Nicole Brown Simpson murder location from Google Earth

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I watched the entire thing. GREAT documentation. It's quite unsettling to think that O.J. Simpson KILLED these two people (and everybody knows it) yet continues to live free

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/GrandviewOhio 📅︎︎ May 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Interesting. This could be great idea for other videos

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Wow, these are really great. Ill be watching more of them for sure. Thanks for sharing.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BuffaloMark 📅︎︎ May 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Why does david schwimmer show up when you google nicole simpsons crime scene photos?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LurkerLars99 📅︎︎ May 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Didn't think I would watch that whole thing, but got sucked in and now I want more.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/satan_loves_you 📅︎︎ May 14 2018 🗫︎ replies
okay I'm gonna use Google Earth again to explain another famous murder that took place in Southern California Los Angeles County just east of Santa Monica and a place called Brentwood or Santa Monica Brentwood is right here and of course that was the famous OJ Simpson murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman now here's Brentwood this road right here is South Bundy Drive the zoom in a little closer you're gonna see this condo right here and this is two condos lanes side-by-side they run from the front to the back getting a little closer you can see from front to back right here and Nicole Brown Simpson's condo was the one on the north side right here all the way down through here this is her back garage I'm gonna go down to street level so here we are at the street level and this is the outside of the condo that Nicole Brown Simpson used to live in and the one that she was murdered at now many people that come here think that the murder happened just behind this wall and that these are the original tiles but that's not true this wall was put up after a new person bought the tile because they were tired of people showing up and looking and basically it was bringing too much attention to the area so they put this up making people think it was here but in reality and truth the murder didn't take place over here it happened just to the right side of this palm tree happened right back in here the walkway used to be up here and these are actually not tiles but these were tiles put in with cement they weren't prefabricated tiles these were tiles that were put in made but with cement at the time that they were put in now I want to show you some stuff here you can see right here we have a water cover a meter cover for the water meter we have a little drain right here on the curb we have this light post right here we have this sidewalk beam lifted by the roots of this tree here and like I said where it really happened was here and I'm going to show you a picture to prove that it happened just to the right of this palm tree as you can see here there's the palm tree over here to the right side of the photo here's the walkway this is where Nicole Brown Simpson was and just to to the right back in here is where Ron Goldman was and like I showed you in the other on Google Earth you can see the water meter cover here there's the drain on the curb here is the light post or the officer standing here is the sidewalk being lifted by the roots from this tree so you can see clearly that it was to the right of the palm tree and not to the left like a lot of people think it was and here is another photo from the crime scene where you can see this is the area down here where Nicole Brown Simpson was where her body was found and straight out the walkway there's the palm tree and this walkway just goes to the this side of the palm tree not that side so you can see right here they covered it up they change directions of the walkway it came out they put a wall up over here there's a door right here they'll come out this door make a right turn and they're back on the sidewalk I'm gonna exit street view now of course go back to north now here we are up in the air again this is Nicole's condo right here of course we all know that Ron Goldman was also murdered with her and what happened that night is Nicole Simpson with about nine family members had dinner at a restaurant restaurant called Mezzaluna restaurant now you can see her condo right here and if you follow this road down here South Bundy and you head down on Gore ham Street on the corner of Gorham right here in San Vincente this building here you where the Mezzaluna restaurant was at that time right now it's called Pete's coffee and tea so let's go down to Street View and look at it so this is the location or the former location of the meso luna restaurant now her family was in this restaurant her mother said she lost her glasses so they called the restaurant the restaurant looked for the glasses they didn't find him in the restaurant but they did find him somewhere out here in the sidewalk or the street apparently her mother probably dropped them while she was getting in the car or on her way to get in the car they were found out here Ron Goldman agreed to take them to Nicole Brown Simpson's house but before he took him he