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and new orleans now looking to run this out four minutes to go camaro in the game right field position at the 33 here's alvin kamara and somehow sneaks through everyone and he's going to pick up three yards and a penalty flag the sideline looked like true font and thomas were drawing at each other i think they did a little more a little more than talk about it down there kevin i think that they get at it a little bit see thomas number 13 we're against troupe they're getting at each other pretty well number 13 defense first of all offense penalties were off set second down off of the kansas city this offense is way too dangerous you can go bang at any moment other guys start up after the play 11 yard gain on the run and we could have an ejection here because punches are being thrown there comes another flag you know brandon flowers just got a contract extension that's him and calvin johnson i believe getting in that little tussle and i'm not sure if calvin titus young didn't throw a punch there the rookie ripping off the helmet coming on the right side of the screen there's flowers 24 going at it with titus young now there's the ripping off the helmet [Applause] and the ripping of the jersey [Applause] and they called that unkar the 39 coming in with the shot afterwards quarterback position that castle can't do anything it seems to get them that big play or any continuity third and seventh newton being rushed he throws it batted down the flag in the backfield newton was taken down by jared allen and after the whistle downfield steve smith involved he's always involved in rhodes see what happened in that matchup well obviously up here is where they're pushing the shove and he's got him right now and obviously a dead play and just that little grab at the end steve smith and this back and forth there again it's it's it's the retaliation i don't know who started that but the guy and now once it devolves to this level i don't know that there should be a penalty on both the guys five free ones make it a much more manageable third and five adjusting the protection at the line of scrimmage as rivers drops back the pocket collapses he hangs in there and gets gates for a first down close to the 30-yard a little pushing and line with mike adams and gates throwing haymakers here and flags come down both ways adams was pulling out the ball gates didn't like it and they went after each other right away as adam's helmet was ripped off in the fracas jason runs a lot of crossing routes this time he whips it back to the outside gets the first hand over marshall foul i number 20 of the defense 15 yards and at the end of the play automatic first down atlanta the tennessee titans they play a 43 defense dixon hit the back and it's incomplete of the tight end miller and look at this right off the bat going up against ward oh my goodness the bodies the flags the whistles and the ensuing melee well you know what this is what we don't need and you know all they were trying to do is just make sure that if the ball had been thrown behind the line of scrimmage i think heinz was trying to prevent the guy from running for a touchdown and then this is just that little bubble screen over to the right trying to get it to hinds where it hits a player in the helm and and hits the ground and i think look at that jason babin gets it but he slams the ball into the head of heinz ward who's just trying to make sure he wasn't returned absolutely finnegan jumped in there what did cortland finnegan tell us because last year in sports illustrated issue of the dirtiest player in the nfl heinz ward was number one courtney finnegan was number six he says i'm trying to win that number one spot he's doing a good job of it here but that's not something that we want to see in the national football league they got to stay in this defensively that's what happens when started with andrew whitworth and lamar houston because of a questionable late hit on andy dalton and that yeah and that's and i'll tell you what you do not want to be at the bottom of that now they're trying to get cooler heads to prevail and the officials can do whatever they want but now you got dennis allen out there the head coach is on the field trying to help and there's some tommy kelly there with his helmet off [Applause] and the officials can do they want but it really takes players to pull those things apart the officials can't get that done you've got to let the core heads of the players pull those guys apart [Applause] well here's what happened at the end of it the whistles are blow it was a late whistle that before the snap and and lamar houston takes him down that wasn't flagrant but andrew whitworth who's on the left tackle didn't like it and he comes over and gets after him and that's where that's where it goes south very quickly and they'll be i mean the league will be dissecting every inch of film available to them to start levying film fines and suspensions if if it's deemed necessary but this let's face it this play [Applause] was inspired by the play before with the turnover that didn't happen a 17 point lead by the bengals which should have been 10 in a heartbeat now goes back to 17 with the