NICKY CRUZ - SPECIAL MEETING at Whitewell Tabernacle - Revelation TV

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[Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to whitewall metropolitan tabernacle northern ireland's largest church tonight the evangelist nikki cruz is going to share his story what better way to start than by worshiping together sing praise [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] the grace is god we will carry on just [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] amen [Applause] i cast my mind [Music] to calvary [Music] where jesus bled and died for me i see his words [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] where is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] who praises me [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] if we buy our heads can we close our eyes as we bring our time to the lord in prayer tonight almighty god maker of heaven and earth we come to you tonight in the mighty name the great me and the glorious majestic name of the lord of glory the lord jesus christ gracious lord there are many people here tonight with many needs great needs there are people here tonight lord with in great circumstances and situations that they cannot manage i ask your gracious lord will you walk amongst us tonight i ask you gracious lord will you bless nikki cruz as he comes and speaks i pray gracious lord it will not just be listening to nicky but i pray lord that your spirit will move from seat to seat heart to heart and i pray tonight that many people young and old from every walk of life that tonight many people will have a saving encounter a restoring encounter with jesus christ and i pray lord that every heart you would open it and that your word would fall into those hearts and bring forth life lord bless every person here lord people hear lord and they think the world doesn't care about them and no one cares about them may they know tonight that you care about them will you bless everything that's said and done and tonight may jesus christ be magnified may jesus christ be uplifted thank you gracious lord for being interested in each of us we welcome you here tonight move among us and have your way in jesus great name and mighty name we pray and ask amen i grew up avidly reading christian books such as the cross and the switchblade by dave wilkinson which tells the story of some of the wild gangs of new york and how they found christ one of those gang leaders was nikki cruz who today is sharing what god has done in his life here is a short video of his ministry i raised in new york city something went wrong in my life i never choose to be what i was my life of crime was very serious [Music] why [Music] this thing can happen like this want to thank jesus christ for life because he is the one who gave me the life [Music] and i can see the way for the holy spirit that is already is already moving in that area [Music] we need to really wake up and relax that we can no longer be passive that we need to be aggressive in the way of evangelism [Music] jesus christ is the answer and that's that call me fanatic call me whatever you want but i see the holy spirit in action i see jesus christ changing life all over the world so i i know that that is what we need jesus christ threw a tremendous power upon the young people [Music] here's the lord well ladies and gentlemen we're delighted to have nikki cruz with us tonight and i know many of you have read his story and i've been touched by a story but here he is we're going to introduce him right now would you make him welcome give him a really warm welcome as it comes and speaks to us thank you cruz i'm so happy to be here it's not my first time and as i look around and i you know maybe it's me i speak to all kinds of people but some of you you look so serious is that your custom you know what do me a favor stand up get up in your feet and turn around and smile go to somebody that you don't know and shake hands so you get out of this monotone type of situation what about you choir all of you come on let it go the get out of your way chihuahua do whatever you got to do now you're smiling uh-huh yes you know when i came to united kingdom when i asked the first time was when the movie the crossland swiss blade was made in 1968 and i was invited to come to london and i spoke in one of the most notorious place of united kingdom in london the albert royal hall and i was looking at so many floors and yes in the middle there is the throne of the uh the queen that come for concerts or whatever and uh the place was so packed it was a saturday uh afternoon and i was in the backstage by myself in this room and they went through the emotions of the service and then there were thousands of girls and uh but then called my name ladies and gentlemen mr nikki cruz then i was start walking for the stage the girls start going oh no they was expecting eric estrada the guy who played my part that hurt [Applause] i was born in an island in in puerto rico came to new york city and a lot of things happened things that you never expected in your life it's happened it seemed that life wasn't fair since i was a little boy what happened in new york city was many things that i do regret lots of regrets people that got killed from both sides from my gangs the other gangs the racial problems began to be so deep that we we were killing one another and the streets of new york the sidewalk was full of blood and when you look at that blood that was