Remotely, a free open source Remote Support Alternative to Anydesk GTA LogmeIn TeamViewer and more.

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[Music] hey it's you open-source advocate and I'm back with another video now you might notice something a little different about my screen first of all it looks like I'm running Windows 10 which I am but I'm running it in VirtualBox this week I want to show you something really cool it's something that I've been looking for and a lot of desktop support folks have been looking for for a long time so if you work in a company where you have access to the machines all the time you're gonna want more of an rmm which is remote machine management solution so that's one where you can register the machines and you always have some kind of access to them no matter what and if you're looking for a really great open-source rmm then you want to look at mesh central I have a video out there for mesh central so I'll link it down in the description I'll try to put a card up here in the upper right so that you can click there as well if you want to see something about mesh central it's really amazing it's super easy to run it's really easy to keep it running as well so if you're running a Linux server whether you're running Windows it doesn't matter it's cross-platform and it does cross-platform clients for Linux Windows and Mac so that's really cool so mesh central definitely something you want to look at but today I want to talk about one where I run across this quite a bit so I have a full-time job as a product manager for a pretty big company but I also do side work for people where I do desktop support I guess is the best way to put it so I work on Macs I work on Windows PCs I work on Linux it doesn't matter and basically a lot of times they call me and they have an issue but it's not really something where I need to go get their machine or where I have to go over to their house or were they need to bring it to me or anything it's really something where I could help them remotely which is great because the tool we're going to talk about today is literally call or so many others that are out there they're really great tools are amazing tools but if you're using them professionally and you're being honest about your professional use then you have to pay quite a bit of money to use those things and it can get pretty costly and I do this part-time it's not something where I do it a lot I get maybe a call a week sometimes a call a month sometimes they just stack up and I get five calls on a week it just depends I don't do this for tons of people it's not my main source of income I do it because I like it and I work with the people that I enjoy working with who know what it's about whenever I'm helping them with desktop stuff so I've been looking for a solution that was open-source and that I could host myself which is great so I found one and somebody over read it on the self hosted site pointed me to it which was great because I actually made a post saying I was looking for developers who would be interested in building something like this I didn't realize this was out there and it's been out there for a few years which shocks me because I've seen posts on Reddit about people wanting to do this that's how I found mesh central that's how I found several others that I've tried so yeah I just I'm really kind of excited about this one so I'm gonna minimize this down for just a minute it's in full-screen mode because I want to get to the background here desktop so I want to show you the software right off the bat here so I'm gonna open up my browser it should be here yes so I'm gonna kind of not make it fullscreen and I'm gonna go to this URL that I've created and and we're gonna go through the install process after I show you this but this is this is just my kind of testbed you know where I'm testing things as I'm getting ready for you guys so you can see here it's a fairly minimal looking website but that's okay this is this is free so mostly this is something for really me to see or for me to send a client to the download page and we'll go through that so I'm gonna log in here and I've got my login credentials ready to go and a course strong password and you can setup two-factor authentication on this with an authentication app which is awesome so I'm going to log in I'm gonna tell it don't save and right off the bat you don't you don't see anything here because I don't have any connections going or anything like that but you can invite other members to this to have logins you can make them admins or not admins but the first person who signs up is by default an admin so it's a very simple system to get logged into and set up so so we're here kind of on on the home screen there's also downloads and we'll go through that then there's remote control so so there's a couple of pieces to this now you can go to a console and you can get the console prompt I'm not gonna do that right now but you can first I want to show you this stuff over here which is with the information so I'm gonna go to account so right off the bat you can kind of see my info here got my phone number got my email so this is all information that would be for my business and then next is passwords if you need to reset your password you can do that and then you have options so you can set this to light or dark mode I'll kind of show you dark mode here real quick let's let's just look up what dark mode looks