NFL VIRAL Plays that Broke the Internet (2020)

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Turned it off when i saw the first clip.

Fellow Bills fans, dont watch.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/imsabbath84 📅︎︎ Dec 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ummm by my count that is 20

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheDeadpooI 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
murray out of the pocket seven seconds six seconds it is [Applause] and deandre hopkins is the man who comes away with it he went over the top of tridaevius white jordan boyer came in late he's got micah hyde on his back with six different receivers and this time [Applause] [Music] intended for carson wilson lofted it we talked about we hadn't mentioned baker's name tonight on a defensive play there he is look at what happens they're all right there they come snapped to the line of scrimmage to try and get it off quickly so that he got confused on the defensive side buddha baker did not but watch the play here by dk metcalf he is flying down the field baker thinks he's going to walk into the end zone and metcalf just refused to let it go this it was unbelievable how much ground he made up that had to be 10 yards on a very fast boot of baker and he just tracked it down [Applause] josh orman norman could reconsider whether or not he wanted to play again there are fouls by both teams on the play offside number 90 defense holding number 60 offense those fouls offset replay second down well that's a shame but it was still fun to watch when you come in against eric henry you better go low do not stand up with that man and let him just throw you out of the club what's the reaction from the sideline well listen to the crowd it's not a big crowd but they're fired up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] looked like he would have it for the touchdown could not fall it in so whatever happened to hill on the prior couple of plays ago he's fine he uses that speed gets out in front and just can't hold it in that's the second one well did he look at this wait a second well it's bobbled does it hit the ground hits his look at [Applause] think they could have this it if they hadn't seen it but they don't and it's fair caught at the 10 yard line by kj hamlin and the cr the craft sees that and goes oh my god we think they could have challenged thatcher can pull a trick out [Music] it's a 34-yard gain and there's a flag down likely for a face mask and you're playing cover two you've been playing it all night long see the you see the face mask right there but you're playing cover two situational football did we not just talk about that if you're the corner don't worry about if they throw a flat in front of you you've got to drop back and play south roughing the passer by grabbing the face mask defense this 15-yard penalty will be added to the end of the play first down matt collins with the long reception then arden key called for the face mass and disaster has struck for the raiders you're going to see there's the cover two corner fall with him don't let him get over the top he forced them to throw it underneath allowing him to get behind you and give up a big play and ironically enough robinson who has the touchdown for chicago he's good for five and let's check in oh now we got a fight they are going at it [Applause] jenkins with cj gardner johnson involved as well and that was uh that was real yeah and i think they're gonna get whims i mean i i think when the flag came out they caught whims he's bouncing around as though he's gonna that the flag is gonna be on the saints i'm not so sure this happened well after the play i mean it's over the play's over whoa [Applause] i don't even know what that was about there's third and ten brady has to step [Applause] up and a flag flies in he threw the ball it was batted he caught it and then he threw it again you can't do that i don't have to check with john perry on that one can't have two forward passes but then he completed it this was amazing you just said you're gonna see him right here right here on your screen you see he's going to mike evans right in between the hatch and the numbers that's crazy nice job right there by terrell lewis of getting his hands up terrell lewis is a big boy now he's six foot five and then when he jumps he hits him in the bicep that's how high he's up in the air [Applause] from the 12 jones capes gets a block takes off and he is gone trying to stay upright he trips absolutely all alone and he trips going to the end zone and ends up carrying it as it is here's some pressure from the bengals roethlisberger juju smith schuster is blown up and the whistles blow is an incomplete pass fourth down von bell not messing around i'm telling you look these safeties these defensive backs they have come to play tonight von bell saw this coming the whole way he saw the crossing route juju smith schuster makes a living doing it just watch him here just watching just kind of hang there playing like a one lurk and watch him just come downhill boom it's perfect he does it perfectly he knows it's coming to him he knows juju likes to run those shallow crossers timeouts zeroline a little square but it's got to go 10 yards and it's close sirloin may have come through who's got it they could have picked it up and ended the game but dallas has recovered and they're not done yet oh my goodness and they're only down two let's see you don't have to wait for it to go 10 yards you can attack it right there somebody could have came in and got it you're just watching it go mountain year before last year it was hawk throwing a touchdown to sanders what are they gonna do here sanders [Applause] brady broken up incomplete and the chicago bears are going to take over deandre houston carson was there for chicago i don't know brady i think he the way brady reacted and hold up his fort i think he thought it was third down [Applause] brady's still standing out there but that's fourth down and it's chicago's ball and that's the end of the night and there may be some confusion out on the field he is a tough tough runner when he's in the backfield on loads pass is caught and then a big hit delivered on conway [Applause] nope henry henry breaking free 20 25 off to the races they may not catch him they won't catch him touchdown tennessee line up for the field goal here todd gurley should not score a touchdown he should not and they told him to he broke the plane didn't he instead todd gurley accidentally scores the touchdown the whole deal all out there in wisconsin there's nick storley firing a chance for the run by hollywood brown coming back inside the 20 a good move and he will score so the ravens stay very much in this as mcsorley throws his first nfl touchdown hail back he's got five rushing touchdowns and now tied for the most all time [Applause] the hall of famer ernie never is the only other in nfl history to do it and that happened in 1929 alvin kamara with six rushing touchdowns here today on christmas is questionable the backup trace mcsorley was over here warming up he is now in the game under jackson trying to throw forward and he's got it marquis brown hangs on to the football and scores near red zone for the colts rivers he's got heinz that against the jets last week third and eight carr looking for it all the rainbow [Applause] interception by kenny moore fantastic defensive play waller the intended target and this time moore wins the battle so last week he snatches one from brandon cooks of houston for an interception this time he goes with a one-handed catch that has been made famous by these receivers in the league and more play action pressure coming from jeff gladney the throw is away off of the ricochet and into the arms of lavish jefferson who beats the second defensive back and look at the rookie just going in dancing into the end zone there for a 71. you
Channel: Highlight Heaven
Views: 3,283,325
Rating: 4.9215074 out of 5
Keywords: Highlights, Highlight Heaven, nfl highlights, highlight, nfl, national football league, highlight heaven beat
Id: kwUcalNTDZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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