running on the streets when there's a black boy got killed running there is not black blood when you kill a puerto rican of a brown guy what is wrong right there on the street is not brown blood when you kill a white guy it is not white blood it's red red red blood it seemed like a like you hit the place of immortality you are not afraid of the electric chair because you don't have maybe the capacity or the ability to really sit down and think the consequences but there's one thing i know that when life began to go hard on me i wasn't expecting we ended one of the most biggest glory fights in brooklyn new york when i got three different gangs together to destroy another game that night it just lasts about five minutes you cannot go more than that you don't know if you're gonna come alive you're jumping from one place jumping from one car to another car you stop the person you do you shoot and whatever it is and yet when this was over i i told my friend he was homeless i have a little place that i used to rent for fifteen dollars a week and i used to steal the money anyway so what happened was that we were coming that we took the train this hallway and when when we came to the stop where i used to live i told my friend you don't want to sleep and you are not going to sleep in the street you are not going to sleep in the train around 24 hours and changing trains and other trains as we went all the way up to the street the place that i used to live it was about three block and a half and then i noticed this shadow moving so fast and goddess right away you know you're streetwise you you got this psychology of danger or whatever you can read a person so easily and you know if the person is tough the person has the guts of things like that but i do remember that when i saw this fast shadow moving i told my friend to start running it was a setup they were waiting for me and then i regret i really regret that i told my friend to stay with me because that night as as we was running just like that when i make the turn i looked and my friend wasn't there so i knew exactly what happened so i came in to defend myself to lay my life to die for him that was the that was the quote of ethics in the gangs you don't betrayed you got to be faithful and here is i see dog's knife going up and down and i watch it and i came in and i got hurt then i started looking for my friend i could not see because the blood was blinding me and then as i was on my knees and hands looking for him he was there left down flat face down i turned his head grabbing by his hair and i hugging and i started screaming at him don't die on me you're not gonna do this to me you're not gonna do this to me do you understand i'm gonna take you to the hospital you're going to survive you're strong we are strong and nobody can mess around with us but you got to be strong right now what i was doing i was talking to a dead dead body i want to cry i know you're going to know why i want to cry so bad i just want to let those tears hit his face so he can see that i have some feelings that i'm i wasn't as bad as i was painted by the media or whatever but there's something in me i could not cry i could not cry at all i couldn't have all the my well was dry why i was like that flashback flashback let me take you to puerto rico things have gone wrong i know as i know the bible today i didn't ask god to place me in the wounds of a wish my mother was a witch my father was a satanic priest we were living under a curse the day that my mother pushed me into the world of the living it was a cold cold day because when you're in the wounds of your mom of your mother you are protective there's something there there's a protection where you are in the wounds of your mom yeah when you experience how cold this world is that infant that baby started crying because he began to feel how cold it is and through all of these i'm not the only one in the family i want to be honest with all of you i am not the only one in my family i got 17 brothers and one sister yes my father was a local lover boy all of us was born in a curse i am not going to see my my grand father in heaven he died worshipped the devil sacrificing animal to the devil it all these things this was fear possess our family my mother was demon possessed we all got to go to hell it's like say welcome we are going to go to hell that was the curse that the cruise family have and the fears the people feared my family especially my dad i never had the experience of feeling the lips of my mother on my cheek she never kissed me or the strength of my father arm hugged me and feel secure the devil strikes so strong and he want my soul so bad my mother began to abuse me since i was a little boring i mean brutally bidding by my mother not sexually and i remember that sometime she beat me so hard that uh that i wake up after i wasn't conscious i don't know for how long in a pool of blood listen to my mother curse me drive me take my clothes drag me my little body into this room lock the door and hear my lips were split my nose was broken my eyes were closed because all the beating that i received from my mother she did it quite a few times when i was nine years old that's it when i was nine years old my mother really in front of this lady there was about five ladies and i was walking down and you know i said as a boy sometimes you look at the airplanes and i used to pretend that i was an airplane and i used to you know extend my arms and go the heels pretending that i was