like there you go there's dark mode so if you prefer dark mode you can do that I think light mode is just fine for this video and I'm actually going to just increase this a little bit I'm afraid it's gonna be a little bit hard for people to see it's fine for me but just just in case if you're looking at it in your phone I kind of want you to get a good feel so here for the console prompt you can actually change what you want your console prompt to be so if you want you know dollar sign - that whatever you can set that it doesn't doesn't matter so web shortcut is slash web the powershell prompt is power is PS core or /ps core you know windows powershell shortcut is win PS or windows powershell command the slash command and so on so slash bash for bash so you can change those things if you want to moving on down is organization information so you can kind of set up what you want for organization here you can add device groups so you can set this for unattended access but you can also send this thing out like you do with with any desk and have somebody or you know let you connect remotely to them which is kind of Awesome I think that's a really cool thing so so I've set up a couple of groups here I haven't added any devices to my group yet but I've set up a couple of groups and then you can see your users and you can kind of control your users down here and then of course you can send out invites now you need to go set up the email stuff first so the invite will get sent to the person in their email but we'll get there so there is API access as well that's been built in so basically the token name that you want for your API so you can just say create a token and it's gonna generate an API token I believe maybe we can just give it a name I'm sorry I'm I'm not thinking so remote around me there we go now it's giving me some API tokens so I can go use these tokens at other places for API access so it's okay if you see all these things by the way I'm gonna destroy this droplet once I'm done with the video so it's not gonna be there anymore you're free to try the the URL it's not gonna take you anywhere but feel free so type here is gonna be so so we have server logs so you can just kind of filter this down to see information error debug warning so if I go to error um I could say update and you can see there was an error here so this property cannot be set so you can see some different things about your server and what's going on and this could be some good debug information for somebody who's working on this project and I'm gonna tell you out of the gate the developer who made this while it is awesome it's been working on it for a few years he didn't get anybody else to really help him with it from what I gather there's an email on github and I'll link to that site as well I'm not an email but a message on github he's just kind of got burnout he's not really wanting to work on this anymore so I've worked this project I have sent him a message I don't know if he's gonna respond he made it be fed up with it who knows I'm sure he gets thousands of messages from people who you know look too little too late wanna help I just I didn't know about the project I'm not that great of a developer but I'd be happy to help in some way so maybe he'll come back to it but this is still awesome and it still works and it the last time I was updated was like literally this month in May of 2020 so it's a good thing to get set up and started using today at least so server logs okay server config so this is we're gonna set up server information your email information so you can say require HTTP now I set that up whenever we did the cert bot stuff as it went through there so it automatically forwards you to HTTPS but you can set it here as well and and he's got a nice script that really just does the whole setup everything like that it just prompts you for a couple of bits of information so that's what we'll go through on the set up side so require two-factor authentication so again I told you there's two factors so you can say here require it you can set up your SMTP information for your email here and I'll go through this one I do the full set up but I want you to kind of see what I was here and what's available so trusted URLs if you have to have cores kind of stuff for your api's or things like that that you may build out if you were going to do something like that then this is where you would add that information let me tell yous HSTs I'm not going to do that that's kind of a strict protocol basically for HTTP and stuff like that we do want WebRTC because that's how it communicates back and forth between machines then there's connection strings that you get for your different database information that you'll need and then server admin so again as you add people you can make them an admin or you can take them away from being an admin so you can also add people to being a server admin that weren't an admin to start with I'm gonna go back up and we're gonna go to two-factor authentication so right here you can add your two-factor app and again I'll do that when we go to this setup on the new server that we're gonna get and then finally personal data so you can download your personal data or delete it if you delete it it's gone there's no getting it back it's not a soft to lead he's telling you right here it's a hard to leave it done so that's pretty cool so we're gonna go over here to so so really what I did was I set up this