ball still in the bengals hand with a chance to extend that drive and there's some frustration seven carries 28 yards and then some more brian peters makes the tackle after a gate of nine oh man we've got some pushing between jonathan joseph and t.y hilton and joseph actually took a swing joseph will get ejected for that i believe look at that swing at him even if you don't make contact well he did whiff thankfully you disqualify yourself and take a swipe at a guy whether you get him or not well see that's to me that you gotta take those guys out yeah both of them they should both and another fight breaking out at about the 25-yard line and another fight marquette king on fourth and 24. that ball was skipped back to him i know all this fighting stuff's going on i want to talk about that i want to talk about marquette king the ball skipped back to him for jacksonville as the rookie cornerback jaylen ramsey miami has three rushing touchdowns the entire season here's landry and he's in touchdown miami oh now extra curricular in the black squad landry went in there late and it looked like he headbutted one of the buffalo bills leonard johnson and landry mixed it up two weeks ago with buffalo bunch both involved in this skirmish sean mcdermott on the field trying to get his players to separate kenyan drake just threw a bill's helmet across the field not good this is ugly in south florida [Applause] we're going to have possibly some ejections after this because that was quite the skirmish after it was over because he's close and the buffalo bills are trying to knock him backwards which is okay let's see when he goes in there and headbutts foyer that kind of really gets it restarted and then takes a jab out and then kenyon drake just inexcusable to do this i believe that's ryan davis's helmet and any chance of a buccaneer miracle comeback would go by the boards if they don't get the first down here they pass it out and it is incomplete and it was deflected intended for williams ray edwards got a hand on it and now they have to separate the players again delivers a shot at dante robinson and another flag goes down [Applause] [Applause] now the atlanta falcons are a team that headed for the playoffs get tangled up at the end of this play oh preston parker didn't like that dante took a shot on him he threw a left hook at him like you said dick it's always the second and third punches that get seen and all penn is doing is protecting parker and he maybe went a little far protecting parker but he's protecting him [Applause] rogers adams the rookie is wrapped up by moore short of the first down and now they're gonna throw a flag tj lang is in the middle of it [Applause] going on the cowboys are signaling right now that it's going to go against the packers joe tj lang came flying in and laid a hit on nick hayden for leonard fournette but what a run we're going to get there a series of incidents and now we got a wrestling match here comes a flag and another one they've been pushing and shoving all day there's a few more flags [Applause] and a hat goes in the air remember the comment about the bully on the block and the guy that wants to stand up to the bully well jacksonville's defense wanted to show seattle and the team that they were one of the teams one of the defenses that need to be reckoned with here's sheldon richardson right here over the top and you know what i'll yeah that right there michael bennett rolling into brandon linder that's what started everything right there then it comes back and hits him again so i'll tell you what right now this tape is going to be reviewed by the nfl they didn't get michael bennett out of the game opponent on the field there's no there's no place in this game for that and that's leonard fournette he saw that happen so he comes over to [Applause] seahawks with one timeout there's still here comes another flag stereotor and his crew just do not want this or they might throw more people out of this game and the fans are now booing sportsmanship you got to have that hold up no matter what through the entire game and i thought he might have been coming out as a peacemaker if they thought that they would not have penalized him but they did anyway and now there's a jacksonville fan going at jefferson and you don't want to get their security there you don't want them to get involved now he's been ejected he should be headed to the to the locker room and they need to get somebody from the seattle staff to walk quinton jefferson into the locker room and look somebody threw something at him from the stands and it landed on security needs security needs to take care of this to make sure fans should not throw things those fans will over the last 12 pointers coming into the game 2 18 to go the giants have two timeouts remaining beckham got a block got a couple of them and this may be a flag and then a kick by beckham tell you this game's got a chance to get ugly it might get ugly right now it is getting ugly right now you can see this coming from a long time ago [Applause] we've had a kicker kicked somebody in the face we've had a couple of late hits out of bounds that one a very late hit out of bounds by alec ogletree and odell beckham jr didn't like it at