an airplane the freedom of that airplane on the sky was so beautiful and here in that situation when i was nine years old that was the last time my mother beat me and that's the last time that she's gonna lay hands on me she picked me up so hard locked me up and i was holding my pain because here i'm breathing and my ribs two of my ribs from my left side was broken here i'm like in a feet of position i'm hugging my pain and here i'm begging my mother to give me a glass of water begging her and through the cracking doors she can feel the pain that i was going through for what for my mother to come and curse me to grab me by my two little arms and force me to look at her eyes in front of those ladies he said look at me i don't want to look i know what is coming i knew my mother look at me and i was crying so hard so scared and again until i raised my my face and i look at her eyes there was so dark orange they don't look like a human being that day i felt that strong powerful thoughts kill yourself kill yourself and i would listen it was like i was pushing and i took a rope and i just put it around my neck tied that rope very tight climb a mango tree with the other ends i tied it i put my arm like this so i can settle all the way down and then there's my brother from nowhere he could not believe what i was planning to do he was speechless he was crying so hard but then it seemed that there's no echo coming from inside of him because he was totally he was totally taken by what i was planning to do and then he just screamed he said no no no no no don't do it and here i say i hate her i hate her guts she's not a human being i never want to see you again you know what my mother left in me that day when she grabbed me by my two little arm and she started screaming at me you are not my son do you understand i never love you and get out of my life i don't want to see you again you're a son of the devil look my mother talking about the devil you're a son of the devil you're a failure get out of my life i cursed the day that i brought you into this world this is my mother words wires can't hurt me anymore she put the dagger all the way straight she pushes so strong she killed me right there she killed me because i was immune to the physical pain nothing there go ahead hit me i don't feel no more pain but when you come down and tell you i cursed the day that i brought you into this world when she tell you in your face you ugly that's a lie from hell that's not true that's not true the devil is a liar right the fathers of life i gave my mother wish here i'm running wild in the street of new york and you know something i want to tell you something i don't know how on the world i survived you should see the danger that i went through why the devil could not kill me why the devil could not kill me when i went through showers of bullets and no bullet hit me why why my mother in those moments of rage she didn't came into my my little room when i was with three of my brother and while my mother she didn't she took a pillow and just why don't you press it on my face and get me out of this misery why why i think i killed in new york in my early days you know why because i was born to serve the lord and the devil to not kill me at all because god has a plan for all of us after all i don't want to go into all the details but things began to happen so fast and was in an hour jail the criminal code of brooking gave me a psychiatry to psychoanalyze me i end up psychoanalyzed the psychiatry you don't come to jail and tell a guy that he's in that i'm blacktop you're a bad bad boy i look at him what you think i'm what is this reason i'm here for that i'm a nice guy but you know after all the burning situations and new york was in fire we were the pioneers of the gangs we send a message to the whole nations and that spirit was in fire all over from new york to california and i remember just like this as worse it was getting as worse as people young people was killing one another there's something strange that began to happen the spirit of the lord was moving in a little town of pennsylvania and there was a preacher by the name of david wilkerson a pastor and in prayer the holy spirit began to speak to him it's urgent go to new york at the same time mrs wilkerson was expecting a baby any time any hours and there the pressure that was put on david wilkerson it was so heavy that he tried to go across the street and go to the little church that he used to pastor he made it right in the middle of the aisle he fought right on his face and started weeping and whipping and whipping until six o'clock in the morning and then he came and his wife was waiting for him she got her back against the wall and told dave go go to new york wilkerson came in a station wagon when wilkinson came he came into one of the worst time in the history of new york when wilkerson came he didn't know what he was doing it's not going to be easy i was about three blocks down and the police told him sir don't go to that place they're gonna kill you do you know what you're gonna do that you're to make us go down and get your dead body out of that neighborhood they're going to kill you those savage they're going to kill you who going to go with you the captain told dave wilkerson right away say god gonna be with me the captain told him he better go with you because we are not going with you at all and he did it look at this guy a country preacher i was with my girlfriend you know and we have all this way the