Nickelback Explains How They Unjustly Became the Most Hated Band On the Internet

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you know if I was ever having a hard time getting into a club or something like that and I did a never made it as a wise man subscribe to the podcast KFC radio on YouTube bang oh [ __ ] boys are here we're gonna put you around this way okay there's uh for you three okay okay so then we got a little more room um all the way here um so you guys can go one two three yep you can go with this I can go with this okay all right how are we doing guys what's up well a huge press day just starting to [ __ ] run out of gas just starting to run out of gas but it was great to walk around the corner and have you guys like boys we're ready with the whiskey if you want a little rocking up the ass I like that yeah I get started on this tomorrow's show is gonna be [ __ ] right the brake pedal was not installed in this model when you get going you get going oh every time like if I start so the girl like if this is an afternoon thing like if it's like two in the afternoon and I'm like you know if I buy the pool I'm like I'm gonna [ __ ] crack a beer I I see I could see that Harry yeah she's kind of like yeah you know it's two o'clock right and you haven't eaten anything yet she's seen the movie so many times yeah yeah yeah this one ends I run it back it's a classic I've done the prequel and I [ __ ] directed happiness and I was like Harry Potter man there's like eight of these [ __ ] so it's like noon the next day she's like I [ __ ] told you and I'm like what do you mean yeah we had we had uh Tommy Leon and Kevin was talking about that how like he'll get to noon and and he's like I just can't do it anymore and Tommy Lee was like dude you just start again it'll be fine Tommy Lee is probably one maybe you don't take all the advice from but I like that one well I think Tommy Lee party advice you either absolutely take or absolutely don't take yeah it depends on where you want to get right he's one of my best friends oh really yeah he's wild man yeah I know I love him to death I really do like he just had a 60th down in uh [ __ ] yeah and we all went down it was wild because we're sitting there and you know to watch and Nikki came down Vince came down like it's like the whole the whole the whole crew wow Mick wasn't there so three quarters of the crew but so I'm I'm sitting there I'm looking across the table and Nikki comes up and he's talking to Tommy and the like the 13 year old me is just like holy [ __ ] right right Fanboy a [ __ ] Fanboy not now like you're up here you're be a [ __ ] peer yeah right that's that's like you know your co-workers in a way that's your contemporaries I I like if they had looked over and they saw me doing this and I'm like like what's with the [ __ ] look on your face chat what's going on nothing like is that weird when you reach that level you know I mean like at some point you're on on par with all these legendary bands whether you grew up listening to them or you know whatever it may be you're eventually you break through to that you know whether it's record sold or become a real imposter yeah for sure like it's tough not to that is yeah that's a great picture right there yeah yeah if it you know it is like an imposter yeah we feel that all the time for the camera we and the boys yeah like it was wild like you know and then the knights would go late and it turns into that yeah for you for keeping up with them though man yeah Tommy's Tommy's pretty much off the sauce now he doesn't tell oh yeah you said um sober we're like oh really and then he starts talking about drinking margaritas and [ __ ] no it's kind of like yeah he goes it was like well it's vodka that doesn't count dude he was so we did over Zoom during the like heavy pandemic and um we're like so what do you even because he started saying he was sober and like so what have you been doing like what are you like this is like heavy lockdown this is like April 2020. I'm like so what do you do and he's like he holds up a Yeti and he goes I wake up every morning fill this with ice fill it to the brim with vodka little Spritz of cranberry juice by the pool yeah I don't think you know what silver means I know but at the same time again it's time you leave like that is sober yeah that's just morning breakfast yeah it smells like I had a rail still it's awesome I get the face time and the you know it's like two in the afternoon and he's like these are Charlie Charlie these are [ __ ] delicious and I'm like that looks delicious yeah it sounds like it was good is there a is it like a chicken or the egg sort of thing or is it like I feel like there's not many like rock stars I feel like you all can kind of keep it going like pretty you know you could tour and you can party if you want to and you know you can you can turn it up where a lot of people who eventually grow to be your age are like I can't party anymore [Applause] you guys still got it I mean you did open that door tomorrow that's the movie guy that's we're at that stage yeah yeah I see where we're at you know hopefully these they don't age well when you go like get older it's like you see all these guys in rehab so it's like yeah it's not a special Story I mean you guys look at three handsome gentlemen right here there's an aging well yeah no I mean very best one we didn't know we didn't know if you guys were bringing the ring light or not so the makeup girl put like extra tape uh we were just um jamming out to the new uh it was EP I guess with the three new songs yeah but yeah yeah so