all for whether he was going to get off to the block although this will be third and ten wagon la fell in motion bottom of your picture newton except desmond bryant got there first for the raiders and now newton doesn't appreciate the celebration right in front of him well i think the raiders might get called for the initial penalty because they were celebrating over the top of cam newton and the panthers did not appreciate that you saw how quickly the panthers came to the defense of newton well when we look at this again which we will dennis allen tell him to keep their cool this has been the trademark of the raiders for many many years losing their composure making good plays then completely throw them away by making dumb penalties if that's what this call is in the culture of this organization you see the sack they make the nice play and then watch what happens here they get up they start celebrating and taunting and then right there cam did kick him uh reacted back to tommy kelly but watch the push right here at the end of the play right there and i i you know tommy kelly yeah [Applause] yard line of the giants and that should take us to the end of the third quarter now some extracurricular activity there's that emotion that passion that pierre garcon plays with and now we've got one of these situations where the pile has gotten out of control we've got players coming off the bench for washington back into this mix you don't need to do that it's a good way to get yourself fine in a penalty a couple of flags have been thrown down now one of the points of emphasis this season as the official has helped back up the umpire andre wash where garcon plays with emotion but here he comes right here into the top and that's where everything starts after the play was over there are fouls by both teams on the play personal foul number 71 offense personal foul defense it's corey littleton and now on the field we've got all kinds of stuff going on as the officials try to get in between two of the players that's devonta freeman sam frankly not a major surprise and here's why you got a very frustrated atlanta falcons team lost four in a row coming into this thing and devonta freeman had words that's where the whole thing began and then it started to escalate from there and i guarantee there's a ton of frustration in there aaron donald probably let him know how it felt that we were kicking your behind today devonte freeman wanted to retaliate and off we go and then of course everyone else got involved we'll see if we get the objections here but when you've lost foreigner rose sam i'm not surprised at all the frustration level in atlanta has to be at an all-time high and i just think maybe right there maybe they're going to get devonta freeman throwing a punch and that's where it really got dangerous with both teams out on the field this this was not the bullpens coming in in baseball where they come in and find a dance partner and then stand off to the side a few [Applause] with his hands right around his ankles oh we have a fight on the other side look at this after crabtree helmets being thrown to leave grabbed it off referee is down and look at holding on to his ribs that started with the block that was crabtree on a keep to leap remember there's some history between these two guys and i think that's really where the fight started crabtree actually blocks them look at that we have another one right here look at this oh this is crazy because now you're gonna get ejected from the game i mean this is just selfish when your own self-interest are more important than the team then you put yourself and your team at risk and that's just that's terrible you just can't do it bring it in half and then moments ago here's what happened yeah i think this look watch watch this block look and it doesn't stop there wow i mean you just knew that this was going to happen and that's that's all on crabtree right there and then of course talib he retaliates and then you've got lyman in there and this is just out of control and now the the officials are going to try and decipher what happened watch this wow they both took us look at that yep and the official i think the first one he got inside the yeah grill up to lead with that hit right one here so far 7-3 pittsburgh in front wallace berger swings it to the outside heath miller it turns into a catch and run of 18 yards for miller and a scrum after the play was whistled dead tony currante right in the middle of it trying to separate the steelers and the raiders and roethlisberger saying it's going to be against the raiders for personal foul and here comes the march off and there's no flags are thrown yeah this is a pretty good one they've got a pretty good death grip on each other nobody's going to give up nobody's going to let go and if you're an official you don't want to be anywhere near this or you're going to lose your whistle that's exactly what happened to tony karente [Applause] quick pass goal line the two-point conversion is there randall cobb once again and this game has officially gone to chippy as penalty markers fly well they're going to get wilkerson for throwing punches and there's a helmet that's being removed more penalty flags [Applause] sheldon