speak it in the name of jesus that they stand sure-footed on the heel of the lord and they wave or not i speak it in the name of jesus that this is the day that they renew their covenant to their assignment that no devil in hell will cause them to back up from their assignment and that they will come boldly and charge the enemy and not wait to be chased by him and we speak it now in the name of jesus that the sword that's in their mouth that you were shattered on fire like a torch in the mighty name of jesus and that the fire of god would come out of them and that the enemy was screaming tear up when they wake up and when they praise that the demons would [Laughter] [Music] mighty battle axe and they would be your mighty warriors and they will ascend to the hill of the lord [Music] and it is to them these that are listening and these that are in this building that we ask you lord to allow your arm to be revealed in jesus name and everybody in this building not only i'm not asking you to just shout i'm not asking you to shout if you're watching i'm only asking you to open up your spirit and give god a praise if you feel like god has restored you back to your place in god oh come on [Applause] come on give him a praise if you feel like god has restored you back to your place in god [Music] give me [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up [Music] everything that is take it back i'll take it back i can't get back [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you may be seated in the presence of the lord [Music] you may be seated in the presence of the lord thank you jesus
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 7,231
Rating: 4.8536587 out of 5
Id: XlK-UmsUzjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 30sec (8130 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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