server and then I went into Windows over here and I just went to the same URL so in a Windows machine I went over here to this URL and I'm doing Windows just because I feel like that you know being the most popular desktop that's the one you're gonna run across so pays to have that available so so now I want to go to remote route me home so you see I've already been there and of course I would tell a person who I'm like hey I need to remote into your machine let's say go to this address and I'd send it to him and a text message or it's you know tell him how to type it in and I say go to the download link okay and you tell them all right I want you to find the one that says windows 64-bit and you're gonna just click on the executable and you're gonna download that guy so when they click it comes up it says do you want to download you hit save now I've already done this so it's already done once they've downloaded it just tell them double-click it and install it now there's resident agents I believe that you can run so that you can just keep this thing always going then you've got your Linux your your Linux one here so you can run a Linux download and you can do a Windows 32 bit so if you still got 32-bit people out there you can run them as well so this thing downloads and once it downloads then you tell them ok run it it's gonna run in a Staller and it's gonna do a few things now when I ran the installer I got a little error so I'll remove it from this windows are all back to another snapshot and we'll do that again as well when we go through the setup I just kind of want to feel how this works out of the gate so I'm gonna go to remotely if I can find it again yeah remotely desktop I think that's still what I want yeah so first they open let's make sure it opens the one we think here yes so so it'll prompt them and this is what you want right you want something that's gonna prompt them and say hey somebody to be trying to access your system so it's gonna load resources maybe we'll get the error right here while it's doing this let's find out so the first time it goes through a bunch of installation and things and it popped up an error this time it didn't do it that's great now what happened was the first time I came in it asks for a URL and that again is your website's URL so in my case it would be a remote route me home gorg so they type that in and it's got a little box that they can't you know get rid of till they type it in so you tell them type that in and then hit OK when they do that then it goes and hits your website and it says give me an ID so this is their ID and now they give you that ID and you can start a session so I'm gonna go back so we're looking at Windows I'm gonna go back to the browser and this time I'm gonna go to a remote control so here I'm just gonna put in my name you know just so they know who they're getting connected to with and I'm gonna put in that I that that number that number that they give me so try to remember it here zero nine nine three two three five nine nine I believe now don't push don't don't put the little - because if you do it messes up so it's hyphens on their screen no hyphens on your screen you're gonna hit connect session ID now let me check it oh I changed it on me okay so changes every time it starts so nine zero nine six zero nine one one four five so nine oh nine six oh nine and one four five all right let's try this again if I do the right one it helps 906 oh nine one four five yeah third time's a charm okay so it tells me hey trying to connect now you notice it doesn't connect right away I don't just get direct access it prompts up and it prompts the user it prompts your client hey this person wants to access your machine and if you look it puts my name right there so they're like yeah that's I expected and then it says hey here's Brian Brian's looking to your machine and if you go back over here you'll see I'm actually looking at their machine so there's their machine here's the browser so now I'm up and running I've got access so I'm gonna I'm gonna move this just to the right a little bit and I'm gonna show you I'm gonna drag this window over in the browser and you see it comes over in the background so I'm actually controlling the screen for the user I can go and open up the Start menu I can type in CMD and it says I'm looking for CMD and it doesn't find it because of frickin Windows why would it never go so we type run we get the run prompt we can click it now we can type CMD and it's gonna open up the command prompt now this is not a privileged command prompt if you do that again it makes your screen grey and it waits for this person to say yes they can access that so I kind of like that it's got a little bit of security behind it now there are some weird things that I'm not wild about but I want to show you so this thing has a whole command palette over here so you've got clipboard so you can copy things between the machines so block remote input this actually works and it freaks me out that this works so here I can do stuff so I can still move that window around but if I go back here to the window side I can't do anything I can't click on this so so you've basically blocked the user from using their own machine sometimes this is handy I have worked in desktop support for a long time and you get people who want to help you and they click and you're trying to do something and they click around or they think hey I'll do something else while he's