Night 1 UPCA Conference 2021

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't have much [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] touches [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] your name is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] welcome everybody to this special occasion and it's obviously an unusual event because these are very unusual times and the students who are graduating today i would say have this year probably experienced some unusual hardships with their studies so that makes it very very special but uh difficult times bring out our commitment and so today we're we're acknowledging that even though we've been through this time these students have still managed to graduate the growth of the united pentecostal church of australia is critically affected by the number of graduates and those who come through bible school and then after that their commitment to carry out their ministry and their calling so we acknowledge that the australian apostolic bible college is very very important as part of the united pentecostal church its function and its future so today we acknowledge that these students have applied themselves over an extended period some longer than others but we truly hope those who are receiving their certificates will go on and complete their diplomas it's not just that we're handing out a certificate the work has been done so this is the final acknowledgement of a lot of work a lot of study maybe a lot of worry when it comes to anxiety when it comes to examinations and assignments so we sincerely respect them and congratulate them on this occasion i ask you to stand as we open in prayer lord jesus we invite your presence here today and we give you thanks lord that we can meet together that situations have allowed us to gather together we thank you lord for the help that you've given these students through this difficult time and lord this is certainly a challenge to every one of us maybe if we're not studying bible school lord but to apply ourselves to things pertaining to the kingdom of heaven so we ask lord of a special presence of your spirit here to move amongst us to challenge us and we ask particularly to bless the graduating students in this ceremony we prayed in jesus name amen graduates friends family supporters of the australian apostolic bible college proctors and esteemed guests as the director of the australian apostolic bible college i am honored to welcome you to this year's graduation ceremony a challenge is something that by its nature or character serves as a call to battle contest or special effort and to face a challenge means to face a situation without knowing if you will fail or succeed it's something that takes you beyond the known and launches you into the unknown with no safety net challenges are not easy they require hard work consistency and tenacity to overcome and i think this analogy sums it up well facing challenges is a little bit like learning to ride a bike you have to get up on the bike you might have a few wobbles and get a few scrapes and bruises while you try to keep upright you learn to keep your balance but every wobble will tell you something about staying upright if every time you wobble you get off the bike and stay off for a few years you will never learn and so to accomplish great things in life and i say this to our students as well you must be willing to take risks to dream big to not allow your fear of failure to overwhelm you challenges will come and each challenge will teach you more about yourself but keep persisting if you give up you won't overcome the challenge and you won't learn from it as bishop downs has said already we know that 2020 has presented many challenges not the least being a global pandemic and so this has resulted in changes to the way that our students and our proctors have held classes um they've moved from on campus to hybrid online studies and our classes come back to in in class studies again and so despite those changes in multiple areas of your life and of your work at home even grocery shopping you guys have applied yourself to your studies and today is a celebration of that achievement i'm going to ask one of our graduates today to come and speak to us brother christopher dunstan he's one of our honors students and i'm excited to hear him share what he has gained throughout his studies at aabc good afternoon everyone um first of all i'd like to thank sister kim smile for giving me the opportunity to speak here today it's a privilege and an honour and it's one that i definitely don't take lightly i'd also like to thank our proctors here at the pentecostals of sydney sister gina gretch and brother greg hackathon and also to any of the other proctors from around australia who have you know imparted their knowledge and wisdom into all of our students and finally i'd like to give honor to my pastor pastor stanley harvey and also bishop downs and sister down so we're here today i figured i should probably give a brief introduction about myself so my name is chris dunstan i am 22 years old and back in 2016 i hadn't yet come to this church before i was just a 17 year old kid from the central coast who had a passion for food and nutrition and was moving out of home to study and at the time i had no idea how god was going to intervene in my life and change my trajectory eternally it's almost overwhelming a little bit when i you know reflect on the last four and a half years seeing where i was before and where i am now i never never would have expected to be standing here today um i hated public speaking growing up it was one of those things where unless i was absolutely forced into it i would avoid it i hated being in front of people and see i would have thought you were crazy if you told me i was going to be here today but if anything this just acts as a testament of what god is still capable of you know he's still turning people's lives around he's still using people in ways they never would have expected and this is definitely one of those things for me and this truth is not only evident when i look at my own life but also the lives of all of the other graduates here today and countless other people around us from early on in my walk with god i felt a strong desire to study to learn more and to grow and i've always been a quite analytical person you know i've always asked questions and tried to understand why things work the way that they do and the meaning behind things and when i found that bible college was a thing it appealed to me straight away and you know because of that god has taken that analytical nature that i had before positioned me where i am and therefore now has used me in ways that i never would have thought possible and deepening our knowledge is so important when it comes to every area of life but especially important when it comes to the things of god as it says in second timothy 3 um verses 16 and 17 all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of god may be complete thoroughly equipped for every good work and the part i love about this verse is that it says all scripture can equip us for every good work it gives us the tools and the resources that we need in order to fulfill what god is calling us and instructing us to do many times we don't see what the next step is going to be and with the eli 2020 that's been especially prevalent but in the meantime while we're waiting to see what our next step is going to be we should be preparing ourselves for what might come you know learning as much as we can and seeing what god is capable of doing growth and development they're a continual process it's not an overnight thing you're not going to wake up one day and wouldn't be completely different but we have so many great resources that are available to us and so many tools that we can use to help us on that journey from my three years of bible school or bible college so far i've realized that there's still so much to learn as it says in second timothy 2 15 to rightly divide the word of truth even when you think you know everything don't get too comfortable because there's always more there's always going to be something else that you're still yet to learn and something else you can uncover about the word of god and so i challenge you all here today i know our graduates can probably relate to the same thing but it's bible college has been a very life-changing experience i've learned so much from it and many people here today have also gone through bible college but i challenge you that if you haven't yet even if you've had that thought in the back of your mind you know take up that opportunity i know that it's been invaluable in my life of affirming what our core values are and what our beliefs are in the church but also identifying the path and the calling that god has in store for me and it's