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then it's 17-7 bouncing ball fielded at the 25. oh you got to be killed oh look at this this is dan connolly the right guard the right guard still going to the four-yard line that's unbelievable dan conley puts two hands on this football from the first moment saying all right as soon as somebody hits me i know nobody hit me there no it didn't happen 16 seconds to play [Applause] win with time throws for the end zone it is intercepted at the goal line brad lewis intercepted lost the football that is a touchdown or is it touchdown jacksonville you play 59 minutes and 53 seconds to get a play like this watch this john de quinn takes a chance it's intercepted by lewis doug flutie will be out there in a very strange formation trying for two or will it be a dropkick perhaps for the extra point it is up and in can you believe that and what might be doug footy's last professional football game last time a dropkick happened in the nfl we were talking leather helmets and they were taking trains and buses to games here's the snap one back play actually brad johnson throws over the middle too tall intercepted in the 40s to the 50-yard line intercepted in the mouth by the box [Applause] touchdown coming up the kick is on the way blocked the bears blocking chester picked it up chester's running chester's got a score and the packers win it he won it by picking up a black field goal holy cow here is aj trapasso who will do the punting the regular hunter [Music] [Applause] who will carry the ball for a first down inside the 20 and all the way to the end zone for a touchdown they're going to fake the reverse to michael griffin to safety the old statue of liberty looking play everybody assumes that they're going to give him the football and the punter takes off with the ball for the tie dawson leans into it does he have enough no good it hit the post drilled it right down the middle a little push into the wind watch it hit the bar and then reject it as it bounce backs through and onto the other side after discussion on the the field goal hit the top of the crossbar went over and hit the extension on the backside which in fact is a good field goal [Applause] high hanging spiraling punt touchback barnhart could not pull it up short of the end zone i think the way the returns have been going in this game i just assume wait a minute what's going on out here they down the ball this is going to be a touchdown that is one of the most unbelievable plays i've ever seen they never downed the ball it was sitting in the end zone look at the bounce look at this nobody is even looking at him [Applause] lays it up for freeman and it's incomplete or did he make the catch at the 15. what are they gonna rule it he caught it touchdown he did what it never hit the ground it hit the back of antonio freeman wow left arms bring the ball up in the air and [Applause] and he's got a chance getting a couple of blocks ladders it over to michael lewis back to mcallister still [Applause] alive with the catch eight thousand of for the saints to stay alive pending the extra point by john kearney and he missed no he missed the extra point wide right so that's why they marked it two yards away they faked it though it's a direct snap and now a throw down field and inside the 45-yard line it's caught chris banjo threw it he was the up man completed the pass downfield on fourth and two on the fake one beasley in motion short set quick throw slant oh he's gonna be here he's 20. 15. he's to the 10. [Applause] and the bears are going to win it mike brown has done it again board bumps again to the sideline batted up oh god stokely down the sideline can they catch up stokely wow touchdown denver unbelievable [Applause] a very unorthodox lineup and a fake conway looking to throw conway throws it up for grabs down field tip and it's deflected touchdown for the touchdown unbelievable that was a play that didn't work and then worked but they drew it up like that didn't they [Applause] oh [Applause] 45 to the 50 for the 45 of the saints the ball comes loose another ram has picked it up this is alignment this [Applause] 45 50 40 30 25 20 then into the end zone for the touchdowns [Applause] [Applause] [Music] for the football back to throw with mike peggle rolls away from the pressure he comes back right look looks down the field he's looking for some help throws it over the middle it is [Music] oh oh my goodness insane how do you make that catch that may be the greatest catch i've ever seen on its way it bounces off the crossbar and it's good oh my god oh my goodness that's as incredible as a finish as i think i've ever seen fourth and 19 and then you have to kick an nfl record and and if you're lamar jackson and the ravens boy it doesn't get any better than that jim thinks gets it for a long pass downfield there it goes but not into the arms of the intended receiver as the giants roll gathers it in on the giant 30 heads up field what's this it looks like the steelers may still be in the game after all [Applause] no it's the giants again as ray poole comes in to play the old golden ball trick finding himself in trouble laterals to teammate tom landry who scoots all the way for the final score correct snap to manny back to throw the rush gonna be hit gonna be sacked no no he got out of it now he fires down field and it is hot at the 24-yard line how in the world did he do that this guy doesn't want to lose this game tyree had harrison all over him the ball was on his helmet but he got his other hand on it and pulled it in to his left he looks right he throws right a little high but ross comes down up in the air and it's picked off this could go for the bills and it will it's ron brooks see you later fumbles the football it's picked up by herman 15 10 5 touchdown eagles i don't believe it i don't believe it [Applause] this is outstanding he wanted to look at the ups on this guy and then to land on he nails it [Music] oh they're coming and he's throwing burnage