1959 San Francisco 49ers Highlights

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[Music] record-breaking crowds again watched the San Francisco 49ers at home and on the road in 1959 even though preseason experts gave new head coach red Hickey little chance of getting out of the National Football League summer Renea the 49ers came up with a season of thrills and victories beyond expectation yours truly Bob FASS on the left and LOD Simmons telecast in broadcasts the 49er games for Falstaff in the pre-conference season it looked like the experts were right as the 49ers won only two games while losing four but coach red Hickey was experimenting with various combinations and working new rookies into the lineup and some of the league season began the 49ers got off to a surprisingly good start with two victories in one defeat they opened and defeated the Philadelphia Eagles 24 to 14 then an amazing walloping of the Los Angeles Rams 34 to nothing and a heartbreaking loss followed on the road to the Green Bay Packers 21 to 20 however the team came in to Detroit's big stadium to meet the Lions the experts favored Detroit by two points on their home ground the 49ers are in white uniform that Detroit and captain why a tittle won the toss so he elects to receive Jim Martin kicks off for Detroit to a newcomer to the San Francisco 49ers speedster Lenny Lyle who red Hickey acquired from the Baltimore Colts now watch him romp 15 20 25 30 up to the 32 yard line where it's first and 10 & tittle calls on JD Smith number 24 behind Connelly block and he moves past the midfield stripe gets another block here by John Thomas and picks up a 40 yard game now tittle sends Joe Perry the other way number 77 boost Mosley leads the way Joe scampers for 12 yards to the Detroit 17 a quick toss out this time the JD Smith a blocked by Jon Thomas on the 15 and JD scores for San Francisco Tommy Davis conversion it's a 7 to nothing ballgame first play the 2nd quarter first and 10 on the Detroit 37 tittle back looking for Clyde Conner is left in Connor grabs it and speeds in to score again Davis converts and the 49ers lead Detroit 14 to nothing the Lions give up the ball on San Francisco's 38 yard line and here once again it's the veteran Joe Perry behind Bruce Bosley 40 45 50 45 40 can he get past this last man but he trips over Minh goes down on the 22 yard line now on fourth down the 49ers must try a field goal and so from 13 yards out here is Tommy Davis and the rookie routes it through another three points as the scoreboard shows the 49ers leading 17 to nothing near the end of the half San Francisco on Detroit's 34 tittle the Billy Wilson all by himself he hurtled to the 17 yard line time running out now so they must attempt another field goal this time from the 22 this one is good too and at halftime the 49ers lead Detroit by a score of 20 to nothing the Lions scored in the second half and it's a 22 7 ball game as we pick up the action and show you defensive play of the 49ers Baker and Osborne banging down John Henry Johnson and now Osborne causes a fumble as he hits John III the ball picked up by Matt Hazeltine and the linebacker gets a thrill of his life as he goes in to score for San Francisco scoreboard I read San Francisco 27 Detroit 7 it's the fourth quarter now and the Lions had the ball at their own 10-yard line Tobin wrote number 18 is the quarterback he wants to throw to get back in the ball game he aims for Cassidy but hopalong can't get to it it's incomplete and a fan picks the ball up [Applause] now Detroit with rural morale at quarterback on the 27 watch the farmer 49er throw to Ken Webb the speedster is off to the races what's the number 40 is afrin he gets him at the 49ers 7 yard line a 66 yard pass run and the fans love it a play later they have to call on a form a Notre Dame all-american Nick petrosani and he just buried the conversion was no good and the 49ers lead 27 to 13 late in the fourth quarter watched the rush on her amoral mile a anomaly knee by Jerry cub and Hickey Kwasi morrow the fumble after it is Bob Harrison he gets it for a recovered fumble on Detroit's 34 yard line it's 1st and 10 there for the San Francisco 49ers and again it's Joe Perry inside Bosley's were going to the 22 yard line again with Bruce Bosley leading the way Harry runs to tackle gets to the Detroit one-yard line then it's wedged blocking and up over the top kV Smith for the storm San Francisco defeating Detroit 34 to 13 [Applause] it