opened up so many more opportunities in so many more directions in my life that i wouldn't have had before so to my fellow graduates as well i want to congratulate all of you it's a massive achievement in itself and unfortunately there is a few who couldn't be here with us today due to the nature of this ceremony but it's a massive achievement in itself and i honor all of you for the time the commitment and the dedication that you've approached bible college with but also remember that this isn't where the journey ends this is only the beginning and it's only a launching platform into the next step of our walks individually and to everyone here today once again challenge yourself push yourself and there's no telling what god might be able to do thank you amen bishop downs our general superintendent of the united pentecostal church of australia with him is reverend stanley harvey who is pastor here at pos and also one of our executive board members they will be presenting the certificates and so graduating with their certificate of evangelism first of all we have annette novak from calvary chapel canberra from pentecostals of sydney we have peter cogan we have several students who are graduating in absentia they cannot be here today uh corey hodge and sarah hodge both from church on pinnacle in townsville then we have janice green from kyama christian hub [Applause] our next students are also graduating in absentia we have steve tonge from pentecostal community church in brisbane jan rex sua baggio from pentecostals of brisbane and brian mutzenziwa from pentecostals of bundaberg and the rest of our certificate graduates are going to be right here from pentecostals of sydney brother christopher dunstan graduating with honors freda hristovsky also graduating with honors jimmy newton felicitas pogong romeo poco these next students are graduating with their diploma of theology for evangelism these are our 2019 graduates graduating in absentia is evil prasad and then taco seneca graduating this year we have alessa burns from calvary chapel in canberra also from calvary chapel we have rebecca turkington who is graduating with honours also from calvary chapel margaret our final graduates are both from pentecostals of sydney joshua koyassen and finally last but not least vernee namuko quiyasan why don't we give all of our graduates a big hand at this time we would typically ask our guest speaker from overseas to come and give the charge and judikova that hasn't been possible this year but we have one of the teachers for our video bible college program has has agreed to speak to us and some of you will know him brother david norris is going to give our charge so i would ask all of you students if you could turn around please i want to say that i'm so proud of all the graduates and i know that god has a special calling on your life to do some significant thing to be a part of his purpose and to reach the world i know that everyone in the church has a kind of ministry but there is a special calling and it is one that is not going to be just for a few but for the many you've spent a lot of time reading and doing papers and seeking god and being diligent in pursuing the training because of the promises and the voice and the calling that god has given to you and god has a special purpose for you to change the church through his power and his word and to reach the world with his might and his blessing and i want to charge you today the same as the apostle paul i charge you therefore before god and the lord jesus christ preach the word be ready in season out of season convince rebuke and exhort with all long-suffering and teaching for the time will come i would like to encourage you to consider bible college god uses all of us in various ways and he can use people of little education as well as people of great education but it's important for each of us to prepare ourselves for god's will and bible college can be an excellent way of preparing ourselves for whatever god has for us both now and in the future bible college gives us biblical knowledge an understanding of doctrine an understanding of how to study scripture on our own and interpret it properly and bible college gives us practical instruction of how to be effective in our personal spiritual life as well as in our ministry for the kingdom of god here's the thing about it everyone should have a ministry that is a place of service in the body of christ god calls everyone in certain capacities one way or another but just because god calls us doesn't mean we're automatically qualified when god calls us that means he will enable us but it's up to us to qualify ourselves and to meet the qualifications for whatever type of ministry that we have or that we want to have or that we feel like god may give us in the future education then prepares us and many times we don't know how god will use us 5 10 20 years from now if we think small and build small it's like building a foundation if we only have a foundation for a small house that's all we can build but if we have a big foundation then god can help us build much greater than we might even think at this time in talking to your superintendent brother downs he says that the executive board is looking carefully at ministerial preparation and looks very positively at people who have tried to prepare themselves and certainly bible college is included in that and so i would encourage every one of us to prayerfully consider first of all what is god doing in my life how does god want to use me in the future and then how can i best prepare myself for what god wants to do in my life how can i best qualify myself for the various ways in which god may use me in the future i want to be a faithful servant i want to do god's will i want to prepare myself and i want to learn more about god for my own personal benefit i want to learn more about scripture for my own spiritual life at the same time i want god to be able to use me so i can win many other people and influence many other people for the kingdom of god so once again i asked you to consider bible college as a means of becoming more effective in god's kingdom hi everyone i'm actually at a picnic a church picnic and today is a very special day because this is the first day since the lockdown that our church has had the opportunity to be together and fellowship connecting with each other in actual fact connecting is what i want to talk to you about because in the upc we're going to start a new program it's a new initiative to connect people throughout australia who don't go to any of our churches who are in isolated towns or even in minds and things like that we want to connect them with other people of like faith we've actually found that there are a lot of people out there from different nations and from who were australians who actually don't think there's anybody else in the town where they are just this past week within the last two weeks i've spoken to a man who was in mount isa his family want to start to start a church and i said we'd do whatever we can i told brother morris about it and then within a couple of days brother morris said hey we actually know of somebody else that's in mount isa so we're in the process of connecting them so if you know anybody your friends those who have been in fellowship with you in the past whoever they are just send us a message with their details at contact dot a u i'll say that again contact at upca dot org dot iu that will come to us we will then follow it up we will we will do our best to connect them if we can't connect them then we will find somebody who can communicate with them and actually keep them in fellowship you see i'm actually so happy to be here today enjoying this fellowship and yet there's a lot of people out there who are not getting fellowship like this and it's not because of covert it's just purely because of their location so join us in this this new initiative god bless you and thank you very much praise the lord church first of all i would like to take this time to thank and praise the lord for his wonderful unfailing unconditional and his everlasting love for us and the church that we are pastoring here in sundressia united pentecostal amen i'm sister timaya and my husband brother wayne we greet you all in the wonderful name of jesus christ here from san rezia and to all members and all leaders of the upca across australia this destiny is centered on what god has been doing in the church despite the economic situation we are facing the church has witnessed tremendous growth and through the power of the holy ghost sunriser upc were established with all members of the diverse backgrounds amen the visit from headquarters have affirmed our move within god and i want to say thank you very much to bishop john downs and sister sue thomas and thank you to omison brother bill