NFL The Rise Of Josh Allen (Documentary)

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buffalo bills select josh allen i think impossible is a word that has really no definition impossible is just limits that we have set within either ourselves or our society probably not what you think of it's extremely flat and there's a lot of farming out there and no i don't surf and i don't see all these celebrities every day we're a farm town people here work really hard but we're super proud of being an agricultural town we're in the middle of the most productive farmland on planet earth my dad needed help weeding cotton fields driving the tractor and moving irrigation pipe any chance that we were free we were out here working and helping him seeing my dad wake up before sunrise and come home after sunset on a lot of days welcome to firewall california we're a small community just 45 minutes west of fresno we have seen the ups and the downs that we have never wavered this dedication has been passed down to our children me and my brother during the summer we were either playing baseball or we were you know moving irrigation pipe and 105 degree weather going out in the cotton fields and you know picking the weeds out definitely instilled a strong work ethic in myself that's kind of what helped develop his character and his strong will nothing's going to be given to you or going to have to earn your way in life and that's kind of what i tried to instill in josh while we lived far from a major city that didn't mean our children were bored josh played every sport known to man from pop warner to swimming there wasn't an activity josh didn't try but football was really his passion on sundays 10 o'clock we'd go to church and i wanted to get out of church as fast as possible so we can listen to the 49ers on our way home and eventually when we got home turn it on i saw him you know as a youngster and i said that guy's going to be our quarterback when he he would succeed it was a huge celebration and when he didn't i saw the competitor and then i looked at the other kids and they're all looking at him and they didn't want to let him down and i saw the leader that was going to lead us [Music] we weren't the only ones who believed in him the whole community did the stands were probably full almost every night he played because they always had a chance to win you know and everybody knew it i mean you're talking people couldn't even find a place to stay there at the stadium you know they made i heard a lot of money just off of coffee because how much people showed up when he played people weren't even early they didn't leave the game in the third quarter flew down 14-0 they knew it was gonna happen it was coming they were coming back during his final year of high school josh threw the more than 3 000 yards but didn't receive a single division one scholarship offer no colleges really came out and took the time to visit and i knew that you know i belonged on a division one football team [Music] everybody had their expectations of where he was going you know and that he was going to go big right away you know and fast and this wasn't what we expected he was bummed out and i said what do we control we don't control them we control us so with a leap of faith josh decided to go to a junior college only a little more than an hour east of our home we knew he was a big kid with a strong arm others didn't see the potential i believe that some of the guys on the staff saw my goal was to obtain a division one scholarship and i told myself i wasn't going to be denied josh threw 26 touchdowns that year and finally the division one coach was ready to talk to him we had opportunities to move to larger towns expose the kids to a larger school but i've always been a firm believer you bloom where you planted my brother's been there with me the whole time throughout our lives you know we were very competitive he pretty much did everything first always having someone next to you having that brother never really was in that position growing up knowing that i had to do something alone they did everything together i mean even when jason turned 16 got his license he still wanted his brother josh to drive him to school obviously i wanted to be better than him we definitely tried to push each other and make each other the best athlete as possible i'm not saying that we didn't fight in high school we actually had a really bad skirmish where you know i don't know if i should go into it but you should totally get it we were it was after basketball practice one day it was just a pickup game i intentionally felt him because it was game point and i wrapped my arms around him so he didn't have the easy layup then i went down on the court and i hit a three in his face he followed me the next play i threw the ball at him he charged me i charged him then he came and punched me and threw a punch and i landed it connected gave him a black eye i got in my car and i left him there you know he left me at the school it's 15 miles out of town and someone had to give me a ride home my mom called me and was like oh your brother's headed out and i was like oh well they'll get over it they're best friends they'll hug it out they drove and they pushed each other yet at the end of the day they were best buddies it was me and him against the world we pushed each other to try to be the best josh took his lumps you know he came into high school and he wasn't a very very big boy he came in here maybe 130 pounds maybe 5 10 5 11 is freshman year when you're not very big and your tape's not extremely impressive college coaches aren't going to look at it fresno state they're always known for getting local talent keeping talent in the valley we went over and