isn't too often that you'll find a George Halas coach Chicago Bear teen that is one only 25% of their league games but that was a situation when the monsters of the Midway came in the keys are stadium to battle the league leading San Francisco 49ers coach red Hickey just hope that the Bears were in hibernation and would stay there until the end of the afternoon now action with the kickoff by Joe Feeny and waiting for a Woodson at the 10-15-20 sideways now hemmed in starts to reverse his field it turns out to be a mistake and Avis thrown out of the four yard line on that play referee read pace was upended and the game was delayed a few minutes until he could regain his composure or who says the life of a referee is an easy one all right Davis here to putt for the 49ers now waiting for it is Richie Pettibone and he is tackled by Gonzaga Thomas now it's what a gala more for two yards to hankie number 75 get some the Bears and white the 49ers in their home uniforms Brown to pass this time the big Dan bill McCall to the 21 yard line where any dove makes the tackle fourth down the 49ers he'll so if they need to try a 27-yard field goal [Applause] it's good and the Bears lead the 49ers 3 to nothing it in the second quarter San Francisco on the Chicago 45 Conley again leading the way for Joe Perry and Joe gallops for 16 big yards to the bear 28 yard line now it's number 26 Lenny Lyles at left tackle for three yards tittle throws a short hitch pass to Billy Wilson and it's good for a 5 yard gain [Applause] once again Joe Perry behind Lyle's initial black and Connolly's downfield block and a seven-yard pickup for the jacket now watch our Falstaff zoom our lens Lennie Lyles on an end run a block by Thomas closely the speedster cuts in and he scores for San Francisco with Davis conversion the 49ers Lee at 7 to 3 in the third quarter Tommy Davis kicking off just the way Hickey likes him right out of the end zone touch back first and 10 on the 20 and big Rick Viserys pounding for 9 yard before Jerry Tubbs makes the tackle now Brown faking beautifully passes to Jack Morris he's hit by Baker after a 21-yard gain a quick toss off to cáceres this time and a big guy throws his way for 10 more yards watch him drive [Applause] now a beautiful play against a red dog a quick screen to Willie the risk Del Mar and he literally runs away from everybody friends and polite for a 35 yard touchdown [Applause] [Music] with the V DS conversion it's all tied up at 10:10 as the third quarter end in the fourth quarter the 49ers lead 13 to 10 on the Davis field goal and Tommy kicks off here at Jack Morris playing ring around the goalpost and puts these picks it up and scampers back now to the 18 yard line Henry Schmitt and Johnny Wittenberg got him Brown with a quick look in passed the harm he'll miss Peecher moves for 30 yards for the Chicago Bears versus making the tackle now Brown calling on a rookie and Willie evolved number 88 he's got it moving to the 49er 30-yard line is with two minutes left the Bears fight back round now to his outside favorite receiver Jim Dooley there he is he's down and Chicago takes the lead 17 to 13 about a minute and 50 seconds left shades of 1957 the stage set for another cliffhanger as a vini kicks off and no return here maybe Woodson has to go out of the end zone and then at 50 left his coaches Bill Johnson and mark Duncan confer with Jack Christensen and Bob Shaw on the pressbox first in 10 of the 20 and here's the play tittle rolling out to the right beautiful fake then firing cross field backward to Lennie Lyles on the 15 downfield blocked by Bruce Bosley miles up ended pipe irons on the 38 yard line a minute 27 left now as two passes were incomplete here's a key third down play tittle to his favorite receiver Billy Wilson really trying to get out of Bounce to stop the leaps over the bench at the bear 46 now tittle the key play rolling to the right making the run coming up almost the line of scrimmage an arching the ball in the air to our seolin's up Clark touchdown with a minute remaining who passed for you let's call in our Falstaff slow motion camera to show you that play in detail tittle protection from number 34 Perry and 53 Boise rolls out to the right faking a run he knows exactly where the line of scrimmage is now he arches the ball to RC Owens behind Barnes and Caroline RC goes up he's got it the alley-oop scores again for San Francisco [Applause] I don't believe it go ahead and touch me again