Niall Horan plays CELEBRI-TELLY

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now your we're going to place the lepre telly and I love this game you love this game are you ready to play yes okay so this all begun as sort of a one-off when we saw it doubt was watching the Oscars she was on tour and a doubt pop a picture of her telly and it really gripped the nation because it was the biggest telly I've ever seen now I have no it's not on your Instagram you've got big telly you let the golf on it yeah I do have a victory can I start by asking you how big is your telly Niall 105 inches a hundred and five inches Niall congratulations that is the biggest celebrity telly that we've ever had on the radio Wow a hundred and one hundred and five hundred and five inches at douses a hundred and two yeah so you're a big a bigot at a minute a little story if you're in the pocket feel free to play along at home we genuinely researched this we genuinely have to ask people at the end of an interview for a little I'll fix your telly so first up let's find out who we've got playing celebra telly with Niall today hi I'm Brooklyn Beckham Brooklyn Brooklyn Beckham now what are you saying right but Brooklyn top lad yeah okay very well brought up some would say yeah it's a higher or lower than yours do you think I think if anyone's gonna have a big telly as the beckham's right yeah but this is it like I would understand if it was at the house yeah but I do I still think it's smaller minor cuz I think I've seen David posting pictures on when he's been watching football than that and Game of Thrones yeah I get me out there and it's TVs there I think it's more of mine but I could be wrong smaller you're saying Brooklyn Beckham has got a smaller telly the new Niall let's find out hi I'm Brooklyn Beckham and my telly is 60 inches ding-ding-ding yes yes yes yes one point nails okay we go from Brooklyn Beckham to our next celebrity yeah next up who's up we have hello it's Kai Delevingne here hello cara cara delevingne here hello Karen its Cara Delevingne this house Natalia no half enough no me neither do you have any insight into the world of Cara Delevingne or her television I don't actually I think I've only met her a couple of times you're made to her so you might be able to help me with this yeah I've never I've never been to the house I've never been to around I'm gonna say I have seen her Tali though and I'll give you a little clue I saw it on Instagram and she instagrammed it because she was playing a computer game on it so she's a gamer and she's a gamer so they usually have bigger turlet big Telly's right what about the Brooklyn says was 60 and 60 inches are we saying is it bigger is it smaller than Brooklyn Beckham okay I'm gonna say Cara's is just a little bit bigger little bit bigger you're going bigger hi guys its Cara Delevingne here and at home I am packing and impressive 96 inches I don't actually know if that's how big it is but it feels big so 96 inches she thinks right well she clearly knows that it's over 60 basically yeah okay next up blame celebrit Ellie we have a real-life sir sir sir aye sir this could be good next up playing celebrity Ellie we have hi it's Richard Branson oh hello sir Tyrone sir Sir Richard Branson now Richard Branson is worth five billion US dollars a billion dollar right he's gonna have a lot of big tell he's innie what you sayin I said I want a necker's like a projector mics it's very Island II the aperture have you been to NECA no what happened come we got no holidays take Harry but one time yeah Harry good yeah yeah and I think I got invited by never went that invite that I think I was away on family business and Janet that way or what why else would I yeah you have to go together okay bigger or smaller than Cara Delevingne steli what we say no France is gonna have a big telly in half yeah that's bigger than 96 inches you're saying okay rich I take guys I handed him our big Sally hi it's Richard Branson and I'm packing 24 inches 24 inches he got one of those like portable DVD players that used to have put the CD in phones 24 it Richard 24 inches 24 inches that's probably why he's a billionaire cuz he doesn't sit around a much telling anything busy trying to make space happen as a holiday destination so jorinda swim in today at the office thanks playing celebrity le what a great game that's a good game good I didn't get them all to be honest well I wasn't expecting Branson to have 20 play he's got Berg how many hoses ago and he's only got like four enough houses that's it that's it thank you [Music]
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 814,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Niall Horan
Id: irNLbH_JWns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2017
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