you probably heard like San Quentin San Quentin those days those days those days I I I actually started to when I was listening to it I was like oh this is right up like my Generations alley but it's also kind of like any generation you know what I mean like those days were at first I was like oh this is 90s like 90s kids like life or whatever I was like no it's not it's [ __ ] every life well yeah but it was supposed to be like we were shooting 80s yeah at first but then he's like let's not go so specific that it has to be 80s let's leave the chorus a little open to it but I'm like I'm talking you know like as soon as I said uh remember when Elm Street came on couldn't watch it yeah I guess so that's a little specific I remember like uh uh when they played Purple Rain you know to our first slow dance yeah all that stuff remember when uh Guns and Roses came out we were standing in line trying to hit all those things that's gotta be like that's probably 89. but then there's also you know holding hands the one that jumped out to me was when first base was holding the hands right because what what what are your bases now yeah yeah I got a few more bases yeah there does seem to be there used to be like a fifth base it might be honest my girlfriend's awesome let's just say that I'm like she's scouting other players oh Jesus I love this girl desperately because it used to be like I always grew up with first was making out second was kind of handsy stuff fancy stuff that was also no see but then you lose like where's the dry house is that two or three yes on your way to First yeah and then we heard then it was sloppy seconds I think we just need a whole new sport just the tip which is exactly yeah so what you really need is if you're on your way to home yeah yeah that was I remember one of the worst experiences of my life that stuck with me when I was start like seventh grade are you sure you want to start with stuck with me we were on wait you were pegging in the third game dude I was uh it was it was the it was at the period of time where you would call a house phone so it was like my buddy called you know his girlfriend at the time and we were all listening on other phones you know chiming in and everybody was saying what base they had been to and I had zero experience and I was trying to fake it you know saying this all these details and this girl yeah I know I stuck my finger in her urethra right it was and it was like it was like dude dude dude it was 40 year old virgin type [ __ ] man and she goes to me you're not even out of the Dugout everybody laughed and I was like yeah but hey songs like that like I'm on Deck yeah I'm ready I'm a prospect I'm coming up anyway enough about that um I I mean you guys are I think one of the most unique bands of all time from a point of view of like the that's when you stop [ __ ] filming yeah he's like I'm not buying anything not buying it we got all the sex talk we're good here I I think you're just very interesting in the um you know some bands are I guess it's whether For Better or Worse you come up in like the internet era right and um you know well that's I guess my question is like you know you can I guess in some ways they're streaming but that's worse than selling records but then there's uh so much going viral and all that I mean and then Nickelback has always become this internet you know that this is so unique right to the internet type of thing that's a very kind way of saying the most the most memeable band ever I was dancing around I'm like let the clutch out dude you know but but you embraced it right I mean at some point it's like [ __ ] it right okay it was dude I actually I did a little Google a Twitter search of my own tweets and I was like what have I ever said like Nickelback in the past always team Nickelback for the record and I had one I love how you had to go back and check that well I knew you guys always [ __ ] that's right well I I knew for a fact I always was but I just wanted to make sure and I had one tweet where I was like I was like dude it's like this is like Taylor Swift and Entourage people just hate on it because it's so popular and I was like now looking back I'm like a pretty good group to be in pretty good company I can't complain man it's one of those things it takes a life of its own but it's been a it's been a wild ride I'm fine with it I'm flying Landing exactly where we're at right now well it also I think kind of comes around like at some point you know people go like wait what are you guys [ __ ] talk about Nickelback is yeah they go back I think the great reset has happened yeah yeah it does feel that way we call it the softening on the band like the T the people are putting the teeth away like we're watching these somebody brought this this some metal guy and the metal guys are so protective of their genre that anytime we dip our toe in there because we've got lots of tunes that are metal they're just like stay in your lane [ __ ] you know it's just like stay over there yeah yeah um this guy comes on he's like all right I'll be the first to say we might have been a little hard on Nickelback for a while you know like what am I those guys honestly did not deserve it doesn't show like how what what sheep everyone is where it's like one person decides this and it's like the whole is like all right let's do that it's like what do you [ __ ] you can't think for yourself you can't hear animals for yourself and be like just [ __ ] rocks groups think it was it it was even within the industry too though like it wasn't just fans there was like there was a couple like