NFL Films: The Man Behind the Men (1968)

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this is nfl action and i'm pat summerall in the sunday wars of pro football there is only one commanding officer the coach he is the master planner the strategist on whose shoulders rest the responsibility of victory or defeat like a finely cut diamond the coach is a man of many facets he is tutor task master and disciplinarian but above all the coach is the driving force that molds 40 men into a single unit with a single purpose uh is there any reward for blocking an extra point self-satisfaction and knowing you're winning a game victory that rare moment when every coach can savor sweet triumph professional football has over 1 000 players but only 26 coaches it takes a special kind of person to become the man behind the men last week bly this week duhon and then uh we hit we'll see one time is a hell of a big play for us all our new guys made big plays for us today yeah and i'm glad we won because if we lost they say how come you don't throw in a home [Applause] [Applause] all right 20 all the way all the way now put it out pick it up come on come on come on come on eddie come on grab those arms eddie come on that's better eddie keep those arms going keep those arms going you don't use those arms you can't run now take off summer camp is a circus and the coach is the ring master everything revolves about him in swirls of color and sound ali sherman is the ringmaster of the new york giants he once said that the most important thing in coaching is to make yourself understood when the giants have a horrible practice ali sherman must make himself understood it is now that he must forge summer's skills into winter's victories put your eyes on your hands that's why those drills were on you put them in there now make sure nail it in you don't get them in these kind of drills it's going to be tougher in the game nail it in nail it in that's too simple eyes into the hand hey bob i know you're aggressive and all but that's why i blew that a little loud and a little strong don't make the club that way i like the i like your style stay with it but let's shoot a little judgment huh we got a we got a little pro ball there i think that uh van horn a pocket recorder tapes sherman's private thoughts about the day's practice recognizing just how far in that defense of rushman um before it pops but you might need a little theory on defense of russia when they become dangerous terrible damn practice that's just about the worst looking field uh pro football field i've ever seen today you better get it up starting with this i don't know whether you're pacing yourself or you're letting this weather get you but it's been just about disgraceful now let's get in here and go you'll be out here for about two hours i guarantee you and this means something teaching every one of you i don't care how much you know about football if you show me you can't hit you don't belong here you better get in here angry both sides and let's go to work now get it up what do you do when you come out on an end run you guards you get out there i don't give two damns where that man standing you work your way into that line of scrimmage inside out well maybe another nine years will do it for you then it's inexcusable for you to miss that you just took it for granted and you look silly i don't like this lack of thinking the hell with how you're moving you better start thinking that was no thinking either on that plate hog doug hey hell he's got him out there almost 10 yards you won't still keep going outside be a football player get out then turn up get hungry for that yardage see that daylight and you get up you get up there that shows a lack of football feel if you do that i warn you boys you get into this scrimmage saturday this way because you work good in your drills you're going to get off this team in a hurry you come out here like you're going to play a money game every day if you're wise i'll tell you that right now and the reason i'm hurrying on is i got too many of you don't ever you waste another play and you lying we're sick and tired of baloney of three or four trials [Applause] what the hell is going on with you today randy if you can't run with authority don't run you're not gonna beat anybody in national league you new backs skittle scattering around like that behind line of scrimmage you see a little something and if it is in there you make one cut and go it might break the tackle that's the way you do it in this league you ain't gonna beat these babies college maybe not here that's lack of thinking we're just what you're doing is running like a trained circus horse showing a coach how nice you can prance hell you better damn well show coach how nice you hit and i saw too many guys today feeling sorry for themselves because the humidity got a little heavy and it's your third day and you begin to feel sad that's okay too you can take your choice of roads but i'm not going to be kicking you and i'm certainly not going to have as i told you yesterday coach is cheerleading here's the third day at different times you've heard of me i'm cutting it off from here on in from here on in you'll know whether you make it or not either either you're packing or you still got a bed that's as simple as that you're not going to beat those other teams unless you get up to where they got up in the same way by being damp tough and arrogant and knowing that you're gonna be the best every day you work out here so don't look for any kicking in a tail or anything like that the shoe either drops or it stays with you all right let's go come on maintaining a balance between home life and profession is difficult for every coach sid gilman of the san diego chargers has a simple philosophy i have some diversions at the present time i play a little tennis now and then but most of my waking hours are concentrated on the thing that i love to do most and that's coach football my family is quite educated they're a football family my wife is a football wife my children are football children and they know once the fall rolls around dad has a seven month furlough and our visits