and caught touchdown and he's got that one between his legs i don't think it ever touches the ground he did not what a what an incredible play by the tight end between the 10 and the end zone [Music] [Music] touchdown kansas city how did they do that oh my gosh i've never seen that in my entire time in football and i promise you jason garrett hasn't either that is a shocker might have been picked a play look at just as well as this punch brandon field struggled earlier got the wet ball away alan rossum going to let go and it looks like it's on a team if you tee the ball up you couldn't put it any better you can you can go for the ping today mike you can take out that nine iron go straight for the pin drop it down and pluck it now for the most unusual play of the day in fact the most unusual play of the year myra finally completes a pass only to have his receiver billy kilmer fumble the ball jim marshall recovers and sets sail for the goal line marshall is making nfl history as he sprints 66 yards in the wrong direction to score a safety for san francisco marshall's misdirected march however only makes the score more respectable as the vikings down san francisco 27-22 touchdowns for brown and they give it picked it up and just catapulted himself across the goal line you can't make this stuff obviously slot to the far side slot to the near side four-man rush this time russell's going to lay it up over the top this time curse reaching up boston caught it it fell into his arms it was tipped up in the air and first on his back at the five yard line aren't you kidding me on a wild scoring play ed brown's pass bounces off two giant defenders and into the hands of clement thomas for a pittsburgh touchdown lendetta stands back in his end zone the kick is blocked jewelerson picked it up i believe let's just see if we can see it here i don't think there was anyone blocked there you say he just not that's just a shank he just hit that ball i mean he dropped it and he didn't kick it where you normally do watch this watch how low the ball is before it hits his foot he just dropped that ball and missed it mariota mariota to the line of scrimmage maybe across the line it's a flex back to him for a touchdown just the start of the fourth quarter 10-3 los angeles and here goes earl [Music] [Applause] beautiful beautiful cardinals were even closer and they couldn't get it in as the chiefs go to the run it's a reverse by dave craig by steve bono who's running away from the entire field nobody saw they pick up the blunts breeze banking banking andre carter missed them freeze throws it's up for grabs was it picked off kareem moore's got the ball it's an interception and then it's taken away when robert beats him mitchum goes in for a touchdown guess he's going in now their version of the fridge here comes don terry pohan biggest man to score a touchdown in a long time here we go it was a run because they they flipped it through him on a lateral they got it look at this he's gonna throw a touchdown [Applause] oh look at the players do the titans have a miracle left in them if they do they need it now christy kicks it high and short gonna be fielded by lorenzo neal at the 25 yeah reaches it back to wyatchek he throws it across the field to dyson he's got something he's got something 50. he's got it 40 he's got it 20 10. he's got it are no flags on the field it's a miracle tennessee has pulled a miracle a miracle for the titans seated with the flags up top here see which way they're blowing oh the wind's picking up in a big gust right now too big gust snap a tough one the kick is away look at the wind take that one bill wow that took it about 25 yards away from the upright in this direction the wind is got a strong leg but a tough wind and here it goes and he hooks it does it have the distance no comes up short game up four yards short it's being returned by nathan batcher who spun away and goes to some open space and he's got some blockers and basher is going basher needs one more block and he's got it nathan basher touchdown bears do you believe that i told that the wind was gonna cause some crazy things that you may have never seen before in a football game that clearly did 108 yards shotgun snap to brady stands in throws down the middle for adam and ball's tip and julian diving for it edelman has it did he make the catch he did at the 40. edelman has his hands underneath it and his arms around and in fact there was a bubble but he was able to catch it before it hit the turf it's blocked it is picked up by will hill will hill runs down the sideline hill's going to get a block will hill is going to win the game on a blocked field goal unbelievable this will be a 52-yard field goal attempt by jim o'brien earl morrill is holding him back as mel renfro is a safety man for dallas [Applause] the kick is up there and it is fading to the left and is going to be dead on uh on the one one inch line get on the one inch line that's almost like fishing penny seven seconds left [Music] miami running around circling oh look out [Applause] third down three receivers right feeling left marshawn lattimore 12 yards from adam case on a deep drop steps up in the pocket he'll fire to the right side caught by dick stanley oh he got loose k touchdown [Applause] are you kidding me it's a minneapolis miracle the defeat was almost overshadowed by steve o'neill who made football history with the longest punk ever recorded 98 yards and recovered by the cardinals rashad johnson and he pitches into the balls loose and the chargers get a touchdown john phillips out of midair recovers it and runs it into the end zone what were the cardinals doing years ago we talked to tom moore then at indianapolis the offensive coordinator you got a busted sanchez gets hit the ball is loose and it's alive and then going into the end zone is steve gregory who's had an interception two fumble recoveries and a touchdown i have never seen this before in my life 43-yard attempt from the right hash [Applause] only hits