working and they they keep taking you know focus away from what you're trying to do so sometimes it's helpful to have that but that definitely is something that could be abused in my opinion so I'm not super wild about it but it's cool if you need it so you can block remote input and then you can do your work invite others so if you have other people on your team you can use this to go on and say hey I need you to come look at this and then of course it'll list them there because you're adding them to the to the screen viewing audio which I'm not sure what this does we'll have to test it file transfer so if I click that it opens up the file browser this is on my this is this is my file browser on my Linux machine but it's showing up on top of my browser so I'm not sure exactly what happens but if you look back here Windows doesn't show it so it's definitely just in Firefox but if I go grab like one of these files I it doesn't show me what it's doing it shows me some toast messages over here but I don't know where they went so it's a little bit weird I haven't figured that one out yet but it looks like it's doing something I'm just not sure what it's doing or where it's putting stuff but it's not putting it on the desktop verified that it's not there so we'll figure that out I'm control-alt-delete also not available for this session so I don't know why maybe it's because I'm on our virtual machine and Control Alt Delete won't work maybe the same thing for the file transfer and we'll do this on a Linux machine as well so there I can just disconnect from the remote session and then so you can switch monitors I've only got one monitor but if they have multiple monitors you can use this to switch monitors you can safe it and you see it kind of zooms things in I'm just gonna leave it like this and then quality so this one so it's it's to auto so if you notice that it's just like too slow or too laggy you can uncheck this and I would say drop this guy down a little bit and and then try it again and see if it feels better you know it may it may speed up a little bit after it gets a chance to kind of get caught up so that you're not there's not so much lag sometimes that throws people off and then down here Windows session so again you can change what session you're looking at and then it gives you connection information so this one says that I'm I'm actually relayed which you'd expect so just different information but I mean there's a control panel there I'm controlling a remote machine and it's Windows and I'm doing it from my Linux machine through a browser and the server is running on Linux you can run the server on Windows as well but I'm running it on Linux on digitalocean so I mean I think this is an amazing product that's out there it's open source it's free you could set it up today and get your business up and running if you're wanting to do remote desktop support especially during these times where so many people are having to do you know kind shelter at home shelter in place but you still need income you still want to help people you still want to do things this is a really awesome option so I hope you'll get out there and try it out alright I'm going to stop this section and I'm going to show you here will disconnect there we go we've disconnected I'm back at the page where it wants to know you know what what connection information do I have I could just close the browser window as well and this shows that I disconnected in the background for Windows and they can close the application as done there's no more connecting to this machine because they've gotten rid of it so I'm gonna I'm gonna stop this segment and I'll move to the next one where we're gonna do the installation and then we'll go in and actually reinstall the client here on Windows we'll install a client on Linux and see how it all works ok we're gonna move forward here with remotely so I'm gonna do the installation now and I want you guys to kind of know what's going on I did receive an email back since I recorded the first segment you just watched from jerod here he's a really cool guy and answer to my questions that I had so I forked the repo he's not interested in pool request right now but he is still doing work so you can see that he just did some work eleven hours ago which is awesome so I forked it I made a little bit of a change because I there wasn't an arm installer but I haven't tested it yet so we'll see if that works but I wanted to see if you could you were most support on raspberry PI's so I went into his code and found where he creates his installers and added a section for arm and I built it last night and we'll we'll test it out here in a little bit it may fail miserably but we'll see so first I want to go through just the server installed with you guys so this is the site and basically when when I give you the commands and I'll have these in an article that you can also go to and I'll link to that description as well what I do is I go here to the releases section in github and of course you want to get that most recent release section and if you go down here under assets it's always going to be under assets for the actual applications or code that you want there's always nice there's change logs and things like that that you can keep track of so when you go to the assets you want to look if you're running Linux you want to look for this remote server install sh if you're running a Windows server then you want this