watched fresno state do spring football and i said you know what do you think these guys a lot better than you they see me he goes coach i i could be better i know i can says dad this this just feels right you know i want to be a bulldog it got to the point where he was emailing coaches just give me a look i think i could do something this was my junior year you know i'd been talking to a couple coaches from that school and you know i didn't know what their plan was with me the recruit coordinator from fresno state just straight out told me he's small went to a camp there was a few quarterbacks there and they separated the quarterbacks who i thought were the better group and they put them on this field and i kind of stayed back with the other group and i was extremely mad i really wanted to be on that field with the guys who they thought were the better guys couldn't even focus on playing football at that moment his hometown team that he rooted for forever passed him up being overlooked obviously it hurt josh to the core because he knew he could compete with the best of them so josh's senior year he was on a mission the goal was to obtain a scholarship i was going to do anything that i could to get a scholarship offer i was emailing every coach that i could just trying to get them to see my film still nothing was coming in i know we're from a small town and we knew that our talent was small town talent you know we're in a d5 school he will sit in there and get hit and get hit and get hit knock down get up and throw the ball he developed the toughness coaches just never thought of a kid coming from fireball the school has never produced anybody they didn't realize that if they're going to judge something judge is hard this wasn't going to be the end for me because i wasn't allowed to be the end for me when someone says it's impossible i think it makes us work to try to get that thing done it was kind of a slap in the face eventually took the junior college route got in there and worked extremely hard actually found a weight room and put on about 20 pounds it was the only thing that i wanted to do i'm focused completely on lifting weights playing football how bad you want it is how hard you're going to work colleges still weren't rolling around and throwing out offers at me i ended up having one offer and i was to the university of wyoming coach bowl came out to our house and he looked us square in the eyes and said my offensive coordinator has been all around the country and there's only one quarterback that we want and that's your son your son is going to be the face of our program in my mind i was like finally somebody sees something in me it's going to give me an opportunity to really showcase the type of player i am the night before he just looked at me and i said dad i've never been more ready or prepared for something in my entire life he just had that look in his eye and i go son you're gonna knock it out of the park tomorrow so smooth yeah so smooth marched him down the field and he was just getting better with every play and then he took off on that 28-yard run and collided with the offensive back and hit him just right you're watching that game with my best friend who's a nurse and so i thought he had injured his head and she goes nicola he broke his collarbone yeah we're all get up josh get up and he got up and then just fell back to the ground 23 plays in she lowered my shoulder and the safeties kind of busted my collarbone so we didn't know how severe the injury was going to be after that as a family we were hurting and i can only imagine josh's pain that was a tough tough day for me as soon as it started it felt like it was over when they talked about him having a chip on his shoulder he came back with a vengeance wanting to tear up anybody that didn't give him an offer and to come back after an injury to show everybody that he is that football player that they want on the field the revenge tour stepping on the field literally trying to embarrass other teams you didn't offer me and i'm going to come out in this field i'm going to show you why you should have offered me sophomore season you got 90 000 people in the stadium this is something josh always lived for we kind of knew at that moment this pretty much dictated how the rest of the season was going to go we saw some plays from josh the nation saw a place from josh that hate this kid something special i wanted to prove not other people wrong but i wanted to prove me and my family right it's not you versus the world it's firewall versus the world people get caught up in the nfl hype this guy can throw a ball this far this guy won the elite 11. what they didn't look at was this guy wants to compete every day watching my son with a packed house right before the game getting the crowd involved and just it's like that never gets old i mean you just look at that's my son and i think there's a lot of things that the nfl can evaluate they cannot evaluate a person's passion he's just passionate about the game he wasn't on anybody's radar but you know the first time we saw him we saw athleticism we saw some skills that could be developed and then i flew in and i remember coming in and looked at josh in the eye and said hey i've covered the country you're the quarterback that's going to lead us to greatness and you're the guy we want as coach bowles spoke to us i started to cry [Music] this was the moment we had all been waiting for our son was going to play division 1 football i think deep down outside josh was like a little boy that you know finally realizes his dream is going to come true and at that moment it was it was a special moment not just for me and josh but for the whole family last year is when all the excitement