morris and his team sister salah and brother david praise the lord and uh thank you very much pastor stan and his team amen the church to date is running and led by the anointed and faithful members of god in trying to navigate our souls to know the truth about salvation we are encouraged to notice that even our youth is coordinating their bible studies and trying their best to get to understand the apostolic doctrine amen we are also thankful that we are also members of the bible school team and it really helped us through in clarifying the doubts that our new members have and want to say thank you to sister kim swan we are trying our very best to bring the church into another eyes together with holiness and the foundation truth of the only one god amen amen we are looking forward of what god has for the church for next year and we're excited of the journey we are about to hop on and all the responsibilities that we have in reaching out to the lost source uh as the word of god says in proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 to 6 trust in the lord with all her heart and knee not on your own understandings in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct you amen and with all being said we give back the honor the praise and glory to him and to him alone amen god bless you all hello and greetings in jesus name we're so glad that you're able to join us for our overseas missions promotion for 2021. what a year 2020 has been with the covert 19 pandemic that has affected each and every one of us as individuals well this pandemic has also had an impact on the way we would normally operate in our capacity as an overseas missions department by way of international travel and ministry in person to our neighbors abroad but certainly it has not dampened our desire to reach out in whatever capacity we've been able to make a difference but as it has only caused us to find new ways to provide ministry and support to those in our mission field in spite of our travel limitations this year we have reached out and supported various works financially including in kiribati where we've been able to purchase a transportation vehicle this vehicle was a great blessing to the church there enabling the saints who were dispersed throughout that island uh to come together for fellowship and to hear the word of god under one roof together in the cow team oleste the church building project has come to completion and will provide a permanent place of worship a lighthouse in that region for all the saints there for many years to come and in the philippines where at least 12 upci churches were destroyed by typhoon vamco we've been able to provide urgent financial relief to these churches because of your generous compassion offerings so please join with us as we celebrate what we've been able to achieve over this time by the grace of god and also enjoy some insights into the our brothers and sisters overseas and their gratitude for your love of god and your burden for overseas missions of course we don't want to forget our homegrown missionaries brother and sister perry and the ongoing work that they do for timor-leste along with them we specifically thank you for your ongoing prayers and your financial giving from your pledge giving to your compassion offerings and we hope you enjoy this presentation and uh what god is doing amongst his people in our closest neighboring countries abroad god bless you [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ubc australia keeping praying for our church building and grow we love you and stay healthy don't go away move on and trust that one god in jesus name amen [Applause] [Music] mary mary greetings to you all my brothers and sisters in the lord in australia in the name of our lord jesus christ praise the lord this is brother vitayaki our pacific regional missionary to the nation of kiribati i wish to speak on behalf of the church here in kiribati the newly established church we wish to thank you all from the bottom of our house for your great spirit of giving your love and your burden for missions we also would like to give high honor and respect to your great leaders we are great man of god full of the spirit and burden for our souls our prayer is that great holy ghost revival invade australia and that our good lord will bless you all abundantly thank you lord i'm sister paulie and i'm brother and i'm brother we greet you all in the wonderful name of our lord jesus thank you so much for your burden and support for the mission in the nation of california [Applause] reading in jesus name i am pacific and families all errors and congregation of upc elsadai valley upcl sunday valley is for the integral of upc australia signs the inception of this church it has always been supported by the superintendent synod the reverend john jones director of overseas mission and pastor upc australia in the form of missions service support and also financial support for the continuity of lectures in bali therefore again we would like two thanks for director overseas missions pastor stanley harvey for our support attention to our ministry and we hope the next time to continue to help us jesus [Music] is [Applause] [Music] from the cycle of mountains west papua i am pastoring cesare from kepler's days with my family we want to say [Music] thank you [Music] thank you for giving to [Music] greetings in the precious name of jesus well this year for us all was not as planned i can still testify that the lord has once again done exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or even think 2020 has been a great year of development on a number of levels the team all essay church executive has and continues to work hard on very particular and important organisational matters the leadership team has continued to strive to prepare the church for growth and this year including facilitating two teaching events such as their annual conference in november where they're ministers taught and preached and i acknowledge and highly commend this initiative of our wonderful counterparts in timor-leste your giving also has greatly assisted the saints in ministry and timor-leste who experienced hardship during the covet 19 shutdowns and i would like to especially acknowledge your giving to achieve the completion completion of the educational facility in balco this was a feat in the midst of the pandemic and i'm thrilled to advise that a diploma level bible school class will commence in that facility in the new year there is much more that time doesn't allow for me to share so i'll simply end by thanking you as you continue to so faithfully support the work in timor leste by your prayers and giving we may be limited in our physical movements at this time but our god absolutely isn't and i thank you for your part in this god bless you richly thank you for joining us for our overseas missions promotions throughout this virtual general conference that we're having of course unprecedented times and an unprecedented means by which we are getting together and communicating but we're glad that you're joined us here today i also want to take this time to thank all of our pastors our ministers and churches throughout australia for your pledges particularly in this last year and for you following through with your commitments and of course what is invaluable are your prayers and continual support in all our endeavors overseas as you have seen in the video highlights earlier despite the pandemic by god's grace we've managed to continue some of our operations even remotely in timor-leste in indonesia and through the pacific unlike in australia these mission fields have not enjoyed the benefits of government assistance at this time many of their church folk have lost employment and there is no job seeker or job keeper packages for them and in many cases such as our churches in bali who have recorded the losses of 70 percent of their church members since much of the jobs are in tourism and an industry that has been decimated by the pandemic many of them have had to go back to their homes in their villages to wait out this crisis as you can imagine this has put a huge weight financial weight upon the churches and we have been able in overseas missions being able to assist them at this time so we want to thank you again for your help and also this year we sent out an appeal uh to purchase a truck for the church in kiribati and we were just blessed by the overwhelming response from all of our australian brethren say we want to say thank you for that and in the process as we are speaking now that um the truck is being um fixed and being uh ready to be transported uh to the island nation in kiribati you would have also seen that the building in timor-leste in bao kao is now completed and brother and sister perry while they've had to return from the field and come back to queensland