one that has top ps1 on it but you just right-click oops cancel I just want to right-click and I want to do a copy link location so it depends on the browser it could be slightly different for Chrome for Firefox for edge you know but it's something like you know get copy the link somehow okay once you do that you can go and we're gonna start creating our server so I'm gonna go over to digitalocean and I'm gonna use the five dollar server so I'm going to go droplet and once it comes up I'm just going to do the Ubuntu server I'm gonna leave it on 1804 for now this this software's been tested on 1804 that's what I ran before leave it on standard I'm going to click this little left arrow click on $5.00 I'm gonna move down New York's fine they do have some new servers that they've got up VPC I don't need any of that stuff right now I'm gonna use my personal SSH keys there and then we're gonna give this thing a name so I'm if this is gonna be for support I'm gonna call it support open-source is awesome comm so let me just make sure I spelled everything right yes and then run just click on create so we're gonna let this just create this droplet while it's doing that we can jump over here to our domain name server provider so in my case it's hover yours could be GoDaddy it could be Gandhi net it could be Namecheap it doesn't matter they should have a section where you can set DNS so that's where I'm at and I'm gonna basically just add a DNS record it may be slightly different process in each one so just kind of learn how they work I do want an a record and I called it support and then I'm gonna go get that I'm going to set this to 5 minutes now you may have to switch up some things on how how fast it'll update DNS for your provider but hover just out-of-the-box offers five minutes it's usually really fast no matter what you set that to I'm gonna go back over here and digitalocean finish so I'm just gonna copy this IP address and I'm gonna paste it right in here so we've kind of done two simple steps one we created our server two we've told our DNS service hey here's the domain name that I want and here's the server that it needs to point to now we may have to wait a few minutes for this to update and propagate through the internet so what we'll do is we'll open up a terminal and we're just going to SSH in and it's root on digital ocean and we'll paste in that IP address and yes we trust it and then it's going to check my SSH keys and then I'm in so first thing I always want to do is sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade - why now I'm logged in as root I don't have to do sudo it's just a habit so if you don't do sudo when you're logged in as root that's fine it's a habit that I've got it doesn't matter it doesn't care if you do it so it's fine this thing's gonna update it's gonna run through all the upgrades and things like that that are out there fleet you know for versions since this image was created so take a couple of minutes and then I'll come back you so when I get to this step I almost always just take the defaults this is just a plain Jane Ubuntu 1804 server there's no reason that I shouldn't just take the default so I just hit tab to get to okay and then I hit enter and then you'll get it a second time sometimes so just again hit tab and hit make it sure it's okay and then hit enter and it'll continue on with date once it finishes then we just do sudo reboot let that server reboot and then we'll log back in here in a minute and we'll actually use our domain name to do that so we're going to give it about fifteen or twenty seconds but then we'll just log right back in as I say true that and we did support open-source is awesome calm yes we trust it that's a good sign that means that it found the endpoints that you want and now you can see we're logged in so now that we're logged in and we've rebooted we just need to go and do a couple of things we've got to download the remotely installer for Linux and then we've got to change the permissions to it to be executable and then we'll run it so it's really not that complex got a couple of commands we need to run here so I've got those things out here and we will go get this command and those notes that I'm showing I will put out in an article on another page for everybody to get access to if you want that so we're gonna use W get and I did make the terminal bigger hopefully if you're watching on a phone or something that makes it easier for you to see what I'm typing so if I do LS you see we've got the Installer installed or we've got the Installer downloaded so now I'm going to do CH mo D plus X and then the name of the file that just makes it executable now I can do dot slash remotely server installed sh this is going to start our installation process and we'll get prompted a few times throughout the process so as we do I'll stop and tell you hey this is what we're doing is what it's asking for other than that I'll try to kind of fast-forward through it so you have to sit for you know however long it takes to do the install so first thing it wants is what path should the files be added to you can just basically say exactly what it says there it's not a default to that so you need to type it slash var slash W w slash remotely it's fine to just type that out then just hit enter it wants to know what our domain names gonna be so we set that while ago so support that open source is awesome calm now there's a couple of things that happen with