NHØP | Jaco before Jaco...The GREATEST Bass Player You've NEVER Heard Of

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a lot of you that are bass players watching my channel know the names of victor wooten and jaco pastorius and john my young and billy sheehan and all these all these really great great great bass players but when i was growing up my dad used to listen to these records when he was home on the weekends they had this monstrous bass player on it and i used to look at the records and see this name as a really long name four names actually and the name was niels henning orsted pedersen or kneehop he's one of the greatest bass players to ever live he was danish born in 1946 and he died in 2005. and i wanted to make a video about him because i was watching some stuff on youtube live performances of him the other day and it just blows my mind i heard him on record but because of youtube you can see videos of him playing and it's honestly mind-boggling check it out [Music] check that out again that is amazing listen again [Music] there it is another triplet like listen [Music] oh [Music] you see oscar's reaction there he knows how smoking it is check it out again it's so grooving but that is so hard to do on an upright bass too you don't even think you're not even thinking about it it's so effortless it's so flowing all those lines of triplets man that is burning this next clip is of neil's playing with sonny rollins when he was 19 years old in 1965. let's check it out they're playing oleo by sonny rollins [Music] there's sonny in the background [Music] oh this feel [Music] man [Music] 19. [Music] that's what i love about jazz that right there the feel those lines the swing of it it's just bass and drums there sonny rollins is there saying yeah this is grooving people that don't like jazz i always say they just don't listen to the right jazz when you hear that if you don't feel that groove that's as heavy as any groove right there for those of you wondering how he gets this kind of speed and feel with his lines it's not just his left hand it's his right hand check out this next clip look at his right hand he uses three fingers on the right hand to achieve this this is he and joe pass playing donna lee you remember donna lee from my jocko video and if you don't you should watch my jocko video but watch his right hand here [Music] [Music] check out when they play the melody here at the end [Music] um [Music] here's a clip of oscar peterson talking about niels after he passed away neil's had a natural affinity with the base as opposed to some other players around the world i'm calling names that you can say well he's playing the bass niels didn't play the bass niels was the base niels wasn't just a great accompanist and soloist check out this piece where he's actually playing an unaccompanied bass part it's beautiful [Music] [Music] you know the crazy thing is i'm 58 years old all these guys are gone all the guys that my dad love to listen to niels ray brown other bass player oscar peterson joe pass i mean literally every jazz musician that my dad loves stan getz miles davis wes montgomery charlie christian i mean every player from miles's group in the 50s they're all gone jimmy cobb now um still the guys from the 60s group wayne shorter and ron carter herbie and then the guys in the later 70s are still with us but you know there's not a lot of that history remaining of the great jazz musicians and this music really reminds me of my dad that's one of the reasons why i want to make this video on neil henning or stead patterson it reminds me of my dad and i listening to records together my favorite thing that we did my dad would get a new record he'd open it up put it on the turntable and then he'd sit down in a chair across across the room i sit down another tree we had a very small house small living room but he would sit there and he'd twirl his hair and listen one side would we'd never say a word about it we just listen side a would be over i'd get up i go flip it over but on side b and that would get done and we wouldn't say a word then and then maybe we'd talk about the record but maybe we wouldn't we just listened and my dad was constantly going out and finding new records by new jazz records and that was the thing that he and i did together that's what we shared we shared music and um and this really reminds me of him my dad would be 101 if he was with us today my dad passed away in 2004 and um this is music that he made me really appreciate and you know with all these players now that not being alive i want to do something like make videos like this on my channel to at least keep it alive a little bit longer to the people that watch here that's all for now please subscribe here to my everything music youtube channel if you're interested in the biato book you can go to my website at www.rickpiata.com follow me on instagram at rickbiota1 check out the new beater ear training program if you go to beautiertraining.com you can watch the introduction video and check it out and if you want to support the channel even more think about becoming a member of the biato club thanks so much for watching [Music] you
Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 499,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rick beato, everything music, beato, music, education, Oscar Peterson, Joe Pass, NHOP, Jazz Bass, Jaco Pastorius, Greatest Bass Player, John Myung, Ray Brown, Walking Bass, Billy Sheehan, Bebop, Bass solo, Shredding, Bass Shred, Stanley Clark, James Jamerson, Bass Playing, Double Bass, Wayne Shorter, Ron Carter, Stan Getz, Wes Montgomery, victor wooten, bass lesson, bass player, niels henning ørsted pedersen, niels henning ørsted pedersen donna lee
Id: 17qRY0XCuq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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