here at home in australia they continue their diligent work by providing support through various platforms online and by the phone to bring the direction to the completion of that building project but also providing support to the pastors and the churches that are there in timor-leste and while it has been affected uh has affected the churches that this pandemic yet they continue to forge ahead in bringing growth to the church and seeing souls added to the kingdom of god and we rejoice in that and so i want to challenge you again and remind you of this great and mammoth task that we have as the australian church i want to just give a few figures to you about some of the surrounding nations uh that uh surrounds our our country here in australia uh micronesia for example a nation that uh the the missionary from fiji but the cure by there there's a population of a 548 000 people polynesia has 685 000. approximately in melanesia 11.2 million people that's comprised of nations such as fiji and solomon islands papua new guinea new zealand of course has five million indonesia 273 million people and the t more or less they are a primary field of mission that brother and sister perry are working with 1.3 million that's a total of 291 million people in our surrounding region separating us only by water that's about 11 times the size of australia's population it is a huge task it is a mammoth task but i believe that we are poised to make a significant impact in these nations surrounding us in some way or another and so i want to leave you three words uh that i would like to impress upon your spirits and to to uh let it be as it were a theme for you for overseas missions for your missions programs throughout this year three words and commands that are not restricted to just a select group of people within the church these are not just for a portion of the church but they are not only given to the whole church but it also these three words encapsulates the very purpose for which we exist we exist of course as a church right now for those who are not here yet and these three words are not relegated just to conference time once or twice a year and forgotten for the rest part the rest of the year but it's to become part of our lifestyle i pray that it would be incorporated into the daily rhythm of our lives and it's three words of course that you've heard many times before but i feel really impressed to share this with you today and that be part of your year that you would pray give and go i'm calling on the church and every church member to pray to pray passionately for our missionaries our mission fields and our neighbors and beyond it it cannot be overstated just the importance of prayer that it needs to be something that that gets a hold of our spirits and our hearts where we are bringing it before god in our prayer rooms in our closets and asking god to bring a great move of god and revival in these nations uh pull out a map of the region of the the nations around our nation and begin to pray for these nations and these islands and all of these countries that makes up this over quarter of a billion people that we talked about uh the other year we gave out some flags for churches to take up and to adopt a nation for that year that they would focus their church's prayers for that nation i want to ask you to do the same thing i want you to adopt a couple of nations uh that are in our immediate uh asia-pacific region and begin to pray for those nations intently and uh deliberately i want to ask you to pray for our missionaries uh our missionaries brothers sister perry that you continue to have them in your prayers if not on a daily basis but on a weekly basis but also pray for more missionaries we believe that australia as we grow as a national body that we can send out more missionaries that we can send out two or three missionaries at the same time in different areas and different fields and that is what we're praying for as brothers sister sister perry cut back their a time overseas we want to have others that would also go and take up the baton and so we want to pray for those that would be making that decision to pray and to go we want to ask you to give this year to give generously jesus said in luke chapter 6 verse 38 give and it will be given to you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over will be put into your bosom for with the same measure that you use it will be measured back to you uh we cannot see these programs materialized we cannot put uh wheels on the gospel as it were we cannot put feet on the field without the finances without the giving of the church and so again we want to challenge you to give give with all of your heart let it be a part of your your weekly giving let it be a part of your your normal giving as a church but we want to give more and not only just to put missionaries but also to help churches around our regions we are a blessed nation god has gifted us to us many wonderful things and so we want to use this opportunity for us as a church to give and i believe that when you do god will bless you and your churches i god is no man's debtor i've seen that time and time again i've experienced that continually that god will honor our giving of faith and it will come back to you as god sees the sacrifice that we are willing to give and so finally the third thing i want you to remember is go to pray to give and to go while i understand not every person is in a practical position to be able to go to the mission field um we still have to have our churches here at home and and our home is our mission field absolutely but i believe that every person in the church can be part of the sending process that is our theme for the last several years is sent how the apostles had sent from antioch how the church had sent the apostles paul and barnabas i believe that every member of the church can be a part of the sending process you can certainly be part of our mission trips uh we want to invite more people more of our leaders and ministers to put up their hand and to be willing to go on mission trips and we want to see that happen of course all pending uh the international borders being open and us being able to travel again in 2021 uh and we that's you know we have to wait and see until that happens but even now you can begin to prepare your mind your heart your prayers that you can be involved in giving and going and and being a part even of a short mission trip but also seek the lord and be a part of raising up more missionaries be a part of of supporting and putting it into the hearts and the minds of the younger generation perhaps the current generation or even the older generation to go and be part of the work of god we need more missionaries we need people to go and that's what the word of god tells us that while we are thankful for the funding and we are so thankful for the prayers the bible says that god sought for a man that they would stand in the gap i believe today that there is nothing more valuable than to have personnel actually going into those fields making contact establishing works encouraging churches and helping the work of god in some of these foreign areas that we have around us so we can go and you might say well i'm not in any position to travel well you can still be a part of the going process we have brother clive jacobson who is going into the the regions of africa and in india all from the comfort of his own home and online he is making contact with different pastors and leaders sharing to them about the doctrine of the one god the apostolic teaching and i want you to know that you can do the same that you can be involved if that you have a desire a burden to go maybe you can go overseas but but you have a position in the church you're a leader you can teach bible studies please contact us at overseas missions department to be involved in some of these online uh doors that have been open and uh where we have uh been able to assist uh brother brother jacobson in this great work so i want to close with that i want to say thank you once again for your giving for your praying and now for you going we want to keep doing that for the kingdom of god so let us pray as we close this uh promotion and i want you just to pray for yourself that you would be willing to incorporate these three things into our lives and not just for our churches here at home but also for our churches overseas heavenly father we thank you for this opportunity that we have we thank you for the time that we have been given for uh appealing and to challenging the church here in australia we ask you again look god that your spirit would move upon every single one that is listening to this watching this promotion that you would give us this burden the desire to pray passionately to give generously and to go with god with with a willingness and a diligence