richardson walking off the field without his helmet inexplicably you can see him right here he throws the punch and he comes back and he'll throw another one right there and now some extracurricular activity right near yuku's what's going on well listen guys are falling down there's they're on they're on the concrete right now they got pushed in the doors opened up to the ends to the uh to the walkway and there's tony in the purple shirt just to the right of the screen with a bird's eye view watch i'll tell you what carolina didn't back down cam newton started talking a little bit to the defense both of these teams backed each other up sean payton route all the way down to the end zone to see what's going on newton taunting cameron jordan there [Applause] well coleman's got his work cut out for him because there was a lot of stuff going on down here i'm surprised nobody got hurt the door is open to the to the walkway coming down in the end zone it's all concrete these guys all have seven stud shoes on so they were slipping and falling it was actually it was pushed open and we were down in that area tony before the game it's pretty slippery down behind the end zone yeah usually they feel like a rubber mat down for players so they don't have to walk on that concrete because it's like walking on an ice rink like you know about kenny yeah it looked like newton was celebrating in the face of cameron jordan and then number 50 curtis lofton came in and had words with with cam newton and then as mike tolbert and an offensive lineman came in 30 yards and now players have to be separated they're not going to give it up they're still fighting for it [Applause] right paul was high yup there's the flag as now it spills out this could get ugly come on now meantime monkey is still on the turf yeah monk i mean hey let it go now the play is over the whistle is blown and you got those two guys still on the ground don't want to give the ball up levi wallace was the man on the coverage of moncrief as finally they're back under their feet heard of events leonard fournette and shaq lawson have been ejected let's bring in gene steretor from new york gene take us through this first and foremost to play we do have the runner down at the one yard line that's a good ruling not a touchdown now once we have a flag after this play is ruled dead and it is for a non-football related act as this was with the punches that are thrown in that occurring as soon as the official throws a flag for a non-football related act then new york can get involved see who the instigators were in this case they've identified a player from each team and then they can move to eject those players and that is what walt coleman has just announced all right jeep and all his talent is making it work for the ravens today here's their chance at that first down with a minute to go in the quarter running for it and pogamalu and others are there to plug the hole and some late pushing you can see this coming they got ike taylor and michael orr over there i don't know who they're going to flag well there's other pokemons over here too the ravens are trying to hold back a whole bench not allowing anyone to run onto the field [Applause] and there was no flag for any of this just ray rice troy polamalu now watch how this goes and watch the officials trying to break it up they're lucky they didn't get harmed look at them in the pile tony corinthe had to get his finger fingerprint where the ball was opposite side of the field a couple of punches exchanged one per side did they catch both now i don't know why you'd run a oh this is we got some punches thrown it looks like too we'll see if they call anything they're going to look at this replay they're going to have to desean jackson in the middle of this yeah the first thing is in there first thing you do you got to get the quarterback out of the middle of this i used to pretend run over and be like hey and everyone look at me only something negative can happen here if you're tampa bay don't snap this ball here on third and nine flacco lost one up to the end zone picked up by alfred again alford down the sideline and that's the second interception of the day and there are some extra curriculars going down around the five yard line as some guys are getting into it kamal ishmael and steve smith again at steve smith added to the end of the play first down there's a penalty right here you see steve smith attacking the fighting number seven rips off his health 73 is eligible and then when we talked earlier in the two plays earlier he was with troupe looking at loss buffalo has a second and one at the 22-yard line of new york runs into a crowd and gets stacked up sheldon richardson leading the charge for the jets pushing and shoving tempers flaring richie incognito in the middle of it leonard williams was there [Applause] and a flag was thrown so we'll see what the officials saw here and it was not incognito that started this is that shove right there it's always the second guy wood was in there leonard williams trying to throw a forearm a long drive here for the chargers rivers and that pass is incomplete he was looking for malcolm floyd and now there's a fight helmets are off on the field