there was key points like things that happened they were like these Milestones that started this this uh snowball rolling and this guy some comedian um I'm gonna have to find the guy's name so I can go bomb his house this guy makes this this shitty crack about us and uh he's on Comedy Central and um TV I think I think the Comedy Central MTV he was on Comedy Central he's a Colin Quinn show we've been told um okay and uh the trailer just and this guy so they took that they put it in via the trade like a commercial for this one show and that played on Comedy Central for six months straight this Nickelback joke right so that starts this whole thing going Theory that's where it really started at this one moment and then all of a sudden it was just like and then it started making its way into movies and then like we did all this stuff all this and then it's just like it was like an expectation like uh Charlie benente the German for Anthrax came to our show like five six years ago I talked to him after he's like I thought I was supposed to hate Nickelback like he didn't even think about it it was just pre-pro 100 yeah and he's like yeah I know all these songs you guys are [ __ ] great I love Charlie he's trying to shook him out of his Haze of this whole well we just have to hate that yeah yeah very weird it is I I would guess you could show put any put a song on for anybody like oh this [ __ ] ghost yeah and they're like yes Nickelback it's [ __ ] awesome yeah but also we have to tell you guys this you're rich as [ __ ] [Music] there's other ways and that's the litmus test right there when a bunch of poor people are telling you you're not good like I can't hear you I'm rich [ __ ] you guys that is crazy I'm gonna hear you I've got hundreds stuck in my brain but yeah I mean that's that's such [ __ ] that's crazy was there ever a moment of like uh like did you have like a PR team or anybody kind of being like well wait a minute what's going on here we gotta like control this thing or was it just like ah the internet does what the internet does it it was I mean this is so lighthearted but like you know when every interview be like oh geez guys the whole world [ __ ] hates you guys you know when you talk about that yeah yeah like when like for a decade it was like that just like non-stop it's like yeah we get it and thank God like thank God you know the internet caught up with everyone else because suddenly The Trenches were full we're like nice to see you yeah yeah we were down here first yeah [Laughter] no no you know what's bad when Nickelback looks at what's going on with Connie dude dude that's right we call that uh the mud here when you know you're you know weird what is where we we reside we live yeah you know it's kind of like a Batman thing the mire we were born we were molded by the mud a couple people you know you have a bad day on the internet you had some PR hits and you come down you you eventually go back up we stay down the only difference is again you have uh millions and millions of dollars and we're actually poor people in the mud so I have a roommate bro [Laughter] my mom still does my laundry my mom still controls my money though that's true bro I don't have a roommate but I could use one so I don't know what's first you know what you guys could move in together yeah yeah yeah you guys try playing a band with somebody for 25. I was gonna say you guys all get along yeah we're still here yes yeah my lawyer said I have to say yes it's a long time I mean and to be on the road and all that I mean it's not an easy life we we went uh on the road for like five days four days we did three different live podcasts where'd you guys go uh Denver Phoenix La gotcha and that was the first time we ever kind of went West but it was like three shows of a podcast for an hour we lost our voices we were getting sick we were tired and I mean dude here's our [ __ ] I want to go back to New York yeah for real it was after our first show I'm friends with uh Marco Bears who's the lead singer of Oar and uh I called him the next morning I was like dude how do you keep your voice like performing every night and he's like well here's what you gotta do you gotta stop drinking you gotta stop smoking you gotta lay in bed and you got no sugar boys and don't talk to anyone no sugar yeah and I was like that's not what no spicy food before the Miracles yeah so so on like by the time you guys made it to to Phoenix uh you guys have been partying and that's why I was like because you like you're not gonna go to you're not gonna go to Denver you're not going to go to you know La you're not going to Phoenix and not party yeah and you're like we might have gotten a little hard last night yeah yeah you could hear every I would call my mom every morning because I'm a mama's boy and every morning she'd be like you sound way worse what'd you do last night Mom can you send me some more of my money if I went at the bar last night in the dispensary is that your roommate is that your mom look she's coming down this weekend we're going to play together gonna be very fun that's great dude that's great uh you guys um have like you know this this longevity that that you know very few people I feel like can continue at this level for that long um yeah yeah what jinx us dude you know what I went to Barstool the next day [ __ ] Plumbing I feel like if you guys can last this long through everything you can last yeah 100 more years we could whether we could weather the storm we I actually got a question we uh we were doing a little research as we do because we're professional interviewers