Nick Mullens is Out to Prove Himself Every Day and Every Play

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definitely got away and relax got some rest it's good to get my legs back under me and just hung out with my family and stayed here was solid by week for a couple days but at the same time you have to continue to prepare and take advantage of those extra days and I definitely did that as well how is your approach kind of changed now that Kyle said that your your the start of the Westway rest the way barring anything unforeseen yeah my mindset doesn't change no matter what position I'm in for the Niners nothing changes my work ethic doesn't change and it's up to me to really just do everything that I've done to get here and so just got to continue the same approach and keep getting better every day does it take a little sense off of the I don't need to go in and impress on every single down in every single series I know I'm gonna be here for the game no I don't think like that at all I have to prove myself every single day every single rep in every single play just what Lee works and that's how I want to be you know I want to achieve and if you don't I know what comes did you sell scout over the bye what's up you sell scout over the Bible yeah I think I mean I'm always self scouting personally I have a lot of things I need to work on and it's always running through your mind keeps me pretty angry most of the time to be honest I'm always all myself so yeah it's definitely some things I need to get better at for this team to be better what do you please would leave you guys alone I like my decision-making for the most part so far and I just got a you know stay the course it's obviously a long journey and you got to take things one week at a time and I really just keep staying in the pocket protecting the ball and progressing you know it's where I'm most successful so I just got to be the best at that you mentioned it before that thing listening to the crowd noise in the speed not to play this is your first road game have you already started doing that more this week or will you do that as you go into the next couple weeks yeah I mean that definitely is a new challenge I haven't played on the road yet but I think this team is excited and you know we're ready coming off the bye week it's important that we start fast and you know really come out fast you know that's important you know coach Anne had talked about how do you respond to the bye week and so it gave us a good week to you know rest but now we're excited to attack this first road game and it's important for me that I just keep my same mindset it only matters what you do on the field and don't let the environment impact the way you play can you play out how you do what is your process for you know with the with the crowd noise and practicing yeah so we obviously put a lot of hours in during the day you know learning the plays walking through the place and then practicing the plays obviously but work doesn't stop here you know you go home you study the plays and you really just have a very strict routine that I try to stick to and it helps me prepare and that does involve you know calling out the plays and envisioning the plays and see them in your head and that helps me be successful what are your go to Apple music crowd noise things that you that you find us I mean if you just search it it says crowd noise or two that you use phone ringing yes stadium or whatever whatever sounds like a scam I guess yeah she's just sitting there next to me hanging up yelling help the place with the headphones oh yeah I would say I'm yelling but I mean I you know just do what you have to do to prepare and what helps me you know put myself in the situation it doesn't matter George is a character man I'm sure you all love him but yeah he's a great teammate you know obviously I was one heck of a personality that people gravitate to and he's been a great player for us and yeah I mean George has been a weapon for us all year and it's he works his butt off and everybody around the team knows that and so he's definitely a captain Ferries you seem like you have a pretty quick chemistry with him on the field just what where's that kind of stem from I think just I mean we might not work together for the whole time that I've been here in the two years but you know we've been around together for about two years now and I think our whole rookie class from last year has a great chemistry and you know so I think tributes to that and obviously it hasn't mattered what quarterback was in there he's been making plays since day one so you can credit him with that chemistry cuz it doesn't matter who's in there he's gonna catch it and step up and make plays handful yes sir I've been lucky enough to have supported my start so yeah it's exciting to see them just cuz it's closed yes sir yeah a handful think what not terribly but responsibility you gotta deal with you and the we to it yes he's not surprised that either you or Matt Reid are doing well do you ever talking to him I personally don't but obviously coach monk and I played under him so I'm sure they've had some discussions but honestly I don't when you watch the Bucs defense on film Nick do you see and they only have one interception so from a quarterbacks player you do you see holes in that defense that you can exploit oh you know you really just have to relax and prepare they have some good corners obviously Grimes a very experienced guy very quick on his feet and they have some good interior players so arm definitely can't underestimate them I'm definitely no position underestimate them and up they're a great defense you know for you we surprised wasn't I don't know I was just taking any opportunity I could get so I don't evaluate it too much if you see this this remaining part of the season as an important time to play your way into the team's thoughts looking ahead of next season as well I mean independent of Jimmy coming back healthy or what her role might be available yeah I mean those thoughts they can't enter your head and honestly they don't matter the only thing that matters right now is this practice coming up if I do good at this practice then I guess I'll leave a positive impression so that's really the only thing that matters at this time another George Killa story which almost sounds I could had to be that where after a game he went back on yeah it's uh you take a skittle about that is not no thanks
Channel: San Francisco 49ers
Views: 4,559
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Keywords: San Francisco 49ers, San Francisco, 49ers, Nick Mullens, Week 12, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, NFL, Football, Kyle Shanahan, Quarterback, starting quarterback nick mullens, nick mullens 49ers, nick mullens vs. tampa bay, tampa bay vs. san francisco, 49ers buccaneers, 49ers press conference, nick mullens press conference
Id: 7Gr-SLMlgCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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