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so today neymar goes up against ronaldo these two soccer legends are gonna battle it out in a cure race and whoever gets more points wins now if they tag a player before an elimination it's a bonus five points so let's see which one is better once and for all also over 70 of our viewers unsubscribed so be sure to hit that sub button and use code x2 twins in the item shop all right so today we've got two of the biggest soccer icons in the world neymar versus ronaldo look this this is ronaldo it's got his team and it looks just like him alright so today we both have to land on soccer pictures so ronaldo's going pleasant and neymar's going to the soccer pitch at holy hedges i'm sorry buddy i know you're trying to your soccer challenges but neymar's in the middle of a kill race [Music] oh my god i was running away left the shock on mine because he already has one ronaldo gonna have to use his athletic abilities to try and get to this chest first it's there i made it a gold i mean a purple scarf for ronaldo it's a perfect start someone actually down here there we go first elim no not playing for a soccer ball there but that's what we have to try and hit someone with that we want those bonus points the fortnight soccer ball i was just trying to heal up but it sounds like someone's under me oh he's on the staircase 70 cracked out of my game pumpkin night he was up on the vent i i was said to go for a soccer ball but it's too close florida's i just took him out all right this is a really good start here for ronaldo 70 people left and i've got two elims already the push continues see someone behind here oh god primal [Music] copping the ronaldo classic [Music] oh my god neymar i'm sorry i'm sure you'll understand i'm representing that neymar and the kill race tree dead five kills from holly what five yep five kills from holly that was holly more of a hot drop than peepee these days all right look ronaldo's got a lot of gold to spend he's going for that there we go look at the loadout it's perfect i'm gonna try and look for someone a soccer ball now i'm gonna go for those bonus points oh wait someone else is here i've got my soccer ball ready [Music] oh hit him and that's five bonus points thank you mr mantis for standing still i got a cheeky aura on the roof just taking him out with the pump he was definitely not soccer ballable oh perfect this has got to be bonus points i'm gonna feel so bad this guy thinks i'm being friendly kick the ball kick the ball kick the ball okay he hit it i'm gonna act friendly i feel really bad for this [Music] dude i am the worst human being chicken if you ever see this you'll see why i had to do it i've got to represent ronaldo well all right got a guy here in boney i am definitely not going for a soccer ball on you i'll go for the wall i go for the peace control oh god this guy's a he's playing some fortnite tonight oh sugar the ronaldo peace control coming out oh guy on neymar oh my god i've accidentally boxed him 20 wide i'm sorry mr ghost you're not getting any more souls today oh i will take that bow okay if i get two more parts i can make a mechanical vote another neymar i'm sorry how many neymars are gonna have to take out today here we go i'm going for a long range soccer ball kick hit the griftee oh that was so okay i'm definitely sucker balling this guy go in front look back soccer ball no yes that hit him perfect five more bonus points for ronaldo going for those passing plays we're just random fortnite players oh here we go got someone coming into raz i'm gonna go in from above and go in for a cheeky ronaldo thunder pump oh i got the wall he's got a spaz i need to play the safe [Music] cracked dead jonesy down he can't handle ronaldo now we're in the perfect spot to go buy a rift from raz and expand our lead oh okay i see someone running in front let's take him out on my way to storm excuse me sir [Music] sorry smitten kitten but i jumped down [Music] all right jules maybe i should have tried passing a soccer ball to you for some bonus points oh here we go royal bomber it's a very rare skin actually big 120 oh if we did montages he was in it here we go pradita chilling at the spire i'll just take the one point eleven evens bro i might be able to get twenty either ronaldo all right another challenger for ronaldo right here he's in a truck uh please get out of the truck and accept your fate oh ronaldo is feeling cracked right now he's out of coursing everyone oh my goodness dude this is gonna be one of my highest kills this season if i can pull it off oh i found someone again the ronaldo peace control is coming out this guy's i definitely 100 should have kicked the soccer ball in that guy's face all right take this guy out real quick i got a bit of catching up to do guy on top of the hill neymar's shocking up don't know if i'm gonna be able to pass this guy's soccer ball when he's on a zip line oh my god they're fighting no come on steal the kill neymar okay this braz is definitely yeah if you look very closely you can see this guy's cheeky little foot down there so i'm gonna edit and say it's a neymar you wouldn't believe it it was a neymar dude there's so many name my skins around i don't know i don't see any ronaldo's anywhere jordan you'll see one at the end of the game mate alright got someone else outside the box no problem hook mr neymar [Music] there we go thirteenth kill wait yeah i have 14 it's got to be closed right now oh i dude i do not want to kick a soccer ball i want a spaz please perfect people fighting oh my god i can maybe pass this guy's soccer ball oh never mind he's full boxing wait is this another there's no way this is a neymar again oh my god it is dude people are really loving the name my skin i've killed like five this game i think i've killed like three as well i'm about to make it four i spotted the last guys in this bush i'm gonna go for a soccer kick did i hit him oh the raptors are going for him this guy's getting jumped by raptors dead all right nice little oldest trick in the book coming your way what is you know what i got my own nades coming your way ah yeah nice nades man all right well here it is the true soccer icons gone head to head in a fortnight build battle wait a second what am i doing oh god wait ah okay this is fine this is very all good um jordan what i want to strike a deal wait okay i'm listening listen listen okay i'm out of mats now we're both soccer skins i think we build a soccer pitch and finish it the real way all right we've got the storm the pitch is set up let me just go all right three two one go sudden death winner takes over another oh oh look at that defense um neymar on the wing uh pass myself oh no can i whip it for that oh yeah oh my god oh you're on the edge you're literally on the edge no no no neighbor he's open i died for the save oh neymar takes the 1v1 how's the skin in game i'm sorry ronaldo but i guess that's why neymar has a skin and another doesn't [Music]
Channel: x2Twins
Views: 1,527,488
Rating: 4.939568 out of 5
Keywords: x2twins, x twins, twins, fortnite, oce, battle royale, x2jesse, jesse, x2jordan, jordan, season 6
Id: ktXGTPjdO04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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