way we walk you know where they're swinging where we called jitterbug with all of these things yeah baby you know come out of the hair you know all of this junk that we that we used to do in the streets and then and then i remember that there is i was with my girlfriend i saw people running from everywhere and when you initiate a guy you take the the guy who's going to be initiated you face him with strong eyes you try to intimidate him you just tell the rule about why you joined the gangs you got to choose between a knife between the 25 pipe long ones or get beat up by the best fighter of the gangs and here when you are talking to this guy you change your voice you know that because you want to intimidate him you're facing are you turning when i say you come you come you understand when i say you go you go i don't want to see your face you understand and here i'm with my girl and i saw these people run into this specific place and i told my girl what in the what is going on she said nikki somebody got killed that's the only time people get so happy in new york so i said no i wanna i wanna i wanna go and i wanna say what happened and she i said come come with me and she said no i said come with me and i had to go when i went like this forget it she was running with me together to see the workers son and here is about 300 people and i heard this voice screaming god had the power to change your life right now then i started screaming and cursing this guy you shut up there's no god and if you open your mouth you are dead man do you understand shut up will question didn't say nothing i said i want to see this guy face to face this guy had a lot of guts started pushing the people and there is the preacher a hillbilly a hick he had never seen a brown guy he had never been in new york and here this guy is in a territory i mean a diabolic place that to me dracula and frankenstein was afraid to come into that neighborhood and here this this man came in and here i'm facing him i cursed him intimidate him went right straight and i spit at him i send him straight to hell and workers don't say something with a cracking voice he said nikki i came here to bring you a message from heaven nikki jesus loves you when he told me that i just went like this i said he confused me but then i remember that he did something that wasn't expected because when you look at dave if you saw the wilkerson he really honestly he was skinny skinny skinny like a spaghetti yeah yeah he didn't know how to dress he dressed like he's gonna go to a funeral with a black suit white shirt a tiny tiny black tie he got those thick very thick glasses you tried to psychoanalyze him you couldn't his eye was going different direction up down without that you get this and try to cyclonia this guy and out of the blue sky will christians receive something that i saw with my own eyes it got to be supernatural david worked on change in my very eyes boldness came upon him i'm in boldness and he challenged me he started screaming and there's about 300 people there and some people from my gangs and he challenged me and you know what he told me screaming at me kill me kill me i say what's the matter with this guy what's matter with him nikki you can kill me and cut me in thousand pieces and you can throw them right there on the street but remember one thing nikki every little piece gonna cry now to you that jesus loved you naked that was the basis that workers don't have for me that was something that had to be the holy spirit and then he said and let me tell you you can never kill love because god is love and he gonna hunt you every place that you go and i said you go to hell and i grab my girlfriend i start walking and they're working on screaming at me he's gonna hunt you you're never gonna escape from the holy spirit jesus love you i was the most miserable person that you ever seen for two weeks everything jesus love you jesus love you jesus love you with my girlfriend in my room jesus love you in the street jesus love you fighting jesus love you and it was getting it it was getting out of my mind i i was going crazy every day jesus in the train in the bus stealing mugging cheating lying jesus loves you getting stoned getting high jesus love you why earth for two weeks the holy spirit already knows nothing about the holy spirit have a tremendous way that those nightmares i used to that i used to have because my mother because my mother she followed me all over new york in my mind i remember now everything is jesus love you jesus love you jesus love you jesus love you jesus love you for two weeks every morning every afternoon every evening jesus loves you that was my breakfast my lunch and my dinner jesus loved you i'm serious very serious well i went to heal the preacher i didn't want to go by myself so i i took 75 guys for protection what a tough guy huh to heal a skinny preacher i was shocked wilkerson was naive he invited 12 different gangs enemies it's gonna be blood all over that place two thousand people we're walking with this swinging jetty bogging way sending all the signal to the other gangs and all of that we had to sit down in the front and i remember that this girl she started singing a christian song and eating i didn't know what i was and when she was singing with dancing all over the place the baby and all of these things the pool girls she could not finish she drove the microphone and she split workers on gravity microphone can you believe how naive dave works on was he said right