started just through over 3 000 yards and 28 touchdowns the season was magical i was out to prove every team that you messed up [Music] hollister touchdown every time i stepped on the field you know i saw red i saw blood and i wanted to go attack he did some remarkable things that i turned to our offensive coordinator said did i just see that we didn't get wyoming games around here anywhere and now everybody's looking to try to figure out how they can get a wyoming game on their television touchdown thinking back to the days on the farm the work ethic that was instilled in josh we shouldn't be too surprised one day he's going to be an nfl quarterback he's made the town work a little harder now i think he's made the children of fireball see that there is a light a lot of them want to go that extra mile now you know they're like wow somebody from farmville made it you know that could be us we could do it ultimately it's the mindset that you have to have everything that's happened to me has you know helped me you know be the person in the quarterback i am today how is it possible that yahoo found this and 32 nfl teams who have been scouring this guy's entire life for the last five months or whatever it has been did not that that's one piece of this that i just find curious the second piece is this is a draft not only where there are a lot of teams that need quarterbacks there are a lot of quarterbacks and so i have to believe that they are breaking ties somewhere along the way you're breaking a tie between sam darnold and josh allen between josh rosen and josh allen between baker mayfield and josh allen and this then becomes something that goes into an equation that could i could see making someone change their mind i was this close on these two guys all of a sudden i got to deal with this i'll go the other way we'll never know if cleveland doesn't take him tonight they won't come out and say we were going to take josh we begin with josh allen's racially insensitive tweets from high school which surfaced last night where he used the n-word and phrases like white is right he has since apologized stephen a you spoke to him directly late last night what's your take on this josh allen called me after two o'clock in the morning he wanted to talk to me about it he wanted to explain uh he was uh tremendously contrite he was apologetic he recognized that it was irresponsible for him to do the things that he did he attributed obviously largely to youth him and his friends were playing around making toy you know saying stuff like this uh the quote that he got he said one of them was from the show modern family if it ain't white it ain't right phil dunphy the character on the on on the modern family he said that he actually said they actually sent it to me where it's true that's what was said on the show modern family if it ain't white it ain't right there was an episode on there and that's what he was quoting and another quote with uh scheming or whatever it was he got that from rick ross and so his whole point was that there's no excuse uh he was wrong he realizes the times that we're living in incredibly unfortunate uh that he made that kind of mistake but he said it is a mistake people who know him know what he's made of people that he plays with in the locker room you know he's got a lot of friends that he loves and loves him back and they know that this is an indicative of his character but nevertheless he was incredibly apologetic because he said at this particular moment on the eve of the draft this is an incredibly bad look he recognizes that and that he wanted to take an opportunity to apologize to everybody out there for putting himself in this position and saying the foolishness that he said he's got him touchdown there's not much in fireball california fireball is kind of the middle of nowhere you know it's got one stoplight and as for high school football nobody gets recruited out of fireball but that didn't stop ernie rodriguez from driving there in the fall of 2014 much to the displeasure of his wife she goes why the hell are you going to fireball i said there's kid there's this kid out there that kid was zero star recruit josh allen well there's two stoplights so i'm gonna have to check him on that one rodriguez was the offensive coordinator at really junior college which is about an hour east of fireball he was like one guy that believed in me and one guy that truly wanted me to come play for him even though allen originally didn't want to go to junior college and then didn't even start once he got there it was very hard it kind of humbled me like you got to be patient i know it sucks i've been through this but let that be something that drives you and motivates you and it sure as heck did alan only started six games at really but the two built a bond i was just hoping that we would have them more than one semester but the rest is history josh allen steps up zips it deep for the touchdown the buffalo bills select josh allen but last year the two crossed paths once again it's almost like it was written for a movie you know what i'm saying on a cold december night in pittsburgh i mean i get the chills thinking about it now that kid led the bills over the steelers and clinched a playoff break when i decided to go run the run the stadium and i'm high fiving looking down looking down and the one time i look up i was like no freaking way yeah in a sea of bills mafia allen found the coach that found him in the middle of nowhere i went back and gave him a big old hug and handed him my towel the next day allen realized that moment was too good not to share and i'm trying to type out this instagram i got tears flowing down my face like i just didn't know what to say how to say it like just