here's a great pointer fans go go go for full staff that's my beer [Music] the 49ers at the Los Angeles Coliseum before 94,000 fans who couldn't believe San Francisco stunning 34 to nothing upset over the Rams that Keys are a few Sundays before so the 49ers out to prove it was no fluke taking over here first and 10 on their own 17 tittle to pass looking the Billy Wilson with a diving catch at the 33 now another veteran Joe Perry turning the corner here with a nice block at the 30 35 40 out of bounds with less richter making the tackle now plastic deception tittle rolling out faking the run draws up the defensive halfback finds Wilson behind him hits Billy in full stride Clinton Thomas after him Billy going in to score for San Francisco now let's call it our Falstaff slow motion camera again and pick up the tails of that play tittle with a roll out knowing exactly where the line of scrimmage is coming up to it faking the run getting by Lamar Lundy then passing to Billy Wilson Billy running away from a Rams speedster Clendon Thomas great teamwork between these two old pros 56 yard touchdown makes it 49ers seven to nothing Tommy Davis not a punt waiting for it is Holly Matson waiting for Ally is number 66 John Whitin born watch the tackle and a fumble recovered by Jerry Cubs on the 36 from there it's JD Smith of left guard for 8 yard now the 25 tittle the left end by Connor for 11 more yards the quarter ends with a scoreboard reading 7 to nothing in favor of San Francisco now on the RAM 14 yard line JD Smith before tough yards a play later he leaps over for a touchdown in San Francisco leads 14 to nothing few minutes later the 49ers recovered a fumble Tommy Davis kicked the field goal and that added three points to the 49er total out of the hold of Brodie it's good the Rams got a field goal also from Michaels and that makes the score down 17 to 3 as the 3rd quarter starts Rams recover a 49er fumble and send in quarterback Frank Ryan to direct the t formation Frank now looking to the left or left end del Shofner on a look in pants good for 13 yards now watch the great alley Matson get through that line of scrimmage change direction now in high gear to the 40 chased by number 44 80 dove will let it get him he does at the 17 first down and 10 to go touchdown Tommy Wilson carrying a five-yard pickup stopped by Carl rookie number 52 now running Frank Ryan on a roll out to the right moving for 11 yards getting close down to the one-yard line but there Matson bangs it over with the conversion the Rams are back in the ballgame trailing 17 to 10 now get set for the biggest 49er play of the year this kickoff to Abe Watson waiting five yards deep Lenny Lyles in front of them here comes a out of the end zone to the 5 to the 10 15 20 cutting back at the 25 the 30-yard line 35 40 45 midfield in the ramp territory Frank Houser dives and Watson goes all the way 105 yards to score the longest kickoff return of 1959 and only one man Hoagy Carmichael has ever run one back more at 106 yards now let's relive that moment the Falstaff slow-motion camera Lyle's blocks at the 10 more blocks at the 15 close to the sidelines he didn't go out though at the 20 now the 25 some fancy footwork on the linebacker there now to the 30 and another downfield block just setting Frank Howser off stride as the defensive speedster tries to catch a Woodson his last gasp doesn't make it an ape convoyed by Lenny Lyles who through an initial block goes into score 105 yards one of the plays at bay Dade and all prone for the San Francisco 49ers in the National Football League 24 to 10 is now the score [Music] in the fourth quarter Frank Ryan directing the tea for the Rams looks for giant inside and Leon Clark and big Leon moves to the 27 yard line this time Ryan has to throw to a safety valve his fullback Joe Marconi and the rugged pull back a tough man to bring down paddles his way inside the 15 any calls from Marconi up the middle and a first down at the 8 now Frank Ryan running again cuts back in slashes throw for a ram score Liana Malini blocked the conversion try the forty niners 124 216 one of the few times in recent memory that they defeated the Rams twice in one season injuries mount up on a rugged four week road trip as the 49ers move into snowbound Cleveland Municipal Stadium to take on the Browns with their number one quarterback why a tunnel in a San Francisco hospital with an injured knee John Brodie is called on to take over the helm of the club