are going to be very infrequent certainly wonderful to see so many of you folks out here today mention those made of a flu we have several types of flu on our squad if you've had a great game we'll promise you a 12-hour flu [Laughter] the young lady that won the the mckinnon uh doll you don't know how close you came to getting mckinnon there's only one important thing in this in my life and that's the chargers and we can't think of anything else except what is good for the chargers and the hell with everything else the coach's third eye is the movie projector far from home life and booster club luncheons alone in a dark world he plots his team's destiny when game strategy is finally resolved it is transmitted to the team in the form of x's and o's on the practice field the diagrams will become people and in the game they will become reality and if he doesn't then we go here okay all right now listen last rehearsal of special teams uh let's make it a speed drill and get this damn thing over with an hurry and uh then we'll all meet in our respective rooms for just about five minutes and then we hit the field [Applause] take a drive corner lance you know coming in from a good wide position and starting right down that middle and then breaking it off and taking to the corner you'll lose him you'll lose him you'll lose him all right there we go east near left you pulse y come on jog it up no walkers no walkers we don't want any walkers now go hard [Applause] but come on andre let's see it let's see it come on dennis we're wasting time we're wasting time oh put the ball down uh uh andre you don't know from shinola about what we're doing here and boy you better start playing good special teams or that's the end come on you know nothing get with it what the hell you doing you got a guy in the inside gap what are you running out there to block them for that was such a technique i've never seen it worse we've worked on it we've worked on it we worked on it and still you don't know it all right get there that's a boy all right good work andre good that was good all right i like that [Applause] all right cover that away good work good work all right good job very very good let's keep that team exactly the way it is good practice tonight let's get the running in last night of running last running night game last running night any football coach gets nervous before a game that adrenaline must flow in order to succeed first group is going to go out in 15 minutes let's get it sharp it's now time now now time here we go gang everybody up here and i mean everybody [Music] [Applause] all right let's hold it up right here now come on i know we're ready let's pick out somebody and knock the hell out of these people now we can't be waiting around till second or third or fourth play from the very beginning huh come on once the game starts the coach's responsibilities are limitless he must map strategy with his quarterback in the mysterious language of pro football how about a circle turn in and what's your dog ron left why nasty 16 lead pass post flag with us to gloucester brown left why nasty even during the game the coach is still a teacher who counsels his players and corrects their mistakes you know they're going to slide over for you sure okay good hey uh bobby you tell him to fair catch that thing it's up in the air now i don't want to get him killed all right ronnie let's go now you didn't follow your gun on that four hole you could have a touchdown son cannonball come on over here wabash we got third and three you always want to get the what first three yards don't turn sideways now that's a you know turn up field now all right churn see i mean i can't tell you how to run except when we gotta have the first and ten we get that first right let's take a dollar ninety eight and wait for the home run later all right all right well you gotta block that should pass you blocked out kenny you should have had that interception you're running there looking at the ball go get it it's hanging there like a parachute go ball react ball react for every special situation the coach must ready a special team to meet the challenge tell john to go for two unsigned return good return get your funny get your punting team ready punt team will go field goal team let's go he'll go block it get in there field goal come here field goal all right punting team can you kick that low to each corner like on the 10 or so instead of putting it up heyman's too dangerous okay oh that's something you have to pray and hold your breath on a kickoff and damn it there's the wind hold it up the coach is also a cheerleader hey featherston andy cesar jimmy hey joe joe come on watch your pass watch your pass watch the play action pass watch your face watch the fate watch your dog friend scream watch your dog that's a run what's a dog friend hurry up hurry up come on gary move a little faster brian they're going to dog you friend your runs have got to be moving faster john come on land come on get him out of there you're too slow what the hell aren't we getting off the ball come on let's go let's go all right okay hit from in front get from in front come on put pressure on that quarterback mike i want to see you work get off the park plan out there keep your lane and go rich let's go baby come on use your head come on defense stop somebody once get tighter on them you're giving off too damn much come on steve let's go support come on stick those people on this punch whip him with him now let's whip him whip him you got him what let's sweat them mark get a little pride in you out there tough whip him flip him get up in there dick get up get up get up get up get up there oh you all right foot coach much butcher you okay when serious mistakes are made the coach assumes the difficult role of disciplinarians all you got to do is run that giant special deeper and get behind that damn linebacker lloyd knocked you off you know jim how did john the hell can you stand there not go for the ball like that but come up fail don't but don't come off like a sick babe you know yeah you should be up in the 50 anyway why so deep you know what eve you're going go on and let's go huh