to for the sake of the kingdom of god so give us this birth give us this compassion and the zeal on god as we heed to your voice as we respond to your call and to fulfill the great commission not just in our nation but in the nations around us so bless us and all the work of overseas missions in the church of the united pentecostal church of australia in jesus name amen thank you hi all bill and diana here from canberra from calvary chapel uh we just wanted to share a very quick testimony of what god did for our little daughter uh eight years ago um god stepped in and did the miraculous and we just want to share that with you guys take it away thanks billy when pastor asked us to give this testimony under two minutes within two minutes i thought oh man i can't give it that much justification because god did so many things from putting a nurse with um aviana in the er that was from our church but i didn't know and one of the wards our nurses was also from our church the room adjacent to where she was being seen was filled with christians who were praying for her the pastor was uh actually preaching on a message about uh prayer moves god and and what was happening is that aviana had three heart attacks and with the last heart attack she was in on a life support machine and i distinctly felt that there was nothing else that could be done the doctor said look it's out of our hands it's it's beyond us she's on life support but even the life support machine can't sustain her because the the tubes were getting blocked up and it was at that time that i just uh i just lifted up my hands and i said all right lord if you take her even if you take her i'm still going to praise you and worship you and lift you up and i'm going to keep on telling people all about you and it was in that it was in that place that i just felt the lord just say okay now watch what i can do and it was just yes like you know such an incredible incredible time and journey of our lives seeing what he did with our aviana he restored her to complete faith the whole ward was uh was just so aware that it was a miracle like that was all they could say and she has no damage to a heart or to her lungs so we're just so thankful and grateful to our lord amen and you know what i just believe that you know what that our toughest time in our life can be the strongest ministry that we have yeah and uh you know if you're going through a tough time right now in your life just know that god can use it for his glory because when you go through those tough times god uses that and he bursts out your ministry so god bless you all hope you enjoy the rest of the conference [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome everyone we will rejoice this evening in the presence of our god we will dance we will clap we will lift up our hands this is the day that the lord has made and we will be glad and rejoice in it [Music] let's sing together that we might become his righteousness this body was broke his body was broken for our transgressions but i'm so glad that i'm so glad that's not where the story is since that day sin has lost its grip on me [Music] hallelujah [Music] he gave me a reason to dance [Music] his righteousness [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] for the savior got up in victory [Music] i'm grateful [Music] i'm grateful [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] gave me he gave me a reason to dance hallelujah gave me a reason to dance thank you lord for your goodness god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this world is not my home i'm just passing through early treasures and will fade but i found my hope in you you are the one i want you are the one i need [Music] this one can have it all it can take everything come on give me jesus give me jesus give me jesus there is only one for me [Music] is [Music] i need [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus give me jesus [Music] only one for me [Music] you are forever you are forever you are the one that i run to you i'm a treasure you are my treasure the [Music] you only forever you are forever you are the one that i run to you've got my chance you are my treasure on this fulfilled you are forever [Music] give me jesus give me jesus give me [Music] jesus [Music] there for is [Music] [Applause] [Music] yay let's clap unto god we worship you jesus thank you god hallelujah praise god amen in romans 8 35 it says we shall separate us from the love of christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword in verse 37 it says nay in all these things we are more than conquer us through him that left us praise god and i come to tell you tonight that everything's gonna be okay church we know that we face difficult times last year and who knows what's gonna happen this year but we know that he doesn't change the god that we serve doesn't change and at the end everything's going to be okay we're more than conqueror through him who love us praise god [Music] the weapon may be formed but it won't prosper [Music] when the darkness falls it won't prevent as the goddess serve knows only how to trial my god will never fail my god will never fail i'm gonna see your victory i'm gonna see your victory for the battle the most to you lord i'm gonna see your victory i'm gonna see your victory [Music] there's power in the mind name of jesus [Music] i'm not backing down from many times [Music] i know how this story is [Music] victory i'm gonna [Music] [Music] victory [Music] you take what the enemy meant forever and you're turning for good you turn it for good [Music] you take what [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you'll take money [Music] [Music] victory i'm gonna see victory [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign you turn it forward follow me jesus [Music] so [Music] i can't go back to the beginning i can't control what tomorrow will bring [Music] but i know here in the middle [Music] the place where you promise to [Music] be i'm not enough unless you come will you meet me here [Music] is again you are will you meet me here again [Music] valley [Music] like the sun shaping the shadows [Music] in my weakness your glory appears [Music] i'm not enough unless you cry will you meet me here again [Music] me [Music] will you leave me here again [Music] [Music] the lord is in this place [Music] is the lord is in this place the lord is in this place [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus i'm not enough unless you come will you meet me here again [Music] will you maybe [Music] unless you come will you meet me here again [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] the lord is in this place [Music] [Music] the lord is in this place [Music] [Music] greatest thy faithfulness greatest thy faithfulness morning by morning a mercy i see [Music] is thy faithfulness [Music] [Music] i see [Music] faithfulness [Music] is [Music] mercies [Music] faithfulness [Music] faithfulness morning by morning new mercies [Applause] great is thy face why don't we just lift our hands and just worship him right now we thank you lord we thank you for your faithfulness to us lord god we thank you for protecting and keeping us in 2020 and as we come into this new year oh god lord your faithfulness never changes oh god we thank you for your spirit that we can feel moving right now even as we worship in our homes even as we are gathered all around this nation oh god we thank you that you are faithful to us you are faithful to your church we thank you lord jesus we love you and everybody say in jesus name what a beautiful time of worship we've had and it's now my privilege to introduce our speaker for tonight and it's a wonderful privilege that i have to not only introduce our general superintendent but also my father bishop john downs has been the superintendent of the united pentecostal church of australia for 20 years pastoring for 30 years a licensed minister since 1972 and it's my privilege and honor to welcome him to this book but as he ministers to this church today let us be ready to receive and let us be ready to apply it to our lives in jesus name come bishop downs amen thank you pastor it's wonderful to be joining you online tonight god is so good isn't he his blessings never ever cease we could say together great is thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness say it there say it in your homes say it wherever you are great is thy faithfulness well welcome again to our first virtual conference and i thank jesus for the opportunity of meeting with you this way tonight tomorrow night brother bernard will be ministering and on monday night brother josh carson will speak throughout these virtual meetings many of our churches will be participating from both around australia and also overseas little contributions from everywhere so it's all been brought together