this particular piece it's going to use this to set up the server it's also going to use this to set up your let's encrypt certificates so you need to make sure that this server can be reached from the outside Internet so if you're running this on your home server you need to make sure that port 80 and port 443 are forwarded through to the server that you're running this on it's going to install nginx it's going to install a few things for you that do a lot of does a lot of the work in the background in the script for us which is great so make sure you type this correctly and make sure that there's access like that once you've got it typed in correctly and you feel good hit enter and it's gonna start an update and an install process and it's gonna run through this for a few minutes and eventually to get to a point where it's gonna prompt us again and I'll stop until then I'll fast-forward through the install okay we're at our next prompt so this is the one for the let's encrypt cert so it wants your email so just put in your email it's going to ask if you agree to their terms of service which just put a and then hit enter and then it says are you willing to share your email address with the Electronic Frontier Foundation if you've already done this once you don't have to say yes you can say no you know what just say yes at all honestly but it's nice because they are providing this freely to you I'm going to say no I've already shared my email address with them a hundred times and then it wants to know what domains do you want to have covered under this let's encrypt certificate so I've only got one option here so I'll hit one it's going to go forward it's gonna start doing the challenges and doing verification so now it's asking do you want to automatically forward any requests on port 80 to port 443 so the unsecured port to the secure port and generally the answer would be yes so I'm going to put two I want it to redirect automatically and then it's done so this is all finished the installs finished that even be sitting here that only took about a minute maybe a little bit more so we're gonna go and we're actually going to go to our site so we're gonna go over here to a new tab and here's our new remotely sight so I'm gonna say register I'm gonna put in my email address and then my pet just picks a really long password here you should put a really long secure password for software like this but just be aware um so write a register and I'll just say never save it's fine okay so we're back to the interface that we're all pretty familiar with and I'll show you a few extra things about the software that I didn't show when we initially did kind of the setup and everything so first of all this is gonna be a new address so if you have a client who you've had on an old address there is a way inside of the client software to change which server they're pointing to so they don't have to keep reinstalling the remote access software it's really there they just need to basically change the URL so you need to provide that to them and there's a lot of ways you can do that so there's chat features and things like that there's chat functions out on the internet that you can use to communicate with people and send them the information they need so they can just copy and paste it versus trying to type it in but sometimes you just need to be patient while you tell them how to type things in we've got our support at open source is awesome comm server set up and as I promised I was going to show you exactly how to go and set this up on a Windows machine it's really super straightforward so we're gonna open up our browser here so I'm remoted so I'm remoted into a machine that's out of my office and then in that machine it's a Linux machine I am then running Virtual Box to have windows so we're getting Firefox opened up here let's really sticking in it it's open it back up there there we go get firefox going so I apologize for all the weirdness with like the Inception stuff going here but we're gonna go to support dot open source is awesome com and there we are so we're at our remote desktop now again your client user doesn't have to log in you're gonna send them to the downloads page and tell them hey for your system I need you to download X Y or Z here but for now we're on Windows 64 so I'm gonna click on the exe and I'm gonna say save file now again it depends on their browser as to how that little workflow happens but it's pretty simple so here it is so of course depending on where it goes and where they're at you'll tell them how to open it up so I'm gonna say you know click on this thing we want it to run it says windows protected your PC okay that's fine just it gives you just this thing which is close you know they're tricky right and like hey we don't want you to do this I don't know why they do that it's painful but click on that and then you can say allow run anyway once you get that they're gonna get the UAC prompt so tell them click on yes please and then you can actually have them just close down the browser this part's running in front of the browser even though it's kind of hard to see there so we can right-click and say close and you can see this is running an installer so the first time it runs it takes a little bit longer because it's gonna go out and get all the dotnet core things that it needs to be able to run everything the second time that they run it so basically each time they click on this same when