come on come on butch get some authority let's go to work listen we want you to play defense since you're instructed to play understand yes sir i don't want you up there running around faking blitzes and getting out of position you understand yes sir you line up where you're supposed to line up none of that hairy high school fake this do what we're told you can't play football in the nfl you can't play football for me if you don't if you're not coachable yeah what are you doing in that huddle all that all that time we're just missing it that much every time lenny every single time we're that close you got to speed it up well jesus tell them to shut their big mouth and call them you go back in the game till i tell you too [Music] understand harmon you're in the big leagues now you understand let's go start growing up when the game is going well a coach must also shake a hand rather than slap it okay money hey that's the way john had a boy nice way to hit that baby that way who drew your first one baby way to go that's beautiful that's way to go you're gonna get yours soon ron don't worry that's way to set us up put us back in the ball game city as halftime nears time becomes the important factor we got three timeouts left we get this ball we gotta go see yeah if they run it now take a fast timeout time out time out no i don't want to take any timeouts to stop him with 52 seconds 31 seconds there's no way we can get the ball again no way we can get the ball again all right that way tony to the players halftime brings 15 minutes of grateful rest from the action for the coaches it is a short pause which may determine victory or defeat everybody up come on come on come on come on come on come on [Applause] let's go back this half and let's play smart football we're still a hell of a football team a hell of a football team i know you're playing with your hearts but it takes smart flipping i'll go out there and think and let's rack them up come on let's go just go after them come on come on let's go let's go okay take a shower [Music] everybody goes together come on forget about the last half forget about it let's go go after them this happened all right new ball game brand new ball game game i want 30 minutes i want 30 minutes let's go like we're just starting the game we're the best team out here now let's go gang let's go hit now 30 minutes between victory and defeat a time when the coaches emotions reflect the action 30 minutes which will determine whether or not for another week the coach is a winner or a loser [Music] so [Music] hey rosie our left tackle i don't think has been hitting that man i'm scared to help roll a macro bro you watch van horn now we can't we can't get ourselves hurt well come on over here then and watch him we got to be ready for a thing like that what the hell is he doing there oh [Applause] what the hell happened there did we stop locking i don't know why we don't get that ball what the hell is the difference why doesn't anybody grab that ball [Applause] geez what kind of tackling is this two big plays right in the roof oh god come on twine gonna do every time they get the ball they're gonna score here somebody do something oh john when the hell's the last time we put some pressure on that guy anyhow we learn assignments but we don't know what the hell the percentages are on defense what happened to billingsland way to be nice and tough out there that's the baby that's what i like and what we have a palms on we just disappear tackle out there man come on that ball's a free ball when it's blocked why the hell are we standing around looking at it let's go get it huh what in the hell's going on out there with those blocks what are they doing through the center of that line out there let's kick it come on let's kick a vehicle everybody grabbing out there nobody tackling just grabbing everybody grab grab you gotta get down cover [Applause] [Music] anything ever happen right can you believe that oh geez oh no oh jeez oh where the hell is daryl what yard line are we on where the hell is the phone where the hell are the receivers ken hello ken ken hello ken ken i don't hear you you're there tommy tommy ken hey ken i can't hear you watch the middle we got to firm that up can you get daryl out well just put a lid out look at that tackle back off colin what happened what happened [Applause] bruce what kind of placement is that what about that deuce do you see where that ball is george all right oh no what the hell kind of a move is that oh no it was out of bounds the hell's a white line for why what the hell kind of move is that with that ball no good oh designer you can't do that with that ball the hell's the white line out he's out one foot was out he was out one leg was in there that's all just one leg ah come on look at this cleat mark right here look at the cleat mark right there one foot was on the other one was off can we get one call today what the hell are you people looking at out there there's six people out there may i talk to you a minute erin i talked to the league office i told them about this these kind of things they said they're going to call it and it'll definitely be an infraction but why don't we call it yeah watch it all right watch it oh yeah somebody get me some water they can't stop us now i'll go get touchdown right now the way it would feel finally eye mouth at 20 you couldn't cover me that's beautiful oh now let's pray they don't get along yes sir yeah yeah hell of a play that's what i wanted okay that's like stealing over there we can keep that ball there ready to crumble that's it that's the one [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] and a baby [Music] [Applause] why do we need that one did we ever need that one that should be the termination of the contest that's the ball game thank you dear lord thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Grey Beard
Views: 1,664
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: NFL Films, Steve Sabol, Ed Sabol, Sid Gillman, Allie Sherman, New York Giants, San Diego Chargers
Id: n4Z6V8YD4Zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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