but with the growing amount of walking injured the 49ers are big underdogs because the Browns are expected to stay in the race here for the Eastern Conference crown midway in the first quarter Jim Shopper puting it's a beauty and it goes out of bounds on the 49er 11 yard line now a disaster spray JD Smith fumbles Galen fists picks up the ball tries to go in to score does get to the one-yard line there it's easy for Jim Brown to jar across for the school the scoreboard shows the Cleveland Browns leading the 49ers seven to nothing now in the second quarter John Brodie showing fine direction and good throwing dropping back faking and then throwing this screen the JD Smith who gets a block from ton lake in Perry and buildin and moves to the Cleveland 44 yard line early this time select his slot man to the left RC Owens RC grabs it and then leaps the 20 yard line now perfect teamwork between Brody and Wilson is John threads the needle the Billy Wilson sliding in the hole for a score in the end zone Davis conversion it's tied up at 7:00 to 7:00 after the kickoff defensive play pays off watch the rush on plum as Kruger hits him passes in the fumble and ma Malini recovers but when brownie is rushed a heads up play here as he and JD improvise Smith grabs a ball picks up downfield blocking from Frank Morsy and watch JD now gallop for 20 yards JD had a great day against Cleveland carried over 20 times and the 49ers lead 14 to 7 Tommy Davis to kick off waiting is the speech to the Browns Bobby Mitchell on the five-yard line a good return Dave Baker grabs him along with Harrison and rookie now a plump ass watch this great defensive play by Jerry Tubbs a diving interception then he gets up gets a block from Mehrtens reverses just feel like a halfback and moves all the way to the 31-yard line Brodie now ready to pass the Wilson watch this come back outside deliberately underthrown we get under those defensive half backs now red Hickey special inside handoff the slot man Mack Eleni great blocking at a score 13 yards per Mac and a touchdown the 49ers lead at 21 to 7 they almost score again late in the second quarter plum is rushed by leona maleeni watch the lion number 73 milk gets away fires and desperation in the clear time running out and a half dosa with a 33 yard field goal for the brown and the score at halftime San Francisco 21 and Cleveland 10 Rose added another field goal in the fourth quarter to make it 21 to 30 NAND the Browns threaten again milk plum directing the tea getting plenty of protectionist 49er linebackers drop off looking looking looking then hitting Preston carpenter on the ground at the six yard line now the runners Bobby Mitchell around the left side slithering for three yards and Brown punching into score roses conversion made it 2120 but the 49ers hung on and a thrilling finish to upset the Cleveland Browns 21 to 20 [Applause] slotter Baltimore says the sign of Kezar is a jam-packed Stadium greets the 49ers who still have a mathematical chance for the Western Division title although hampered by injuries dr. William gray along with associate dr. Jim O'Connor are important men at this stage of the season and the team captains on the right the veteran why a tiddle on the left of the Baltimore Colts all-pro lineman Gino Marchetti product to the University of San Francisco now the action with the Colts in white and Mike summer in the first quarter getting five yard Johnny Unitas faking once now with great protection again till anymore for 14 yards Berkeley's tackles on the 22 watch Unitas now fake the spot then hit the swing man Ameche he fumbled but it's after the whistle again the great faking Unitas to the right then to the left to his favorite target there is Ray Barry Steve Myra converts in Baltimore leads seven to nothing Henry Schmidt the trainer offers some aid the defensive star Charlie Kruger but Charlie ruggedly waves him on [Music] in the second quarter 49er Drive starting here JD Smith back lane for yardage for a big one now a tough break John Brody back to pass his pass deflected into the arms of Milt Davis the 43 up and running in the 49er territory getting blocking shaking off tacklers cutting back now to the 20 with a big white shirt convoy and all the way for a touchdown now let's see in slow motion this play once again not our Falstaff camera roadie looks to the left ball deflected Davis on his knees at the 43 not convoyed by number 17 Ray Brown 36 Pellington Johnny Gonzaga 76 after