NFL "Bad Teammate" MOMENTS

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oh hi snap look out cousins recovers hands to kelly who is buried chase roulier out of wyoming and the ball bounces out and when it goes that high that was a tough one they did that one kirk cousins could have easily just gone down but since rob kelly was there homeless stayed in the backfield jackson on fourth down steps jackson has the angle jackson has a first down inside the five so this drive remains alive thanks to the legs of lamar jackson well he makes the decision to turn into a runner right about zimmer says hopefully we don't need him except for extra points cousins on the move throws high for jefferson [Music] is there an emotional exchange between jameis winston and traequan smith you see winston push smith out of the huddle trying to get him lined up correctly and then this was after that third down play look at him go back and forth and traequan has something to say listen trequan smith has been outscored 30 or more points in 12 games last season third and three little trickery mahomes end zone too high for kelsey well and the holmes knows he missed one here because kelsey was opening the corner of the end zone but this ball is going to get away from mahomes oh no look should have looked yeah no look no completion he's now fighting watched it unfold you're gonna see that look he punched his own guy ramsey and rap getting in wow jalen ramsey the corner and taylor wrap they often play next to one another in that defense they got they got to pull it together here they're in the opening drive of the game we got guys punching each other last series yeah to say the least jalen ramsey and taylor wrap stayed a mile away from each other on the sideline but emotions were high ramsey was extremely animated and took some time to calm down aaron donald tried to settle him down at one point but it's clear there's some major tension to the point that that punch was thrown rap avoided joining his position group on the bench for the whole time and it will be interesting to see how these two work together [Music] i guess it was an interesting conversation wasn't that like uh the wind knocked out of them 300 sit-ups a day come on back aaron you good bro rock for me to check it for you get your face away from me he's going to somehow go back inside he's supposed to block him which is taking his head he knows he knows where it is they've dug himself quite a deep hole brady finds a running grayson incomplete in its third down ball that that is that's one of those things like hey you know what fast makes you really good at running it doesn't make you a great football player two defensive linemen college teammates as well [Music] well allen in particular was very vocal about their performance last week when they were really shredded by that philadelphia ground game that's what happens you're on the way to a possible third straight loss but of course you think it was the cowboys coach for the first 29 years is right there saying you ain't going anywhere [Applause] loss of four yards making jc jackson pressed up man on the slot he's gonna play it he's gonna keep his leverage turn locate the football and just go up and get it look at jackson in the slot you can't play that any better and you know if you're darnold you've got to throw that ball to the pylon and [Music] if moore can't catch it nobody can catch him but when jc jackson is playing that kind of a technique and he's running underneath and you underthrow that football i mean that just that's the last person you want to under throw it to a guy that has just been an incredible incredible ball hawk the last few seasons and then cut him from the team so antonio brown which bruce aaron's announced at the post-game press conference he's no longer part of the team they essentially told him that on the sideline send him packing leading antonio brown with a million dollars incentive right within his reach he was going to get it he left all of that left the field and now is no longer a member of the buccaneers three wide against five defensive backs and he throws he's up in the air as he throws it to hollywood brown touchdown hangs in the pocket deep downfield getting free as digs and he'll get wrestled down to the 10 by daniel directs traffic fires it wide open and he's in for his fifth touchdown of the season there's a fight james we got it now we gotta happen yeah they're coming off the sidelines from miami you don't want to do that miami's bench has emptied that hit was more egregious than the previous one so young way cool made the field goal watches is lineman come over hey good job young way you're awesome you're great you know a little little helmet slap and wait not an eye gouge guys look at young ways like hey fellas come on i'm just here to do my job i'm the kicker uh completely different emotions obviously joe you see lamar jackson getting heated talking to his wide receiver and that entire drive he just walked up and down the sidelines this was the only time i really saw him near the bench he was up by the field towel over his head visibly frustrated he's calmed down quite a bit also we've been talking about the humidity from scrimmage start the third quarter from the 25. quick throw get it to tony lewis just as you were mentioning murphy bunting big spot to have him back still has it he can get it there from the 40 on first down a fake the shot is caught by johnson inside the 20-yard line to pick up at 25 did he get tripped by his own guy it looked like he was going in to score i was looking for a flag everything was clean at the other end watch the block that's coming up [Music] [Applause] against hertzlick 94. on that side this is third and ten there's pressure bostick got knocked down brady escapes and now he is brought down and sacked they finally get to him as sweat who led this team with nine sacks this year gets to brady and washington with 42 seconds left stops brady in the buccaneer very good coverage and great effort by the rushers to keep coming this actually was enough time to throw the football but they kept coming evans turning three ways 65. that penalty's declined fourth down and they call a hold against the buccaneers [Music] and it was against alex kappa well that was an ugly possession [Music] and brady brady thinks so too and he's letting him a big know down for the seattle defense and cam newton doesn't like what he sees well it's the second time i think they've waited so long trying to take time off the clock by the time they get the play and they get up to the line of scrimmage there's only three seconds left on the play clock and obviously cam newton is not pleased [Applause] will garoppolo [Music] [Applause] looks like he's gonna take the time off the clock unless he takes it all the way down and then speaks why not punt take it down to 502. you got a three possession lead i think i heard this lymon he always got him to jump off peyton manning he was upset on that failed third down conversion they got stopped short with julius thomas jim top of your screen julius thomas go outside now it's one on one with demaryius thomas against his defender instead what do you have two on one and they tackling short of the first down and watch peyton manning here you ever seen peyton get this upset in his whole career no i think it's a is as bad as i've ever seen him but it's frustrating
Channel: Beast Productions
Views: 2,962,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4YMmo0yC6-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 07 2022
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