NFL "THE PLAY IS STILL LIVE!" Moments || HD Part 2

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[Music] [Music] Barnhart could not pull it up short of the end zone I think the way the returns have been going in this game I'd just as soon wait a minute what's going on out here stay down the ball that this is going to be a touchdown that is one of the most unbelievable plays I've ever seen they've never downed the ball it was sitting in the end zone and the Rams picked it up and scored [Applause] if the PA man says apparently it's a touchdown for the Rams I mean he's really heads-up football by Bailey I guarantee you he was the only one on the field that knew what was going on Bailey's 28 look at the bounce that's a resume nobody look at this watch look at this nobody is even looking at it Barnhardt's walk it off he unsnaps his helmet you see the officials going by they were the only ones with him maybe a couple Rams pass last week it's ball foul on first down hitting across the 30 he's saying wasn't down level still going to the end zone review the ruling on the field stands [Applause] discappointy speed and sackers stop to avoid this angle here receivers in the running back in the game over the middle nice catch at the 30-yard line bye Harrison doesn't feel he's been touched on his way to the endzone Marvin Harris he catches it is he touched no he is not you can see the Broncos are all talking to each other into that Decker Fitzpatrick Tennessee flows and there's no signal and so instead he can run away the end zone of the fumbling girl Thomas and his head was gone [Applause] they're saying this play is live there waiting for somebody to do something that's Boykin he's going to go into a touchdown Boykin got on top of it and finally took it in with it but Boykin for a moment there he was just gonna give up and his sideline is screaming at him to take off and he goes into the end zone for the touchdown I'm offensively as well now let's go burns is a real nice player of the wide receiver but you know what showboat later will you please he's not touched here and so hey I made a great net guess what it's a live fall ridiculous Danny Clark of the Jaguars picked it up it's a fumble and he returns it to the Steeler 27 now you can see what happened birds wouldn't touch I know he thought he was but you just don't do this not there just don't do it you feel you hold on to the football at all cost until you hear the whistle there is that a live ball I heard a whistle yet and ruling on the field as if it was a fumble [Music]
Channel: Ding Productions
Views: 10,630,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nfl the play is still live, nfl the ball is live, nfl the play isnt over, nfl the play is alive, nfl the ball is alive
Id: nouDTtZ7o-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 28sec (268 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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