went home to his apartment to change his clothes and his apartment well it's okay so here we are again the sky view here is the Mezzaluna restaurant or the former location where it was Ron Goldman agreed to take the glasses to Nicole Simpson but first he went home to his apartment which was right down the street here in Gorham and I believe it was this building right here that he had his room in went there changed his clothes and then headed back to Nicole Simpson's condo which is down the street here and right there and we know what happened after that now there were a few things going on that night there were some witnesses that saw some things the first one was a guy named Robert heidstra the first one that I'm going to talk about was a guy named Robert Heights true and he lived right here in this apartment complex and every night about ten o'clock he'd go out he'd walk his two dogs he had a small dog and an old dog so he walk him out the front of his apartment right here he'd go around the block just like this and that normally would he would do is he would come all the way around Dallas down South Bundy and make a left on Dorothy and head back to his apartment but that night when he got to about right in here and let's go to street level he got to about this location roughly right in here you came around the sidewalk got in this area and he said he could hear a big dog barking it was Nicole Brown Simpson's Akita out there barking and he was worried about his own dog's safety he was afraid that his little dog or his old dog would be injured by this bigger dog that was down the street barking hysterically barking he said so he backed up and went down this alleyway here headed down that way so I'm gonna exit the street view and here we are again with the sky view it was Nicole Brown Simpson's condo right here here is the alleyway that Robert heidstra walked down with his dogs like I said he came around here heard the dog went back went down the alleyway and he was right about in this location right in here when he heard another male say hey hey hey and then he heard a deeper voice saying something but he couldn't make out what the voice was saying because the dog was barking so hysterical or so hysterically and then he heard what sounded like a gate clinging shut or a gate clinging and he said he was right about in here when he heard it and if you look it's right across from Nicole Brown Simpson's condo so it's very likely he may have heard the murder we don't know for sure what he did do is he came he continued on after he heard the gate clean he didn't hear anything else he continued on came down the alleyway made a left turn and went to this tree right here so let's go back down the street view right in front of the alley so here we are on this on the street view right in front of the alley I'll move forward a little you can see here's the alley that he walked in and it was somewhere here about where this fence meets this garage that he heard what he heard well he continued on he made the left turn here and he went down to this tree right here he was at this tree when he let his dogs either I think they were sniffing around or going to the bathroom and that's about the time he heard a vehicle would appeared to come out of the alley behind the Cole Brown Simpson's condo out here on Dorothea made a left came toward him and then made right down South Bundy down that way he said it was a white vehicle like I white a white Bronco like the one oj was driving that night afterwards he just continued on and went back to his apartment so here's the tree he was at when he saw a vehicle come out of this area make a left turn on Dorothy and then make a right turn on South Bundy he continued on went back to his apartment apartment that was right here around that same time there was another guy walking his dog his name was Steven Schwab and he lived here there was an apartment complex here as you can see it has been torn down and they built a new one there but the one that was there at the time he lived in it he came out with his dog walked down the sidewalk here on Montana crossed the street diagonally right here and came over to this side of the road and walked down to Gretna Green and when he got to Gretna Green he made a left turn with his dog came down here made a right turn on gore ham came down gore ham made a left turn on South Amherst Avenue took south Amherst Avenue down to Dorothy made a left turn on Dorothy and on the way down Dorothy it's walking his dog he could see the Akita standing at the corner and barking and he was a little hesitant he was worried at first because it was a big dog barking he was afraid it may have hurt might have hurt his dog so when he got there nothing happened but he continued walking home and the Akita followed him followed him all the way back to his apartment and he noticed that there was blood on his feet and blood on his legs when he got to his apartment he thought I didn't want to let them he didn't want to let the dog into his apartment he was afraid that there could be problems with the Akita and his dog so his neighbor his neighbor named su crew both step ed decided he would hold on to the dog till morning and then they would try to find out who the dog belonged to so when they brought the dog into the apartment they were trying to get the dog to sleep the dog was so Restless and they decided to just put a leash on him and see if the dog