she says [ __ ] fantastic about bad boy and also does it is does it um you have uh criminal records as I broke in twice must have done it half a dozen times is that what the Juve was 11. it was 11. it didn't sing well must have done it 11 times a little uh creative Liberty that's fine I'm like must have done it half a dozen I was like that's better um so yeah like for as bad as we all wanted to get out of school I have no idea why I kept breaking into mine you can't break it into school oh yeah into the school yeah but oh yeah we bust in the school and then we'd like ride our skateboards up and down the hallways and stuff what age is this um this would be 88. I was in the eighth grade 88 years old no no [Laughter] so I was gonna fail the no I was in the ninth grade I knew I was gonna fail the ninth grade because I knew I was gonna have to go to juvie and so I was just on it I'm like it's one of those things like I'm already in deep [ __ ] I'm just like I'm not gonna put the shovel down I'm gonna just keep on digging right so my mom goes to take myself and Mike to um to a Metallica show in Calgary and we go to the mall and that's that's where that line um you know I have a t-shirt we stole from the local mall yeah yeah so I got caught stealing a [ __ ] Motorhead shirt and she had to come and pick me up from the police station and she's like what is wrong with you what's wrong with you like and now I got to pick you up I Get You released into my custody now I'm going to take you to a Metallica concert like you're gonna get rewarded for this kind of behavior I'm like I don't know I'll pay back one day don't worry we get to the concert we sit down and uh it's Mike and I my brother and I and Mike's the bass player he's not he's not feeling well today um so and I'm you know we're kind of sitting there and and you know watching the show this guy next to me lights up Hadoop passes it over to me I'm 13. I'm like yeah I'll try that first time ever just like Mike's looking at me and he's like what is wrong with you I'm actually just like everyone else is standing up devil horns in the air and I'm freaking out I'm just sitting there just like what the [ __ ] is happening what the [ __ ] is is this what being stoned is what going on Mike's just looking at me what the [ __ ] is [Laughter] Von stop right so sentencing rolls around and they gave me a few months in juvie I I did not enjoy that that was not fun I was like for the record no if this is like minor league jail I'm out I don't wanna I'm I'm done I don't I always thought I'd thrive in prison I think I do I first of all I need structure I can really use structure you would be somebody's [ __ ] so I don't think so man yeah I think I think they'd be like that dude's for the boys you would be dropping you'd be dropping what you do for a living so fast in there dude I'm a bar stool oh my God come on come on I'm cool you know I'd host the prison please don't beat my ass Rush acting you're not stuck I'm not [ __ ] you're stuck in here with me I would find the two biggest meanest [ __ ] dudes in there I'd be like your mom's getting a new [ __ ] Cadillac your mom's getting a new Cadillac it's going to be there tomorrow and nothing's gonna happen to me while I'm in here right right they're like no problem Nickelback goes to prison sounds like a great show yeah yeah it's funny when you guys survive we did that huh we did that um Jim Gaffigan had us on his show like when he was doing the TV show I'm not sure if he's still doing it or I'm a little out of touch with that but anyway so so and there's this scene where everybody gets put in jail it's like a dream sequence or something like that and everybody gets put in jail uh by popular demand that have really done nothing wrong they lose in the court of public opinions uh Gilbert Godfrey's in there yeah that's Affleck joke Carrot Top was in there and so like everyone who's just been put into that prison yeah like for like really doing anything yeah yeah so and we like so we were in there too we wanted a place like you guys come please come like play along so we we fly to New York we went to um what jail it's right in the middle of the city there's a there's a jail uh it wasn't Rikers no the tombs I I can't remember no but it's legit like yeah there's the courthouses across the street and you get sentenced and you go they take you right across so and they put us in the jumpsuits so we're in the jumpsuits and we're in there and I'm just like I don't want to go down I just don't want to take a like a wrong laugh and be like I don't want to accidentally get stuck in population yeah right no no no no no no no no no no like and we're in there I'm with the band yeah we didn't we didn't take the suits off we didn't take the suits off and uh there's a bunch of sheriffs of deputies and they're like escorting six prisoners out of the courthouse across the street we come out of the thing and we can see cars coming and I run across the street I'm in the jumpsuit and they think they got a runner and all I had to do was get to the RV which was our dressing room outside so I'm running across the street and and two of them go like this I'm like it's also like the most New York slash La thing ever where like the prison has the filming Wing we got a couple of decals because we have to shoot here sure they love that there's you could just like I can just see that this is a movie right here I can see Kevin Hart in the jumpsuit and he goes into film a little bit in the prison but then they actually didn't get stuck in there yeah and then he keeps trying to tell everybody he's Kevin