Niche Top 10 Neighborhoods Pt 2 | Living in Austin Texas

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[Music] hello hello if you've watched my videos before you know that I've talked about two things in the past one being as well as the top suburbs to live in in the Austin area I recently found an article on that rates the top 10 neighborhoods to live in in Austin if you don't need know what is it's a website that I really like using and recommend everyone uses to get information about neighborhoods neighborhood ratings school ratings things to Etc this list is full of awesome neighborhoods that I know I have a lot to say so I'm going to try to keep it kind of high level because this could be like a 2 three hour video if we were to just dive in fully for each of these little pockets in Austin last week we posted part one of this where we counted down the top six neighborhoods to live in in Austin in this video we're going to work our way from neighborhood number five all the way to the number one neighborhood to live in in Austin okay let's go hi guys I'm daany Quin your boss lady realtor here in Austin Texas I work with people from all over the world and all over the country that are looking to buy a home in Austin or sell a home in Boston if you're thinking about making a move my contact information is in the description below you can also set up a one-on-one Zoom call directly with me the link for that is also in the description below also remember to subscribe and hit the notification button so you can be notified every time that I do a video like this one boom all right let's go so number five on nisha's top 10 places to live in Austin is west [Music] campus and I was surprised to see West Campus as one of the top places to live in Austin full transparency I think it's great and the location is fantastic and it is so full of life and activity I personally really like it but I have also heard that a lot of people don't love it there because it is on campus and there is so much going on there there's a lot lot of partying going on West Campus is known for being kind of like the party side of UT which if you like having a lot of activity around you it can be fine but it can also get a little nonsensical I think you can kind of fill in the gaps by what I mean with that however let's talk about why it might be on this list the West border of West Campus is North Lamar it runs down to MLK it goes up to West 29th Street and the East Boundary I guess you could say is Guadalupe Street or guadaloop as they say here in Texas incorrectly said that's not how you say it the cool thing about West Campus and I'm just going to Clump in all of campus in general is that it is so so walkable and so incredibly convenient there are coffee shops at every corner there's a little Target store like the store Target right there in the middle of everything there are so many different types of restaurants from all over the world it's a very diverse place to go eat if you want some really good food that things are open late it's close to downtown it's close to some really wonderful Parks one of my favorite parks that is just outside of West Campus on the southwest corner of Campus is peace Park I mentioned peace Park in the part one video of this video that we did where we talked about Old West Austin it's a fantastic Park I'm not going to go into detail about it right now but it's super accessible and beautiful there's also the shul creek green belt and there's just a ton of stuff to do all around so if you're a student of course and want to live on West Campus super convenient also if you're just somebody that likes to be around a lot of activity there are some beautiful new condo developments right there on the edge of West Campus and there's also plenty of rentals I don't work in rentals I don't know the rental markets so if you're thinking about renting in the area I'm probably not your gal but this neighborhood is awesome and if you want to buy a condo here I got you neighborhood number four on the top 10 list is way on the other side of town it feels kind of random compared to all these other neighborhoods that we've been talking about but it is actually a great area and I get why it's on this list so number four on the countdown is Shady Hollow if we look on the map we can see that Shady Hollow is basically if I'm guessing it looks like it's on the southernmost border of Austin so the West perimeter is literally where Highway Mopac and Highway 45 intersect and the eastern most perimeter is Brody Lane the area is really wonderful there is so much going on really throughout this entire neighborhood but Brody Lane just has so much happening there's gyms there's shopping there's tons of Park tons of walking cool homes kind of unique like more Texas like more Texas style like what I think people would expect for Texas if they want more land we tend to see homes that were built I'd say closer to late 60s to early 80s with more spacious Lots so it's got a bit more of an established feel to it we do tend to see some HOAs there but not a whole bunch so if we look on it's got a rating of A+ it's got a rating for a in public schools we will talk about that in just a second a for housing A+ for being good for families C+ for night life because there's not like any like nightclubs or like tons of bars and that kind of stuff there but I mean it's it's a good convenient place to live and it's a very comfortable part of town so going back to what we were saying about the schools most of Shady Hollow is zoned for Banner off Elementary I think I'm saying that correctly so if we look on we can see that Banner off Elementary is rated 8 out of 10 and then for the high school most of Shady Hollow is zoned for buoy high school I'm 95% sure that it's buoy High School guys not Bowie I don't know I don't have high schoolers and I didn't go to high school there we're going to call it buoy don't come at me at the comments I'm doing what I can y'all buoy High School SCH is also rated 8 out of 10 so very desirable for a lot of these reasons moving right along on this list neighborhood number three we're almost to number one what will it be what will it be what are you guesses are you excited I'm excited okay spot number three it's hide [Music] Park Hide Park is very very Central basically the boundaries of High Park are 38th Street to 51th street with a couple little kind of cuts in there hide park I think is an excellent representation of what Austin is and what people expect Austin to be hide park I think is is considered a historical neighborhood you tend to see older homes there you do see some new construction as well but this is a neighborhood where you can drive around or walk around for that matter and see some really beautifully kept Victorian homes with like heavy woodwork on the interior and like beautiful pillars and kind of cute Peaks I I think really the main style of home that you see there though is more kind of this like Cottage bungalow style and something that I heard a long time ago that always stuck with me that I have checked on this is that a lot of the homes that are in Hyde Park were built right during or after World War II A lot of them were there for Soldier housing you can find a lot of tiny little homes there that are literally 600 to maybe like 1200 sare ft that were meant for soldiers to live in so at no point were they supposed to be luxury living they were just supposed to be efficient quarters for US soldiers to stay in over time because Austin has grown so much and this has