Nigella Lawson: Cherry Cheesecake: Express

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I grew up on this street and in one of these houses it's the first kitchen I can ever remember and I'm planning a return to the tastes at that time because an old friends going round for supper and we are wallowing in about nostalgia and what's what swallowing is going for full-body immersion but the meltingly delicious cheese fondue and then maybe later on in the evening if we've been good enough I might bring out my cherry top cheesecake once nearly got me expelled from school love atone for it I feel by creating a light luscious even elegant cheesecake with a cherry topping that is as easy or easier than pie 125 grams of digestive biscuits just put in 75 grams of lovely soft unsalted butter you really don't need to melt this first people often tell you the splits until you've got a soft sandy rubble that's done to snip it all into the base of a 21 centimeter springform tin and press down hmm this is lovely it feels like building sandcastles when I was young so that's the face done no cooking involved so Express from the off and now for the top-ranked obvious cream cheese and I got a lot of it a 300 gram tub in fact and you really need to have it at room temperature it's much easier to mix up on top of that you need about 60 grams of icing sugar a teaspoon of vanilla and because it's always good to accentuate the tang of a cheesecake good spritz of lemon juice a few seconds sees this all amalgamated look at that huh I could eat it like this and now you need 250 mils of double cream here and just whip it till firm but still soft I do love a baked cheesecake but they need as much attention as a newborn baby I mean my grandmother's instructions for cheesecake you know bake it for two hours and then leave it in the oven with the oven off then open the other door crack and then wider so forth they want to know this is luscious and smooth dangerously eatable obviously I'm making it as a kindness for my friend Tracy Ty Lee selfless act the cream is just as I need it to be so just fold the two bowls of white mixture in together doesn't matter which way round you do it and that's it ready to be dollop on top of the base after three hours in the fridge this will be soft set but slice cool but before I slice I'm topping with a fabulous dark cherry conserve just one thing I know it has retro authenticity but do not use pie filling please Tracy I can't let you leave without just one slice cheesecake I'll turn on a night with you famous cheesecake hang on the top hit with some cherry jam already teri conserve hmm that's fantastic thank you right now you're going straight in the street in mmm good perfect and you see this is what got me suspended it is so worth it
Channel: Fiona Super
Views: 415,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nigella, lawson, express, cherry, chesecake
Id: -wD1sCODVm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 1sec (241 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2012
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