Hart but nobody in their recognition is like they're like yeah sure yeah yeah Kevin Hart's taller dude they had the uh like all the bookings are full like the judge can't hear you for six months you're like all right I guess I'm just locking for six months Kevin Hart basically did that would get hard there you go uh you guys all um Family Man married married and whatnot yeah two kids yeah same here all the boys uh and then the best girlfriend all the time of all time dude I've been with her for six and a half years that girl's putting up with my [ __ ] for way too long she deserves so many awards all of the awards all the medals she gets all the trophies like I only want one man I don't know how I lucked into this one and everybody's just like dude does she have a sister your chick is awesome um but yeah you can run her up for time spent yeah time service yeah she's getting time served for sure um no but like you know each one of the boys is you know these guys are great husbands and and great these guys could write books on how to you know rear children um but like each one of them has one boy one girl foreign [Laughter] come on man is that is that a big switch in uh in you know Rockstar life when you go from young single partying to like you're doing you know still touring still playing but got a family back at home now easy for me it really was I've been with my wife for quite a while we went to high school together and um and it was great because when we went in the road initially when I was I was having my I had my son in 2003 so kind of rate when Harry reminded me was just like was really flying at that point and um just getting in the studio for the second album and then I had my son a couple years later so they just grew up on the road he would take him on the road with us everywhere oh wow that's pretty sick on the bus and then there's like yeah it's it's probably weird more weird for these guys because literally literally you have bouncy castles yeah a little pool for the water you know for swimming the pool and he's he's ripping off in one of the reasons like it's like so I decide I'm just gonna play like just a little bit of not even so much a prank but just like a little bit of a joke on Ryan and I go to his bus and like all our buses were just parked in a row and we just finished the show and I'm partying on my bus so I leave my bus and I think this is going to be hilarious and I go into his bus and I knock on the door and he's like yeah come on I go in there's the wife and it's just like there's just diapers and Lego and just crap like everywhere I'm just like it looks like a it looked like a a kindergarten I don't know what it was but it was just like it was so domestic well it made me feel weird I got in there oh it's like domesticate so I go I put on the serious face because the show just did it right I go buddy hey we gotta talk you're gonna have to come out like we're gonna have to have a little meeting here and he's like oh this seems sort of serious he's like hey Trina I'll be right back just give me a second comes off I'm like come here he goes what I go just come here because no no no I'm not coming on your bus I said you don't have to go on the bus I'm going to open the door all I want you to do is poke your head I was having it I was having a shirts off party he pokes his head in the bus and there's 10 women in there that just have beautiful beautiful breasts and it's just like yeah again he looks at me goes what's wrong with you [Laughter] [Laughter] some [ __ ] man I like all my money [Laughter] I was in Vegas with uh I can't even say his name with a Hall of Famer hockey player and we are partying and he's getting into it and like he's just kind of having fun he's not going to do anything wrong it's he's like but there's like there's a lot of women around and he's like being being a little loosey-goosey and nobody is going to know who this is we'll send it to Wayne nobody will know no one will know they're gonna know no no no no um it's one of those and I look at him I go are you uh are you worried that your wife's gonna kind of find out like we're kind of having a bit of a party here and you're around all these women he goes like dude she could take half he goes I only need half I was like Hey enough wow that's such a great line I don't mean it's still a [ __ ] ton buddy that's great um no but I mean the new stuff is awesome and uh I mean that sound is it's so uniquely Nickelback and somehow some people that became a negative but I think you have such a distinct sound that people will like always know I think it's mostly my voice though like as soon as you know as soon as like we can have something and we did it on this record like we'll have this bit going on and it's like oh and Brian will come in he's like oh this is cool it sounds so Indie I'm like yeah it does sound Indie just wait till I [ __ ] it up by singing on it but as soon as I do like the whole like Andre was standing in line it's just like that's it I was doing some sort of search you know just picking up some tidbits doing research and one of the like uh frequently Asked people frequently asked one of them was why does Chad Krueger sound like that so uniquely you but like you know if I was ever having a hard time getting into a club or something like that and I did a never made it as a wise man they're like dude it's absolutely incredible um by the way are you guys swifties I am yeah yeah my daughter is so I have to be dude I I don't have a daughter tonight so no she's crazy dude she's do you see she broke Ticketmaster today they canceled her sale