the mark again that's impossible and the eagles run out into the field but there's still five seconds so they've got to get back he does it again did this hit the upright and the crossbar bottom line it doesn't go through upright it looks like it bounced off the crossbar as well oh my goodness the bear season's going to end on a double doink gotta get to the 49 for a first a protective [Music] i mean he's got an easy interception and instead it's an easy touchdown look at he's trying to catch it or bad at what was he doing continues to run they have two timeouts remaining flat out of the shotgun and nearly intercepted or is it intercepted on a second tip ball and racing down the sideline and still on his feet is weatherspoon he's inside the five and that is a touchdown scores right here you see a tip and right look it kicked off of his foot off of his right foot and it was deflected twice that just kicked up on it just popped it up like a a center and volleyball spiking it up for weatherspoon your first game in the heat in september [Applause] the saints win the saints win gonna do a job generally on the opposition second and 16. into the end zone overthrowing everybody look at that oh look at him stepping over the trunk of a car i know he's talking about able to leap tall buildings but he leaped over an automobile right here and he takes a pretty good spill right now coming down off that automobile under pressure throws tipped and incomplete wait a minute no touchdown harrison with the invisible one draped all over him from the seat of his pants lisk found young steve's able in the end zone near the interception of the end zone by mcdougall and now seattle with clarkson oh my goodness he landed on his feet that was insane and then after grady gets it away he's picked he's picked in the end zone it's bayley bailey takes it off and he gets away from the one man who had a shot at him running it back 100 yards before watson comes in at the last minute [Music] ben once and this is a great example play until the whistle blows ben watson shows the hustle doesn't give up on the play and he hit champ bailey and looked as it like he was crossing the goal line and it's a line drive kick jackson bobbles it and now has to try and recover desean jackson gets a block are you kidding desean jackson still not in and now in for the touchdown no flags unbelievable practice all those throws uh-oh yeah now we've got on a fourth down and three you got griff whalen ready to take the snap he'll snap it actually colt anderson is behind him and [Music] what in the world there is absolutely no way possible that they should have snapped that ball and tried to sneak it there were three four five guys around two players that was insane you got a guy on either side of them what are you doing here i mean they don't even try to run a play i i we've seen a lot of bizarre stuff i've never seen anything more bizarre than that it's a combination of things here they've not won on the early downs and they've obviously been awful on third down excellent spiraling kick by mesco and it takes an incredible bounce at the end and the officials say it was out of the end zone the blade of grass between the ball and the goal line i think that's going to be difficult to overturn third and ten here comes jared allen he's out of bounds poor guy i don't even know if he realized it and that's a safety well so much for me calling him savvy because he has no idea where he's on the field tough situation but you just can't do that you have to realize and you can see him he didn't even know he's out of bounds tough situation for a young quarterback unfortunately for the raiders it'll be matt mcgloin as their quarterback that one bounces goes to get it now gillis lee tracks it down in the end zone [Applause] he can't let it get a touchdown what are the bills doing fake to thomas pressure picked up brees over the middle somehow he got it back i mean that was tipped ten times and meacham for corral long count johnson here's the snap here comes the jailbreak blitz throw a pass call bounce into the air and it is oh he caught it back caught back down he tipped into the air like a volleyball player and then he went chasing after it it made a spectacular catch i've never seen anything like that in my life [Applause] now the kick is actually pretty good except you see just smooth motion but he pushes it yeah his plant foot was wrong his plant foot was a little bit too far ahead of the football third down at 10 dalton in his own ball game it is dolphins win throws a pass behind his back to pete red slag [Music] is [Applause] picked up kick into the end zone and we'll see what happens now can you believe it touchdown raiders richardson was shaken up in the first half and that's why he shouldn't be he should be funny if that happens unbelievable and jim's in a lot of pain that just was not a wise decision sending him out there he's trying to to maybe just hang this ball up there it just goes straight up in the air takes the lone receiver to the left the packers play it at the goal as wilson scrambles to keep it alive the game's final play is lock to the end zone which is with jennings simultaneous who has it who they give it to touchdown one guy goes up touchdown the other said no time has to be looked at because it's a score call on the field stands touchdown seahawks win in the most bizarre finish you'll ever see last chance for the steelers fratcha trying to get away and his pass is broken up by tatum ricochet out there off of jack tatum and into the man of the year frank o'hara's hands here's the miracle of all miracles from out of nowhere riding a white stallion heading up franco's italian army and galloping off into the sunset
Channel: NFL Throwback
Views: 5,874,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nfl, american football, nfl history, nfl highlights, nfl vault, nfl throwback
Id: Ukgw-w_VV3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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