very loud i want five guys from the mammals to collect the offering i said what what's matter with this guy that's an insult you know you don't tell bunch of thief to to collect money and then give you this big big large empty basket and i thought that's the way you want it attico get up willy tony taco and i'm gonna take the money too can you see me collecting uh our friend being in the gang seriously can you see me going hi jesus love you you if you put this money here god gonna double everything i promise you that you're so nice thank you put the money here no we were screaming we were cursing the people the christians put the money right here now no no no no more money that's not enough i'm serious and then this guy i look at this guy about three role and he's a puerto rican guy big tall he seemed like he life is picking weights and mosul here you know those guys that that they pick up they lost their body and if you ask for direction do you know where fifth avenue should go yes over here yes over here you know those guys i didn't like him you know that's a first impression i didn't like this guy and tico was going to get the money i said take off hey it's mine it's mine i went and said i didn't scream at him i said put the money here and he did it purposely slowly he went he took his wallet that's a mistake then he took one dollar bill and he dropped it on my basket i saw a twenty dollar bill i said no no no no no no no i want that twenty dollar bill and you're gonna drop that money here on my basket you know he got the nerve he got tough he got spiritual you don't tell me what to give god is the only one who tells me what to give and i say god is up there and down here and if you don't put that thing i'm going to blow your head off put the money here he dropped the whole wallet i'm i'm not exaggerating people was throwing the wallet in the basket so wilkerson were very happy with the offering i gave the money to dave and this sensation came so vividly because when i released the money i took the five baskets and then say here every penny he say thank you nikki i said for nothing but then something strange took place i started laughing i felt good and i just put my back against the wall and i started laughing laughing and talking to myself hey nikki you're a nice nice guy man people think that you're a thief look what you had done you had give the money to the preacher yeah i'm a nice guy that was nothing but a set up the holy spirit set me up because god has something different coming for nikki cruz i didn't see it at all that night the games want to fight i said no no no we're not going to fight then i look up at dave wilkerson you came to to speak go ahead come here go ahead man ladies and gentlemen i heard the message of jesus christ in seven minutes let me finish with this i stood there the first five minutes was boring it's about a prostitute by the name of mary madeline we had thousands of prostitutes here in new york and some in the gangs okay mary if you're gonna follow us that jesus be nice okay don't hook no more be nice girl then a demon been a confrontation with jesus that he was wow total free careless we have so many thousands of thousands of demons possessed in new york including myself that didn't touch me you know what really touched me and my mind wasn't there but he grabbed me stole my mind the crucifixions of jesus christ the last two minutes he painted a picture that he took me it was like i was there i know what violence violence i know because i was that kind of man what they was doing to jesus the way they slapped his holy face a spirit of his face then weeping so many times and then calling all kinds of name and here jesus he didn't fought back they crucified him and hear jesus came out from his own mouth forgiven because they don't know what they are doing and i'm like this i'm looking and i tell you that just like that workers on i started crying crying so hard and i was thinking why did he cry be not supposed to cry men don't support to cry he was crying so hard and then just like that through that microphone he say he's here jesus christ is alive it's not dead resurrected from the dead it's a christ of hope it's a christ that can change your life and then he wins looking with his with his eye tried to look at where i was sitting down and then just like that he called me and he said nikki let me pray for you i say no it was israel who stood up and he told the preacher hey preacher pray for me i said israel you're crazy no i want you to come with me nikki no i'm not going with you you stood up you go by yourself nope i am not going to leave you nikki because you're going to get killed i said god israel go come on nope i say israel are you afraid to go about yourself huh okay i go with you and i stood up and 25 guys and their girlfriends and my girlfriend follow us and there is in front of dave wilkerson what took place there it was something that i don't i can't know i don't know how to explain it it happened so fast it was like a wind that came in so fast one by one my friends were falling on their knees together with a girlfriend and they were crying so hard i can heal i can heal the moaning and groaning and the pain that was there and the sorrow that was a true sorrow the girl was hugging their guys and here my my girlfriends is she's crying and then in that moment i turned to israel and i hid it on his chest i said come on let's get out of here this isn't going crazy he should turn his face toward me he