and we want to thank those that have have produced this it's been a lot of work next year we plan to have a conference here in canberra we didn't have it this year in canberra because we had to cancel it for the from the uncertainty but next year god willing it will be here in canberra at the national conference center so plan to be there plan to be there and again brother david bernard will be our guest speaker he wants to be our guest speaker this year but he has promised that he will return next year and be with us you know i always find conference a great blessing i've been going to conferences i think ever since 1974 and i enjoy every one of them amen if you've got a bible i would like you to open your bible tonight to deuteronomy chapter 31 and verse 6. the word of god is so encouraging it it blesses us that's why we need to read it it will feed our spiritual marrow and make us strong deuteronomy 31 and verse 6 be strong and of good courage fear not be not afraid of them for the lord thy god he it is that doth go with thee he will not fail thee nor forsake thing well i'm reading that because this has been a very very unusual year and as you've already heard tonight uh he has not forsaken us has he in the midst of all of what's been going on i'm very very pleased to tell you that we have three new churches this year three new churches and even as of the the very first of january there will be another two preaching points so god has been working that we've not been sitting back we've been very very busy this coronavirus pandemic is one of the most impactful significant events in recent history cases now approaching seven seventy million and more than one point five million fatalities millions of others have been affected in one way or another and yes many of us in australia have been if affected but what has been learned what what have we learned from this pandemic what have we learned in the way that it has affected our churches well there was an academic study carried out just in this last month when the pandemic began christians soon began to go to church online in fact they flocked there in large numbers the statistics were staggering people sitting at home in their lounge rooms or somewhere in the house and watching the services online however it was discovered that many christians as they sat there were surfing the net and and looking around to see what was happening in other churches as the months passed by the interest waned however hidden behind all these statistics was the fact was something that was less obvious researchers have now told us that christians were watching online but their spiritual commitment was diminishing they began to lack vibrance that's why the bible says forsake not the gathering of yourselves together as the as the manner of some is god planned for christians to be together and fellowship to to be together to hear the word of god to pray together so as we went through this crisis i found myself asking the question what is god preparing us for why is all this happening particularly in this world but particularly in the church and i believe he's preparing us for the last days i do believe that we're in the last days but this is certainly certainly training for the last days i don't believe there's very much in the bible by the way of prophecy that still needs to be fulfilled before jesus returns i want to say tonight it is not going to be easy in the future i don't want to be a preacher of doom and gloom but it's fact we can see it on the horizon we must not grow weary we mustn't lose our faith as we experience things happening around us and there has been distress with this this rampant virus but in corinthians it says watch ye stand fast in the faith stand fast quit you like men and be strong ephesians says finally my brethren be strong in the lord be strong and in the power of his might not just be strong but be strong in the power of his mind we know what happened in the garden of eden and today we are living in a fallen world we will endure things because of man's fallen state and the big mess that he has created sin and rebellion are becoming rampant in this world and it's taking its toll humanism has been deeply embedded in our culture so much to the extent that even christians are accepting it but the bible says and i'm coming back to the bible going to the to the book of romans the epistle of romans chapter 1 and verse 25 it says who changed the truth of god into a lie and worshiped and served the creature more than the creator that's that's humanism that's humanism so tonight i want to challenge you i want to challenge you to stand strong and so i asked this question what is the secret to remaining steadfast in the love of god you want to know that secret that secret comes really to me in one word faithfulness faithfulness to jesus it's all about faithfulness faith full ness yes i've broken the word down let's look at it faith absolute trust full that which is complete absolute maximum and ness or any double is that's a suffix that denotes and exemplifies a quality or state but what is faithfulness in the bible well i've looked around and probably this is the best definition faithfulness is steadfastness consistency an allegiance it is a it is carefulness to keep that which we have been entrusted with jesus said in luke 18 8 when the son of man cometh shall he find faith on the earth this is the basis of what i'm i'm getting at tonight shall he find face faith upon the earth yes he will but it will only be in the faithful and we must be faithful we have to be strong in the power of his might so let's look at faithfulness there's there's two facets to faithfulness two sides to it number one our service for jesus in the church as his disciples and and in this world we're not to be pure pew woman's just sitting around enjoying a little club a little circle and secondly our commitment to jesus in our heart we may be able to hide everything else from the world but we cannot hide our heart from jesus our actions must not conflict with the word of god unfortunately many people equate faithfulness with attending church paying your tithes being involved in church activities yes all of these are essential and they reveal a degree of faithfulness but they do not address the central focus of who we are being faithful to you can do all those things and forget about the one in the center and that is jesus he must be our focus he must be the center of our lives there are some people who would go as far as believing well or thinking that believing in jesus is faith all this you've got to do is believe there's a song only believe only believe but i want to tell you tonight that believing isn't enough because even the demons believe and tremble and of course they're not saved and so my friend all of us watching in this conference i exhort you it is time to consider our faithfulness it is time for us to search our hearts once again during our life we will face situations they will be physical and they will be spiritual but will you remain faithful through those difficult times how we respond to these situations reflects our faithfulness will we turn our back on jesus will we blame him for the things that are happening will we look to other sources of strength will you remain faithful we don't need to go far in the bible to find examples of faithful men and and one that i loved reading about was job and and he's suffering i don't know anybody in the bible who suffered apart from jesus who suffered as much as job he went through some very very deep trials and and his wife had a recommendation she said in the midst of all those trials she said these words dost thou still retain that integrity curse god and die get it over and done with just curse god and die give up but the bible says in all this did not job sin with his lips watch out what you declare be careful the way you walk be careful about your attitude because god knows your attitude and job stood firm right through to the end he said god brought me into the world and when i leave the world i would go with nothing so i'm just trusting in god job remained faithful i don't know how many times i've heard people say even in the church jesus does not care for me look at what i'm going through now they may not say it sometimes but they sometimes act that way but he is faithful he has never failed me yet and he never will fail his children he will never fail you read your bible i suppose apart from job another man in the bible that is worth considering when it comes to faith is abraham he was a great man of faith and as a young man he lived in a place called er of the keldes we know from uh from history i suppose we could say it archaeology that heir of the chaldees was a very very modern city for those days i understand it even had a sewerage system but the bible says in hebrews 11 by