flags fly is andre branch without a helmet for jacksonville king dunlap for the chargers that's a big man right there yeah they called but there's yeah right there you see oh he got his uh that was the retaliation a little bit yeah and king dunlap retaliating as well he didn't get called usually you see it just the opposite the second still alive now after tonight and we got two harbaughs still in the mix and look at this punting it is brady he's going to love this quick kick by the quarterback and we got a skirmish going on here [Music] [Applause] suspended or something happened that could affect their game next week champ bailey was one of the last on the ground robert ayers [Applause] that will start it right there that's on miller in the back of connelly yeah and light said hey what are you doing wow and now waters comes over you got three four of the offensive linemen there for the patriots [Applause] i'll tell you this von miller might have started it but it didn't well no he took a lot of big here it is right here we can see they get into a little chubby man start talking you'll see a little tap here by brown and then a push back by kirkpatrick a few swings and lucky that these guys and a flag first looks like an offside which should give him half the distance and we got sue and another scuffle here a little disagreement well sue must have done something to mallet to upset his offensive lineman oh here we go watch out here comes another one boston howard in this let's see if we can see any punches thrown it looked like somebody did howard not happy [Applause] and mallet is still exchanging words with sue okay there's three fouls on the play all by the defense unimpeded [Applause] accepted half the distance first and goal next time sue gets a salary a little less in it i would think why does he grab his throat i mean that's just you have to have a look [Applause] at five looking for cohen initially and now trabisky running and uh flag is down and a late hit boy what a nasty hit that was on the quarterback who had already given himself up and richard sherman is in there throwing fists cassius marsh coming in to [Applause] break it up so you got a couple of penalties going on here you have the one in the backfield and then you have the late hit on travisky richard sherman over there trading blows with bellamy joshua bellamy wide receiver kyle long they're trying 500 for the month you know he has that zone where he feels like no matter where he lines up he's going to beat the offensive lineman in front of it and then pharaoh cooper's had a bunch of good returns today he's been in the zone two today but that time not much aaron donald all smiles rams dominating hang on hang on tempers flaring before we go to break flags and absolutely this is not surprising this is remember at each other because they are embarrassed right now and not enjoying what's going on you see delano hill taking a few shots there michael thomas is trying to hold on like hey man let's just let this thing go he's taking shots all the way out that's not much poise right there by the rookie out of michigan you know the end of the game last week against jacksonville there leading to this touchdown and a two-point game with 5 42 to go san francisco trying to rally from behind for the second week in a row seattle trying to hang on and carry momentum into the postseason we were headed to break but hold on a moment he has some shoving and extracurricular with flags flying as well this is what happens at the end of the season you got two teams playing a hard-fought game but going in different directions a lot of frustration on the part of the 49ers and for the seahawks this is a team that is probably frustrated with the way they've performed this year in the sense of not playing the way they're capable of tony karenti getting in there and making sure that is good after the action personal foul unnecessary [Applause] starting d tackle thrown out of the game and frank clark and reed get together the seahawks might be 9-5-1 but there have been times where they've simply looked in disarray this year [Music] frank clark second-year man out of michigan wasn't having any of jaron reid the rookie out of alabama getting tossed from this game and let him know about it and this is some of the things that we've seen from the seahawks sidelines a lot of emotions sometimes fireworks fighting against one another but at the end of the day now that's a negative trip third and five anderson grabs cohen's and brings him down and now some shoving after the play away from the ball and it involves antonio smith and velasco well the guys are going at it against each other helmet comes off because christian helmet came off and i don't think cushing took his own helmet off i think his own teammate it hauled with two seconds because the penalty preceded the calling of the timeout so tennessee will have one timeout remaining it will be first down tennessee see that's harris and antonio smith going in and then now watch cushing comes over now his own teammate his own teammate took the helmet off now you're not allowed to take your own helmet off in the field to play but cushing's trying to explain to the visitor i never took but you're