will drown in tears i said israel did you believe that yes nikki i just gave my heart to jesus i said that cool man that's cool now i'm losing the gangs and losing everything and i lost my best friend six months before that here is going with this crazy maniac and that he loved jesus and now what i'm gonna do i put my head down i start kicking the floor with my shoes to distract myself and kicking and kicking us hard and then silent tears began to betray me the day when i was nine years old i promised that i would never cry again i would never love again that night was totally different there was no pride there was no reservation i care less my enemy saw me crying and i started crying and crying i was choked up with so much pain and memories was coming through my mind the words of my mother and all of these things believing that i'm just living in a curse and that day i collapsed in the love the loving arms of jesus christ that night i told jesus no i didn't say i'm sorry i didn't use that i told him helped me help me there said jesus christ please help me help me and that night jesus christ set me free that night i was like a bird now i can fly like a fly like a ego and i can be in the presence of the lord he forgive my he forgave my sin he did it and i paid the price because i almost got killed after my conversion but i didn't took jesus away from me yes i want to tell you that wilkerson was doing one thing he wasn't just talking to a gun leader or putting the finger to a gun leader that was more deeper than that what wilkerson was doing it was putting the finger into a curse the cursor in my family and i want to tell you right now i am the most happy human being in this earth i went to puerto rico and i forgive my mother my mother gave her heart to jesus christ my mother brought my father to jesus christ and renounce witchcraft i want to bless you i will bless you thirteen of my brother gave the heart to jesus christ three of my brother minister of the gospel of jesus christ this is what jesus can do this is what he can do because he did it you know what come with me i'm gonna take you with me come with me to new york come to me to the e-art the emergency room there's a lot of commotion going on doors are spreading open as them pushed me in this bed they're rushing me and then going and making curve and everybody was in hurry they want to put they want to be sure that they're going to go to the operation room that that took me and then changed me from one little tiny bit to another one and the light went on and there i can feel that it those light hurt my eyes then i i felt something strange somebody was walking toward me got close close close to me gently he went and closed my eyes and i went with it then i noticed that he opened up my chest and when he opened on my church my chest he went all the way in and pulled my heart out i watched my heart pumping with life i watching blood going through his fingers hitting the floor all the iron and all the hate all the bitterness all the rage everything that i have committed there i see that going through his finger then i noticed that he put his my heart close to his lips he said something to my heart and then he kissed my heart he kissed my pain and he put my heart back closed my chest close my chest wake me up and when i open my eyes ladies and gentlemen i'm a new creation i'm a new creature i got a new heart a heart of flesh so i can feel him i got a new mind a mind that now is in christ jesus and i thank god for life and i thank god for being here and i'm going to do something here i want the music to start getting your place and you guys uh the face whether you all right connect you give me the incentives i said okay and directing choir this is going to be the most toughest you got to be tough you got to be tough to do what i'm going to tell you to do going to take very hard some of you you got it some of you you don't some of you you're afraid some of you you care less you want to change and that's what i'm going to do right now i'm going to challenge you you can go ahead with the synthesizer don't wait for me you should be already ahead of me like like a super sonic i'm gonna challenge you this is not for chickens cowers godless some of you have been damaged by the brutality of loneliness it's all lonesome that you want to die how many times i was that close to commit suicide when i was a teenager fear rage hate hate the whole world hate myself because i was trapped it just took jesus to come and to help me and yet i never asked him for help i'm going to ask you some of you to get out from wherever you are from your side those people up there don't think that you're so high that you're so close to heaven that you don't need to come down here either the people in the back i don't wanna i don't want you to tell looking who's gonna we're gonna be the first one they're not gonna go chicken if you're not afraid just like i wasn't afraid to stand for jesus i want you to strength for jesus and i'm gonna tell you one thing you're never gonna walk never never never never gonna walk alone because jesus is gonna be right there pulling for you everybody standing please and we're going to be singing and i want you to get out from whatever you are now some of you i see so many young people you you brought your girlfriend tell your girlfriend that you want to give your heart to jesus okay and if your girlfriend don't want to come all right all right don't don't don't don't try to be tough if you don't