faith abraham when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance obeyed and he went out not knowing where he was going so he received the instruction to go and he obeyed and his father was a heathen somehow abraham had connection with the living god by faith he sojourned in the land of promise as in a strange land dwelling in tabernacles with isaac and jacob the heirs with him of the same promise now listen to it for he looked for a city which had foundations whose builder and maker is god so just apart from just obeying god and going to find a promise on earth i have a there's a bit of a hint here that that abraham went looking for something far greater than that i believe that he had deeper understanding because of his faith you know he never found that city he did go in out and find and found the promised land as it were but he never found that city the new jerusalem but you wait and see he'll be there you see the things that sometimes god speaks to us about are not terribly obvious and the promises he makes are not just always for this life so we as a people how can we how can we be full of faith through difficult times because that word faithfulness means full of faith not just faith but full of faith faith is very very important as you we've as we all know the bible says without faith it is impossible to please god not nearly impossible completely impossible then we have the scripture that says by grace are you saved through faith no we're not saved by grace as it were the grace of god is activated by living a life full of faith this is faithfulness then we have the scripture faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not sin of course we we know that we believe in god and we've never seen him so let's extend that to other areas of our life however i want to tell you that faith is very real it is powerful and it results in the miraculous i've been in pentecost long enough to see many miracles and many many things happen and i can tell you it's when faith rises up in people that things really begin to happen if you just are expecting what you've ever what you've seen in the past that's all you're going to get but if you come into church or you go and serve the lord somewhere you do something for god expecting something beyond what you've ever seen before you will see it you will experience the hand of god upon your life and upon your ministry whatever you are doing you will know the lord is with you please understand me when i make this statement it is possible to have faith at times but being faithful is another matter faith is the substance of things hoped for now that's not the hope of the world we can say we hope this is going to happen and we hope that is going to happen but that's not the hope here the hope of the world is our greatest enemy i think we call it fomo homo the fear of missing out that's our greatest enemy in this world you will not have fear of missing something out if you are sincere you have a sincere hope in jesus and you will have a fear of missing out if your hope is based on a hunch it's either a hope or a hunch unfortunately a lot of people who say they believe in god they only have a hunch because if they really believed in him they would submit their lives totally to him but friends we are special in the eyes of god very very special this is our comfort we are god's children we are made in the image of god so i like to believe that that god looks upon us the same way as we look upon our children we care for them we protect them we watch over them when we were saved the bible way we became adopted into the family of god in 1 john chapter 3 verses 2 and 3 or verse 2 it says beloved now are we the sons of god it's not something just going to happen in the future this is my favorite verse in the bible this is not going to just happen in the future we are now the sons of god and so therefore he cares about us now as his children and it does not yet appear that's why the temptation for fomo it doesn't it doesn't appear that way sometimes it doesn't feel that way and it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is and the bible goes ahead and said that's the reason why we need to purify ourselves that's why we need to be asking could we be more faithful to god should we be more faithful to god we definitely should it's a progression it's something that goes yet that grows greater in our life there will be great temptations there will be great problems that you will experience in this life both spiritually and in the world but never ever forget that god knows exactly where you are and he loves you and cares for you we are the children of the lord jesus christ amen our confidence is that we are his children paul said i have fought a good fight i have finished my course i have kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not only me but unto all them that love his appearing we need to put a test on our faith we need to check our faithfulness how do we do that how do we take our spiritual temperature how do we calibrate exactly where we're at there's only one way and that is against the word of god and if you're not reading the word of god then you can't calibrate where you are at and if you're not coming to church and hear the ministry the anointed ministry of god's word you are unable to calibrate where you're at if you're not where the spirit of god is moving you cannot calibrate where you're at this is the way that we determine our faithfulness there's a parable in matthew 25 where it says for the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling into a far country who called his servants and delivered unto them his goods i'm going away you care for my goods and now what i'm saying to you as this parable teaches what has god entrusted to you your gifts your ministry have you been faithful with them have you been faithful to the things that god has trusted you with or is it all about fomo the fear of missing out in other words wanting as it were the best of the physical world and the spiritual world real faithfulness is using your gifts and your ministry in service for god to for his glory i do believe that that everybody that is watching this is actually live and breathing tonight every one of you so you've got one gift and that's your life so give it to god but we all have at least one talent because the bible says we are all talented by god we've been given talents and as i ministered at the last conference in the breakout sessions i i taught on how everybody is gifted and probably our gift is right in front of us and we don't recognize it but the things that you are the best at and the things you really like to do have you ever considered they are the very things that god wants you to use to serve him unfortunately we have a a negative self-image our pride and our lack of faith and faithfulness that hinder us and it keeps us from recognizing those gifts and ministries but of those who are watching me tonight some of you some of you have a call from god and that's a very special thing abraham had a call from god moses and david also had a call from god and when god spoke to them this is what they said who am i who am i i think you've made a mistake god and you know i think we can all relate to that can't we but our god knows who we are he has called us he's chosen us he's equipped us we may not feel equipped but if we step out those very things that god has given us will manifest themselves as we serve him he never would have called us if we were useless but in his hands we are capable of doing great things just like that opening verse that i read he said to moses when moses was saying well who am i and god said what have you got in your hand and we know it was a rod and we know what happened to that rod and you know i'm saying to you tonight you've got something you're breathing so you've got something to give to god your life faithfulness is absolutely essential you must be faithful paul said i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present your bodies are living sacrifice wholly acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service but somehow we we don't see ourselves fitting the pattern or like we think great people are but jesus said he that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much he's saying start being faithful in the little things and those little things will grow as i've already said when we were saved we were pretty naive about the christian walk but when we were baptized filled with the holy ghost then the spirit of god filled us and led us along the way he is teaching us to be faithful but for those in the ministry paul encouraged timothy to be faithful in the ministry another version of the bible not the king james version it says for this reason i remind you to fan into the fire the gift of god which is in you through the laying on