right they're still into this give them credit here he's trying to see something positive as mckissick has it for a short game john johnson the safety is there and now we get a skirmish in the middle of the field and so now second time today we get tempers flaring and we talked about and we talked about this in the first half kevin that my last week issues there's aaron donald he's locked up with the rookie even posik okay donald takes exception to that so there they are going at it down there and now other people are getting involved and dwayne brown and robert quinn exchanging mike number 94 in the rams pulling players off and here's the pitch slayton gets outside and bullet grabs him and brings him down wait a minute melee this is a big this is bad gus flags everywhere a lot of pushing and shoving and you felt it coming [Applause] you felt it coming it's gonna get ugly they got to get guy and here's the problem gus all those guys in there that are trying to make peace are grabbing the other kind of jerseys and that's what happens we'll see what happens slayton gets in keith bullock goes in loses his hat and slayton gets pushed out of bounds and then you know it's been spilling over all day the guys have been getting hit out of bounds yeah and there you see plus randy moss has three catches for just 23 yards andre johnson and cortland finnegan getting into it [Music] handoff for ward on third and eight and ward leaning forward flags come down oh there's punching now matt finnegan and andre johnson going after it both of the helmets were ripped off and we may have even more action oh it's continuing it spills over that's gotten ugly finnegan was mad about the previous play he took a shot right away at andre johnson and now they're going to be tossing andre johnson out of the game for sure he'll get the thumb because he connected on a couple of haymakers on finnegan wouldn't be surprised if finnegan doesn't get an early shower too both out because of this action right here finnegan gets the first shot and gets his helmet knocked off he takes off johnson and now johnson is going to get a couple of good shots in there or bad shots if you will and they're both gone as well they should be [Applause] well you just don't see that in the nfl very often [Applause] that uppercut right there landed johnson has been ejected finnegan has been tossed from the game as well cortland finnegan believed at that point pumps will take off and then throw to smith great use of that mobility and steve smith works the sideline to midfield and he gets up and he kenny vaccaro going color here look out a mess on the raven's sideline bacaro in there without his helmet and a good job of calm by the guys on the raven sideline it could have been an ugly situation and multiple officials pulled vaccaro without the helmet out of the mix wow you want to mess with steve smith does a nice job uncovering when flacco scrambles he makes one saint defender miss and then he and vacaro [Applause] have it out [Applause] keeps it throws it too high and he is picked off they're going to give it to bralen and greyland is down inside the 35. we'll take another look at it as will they penalty flags at the end of the play folz is down injured and a fight breaks out [Applause] the last thing the league needs right now is some brawl along the sideline here in philadelphia and it looks like it's calmed down but we'll look as will they because it's a turnover and what they called an interception by breeland but it looked like he did not secure it before the ball hit the ground meanwhile foles is injured and getting a lot of attention out there at the 30-yard line now while this is going on yeah then you see that they're tending to nick foles to find out the severity of his injury we'll see if there's any ejections that take place based on what just happened but first let's look at the what has been ruled in interception well breeland he forgot he's in the nfl first of all i mean he he goes to make a play on this and the question is whether or not he had it he did not but i think he doesn't get up and running because he didn't catch it that way he turns into joe's tries to show the officials to their benches look at that chris baker at the end of the play lays into nick foles and they now throw three flags down on the field as peters jason peters the left tackle goes right after chris baker after baker does that right there to nick foles and thankfully nick foles is up and looks to be okay now washington's lost there these 15-yard penalties will be enforced here's a reaction by trent williams as he's been ejected so williams is ejected baker is ejected from the washington side peters for the moment is still in the ball game all of that off this but this followed mike pereira what looked to be an incomplete pass even though they ruled it initially an interception well anyone who thinks these two teams are just playing out the string you miss what just happened while we were in commercial a massive brawl broke out in the middle of the field we're gonna get an announcement from john perry and then we'll show you what happened jarrell casey of the titans was right in the middle of it with geno smith but players came off the sidelines