Nigella Lawson: Ice Cream Cake: Express

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after the warm tones of my wine darts do I want to bring out something it will help everyone cool down and I'm making my ice cream pay with butterscotch sauce which relies heavily on ingredients that are dangerously appealing to my children or they appeal to everyone so I had to keep them somewhere they will never look prey this is it but luckily I can grab them now untouched by small hands and doesn't one stop at the freezer and it's more air stung spectacular though this cake is you need just ordinary regular vanilla ice cream for it it's what you put in that makes a difference can I leave those there to soften a little and get on with some of the filling you need 150 grams of all the biscuits and I like to use some honeycomb chocolate covered for preference but a 40 gram bar and then just go at them together with a rolling pin in a freezer bag until some a rubble some dust and some sizeable crumbs you need a liter and a half of ice cream so on top of this you sprinkle your cookie and honeycomb crumbs Oh lovely I'm going to keep some back because I like to sprinkle these over the cake when it's unmolded and now some peanuts not ordinary peanuts but honey those peanuts yes I know more sugar but you start worried about the sugar content here it's a bit of a waste of time so in they go hundred grams is plenty and I love these they're new in my life I can't actually get them in England except online and I'm such an internet shopping junkie that's how I did their chocolate and peanut butter swirled morsels chips they look like miniature circus tents what 200 grams of these but don't worry if you can't get these because to be honest you can use milk chocolate chips dark chocolate chips white chocolate chips pack any chips except potato chips again I want to hold some back by sprinkling on top they look so beautiful while this is wearing I am going to line the tin just makes it easier to get out later and I have been taught a trick which is the if you tear you clean this way around it always comes out in a straight line magic and also one car other hard you get a few creases cuz I haven't done it that neatly but that doesn't matter once it's sprinkled and serve point show I don't think it's the cooks role to try and win applause obviously not but nevertheless I have to say it's very gratifying to make something that's as simple as this but is just so spectacular when you serve it okay so in it goes ah that's speckled beauty it's pretty fabulous as it is but I think an extra and worthwhile touch is to drizzle it with warm butterscotch sauce all you need to do is bung few things in a pan and heat them up while the tagine is in the oven reheating so no work fold over the bits of cling just to protect the top so in to the freezer with a cake now joy of joys the butterscotch sauce for the ice cream cake and some cream and some butter always a good start for a recipe need about two tablespoons worth of unsalted butter and two tablespoons as well of ordinary white sugar 3 tablespoons of light brown Muscovado sugar you can use ordinary soft light brown sugar I just love the tree cleanness you get from Muscovado and just in case it isn't sweet enough some golden syrup quite a bit you can see I suppose about two espresso cups worth right so he told this needs to bubble up and keep bubbling for about five minutes and actually I could have made this two days ago when I did everything else but it's so simple to make it's frankly no harder than reheating and who's going to complain about the scent of butterscotch wafting through the house when they come in right it's headaches five minutes bubbling now so few drops of good vanilla but and about 125 milliliters of double clean this is really the perfect time to make this no one's arrived yet I'm calm and although it's really piping hot and runny now by the time it's at we beat not a gene it will be warm and really gooey just right for drizzling over the ice cream cake I have a sweet treat in store perfect reserve that right there just wonderful thank you the sauce just Oh just blends all together nothing succeeds like excess
Channel: Fiona Super
Views: 294,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ice, Cream, Cake, nigella, lawson, express
Id: hiBYfQwmZO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2012
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