him just misses Bob Sinclar gippy with a bad ankle is easily outmaneuvered now the rest of the white shirts as Davis goes past Perry and goes in to score 57 yards that Colts the top interceptors and they lead 14 a nothing over San Francisco the Admira now to kick off to a Blitzen [Music] babe hopes for another long one as he comes out from five yards deep to the ten but only to the 15 [Applause] now it's JD Smith always hustling always trying banging his way for five yards again a quick toss to the left and a beautiful waiting run of 14 now watch a great play in slow motion as JD Smith fights up from a pile up and go 66 yards out racing Odell brothy he's to the 40 45 30 Milt Davis's after him but milk pulls a muscle and JD runs away for a big 66-yard touchdown gallop and our field camera now showing what it would be like to try to catch JD Smith no chance he became one of the few men in National Football League history to gain over a thousand yards in one season now with the score 14 to 7 Johnny Unitas the gym macho Larry again this time Turay berry with a great chat the Unitas can also run as he looks a couple of times here sees no receiver open and gallops it in for another score Bob Sinclar blocked the conversion attempt and it's 22 7 Baltimore leading third quarter nears an end the hobbling why Eaton was in the game now he throws to our CEO and with a great catch the 21 yard little this time the number 87 Fred Eagan and Fred with a 5 check for 12 yard as the third period comes to a close the 49ers still very much in the ball game against the champions 22 7 and now a great play tittle to another of his veteran teammates yo Macklin in a slot man over Center and Mackel ad scores for San Francisco and they're right in that ball game now let's watch it again in slow motion watch the finesse in faking of McElhaney as he eludes Ray Brown number 17 in out out of his grass and a touchdown Davis converted 49ers in that ballgame 22:14 now Baltimore shows whether great champions though as Unitas comes back with a pass to much other for a Nate Blair game Lenny more carries this time and he gets four yards now United's to his great receiver ray Barry watch this catch touchdown Paula Moore and that just about iced it is Myra made it 27 to 14 the Colts went on from this ballgame to win once again the National Football League championship so the 49ers deserve a lot of credit with a tremendous battle they gave the Colts in this final game of the season as Baltimore won 34 to 14 here are some of the 49ers stars and veterans rookies and old-timers who made it a great year any dog of Colorado Dave Baker of Oklahoma Jerry Burton's second year defensive man Matt Hazeltine one of the top linebackers in the league veteran Bob st. Clair all-pro lil the lion na maleeni great Billy Wilson and the bald eagle yelburton Abraham didn't you McElhaney [Music] quarterback John Brodie find offensive guard blocker Ted Conley and JD Smith who gained over a thousand yards Joel the jet Perry still effective another 49ers who added to the tremendous team performance where Jim riddlin rookie Monty Clark dick Miguel and Bill Hirshman many of these stars will be back next season you know present season ticket holders have a chance to renew their presence eight locations while those of you who haven't purchased season tickets in the past may do so thus insuring yourself with a ticket for each thrilling game for season tickets writer call the San Francisco 49ers 760 Market Street San Francisco California and here are the important men for next year's plan Pappy Waldorf director of personnel on the right head coach red hickey on the left both did a great job in 1959 and now this is your falstaff sportscaster Bob bounce wrapping up the 1959 49er highlight film reminding you that the Falstaff Brewing Corporation Brewers of America's premium quality beer again bring you the 49er games on the Golden West radio and CBS television networks next fall June in with Falstaff and enjoy every play throughout the 1960 season this has been another special falstaff sports presentation [Music]
Channel: Grey Beard
Views: 1,718
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: NFL Films, Steve Sabol, Ed Sabol, San Francisco 49ers, San Francisco Forty Niners, Red Hickey, YA Tittle
Id: 1xvQAV0BWRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 39sec (1719 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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