want to come leave your girlfriend there because god gonna give you another girl better looking than the one that you left there you all know a lot sir you want to be a winner get out from whatever you are and you can bring your friends your family this is the day that god want to do a miracle in your life get out from whatever you want okay come on start singing doctor looking around get out meet me right here and i'm gonna pray for you [Music] guys yes [Music] thank you jesus [Music] pray pray all over this place it's to the power of prayer that i'm gonna break through [Music] [Music] stay there [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] some of you you got your friend bring your friend extend your helping hands and tell your friend listen i have been praying for you for a long time i go with you so nikki can pray for you bring your friend do like israel it was israel who took me to that place for me to get converted i am not going to be standing here begging you i don't know you there's a lot of backslider here that you need to come back home are you knowing in your heart that that you have turned your back on sweet jesus i'm gonna challenge you to get out by the way by the way i'll be i'm gonna be very honest i am not gonna beg you i am not going to turn into mr please please because you know in this moment how desperate you need help how desperate you need christ in your life if if any time i'm being challenged i've been challenged right now in this pulpit and i challenge you you know what you say nikki don't be so hard you know what i'm gonna do no no no this is my last cry now from this microphone oh yes this is my last last last cry now from my heart to your heart from my soul to your soul came to jesus christ don't be afraid of nobody in this room for once in your life feed yourself and you will see the glory of the lord your family will come and see miracle that you have never seen before jesus christ have made 99s dead for you you just have to make one my last last cry now from this microphone from my soul to your soul from my heart to you to your heart bring your friend and bring your family and stand right here and if you have backslide just come and get back what you have lost okay can you do it go ahead one more time [Music] [Music] to the king of peace [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] is [Music] you are my everyday who told you to stop are you getting lazy on me what's the matter with you beautiful come on you can bring your daughter your son you know we have to fight the devil and we will fight the devil but you know i'm not going to hang around with chickens and cowards this is a time to stand for christ beautiful i'm going to tell you something your mary's going to be restored your life your children whatever you love god's going to double i'm going to give you back to you it's about time that you think positive that god is a god a wonder a miracle and you are the one who responds to this we want to sing one more time and i want everyone this place is so packed i hope it's not packed with just christians nobody spoke to the choir i still believe that that before i say this prayer there's gonna be a release in your life that you have never been released yes come home come home watch you belong jesus is waiting for you those people you can turn to you exit in the second floor and you can come all the way down and we're going to see one more time and we're going to launch in that guitar and we're going to anoint you know those voices all these musicians everybody in this place hit it in the name of jesus yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] is [Music] you know without no music we're going to unite our voices with the voices of all the angels in heaven and we're going to sing you know one thing that i noticed i noticed all over the united states that we have getting so used to having all these services and all of that and some ways somehow we are missing some way somehow we have forgot to rejoice for those who come to jesus christ we it's heaven right now you do you know what happened in heaven right now you know what you have done all of you who came forward do you know what you had done i'm going to tell you what you had done you had done one of the most greatest moments of history you have touched the heart of jesus so strong that he command all the angels all the angels to sing for one person here that have given their heart to jesus christ that how powerful you are you're powerful we're to sing that without no music all right we're going to put the words there holy holy okay everybody i want to see do you you irish people don't you embarrass me you you supposed to have a lot of feelings and all of these things and hit with your hand and knock somebody out no no no no no no no no no no this i want i want the people of god to send a message to the devil that we are here to state and the hell with the devil he can go ahead all right so i if you don't sin i'm gonna do like the pope all right and now you are the choir i don't i don't what you're doing with your arms your crossbow you got to open that's right last yes give me a smile a real one not give me no funny thing yes give me a smile and let the people of god as we're gonna pray in just a few minutes for all of you let the people of god send a message straight to heaven and to the devil that he have been defeated that this is something is coming to your country and nobody gonna stop the wave of the holy spirit no one no