understanding that you know three years prior or four years prior here i was with this guy in junior college i was just glad that you know i could be a part of this journey i'm deeply in debt to him for the rest of my life in debt to him for driving to the middle of nowhere and finding him in fireball reporting in rochester dan fates 13 wham sports this one matters even more doesn't it the home opener the archer park debut of the 2019 buffalo bills this one matters a great deal this is one the bills absolutely have to get hey one play at a time huh play for each other love y'all hey enjoy it today control the emotion it's going to be live but we going to make it even louder here we go win on three one two three baby need some shoes let's go boys game now game two we got one goal that can win you shoot i shoot with you here we go win on three one two three let's go let's go come on come on come on fires down the far sideline and it is caught all the way down to the bengals 39 yard line they bring them down there oh thanks man thanks man thank you thank you josh gonna throw it looks fires into the end zone caught touchdown dawson knox touchdown buffalo [Applause] golf two going for two and allen runs to his right looks to his right throws to his right clock they got it cole beezy converts the two points but wait a minute there's a flag on this play picking it up picking it up [Applause] up on the ball our ball our ball our ball let's go now the snap don't gonna throw it four man rush his past left side is intercepted it is picked off by trinavius what [Applause] that's on me star you're good you're good thank you i love you like a little brother but that's on us you hear me yeah i mean let that meat one thing i know about you is you ain't me kind of guy when you're doing great so don't be a meat kind of guy if you do something bad it's all up we're good let's go wherever so they don't want to play today you can do this i believe in you put it together here fellas come on now let's go find one like that josh looks left fires left got a man wide open it is caught by dawson knox out of midfield on the run gets past one man trying to get past another man pulls him down and he is finally knocked out of bounds at the cincinnati 24-yard line dawson knox game on the line allen under center takes it turns gore driving forward into the end zone touchdown touchdown touchdown buffalo frank gore let's go [Applause] that's pretty loud 21 seconds left bill's up by for the snap don't gonna throw it fires it is tipped it is intercepted intercepted at the 10-yard line by the bills intercepted by trenavius white and that should do it whoa hey victory on one victory on one [Applause] [Music] place tomorrow for under control all right hey brother the feds are hot i'm miked up let's go come on i don't know what to do with my hands yeah i do come on that's my favorite color all right brilliant red alternate uniforms i love these jerseys mark red tops and bottoms we're gonna get a handstand yes sir good run [Applause] first down at the 47. he's going to throw it again he's going to throw it deep looking for foster down the middle of the field and it is incomplete but a flag goes down two flags down this one at the two yard line oh thank you find the end zone here fellas here's the snap allen looks into the end zone plenty of time scans the end zone now he his arm runs to his right he may keep it himself ellen at the five into the end zone he goes touchdown touchdown josh allen does it yet again touchdown buffalo hey hello drive right there hell of a drive everybody good job baby be great fellas just be great love y'all boys i wouldn't want to be anywhere else on i mean why am i crying in the club right now okay we're good we got we're playing that time keep running hard three five hey up front let's be strong now go running keith go running here's the snap allen takes a look standing in the pocket fires it downfield looking for foster makes the catch at the five heading into the end zone and he is in touchdown 42 yards let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go buffalo come on let's go all the flags are moving different ways some are still come on wind come on win pick it up raiders kick is on the way long enough and it is no good it is no good he missed it to the right side hey be ready for any situation right we get the ball back it's a four minute situation we run the ball out game over we're down by two we gotta go kick a field goal we gotta score a touchdown let's go yeah be aware for two minutes the crowd on its feet trying to help the bill come on blows this off a one-point buffalo lead the snap stafford looks to his right fires that way bought by the tight end toy lolo knocked down right away by jordan boyer what a tackle hey we ended on this it's our drive allen takes the snap gonna throw it fires it downfield looking for jason groom and crew makes a spectacular catch and he is brought down let's go i'm gonna get it give me a push push me in push me come on come on let's go we're going victory on one victory on one let's go congratulations good job
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Keywords: josh allen, josh allen bills, josh allen highlights, josh allen nfl, josh allen td, josh allen mix, josh allen interview, josh allen buffalo bills, josh allen arm, josh allen hurdle, josh allen stiff arm, josh allen arm strength, josh allen bills highlights, josh allen qb, josh allen run, nfl josh allen, josh allen hype, josh allen 2019, josh allen 2020, josh allen 2018, josh allen draft, josh allen 49ers, josh allen story, josh allen facts, josh allen family
Id: sRH1goEvG1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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