they look for remotely in the Start menu it's going to do this same process but it's much faster the second time this first time it's going to go out and grab a bunch of things that needs in order to run this and and then it'll pop up with the actual program so I'll let this run and there it is so this is what it does the first time you run it so you need to tell them hey in that blank you need to type in whatever your domain is of course if you can have something shorter than I've got that's easier to type it might be good but this is fine for our purposes so it's gonna try to reach our server it's gonna go out there and say oh I found it and it's gonna get a number so if they don't never get a number that may have mistyped something and if they ever need to re-enter that there's this little gear icon if they click on that you'll see they get changed server elevate to admin and elevate to service so so they can do a few things and especially once you're connected so here's the number when he eight it's three eight seven zero seven five six one nine now they can copy that number I don't know what they're gonna do with it unless so if they have you on chat they could paste it into chat for you so that you could then take it and copy it I'll just come back and look at it three eight seven zero seven five six one nine and I'll go down here to my main machine where I've got everything running and I'm gonna go to a remote session here we go and we're gonna do three eight seven zero one nine I don't know I'm probably getting wrong let's check it zero seven five six one nine zero seven five six one nine my memory's just not as good as it used to be zero seven five six one nine and then we hit connect yeah that's gonna tell us like hey I'm trying to connect and that's because it popped up the prompt yes I want to allow you to connect and then it's gonna say hey this person is trying to do this thing do you want to allow them to do this and and they can just click on allow access it could be private networks could be public networks you could have them check the box before they click but I'm just gonna click on allow access it's gonna take just a second and then we can go back and now we can see their desktop just like before now we've got control so we can click on this thing again I can't click this because I'm not running this in a way that that I can do that let's see if the user can do that for us No so they can't elevate to admin yet oh let's see maybe if they highlight me no still can't elevate to admin so I showed you last time let me go back to where I'm the I'm the support person I have this thing so this only works on Windows by the way and I'll show you in a minute so I can stop them from doing input so they can't do any input okay but they can also stop you from doing input if you haven't done that so I'll show you what's going on so right now I can grab this window and I can move it around and it's a little bit laggy because it's going through a machine that's going to a virtual machine but as the user so I'm back on the user screen here I can I'm the client I can click that box now if I go back to our remote session you'll notice I can't click on this I can click here I can't do anything so they've basically stopped me from having input by unchecking the box by my name so you can invite other people and if you just want to make sure that they're just viewing only and not doing stuff you can uncheck the box so they don't have control over those things so that's pretty nice it's a pretty cool feature I really like that I just wanted to show that real quick but there we go we're connected to them so I'm gonna stay connected to that one now I'm gonna go back and I'm actually going to kind of minimize that I guess you'd say and I'm gonna go and I'm going to download this for Linux so I do the same thing we're going to go to support open-source is awesome calm and again you tell the user go to downloads please and click on the one that says Linux x64 and we're gonna click on that and it's gonna ask if they want to save the file yes and then you can see the download happening up here now it's a little bit different on Linux so we're gonna let that go it's probably running a little slow because I'm running the remote desktop session to the to the other server but yeah it's going three three and a half four megabytes a second so not terribly slow all right so what's that downloads you can have them close the browser and it almost always gonna go to their downloads folder so if you haven't go to their downloads folder if you try to click this right now it's not gonna do anything it's not executable yet so on Linux you have to make a file executable so if you tell them right click on it for me go down to this option that says properties left click its gonna open up to UM go to the permissions tab up at the top look for one that says permissions and then look for a checkbox that says allow executing file they need to check that box and they can just close the permissions now they can double click this program so when you double click it you see it pops up just like before this says failed to connect a server that's ok we're gonna go and change the server so this is where we use this little box you can see I had the old one so I deleted it but I read downloaded it it kept my settings so we're gonna get rid of that or si so port open-source is awesome comm and it couldn't connect my other server because as I