and ran to a massive scrum in the middle of the field you can see casey is hot and here's how it started geno smith and casey saying a few words to each other leslie woodyard getting involved and then it looked like somebody shoved geno smith in the head it looked like casey popped him in the face mask and then nick mangold saw casey punch his quarterback and then that's it i mean it's on and you see casey right in the middle of everything and he is he was ready to case is ready to take on the whole jet team by reviewing the play third and 12. allen will run allen's a big body but not big enough to get to the marker he's not going down either blake martinez there defensively came away with a football the play had already been whistled dead and a push there is alan just got shoved by alexander and a flag down yeah a real rookie mistake by jair alexander as he took a shot at the young quarterback flag after they saw the punch so martinez why would you take off your helmet to yell at somebody well you know that that's automatic you can't take off your helmet that's right but watch the punch here well dawkins took a little swing that's what precipitated the reaction from martinez fourth first down by a penalty for tennessee today play fake mario blitz is picked up ronnie's going to tuck it and go wacker [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we might see some objections here hmm sherwin richard sherman and taylor lawn somewhat calmly talking and this was way late mariota getting to the sideline and he's into the white when sherman launches and hits him so it's a good call by the officials but if you ever have any doubt about how people feel about their quarterback look at taylor lawan immediately into the face of richard sherman they're going to take care of marcus mariota and one other thing mariota may be soft-spoken mild-mannered he's as tough as they get and he bounced right up and went right back out onto the field now this member he's already got one unsportsmanlike conduct penalty does an unnecessary roughness become the second one that leads to ejection that's a question there's a lot to sort out i don't envy ron torbert's screw today this is a tough one so far look at the line in there protecting his quarterback taylor lawan is going to be the first one there he is going to be the first one involved to take care of his qb but the rest of the offensive line even the defensive guys got involved see sherman with the hit there now watch out fast people are getting over there to richard sherman jerrell casey number 99 was the first guy there and then lawan got involved let's bring in mike pereira from l.a mike there's a lot to sort out here yeah they've got to sort out you know not only the blade hit out of bounds but what else do on second down it's darren sproles who's got a nice hole in scrolls working his way out to the 44 he's gonna be two yards shy of a first down we've got a fight here on the far side flags flying everywhere jackson was in the middle of it with quentin dunbar there's jackson not only a former eagle but a former [ __ ] as well not only that the first catch of the game was on quentin dunbar and he signaled the big first down and dunbar of course didn't like it as a db so he targeted him going back on the next play and said okay you caught one how you gonna handle the physicality and you know desean jackson doesn't back down from a good conversation ever the growth opportunity for daniel jones well you got to take care of the football the hopes and dreams of the organization are in your hands when you hold that ball third and 13 as he's going to give way to barkley and nowhere to go as jordan lewis was right on top of him we have more administrative business to do and we have another fight breaking out and once again it's will hernandez in the middle of it opposite robert quinn and the helmet is off and big will still charging forward and now others getting involved including mike remembers a starting right tackle you know the cowboy players are tired of will hernandez and they go again it goes back to the play at the end of the third quarter with daniel jones you see quinn and hernandez chunk full of face mask in the hand of robert quinn so john perry if you're clayborn well we're finding out there's a lot of ways to get deep in the nfl most of it is by deception good route running and the patriots are doing it at the wide receiver position extra point by graham is good they won super bowls before moss got there didn't they with branch as a wide receiver think about it today the double moves just the the i don't think the artistry of running routes look at this yeah it's yeah dwayne johnson's still here we'll get him down here and do some wrestling he was pretty good at it but you know detroit don't do it [Applause] you're losing the battle on the field let it go say belichick right on the middle there and imploring his guys to go back to the sideline well you know hey look the game
Channel: Squidward's Clarinet
Views: 2,489,255
Rating: 4.8044095 out of 5
Id: gnYlzcD788Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 58sec (2998 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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