one all right we're gonna sing without no music holy holy [Music] forget about the people you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yesterday [Music] you are my everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah holy jesus hallelujah i want to hear you from all the way back the praises to the lord hallelujah [Music] hallelujah okay i'm going to pray for like a prominent pastor david that he's might be a little nervous because we have took so much time and this is evangelistic effort and uh you are the one who gonna be when you go home be careful driving home okay so we're gonna pray for come on get close to me come on you guys come on what you doing over there you don't want people to see you you're beautiful you don't have to be afraid okay come more close to them i'm sure i will pray for you shall we pray right now this is the most sensitive moment in heaven because some people some of you you had issues to deal with the issue with forgiveness and many things that was my biggest problem i didn't know how to forgive because forgiveness comes from god from jesus and i'm in the middle and i didn't know how to forgive myself and then i had to forgive others and that was hard for me to forgive my mother and if you ask me it wasn't that easy when i went to face my mother because i left when i was a little boy it wasn't easy if you asked me literally nikki in that time when i was in bible school nikki the did you love you did you hate your mother do you hate your mother i will be honest to you i say no i don't hate my mother in that time but i didn't love my mother and i'm a born-again person this has to be the holy spirit who had to do that in jew and when he did it my mother was dying i went to puerto rico before she died because she sent me a letter that she wanted to see me before she died and the lawyer who put me in the airplanes and gave me one ticket to come back if i stayed two hours i want to tell you that the greatest thing was to see have jesus because my mother was nothing but a pack of bones ready to die that day there was 250 people christians who came to pray and they put oil all over the house that that night something happened something that i never forget because i took my mother by myself physically she didn't wake that much and i let her flat on the on the sofa and then right there i felt as i tried to say something i started crying and crying and then i felt like a rainy day i couldn't i was crying so hard and then some somebody just tried to pull pull my pants and i opened my foggy eyes and that was my mother and that's when the forgiveness was in action because she asked me can i call you can i call you son i said you are my mother you brought me to this world to know jesus christ can i kiss you and i land my cheeks and she kissed me for the first time and that night i want you to understand this that night my mother gave her to jesus that night my the holy spirit came upon my mother she quit her body and my mother was converted and my mother lived for 25 years and seven months longer that is the power of forgiveness so deal with that okay deal with forgiveness can you do it can you do it got to shall we pray you close your eyes don't be afraid nobody's gonna steal your money because some of you are broke jesus in this very moment i thank you for those that they just came because your holy spirit pushed them into these moments of relationship only you had the power to forgive sin only you can kiss our pains away because we heard in jesus and i pray father that in this moment you will be so real that that you touch every heart that you kiss every pain from every heart and that you will allow the power of healing just heal the heart and make the heart fill you jesus give them a heart of flesh so they can feel you give them a new mind the mind of christ you are the prince of peace all prince of peace coming into that mind and you devil all of us born again in this room we are going to unite our faults with the forces of heaven and we're going to pray for these children that came forward and right now we're going to send a message to you devil get you filthy dirty hands out of this people life in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus the blood of jesus christ amen [Music] if you've been challenged by nikki cruz's message and you want to know christ in a similar way please contact revelation tv we have a free booklet entitled life is important we gladly send to you before we leave let's pray together why don't you say these words after me heavenly father i'm sorry i have gone my own way i repent and truly want to follow after you thank you for sending your son jesus christ to die on a cross for me now i pray you will enter my life live and reign in my heart and fill me with your holy spirit amen [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Revelation TV
Views: 217,346
Rating: 4.8944044 out of 5
Keywords: nicky cruz, revelation tv presents, revelation tv, ex gangster, Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle, The Cross and the Switchblade, David Wilkerson, Nicky Cruz Outreach, Run Baby Run, The Devil Has No Mother, Christian evangelist, gangs to god, Mau Maus, son of satan, testimony,,, Nicky Cruz Europe Tour, Testimonio del Pastor Nicky Cruz, World Challenge,, Charisma Magazine,
Id: Uj_8EI525F0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 0sec (5220 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2017
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