told you before I destroyed it so now it's got a new number there's our connection number so let's go back here and let's go to my tab I'm guessing if I open up another window I mean go to remote control ya know and then let's get this number Oh 8 2 2 9 8 7 2 again paying attention it's always helpful there we go now it's prompting me yes I want to do that and then if I go back now I've got control of their Linux machine and on this so on Linux I can click on this button and you'll notice I can still do things so you can't cut off their access on Linux which I way prefer I don't like somebody better to cut me off from - it's tough I don't like the idea that someone else could do that either so just be aware this does not work for a Linux machine some of these things may work some some may not it may be operating system dependent for sure but just be aware that that may be an issue for you if that's something you're wanting to do for some reason I think they can cut you off from accessing with the machine though so let me click this let's see if it does do that so now yeah so they can cut you off huh but you can't cut them off which is that's kind of the way I prefer it honestly the client should always have the final control all right so there you go you can actually bring up two different machines and you can control them it looks like I just turned off access let's find out so we had two machines open and if you have access and the client hasn't cut you off you can control two different machines and two different tabs which is really nice so this is again a great piece of software I also added my wife so that she's an administrator and she can also provide remote support so I'm inviting her and the way that you do that is you you basically click over here and when you click on invite someone you'll see a little message pop up on the web and it says that it's been copied to the clipboard the investment company of the clipboard then you use another system to send them a chat message basically with that link so it copies the link you send it to them so she's now clicked on the link and again you see the prompt that comes up so this is my machine out in my office this is just my web browser so I can drag it down and you can see back here in the background I've got the machine I'm remoted into it back there and they out there in the office so I can I can just minimize that out of the way and then back here is the messages and I sent her a message to have that code so it does not just let them in automatically you still have to allow them in even though you're you're sitting there so I'm gonna just make this big again and we'll click on yes and that should allow her in so now we see that she shows up and I'm on the screen and we can both see each other so now she should better take the mouse and just open something on the screen or drag that window around that is a little bit laggy so it may take a second for it to show up maybe she could open up firefox okay this is my mouse so you can see that she's actually the one taking the actions and she's logged in remotely there and now she's opening up Firefox so I'm gonna bring back up the main screen here so now if I click the little checkbox she should not be able to access anything or click on anything give it a try see if you could enclose something so you can close Firefox there nothing okay so she's not able to do that so I'm gonna I'm gonna recheck the box and now she should be able to close Firefox and there it goes so you can't have multiple people in here doing remote sessions as well with this remotely software so it's really really fantastic so there there you go a little bit more about how this works and how it functions it's a really great software I did try to make some adjustments to try to build this forearm for Linux arms so that I could run it on a Raspberry Pi I've not had any success so far I'm not a dotnet core developer by any means so I'm just kind of going with what I see that the original developer has done and I've tried to do a few bills and I'm getting successful builds I think I have a build where I might be I'd actually run the server part on an arm machine but not the client side which is what I'd be interested in really but I think it'd be cool to run the server on a Raspberry Pi for also to see how it performs since it's like a five dollar droplet on digitalocean so I'll keep working on that and if I do I'll make an update video about that but I hope you like remotely I think this is a really really cool project if you like this video like subscribe let me know how I can improve in the future and otherwise I'll talk to you next time [Music]
Channel: Awesome Open Source
Views: 44,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anydesk, Teamviewer, GoToAssist, GoToMEeting, Zoom, WebEx, GoToMyPC, RemotePC, LogMeIn, Connectwise, Paralleles, Remote Desktop, RDP, RDM, RMM, Help, Support, Assistance, Tech Support, Tech, Computer, open, source, opensource, open-source, self, hosted, selfhosted, self-hosted, free, libre, software, server, web, internet, browser, linux, mac, macos, os x, windows, microsoft, unix, bsd, ios, android, pi, raspberry, desktop, digital, ocean, digitalocean, vps, tutorial, how to, setup, installation, instructions, interface
Id: Di6rjp8yLPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 25sec (2665 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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