of hands when ministers receive a license we lay our hands upon them and pray for them they are recognized as somebody who has a calling a ministry and therefore they every one of us not just our ministers every one of us need to fan that gift in the fire you know many many men and women in the bible who proved themselves to be faithful actually were tempted to give up along the way that's why we need to read the bible we don't only just read the good things we read we read about the trials we read about the big mistakes the failings but we read about the victories and so i want to finish tonight by talking to you out of out of judges chapter 6 where we read about the story of gideon in chapter 6 we realized that the midianites have coming up to oppose israel as they came across the land they they impounded their food and their crops israel cried out to god and in response god unexpectedly i unexpectedly calls gideon as he is threshing wheat in the wine press let me read it and there came an angel of the lord and gideon was was threshing wheat by the wine press to hide it from the midianites i want to ask a very serious question here you've probably never been never popped out actually before but what was gideon doing thrashing wheat by the wine press what was he doing threshing wheat is usually done in the field where the where the wind will blow the chaff away gideon's not out in the field he's afraid of the midianites and so he's there hiding threshing the wheat now i want to tell you that wine wine mixed with any sort of grain even husks is can go seriously wrong but that's by the way i want to tell you here that gideon was behaving strangely threshing wheat in the winepress and people do strange things when they're fearful they do very much they do things that they're not supposed to do faith is not a companion to fear i'll repeat it faith is not a companion to fear your faithfulness will be crippled by faith we shouldn't be hiding where we're not going to be noticed can you relate to that if you can god is speaking to you tonight we can be hiding in a congregation we can be hiding in the things that we call the necessities of life our comforts you know we have to set ourselves up as i've said so many people you know young people put put off their heart put their life on hold until they get married and then after they get married life goes on hold until they have their children and after they have their children their life goes on hold until the children grow up and after the children grow up their life is on hold then because they're too old to serve god other things in your life that you need to deal with things that god never intended you to be afraid of maybe they're hindering you from his service he's called you but why are you hindered have you been distracted from god's intention in your life but out of the midst of this even though he was hiding the angel of the lord appeared to get in and said the lord is with thee thou mighty man of valor strange again very strange because gideon wasn't acting that way but the lord recognized the potential in gideon and he will recognize and he does recognize your potential you may be hiding but you still have potential and the lord is saying to you you mighty men of valor step out god knew more about gideon than he knew about himself and then in verse 14 we read and the lord looked upon him and said go in this thy might and thou shalt save israel from the hand of the midianites have not i sent thee and gideon says who am i who am i that i should save israel my family's poor i'm a nobody but still the lord insists he says surely i will be with thee and thou shalt smite the midianites as one man that says a lot gideon's still reluctant he's still reluctant after all this has transpired he's still reluctant his entity is another power called fear so he says to god i need a sign and we know the story where he laid out the fleets well let me say right now if it takes a fleece to move you then lay it out lay it before god spend time praying over your fleece but when god speaks to you then move i finish on just three points [Music] god will always be present with his people for his purpose and gideon failed to see himself as god saw him the second point god does not call the qualified he qualifies the call [Music] paul talks about this in corinthians chapter one but god had chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise god chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong he said to gideon gideon i'm all you need you don't have to be self-qualified i'm all you need and i'm saying to you tonight friends children of the living god all you need to do to be a powerful a powerful weapon or a powerful tool or a powerful spokesperson in god's hand is to know who he is god sees our possibilities through the lenses of his power as i said be strong and of good courage fear not nor be afraid of them for the lord thy god here it is that that called you amen and he went out and miraculously they they overwhelmed the enemy it's an amazing story and it all began in the threshing floor out in the open not hiding away and what we could say you know in the wine press yes in the wide press the wine is flowing quite comfortable in there but god's power and presence is out in the field threshing the wheat i know i can tell you tonight in my life in my wife's life in many lives of our ministers it's when they stepped out when they stepped out of just the blessing of the house of god and went and preached the word of god that god was with them it all happens out there in the threshing floor we've got to stop hunkering down in our wine press just contentedly enjoying and watching the flow of the wine god doesn't just want to have the flow of wine he wants the flow of wine to come out through you and so i challenge you tonight it all comes back to faithfulness being full of faith trust in god if he's your god then trust him do something that shows that you really have faith in him we could say like walk out on the thin ice and trust him yes we've got to learn so learn with the little things to begin with the only reasoning required is to know that jesus will never ever forsake you he has never forsaken me he has never forsaken anybody he will not forsake his children he is faithful who has called you and great is his faithfulness friends i'm finishing the challenge is the fields are ripe and ready to harvest people are stepping out but god is speaking to you tonight you the one that's sitting in your seat there let's all emerge out of our comforts and become reapers in the field of god i've challenged you tonight something that's been in my heart for a good number of weeks now it's not just something that i just quickly prepared because being your superintendent i want to see this true gospel spread throughout our nation i want to see great things happening thank you to the men and the women who have stepped out thank you for those that have sacrificed thank you for those who've trusted god in difficult situations because you have proven him faithful god bless every one of you join us again tomorrow night when brother bernard ministers [Music] thy faithfulness oh god my father [Music] the changes [Music] now forever [Music] i see [Music] is if you've got room there in your living room your kitchen wherever you're watching maybe you'd like to kneel down and make another commitment it's not wrong to say lord i could really improve my faithfulness help me jesus i can't do it only you can do it through me you know confession is very helpful but determination is very helpful let's determine tonight that we will do what god wants us to do he's calling you into the field [Music] is [Music] is [Music] thy faithfulness [Music] is [Music] we're reminded lord jesus of your faithfulness toward us coming down from heaven and dying upon the cross your faithfulness that lord we will rise to be with you that we will live and reign with you in eternity oh god help us to be faithful help us to fight the good fight help us lord to know that you will never leave us or forsake us help us to see through the physical [Music] and to realize the spiritual and the strength that we can find in you to do your will bless everyone who's watched tonight those who have joined us and lord if if there be somebody watching who is an unbeliever lord somebody who has never committed their life to you i pray jesus that you would be with them and challenge them lord jesus you can save from the gutter most to the uttermost [Music] thank you jesus amen amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: UPCAustralia
Views: 1,438
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ehec6O9atI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 4sec (9364 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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