would lead them home Sosuke rubles step and his wife put a leash on Nicole Brown Simpson's Akita the dog led them down the road down south Bundy took them right to Nicole Brown Simpson's condo looked up and will step it follow the direction of the dogs gaze as the dog was looking up the walkway to Nicole's condo he walked up he could see a woman laying there and he could see a lot of blood so they called 911 now right here here is the back of Nicole's condo so let's go down the street view okay so here we are at the back of Nicole's condo this is this was her garage door this was her driveway this was the condo she lived and so and this gate right here of course that gate was not there at the time of the murders this gate has been put in by the new owners and this gate is about eight feet tall and I'm pretty sure they put it in because they probably had a lot of people showing up at this place and looking over the back and stepping onto the private property and who knows what they were doing so these new residents most likely want privacy and that's why they put this big data but on the other side of this gate about ten feet in maybe 15 feet in is the original gate that was there the night of the murders now there were three paths that OJ could have taken the first path that he could have taken was the one that Robert heidstra said he saw him take where he went out this way I had a left on Dorothy down here and of course Robert heidstra was up there by this big tree and then he said oh that white vehicle made a right turn onto South Bundy this way so that's one path he could have taken now that was one witness that thinks he saw OJ Simpson so another witness by the name name of Jill Shipley said that she saw Oden I heard him before I explained it here's a Nicole's condo this was the back Robert hyster said he saw the vehicle come down here this way and turned this way now the other witness Jill Shipley said she saw J Simpson in a white Bronco blow through the intersection right here of South Bundy and San Vincente and make a left turn and head in the direction of his house now in his book the book that og wrote titled if I did it he said in his book that if he did it he would have come out of the back of the condo gone up this way down the alleyway made a left turn on Montana Avenue and then a right turn on South Gretna Green way when he got to sand in sente he said he would have turned left I'm taking it down to this street here which is Bristol Avenue he would have made a right turn on Bristol gone all the way up through here crossed sunset and made it all the way to his house at the time which was this house or that his house was in this section right here he would had to have turn left on Parkins Street and then right on Rockingham let's go down to street level right here so here we are down at street level and this is the former location of OJ Simpson's house right here it used to be here this was the original gate right here this right here where these green trash cans are is where the Bronco the white Bronco was parked it had the blood spots on it and in it and of course at that time this driveway did not exist it was just a wall that went through and the second driveway he had the one that he actually drove down after the low-speed chase when the police were all following him was actually about right in here across the street from say this area roughly back of this white car red car in this area so it was right about in here it's where that second driveway originally was now after the trial Oh Jay Simpson ended up selling his house for about four million dollars to an investment banker by the name of Kenneth Abdullah Kenneth Abdullah was also the CEO of Gerry's famous deli kenneth bought it for about four million dollars in 1997 and he tore down the old house not necessarily because he wanted to but because he said it was cheaper to tear down the old house and build a new house than it would have been to remodel the old house and then let's go back to sky view here and then i'm going to turn this north here's the house here and then kenneth abdullah ended up selling the house in two December of 2005 to the president of the Universal Music Group a guy by the name of Zachary Horowitz so he sold it in 2005 - Zachary Horowitz for about thirteen million dollars and I think the exact amount was twelve point nine million so this here is the former location of the OJ Simpson house the original gate was here the other original gate came up came off of Ashford over here and it's along this hedges somewhere along these hedges where they found that bloody glove where Mark Fuhrman jumped over the fence and walked down the side of the house and found that bloody glove in here now if you can see here's the house I'm gonna move it up into the corner here and you're gonna get an idea of how close it is I can actually go a little tighter you're gonna get an idea of how close it is to Nicole Brown Simpson's condo so the house is up here in this corner where the hand is and Nicole Brown Simpson's condo is right here then the Cole Brown Simpson Ron Goldman murder turns out to be a very famous Southern California murder and it's also a very unfortunate part of Southern California history
Channel: Forrest Haggerty Channel
Views: 386,994
Rating: 4.7072229 out of 5
Id: PSW5y5YReEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2017
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