become a more Central trendy cool fun neighborhood to live in people have gone in and remodeled these homes made them super cute you can see a lot of times uh homeowners will paint these homes a fun color and just give them lots of pop and it it feels it feels almost like a little artsy along with these more historical kind of Victorian style homes as well hide Park is a very very friendly very welcoming neighborhood you will see flags from all over the world flags supporting different causes throughout and people will always say hi you'll always see people out and about walking I feel like everyone in hide park has a dog they'll always wave they'll say hello it's a friendly chill place to live it's also super close to another place that I really like called the triangle which is another shopping center I've done an entire video about hey Park so if you haven't watched that I recommend you go check that out and it's also right there really close to the the the North Central Market Central Market is it HB Whole Foods version of a grocery store uh what makes Central Market special is of course I got all sorts of organic produce and it's well priced Etc and the location is fantastic but they do a lot of really wonderful community events I've been there multiple times for live music they have a Latin band that comes and plays salsa a lot of times my boyfriend's family is from Iran he's Persian and we've gone to Central Market to celebrate the Persian New Year and that's it's not a very long celebration but for what it is it's super fun they have musicians Come People Come Dance they've got some some food for nus not not a lot but it's it's wonderful and it's a very cultural place so that's all I'm going to say about that because I could keep talking about hide Park forever but I won't so let's move on neighborhood number two is another one that feels a little bit random compared to all these other Pockets that we're talking about but we're going to go we're going to make our way all the way North Austin to rushy [Music] Creek rushy Creek is located just north of Highway 45 which is our East and West toll road this area is super cute it's got a completely different feel than all these other neighborhoods that we've been talking about we can see homes that were built kind of like in the mid to late 80s to the early '90s sometimes a little bit newer than that as well brush she Creek is very popular if we look on of course it's also rated A+ uh some of the things that people really love about it is the location because it's right there by Round Rock by Cedar Park just south is Austin and there's just a ton of stuff to to do access to so many things is pretty quick which people love especially living in a suburb it's rated a plus for the public schools and it's rated A+ for being good for families of course the two go hand inand every time that I've had clients that want to buy a home in Brushy Creek it's because they have a family and they want highly rated schools for their kiddos Brushy Creek is is great for the type of homeowner that wants a homeless some character but still some organization if you will in the community some of the communities in Brushy Creek have an HOA but it's a very loose HOA it's like small quarterly fees that you pay instead of like 100 bucks a month it might be closer to 50 quarterly or something along those lines there's also neighborhoods in Brushy Creek that don't have an HOA all together so you have a little bit of Freedom as far as a homeowner and what you can do with your home and you're not necessarily going to get a nasty letter in the mail every time that you don't mow your grass and here we are you guys we have made it to the number one spot according to to live in in Austin and that is the Gateway neighborhood so the Gateway neighborhood is largely a shopping center and I'm honestly not sure why that is on the list there's some apartments you can rent there I actually looked up the statistics on because I was very confused when I saw this and it's 98% renters because I know there's a handful of apartment complexes but then there's tons of shopping it's largely commercial and it's not I don't think it's the best place to live in Austin it's a great place to hang out and there's awesome neighborhoods around there but Gateway proper is not the best place to live in Austin however I do have another gate theme neighborhood that is fantastic that I would love to share with you instead so if you will allow me doesn't matter CU I'm going to do it anyway we're going to talk about the Westgate neighborhood located in South Austin let's take a look look at [Music] that the Westgate neighborhood is literally just South of Highway 71 which goes east and west it's a very cute very established feeling neighborhood it's grown a ton over the last 15 20 years it's known for having older homes that were built like in the' 60s and' 7s very spacious lots lots of trees it's flat you don't necessarily see a ton of trees and like massive scenery but but it's a really great and convenient place to live there's plenty of sidewalks you can walk outside you can walk to the grocery store there's also a Central Market over there that is absolutely fantastic and they've got a really great shopping center if you want to hop in the car or get on a bike you can go to Target there's a little Sprouts grocery store over there and tons of things to do you're also going to be about 10 to 15 minutes from downtown so if you want to go to ladybird lake or if you work down town the South Congress area it's going to be very very convenient to get there there's also a beautiful park right there in the middle of the Westgate neighborhood that has a playscape and there's like a little workout area that you can set up at and I see people over there every now and then doing like workouts like boot camp Fitness type classes Etc and people really love the Westgate neighborhood because it is really easy access to so many things so if you're somebody that likes the South Austin lifestyle and the vibe without committing to going Way South Westgate is a really great compromise because because you have the Quirk and the funk and the proximity to downtown without being that far south while still having tons of amenities and tons of stuff to do right there in your neighborhood anyway we covered a lot of ground in this video like I said earlier I have done videos on a lot of these specific neighborhoods so if you have questions about these specific neighborhoods go watch the videos or leave a comment I really enjoy interacting with you guys if you have a suggestion for other videos that we should be doing leave a comment remember to always be respectful in the comment section I love responding to you guys and I so appreciate you guys taking the time to leave a wellth thought out comment or suggestion anyway thank you so much for watching guys I'm Daphne Quay your boss lady realtor here in Austin bye-bye
Channel: Living in Austin Texas
Views: 846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Niche Top 10, Neighborhoods Pt 2, Living in Austin Texas, Austin Neighborhood Rankings, Austin Review, Top 5 Austin Neighborhoods, Best Family Areas Austin, Central Austin Living, South Austin Lifestyle, Top Rated Neighborhoods Austin, Austin Community Insights, Austin Neighborhood Guide, Best Places Austin, Family-Friendly Austin, Central Austin Homes, South Austin Amenities, Austin Real Estate Trends, Top Austin Suburbs, Niche Neighborhood Reviews, LaT&x%
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.