tomorrow they're like we don't even have tomorrow it's supposed to go on she's supposed to be like a new batch on sale like we don't we can't do it we can't do it it's [ __ ] broken I kind of like this she broke down yeah that's what I hear about you as a consumer and I imagine as uh yeah yeah dude the swifties are gonna take it down if anybody I think that's awesome yeah that is a devout group that she has like it's wild it's crazy is there um a Nickelback uh I don't know we don't have a name I don't know you need something no they're all in the witness relocation program like they're all hiding anyway like it's one of those things you just sort of whisper to your buddy you go to the show it's like when you pull up to a light and you've got Nickelback on and like your windows are down you just like turn it down a little bit rocking out before Sirius to animals it is [ __ ] the exact opposite happens when we [ __ ] turn it up I think it's come all full circle I really do I think that the internet has I think that people music fans everybody's like the Next Generation 20 year olds now yeah they came from and why it was like this in the first place [ __ ] you I have a I have a theory that because like we talked about this the teeth have kind of Gone Away uh lately and I think I and I'm just completely making a [ __ ] here but uh that's what we do on this podcast don't worry yeah yeah we talked about Two Moons yesterday but but we were talking about like at the beginning of the pandemic beginning of the pandemic uh when it started and everybody kind of had to lock down and the the we've seen the data back then where it's like I think it's Spotify there was like over like almost 75 of the music's played was like catalog music they call like going back to listen to stuff music yeah yeah and 25 was new stuff so it was mostly catalog stuff some people were trying to find Comfort no music so not just that but I think the younger generation was discovering it and they never lived through the [ __ ] yeah yeah when it was out there so they're just like they're kind of like I would like liking it to us where you know I'm growing up and I listen to you listen to Led Zeppelin and you're like it's great when you listen to like uh you know older songs like Abba oh this is not great oh did you hear what happened to Abba back then yeah stuff like that you're like oh I didn't know about that I just I just like it I think that had something to do with a bit of a conflating both I think I would also really made sense from my point of view as a fan I think it's two things of um one you leaned into it in a funny way the commercials and just kind of being like I don't give a [ __ ] and two uh like the longevity of just continuing to put out like music and hits like you don't run away yeah because there's something about but I I do think there's something about I mean I've been clowned on the internet before and and everybody's taking their turn and when you just like keep doing it and don't let like the trolls win eventually they're it's like Rocky it's like you take a bunch of punches and he's you're still standing and it's like oh and by the way we also won the belt we're [ __ ] Stanley branch and I think eventually people go like these guys are actually you can't metal like they deserve it you can't just you can't just like pick away at one or two or three people kind of going at you it's like it's like having them like trying to try and do back and forth with someone on the Internet it's like having a war on jealousy I find like you know I did it for like eight years I finally was like I'm just done don't engage yeah yeah put the keyboard down yeah yeah honestly it's just easier I don't know it like I thought this story was great you told the story uh a while like a little a little while ago and I just thought it was hilarious so his oldest son uh who's now out of high school uh you know they went at him a little bit it's like yeah your dad's and your Dad's guitar player for Nickelback dude that's crazy but kids will pick on kids for anything yeah it doesn't matter it's like um I look like my videos so he got a little bit so the sun gets a little bit of that the daughter two years later you know she's going to all these high school parties and he's like how was the party last night she's like it was good except they wouldn't stop playing Nickelback you know like non-stop you know like so so that's how he knew he's like okay all right it's my time [Laughter] again insanely Rich we love it boys thank you so much this has been a ton of fun quick five minutes if you could just shoot a video with you next door absolutely cool um High Time those days San Quentin all [ __ ] go dude dude and don't lie you know you like it make sure you subscribe to KFC radio on YouTube to get all the video content uh subscribe comment like and make sure you turn on the Bell notifications so you know whenever new video content drops I want to say something about this video has to be faster that's it
Channel: KFC Radio
Views: 250,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kfc radio, kfc voicemail, barstool sports, barstool podcast, kfc barstool, voicemail, barstool voicemail, feitelberg, feits barstool, barstool sports podcast, kfc, radio, kevin clancy, comedy, nickelback, chad kroger, chad kroeger, Mike Kroeger, ryan peake, daniel adair, nickelback hate, nickelback meme, nickelback internet
Id: ak6yi02i_Q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 15sec (2175 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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